bool Scanner::scanToken (Parser& parser) { switch (mPutback) { case Putback_Special: mPutback = Putback_None; return parser.parseSpecial (mPutbackCode, mPutbackLoc, *this); case Putback_Integer: mPutback = Putback_None; return parser.parseInt (mPutbackInteger, mPutbackLoc, *this); case Putback_Float: mPutback = Putback_None; return parser.parseFloat (mPutbackFloat, mPutbackLoc, *this); case Putback_Name: mPutback = Putback_None; return parser.parseName (mPutbackName, mPutbackLoc, *this); case Putback_Keyword: mPutback = Putback_None; return parser.parseKeyword (mPutbackCode, mPutbackLoc, *this); case Putback_None: break; } char c; if (!get (c)) { parser.parseEOF (*this); return false; } else if (c==';') { while (get (c)) { if (c=='\n') { putback (c); break; } } mLoc.mLiteral.clear(); return true; } else if (isWhitespace (c)) { mLoc.mLiteral.clear(); return true; } else if (std::isdigit (c)) { bool cont = false; if (scanInt (c, parser, cont)) { mLoc.mLiteral.clear(); return cont; } } else if (std::isalpha (c) || c=='_' || c=='"') { bool cont = false; if (scanName (c, parser, cont)) { mLoc.mLiteral.clear(); return cont; } } else if (c==13) // linux compatibility hack { return true; } else { bool cont = false; if (scanSpecial (c, parser, cont)) { mLoc.mLiteral.clear(); return cont; } } TokenLoc loc (mLoc); mLoc.mLiteral.clear(); mErrorHandler.error ("syntax error", loc); throw SourceException(); }
extern "C" int simple_sscanf(const char* input, const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; int result = 0; const char* next = input; va_start(ap, format); while (*format) { if (*format == '%') { format++; int max = 0; while (isdigit(*format)) { max = (max * 10) + (*format - '0'); format++; } bool err = false; switch (*format++) { case 'c': err = scanChar(&next, &ap); break; case 'd': case 'u': err = scanInt(&next, &ap, max); break; case 'x': err = scanHex(&next, &ap); break; case 's': err = scanString(&next, &ap); break; case '[': // assume %[^c] if ('^' != *format) { err = true; } else { format++; if (*format && *(format+1) == ']') { err = scanStringUntil(&next, &ap, *format); format += 2; } else { err = true; } } break; default: err = true; break; } if (err) { break; } else { result++; } } else if (*format++ != *next++) { // match input break; } } va_end(ap); return result; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char mdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#Motordescription (text)",""}; char pdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#Propellerdescription (text)",""}; char psdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#size [in] (eg. 8x4)",""}; char wbdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight battery [kg]",""}; char wrvdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight receiver + voltmeter [kg]",""}; char wmspdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight motor + speedcontroller + propeller [kg]",""}; char wcdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight camera [kg]",""}; char wfdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight fuselage (center piece) [kg]",""}; char wadesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight arms [kg]",""}; char wtdesc[2][MAXLEN] = {"#weight tilt mechanism + servo [kg]",""}; char again[MAXLEN]; double bsize; double I; double m[7]; double mges; int n; int nmax; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Fehlender Dateiname! Aufruf des Programms:\ncopter.exe data.txt\n"); exit(1); } readFile(argv[1], mdesc[0], mdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], pdesc[0], pdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], psdesc[0], psdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wbdesc[0], wbdesc[1]); m[0] = readValue(wbdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wrvdesc[0], wrvdesc[1]); m[1] = readValue(wrvdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wmspdesc[0], wmspdesc[1]); m[2] = readValue(wmspdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wcdesc[0], wcdesc[1]); m[3] = readValue(wcdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wfdesc[0], wfdesc[1]); m[4] = readValue(wfdesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wadesc[0], wadesc[1]); m[5] = readValue(wadesc[1]); readFile(argv[1], wtdesc[0], wtdesc[1]); m[6] = readValue(wtdesc[1]); while(1) { nmax = scanInt("\nMaximale Motorenanzahl: "); bsize = scanDouble("Akkukapazitaet [mAh]:"); printf("\n"); printf("Anzahl | I(ges) | m(ges) | Schwebeflugdauer\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); for ( n = 1; n <= nmax; n++ ) { if ( (n % 2) != 0) { mges = m[0] + m[1] + n * (m[2] + m[5]) + m[3] + m[4] + 1 * m[6]; } else { mges = m[0] + m[1] + n * (m[2] + m[5]) + m[3] + m[4] + 0 * m[6]; } I = copter_funktion(1,argv[1], mges/n); printf("%6d |%6.1lfA |%6.0lfg |\t%5.1lfmin\n", n, I*n, mges*1000, ((0.8 * (bsize / 1000)) / (I*n) ) * 60 ); }; scanString("\nNochmal? (j/n) : ", again, MAXLEN); if (strcasecmp(again, "n") == 0) exit(1); } return 0; }
//Here we parse the gocde void parseGCode(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE g_hInst, char *filePath) { std::string line; std::ifstream gcodeFile;; //Get number of lines in the file //int numLines = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(gcodeFile), // std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n'); //wchar_t szMessage[300]; //StringCchPrintf(szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage), L"%d lines", numLines); //MessageBox(hWnd, szMessage, L"Error", MB_OK); //Reset cursor file position //gcodeFile.seekg(0, ios::beg); CSplash splash1(TEXT(""), RGB(128, 128, 128), g_hInst); splash1.ShowSplash(); if (hWnd) { if (gcodeFile.is_open()) { //MessageBox(hWnd, L"File Opened !", L"Error", MB_OK); } } else { printf("File Opened\n"); } printf("Parsing GCode File\n"); initStatistics(); vector3D cornerLow(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); vector3D cornerHigh(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); float extrusionWidth = 0.f; vector3D currentLocation(0.f,0.f,0.f); vector3D highCorner(-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX); vector3D lowCorner(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX); while (getline(gcodeFile, line)) { float oldZ = currentLocation.z; //std::istringstream *iss = new std::istringstream(line.c_str()); std::istringstream iss(line.c_str()); // Is this a new Layer ? if (isNewLayer(iss, ¤tLocation)) { statistics.layersCount++; // If height has not been found yet if (statistics.layerHeight == 0.0){ float theoreticalHeight = floor((currentLocation.z - oldZ)*100)/100; if (theoreticalHeight > 0 && theoreticalHeight < 1){ // We assume that a layer is less than 1mm thick statistics.layerHeight = theoreticalHeight; } } } else { iss = std::istringstream(line.c_str()); } std::string s; iss >> s; std::string command; bool commandFound = scanCharactersFromSet(s, "GMT0123456789", command); if (!commandFound) { continue; } if(command == "M104" || command == "M109" || command == "G10") { //printf("M104 M109 G10\n"); // M104: Set Extruder Temperature // Set the temperature of the current extruder and return control to the host immediately // (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the extruder). See also M109 that does the same but waits. // /!\ This is deprecated because temperatures should be set using the G10 and T commands. // G10 // Example: G10 P3 X17.8 Y-19.3 Z0.0 R140 S205 // This sets the offset for extrude head 3 (from the P3) to the X and Y values specified. // The R value is the standby temperature in oC that will be used for the tool, and the S value is its operating temperature. // Makerware puts the temperature first, skip it iss >> s; if (scanString(s, "S", NULL)) { scanInt(s, "S"); } // Extract the tool index iss >> s; if (scanString(s, "P", NULL) || scanString(s, "T", NULL)) { int toolIndex; if (scanString(s, "P", NULL)) toolIndex = scanInt(s, "P"); else toolIndex = scanInt(s, "T"); bool previouslyUsingToolB = statistics.usingToolB; statistics.usingToolB = (toolIndex >= 1); if (statistics.usingToolB == !previouslyUsingToolB) { statistics.dualExtrusion = true; } } } else if(command == "G1") {