void do_irq (context_t context) {
  int flags;

  hw_save_flags_and_cli (flags);
#if 1
  irq_nesting_counter ++;
  if (hw_irq_ctrl [context.irqnr].ack)
    hw_ack_irq (context.irqnr);
  if (irq_handler_table [context.irqnr])
    (*irq_handler_table [context.irqnr]) (&context);
    default_irq_handler (&context);

#if 1
  if (hw_irq_ctrl [context.irqnr].end)
    hw_end_irq (context.irqnr);

  irq_nesting_counter --;

  hw_restore_flags (flags);

  if (irq_nesting_counter == SCHED_PENDING) {
    scheduling ();

int main()
    Job job1 = {1, 2, 0, 1};
    Job job2 = {2, 1, 0, 0};
    Job job3 = {3, 1, 0, 3};
    Job job4 = {4, 3, 0, 4};
    Job jobs[] = {job1, job2, job3, job4};
    printf_jobs(jobs, 4);
    scheduling(jobs, 4);
    printf_jobs(jobs, 4);
asmlinkage int pthread_join_sys (pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr) {
  int flags, c_state;
  pthread_t old_thread;

  if (!thread || thread -> magic_number != PTHREAD_MAGIC_NUMBER) {
    return -1;

  if (GET_THREAD_DETACH_STATE(thread)) {
    return -1;

  hw_save_flags_and_cli (flags);
  c_state = GET_THREAD_STATE (thread);

  while (c_state != FINISHED_THREAD) {
    thread -> joining_thread = current_thread;
    //printf("suspend_thread  current_thread 0x%x thread 0x%x\n", (unsigned long)current_thread, (unsigned long)thread); 
    old_thread = current_thread;
    suspend_thread (current_thread);

    //printf("current_thread 0x%x join 0x%x c_state %d flags %d\n", (unsigned long)current_thread, (unsigned long)thread, c_state, flags);
    scheduling ();

    //ret_may_switch(current_thread, old_thread);
    //printf("current_thread 0x%x join 0x%x c_state %d flags %d\n", (unsigned long)current_thread, (unsigned long)thread, c_state, flags);

    c_state = GET_THREAD_STATE (thread);

    if (GET_THREAD_DETACH_STATE(thread)) {
      hw_restore_flags (flags);
      return -1;

  if (value_ptr)
    *value_ptr = thread -> exit_value;

  //printf("thread 0x%x exit_value 0x%x\n", (unsigned long)current_thread, thread->exit_value);
  delete_pthread_struct (thread);
  hw_restore_flags (flags);

  return 0;
void* reschedule (void* ptr)
	struct timespec ts;
	Scheduler* sched = (Scheduler*) (ptr);
	while (1)
		pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex3);
			scheduling (sched); //Calls the scheduling algorithm function at regular interval
			if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) == -1)
			pthread_cond_timedwait (&cond,&mutex3,&ts);
			//if (pthread_cond_timedwait (&cond,&mutex3,&ts) == 110)printf ("TIMEOUT SCHEDULER\n");
			//else printf ("\tIO CALL EXIT\n");
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex3);
asmlinkage int pthread_detach_sys (pthread_t thread) {
  int flags;

  if (!thread || thread -> magic_number != PTHREAD_MAGIC_NUMBER) {
    return -1;

  if (GET_THREAD_DETACH_STATE(thread)) {
    return -1;

  hw_save_flags_and_cli (flags);
  activate_thread (current_thread -> joining_thread);
  current_thread -> joining_thread = 0;
  hw_restore_flags (flags);
  scheduling ();

  return 0;
asmlinkage int pthread_create_sys (pthread_t *thread, 
				   const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                                   void *(*startup)(void *),
				   void *(*start_routine)(void *), 
				   void *args) {
  int flags;

  hw_save_flags_and_cli (flags);

  // Check policy & prio
  if (attr) {
    if (attr->policy != SCHED_FIFO) {
      return -1;
    } else {

      if (attr -> sched_param.sched_priority > MIN_SCHED_PRIORITY ||
	  attr -> sched_param.sched_priority < MAX_SCHED_PRIORITY) {
	return -1;

  // Creating the pthread structure
  if (!(*thread = create_pthread_struct ())) {
    hw_restore_flags (flags);
    return -1;
   * Configuring the new thread either with attr (if not NULL)
   * or with the default values
  if (attr) {
    (*thread) -> sched_param = attr -> sched_param;    
    (*thread) -> stack_info.stack_size = attr -> stack_size;
    (*thread) -> stack_info.stack_bottom = attr -> stack_addr;
    SET_THREAD_DETACH_STATE((*thread), attr -> detachstate);
    SET_THREAD_POLICY ((*thread), attr -> policy);
  } else {
    (*thread) -> sched_param.sched_priority = MIN_SCHED_PRIORITY;
    (*thread) -> stack_info.stack_size = STACK_SIZE;
    (*thread) -> stack_info.stack_bottom = 0;
    SET_THREAD_DETACH_STATE((*thread), 0);

  if (!((*thread) -> stack_info.stack_bottom)) {
    // Creating the thread stack
    if (alloc_stack (&(*thread) -> stack_info) < 0) {
      hw_restore_flags (flags);
      return -1;

  // This is arhictecture dependent
  (*thread) -> stack = setup_stack ((*thread)->stack_info.stack_bottom +
				    / sizeof (int),
                                    start_routine, args);

  activate_thread (*thread);
  pthread_t tmp = *thread;
  printf("pthred_create_sys thread 0x%x state:%d\n", (unsigned long)tmp, GET_THREAD_STATE(tmp));

  // no error at all
  hw_restore_flags (flags);

  // Calling the scheduler
  scheduling ();
  return 0;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( advertising_scheduled, advertising )
    BOOST_CHECK_GT( scheduling().size(), 0 );
int Decoder_LDPC_IEEE_802_11ad::Run()

	unsigned int pchk_satisfied;
	unsigned int iter = 0;
	bool next_iter_is_last_iter = false; 
	bool last_iter = false; 



	// Read the channel values and store them in app_ram_.
	Init_APP_RAM(is_IRA_code_, input_bits_llr(), app_ram_);

		// Perform one ldpc decoder iteration.
		case LAYERED:
			pchk_satisfied = Decode_Layered(app_ram_, msg_ram_, iter);

		case TWO_PHASE:
			pchk_satisfied = Decode_Two_Phase(app_ram_, msg_ram_, iter, app_parity_check());

			pchk_satisfied = 0;
			Msg(ERROR, instance_name(), "Selected scheduling not supported for these codes!");

		 * Read the app_ram_ and store APP values in output_bits_llr_app() and
		 * hard decoded bits in output_bits buffer.
		Read_APP_RAM(app_ram_, iter, output_bits_llr_app(), output_bits());

		// Check whether all parity checks were satisfied in the previous iteration.
		last_iter = next_iter_is_last_iter;

		// Are all parity checks satisfied?
		if (pchk_satisfied == num_check_nodes_)
			next_iter_is_last_iter = true; // Do one more iteration, as it is done in hardware!

        // Store the number of flipped bits
        if (iter != 0) {
            flipped_bits(iter)().Write(Calc_Flipped_Bits(iter, output_bits()));

		// Increase iteration counter.


	 * Abort conditions:
	 * 1) maximum number of iterations is reached
	 * 2) all parity checks are satisfied: Since the hardware performs one more
	 * iteration after all parity checks are satisfied, we delay the stopping
	 * in the software as well.
	} while (iter < num_iterations() &&
	         last_iter == false);

	// Write the number of unsatisfied parity checks.
	num_unsatisfied_parity_checks().Write(num_check_nodes_ - pchk_satisfied);

	// Set number of used iterations in output buffer.

	// Get statistic about modified bits.
	num_modified_systematic_bits().Write(Calc_Modified_Systematic_Bits(iter, input_bits_llr(), output_bits()));

	// Fill the output buffer and the status port for the remaining iterations.
	for(unsigned int i = iter; i < num_iterations(); i++)
		mean_iterations(i + 1)().Write(iter);
		output_bits_llr_app()[i] = output_bits_llr_app()[iter - 1];
		output_bits()[i]         = output_bits()[iter - 1];

	return 0;
void Codegen_C::make_code() {
    // a clone of the whole hierarchy
    Vec<Expr> out, created;
    for( Expr inst : fresh )
        out << cloned( inst, created );

    // simplifications
    // e.g. ReplBits offset in bytes if possible
    // slices that do not change the size
    for( Expr &e : created )
        e->codegen_simplification( created, out );
    update_created( created, out );

    // display if necessary
    if ( disp_inst_graph )
        Inst::display_graph( out );

    // scheduling (and creation of IfInst)
    Inst *beg = scheduling( out );
    update_created( created, out );

    // display if necessary
    if ( disp_inst_graph_wo_phi )
        Inst::display_graph( out );

    // get reg constraints
    struct GetConstraint : Inst::Visitor {
        virtual bool operator()( Inst *inst ) {
            return true;
    GetConstraint gc;
    beg->visit_sched( gc, true );

    //    DisplayConstraints dv;
    //    beg->visit_sched( dv );

    // assign (missing) out_reg
    struct AssignOutReg : Inst::Visitor {
        virtual bool operator()( Inst *inst ) {
            if ( inst->out_reg or not inst->need_a_register() )
                return true;

            // make a new reg
            CppOutReg *out_reg = cc->new_out_reg( inst->type() );

            // assign out_reg + constraint propagation ()
            Vec<InstAndPort> assigned_ports;
            if ( not assign_port_rec( assigned_ports, inst, -1, out_reg ) ) {
                std::cerr << "base constraint cannot be fullfilled !\n";
                return false;

            // edges and optionnal constraints
            int num_edge = 0; // , num_optionnal_constraint = 0;
            while ( true ) {
                // there's an edge for propagation ?
                if ( num_edge < assigned_ports.size() ) {
                    InstAndPort port = assigned_ports[ num_edge++ ];
                    if ( port.is_an_output() ) {
                        // sort parents by apparition order
                        struct SortBySchedNum {
                            bool operator()( const Inst::Parent &a, const Inst::Parent &b ) const {
                                return a.inst->sched_num < b.inst->sched_num;
                        std::sort( port.inst->par.begin(), port.inst->par.end(), SortBySchedNum() );

                        // try to propagate the reg through each output edge
                        CppOutReg *reg = port.inst->out_reg;
                        for( Inst::Parent &p : port.inst->par ) {
                            // std::cout << "    " << *port.inst << " -> " << *p.inst << std::endl;
                            for( Inst *inst = port.inst; ; inst = inst->next_sched ) {
                                // target is reached ?
                                if ( inst == p.inst ) {
                                    // assign input port, or insert a copy instruction
                                    if ( not assign_port_rec( assigned_ports, p.inst, p.ninp, reg ) )
                                        insert_copy_inst_before( assigned_ports, inst, p );

                                // if there a conflict
                                if ( not inst->used_reg_ok_for( reg, port.inst ) ) {
                                    // add a copy inst
                                    insert_copy_inst_before( assigned_ports, inst, p );
                                // -> say that here, reg should be the output of port.inst (and nothing else)
                                inst->add_used_reg( reg, port.inst );
                    } else {
                        CppOutReg *reg = port.inst->inp_reg[ port.ninp() ];
                        if ( Inst *dst = port.inst->inp[ port.ninp() ].inst ) {
                            // std::cout << "    " << *port.inst << " <- " << *dst << " " << reg << std::endl;
                            for( Inst *inst = port.inst->prev_sched; ; inst = inst->prev_sched ) {
                                if ( not inst ) {
                                    PRINT( *port.inst );
                                    PRINT( *dst );
                                    ERROR( "..." );

                                // target is reached ?
                                if ( inst == dst ) {
                                    Inst *beg_reg = dst;
                                    // assign output port, or insert a copy instruction
                                    if ( not assign_port_rec( assigned_ports, dst, -1, reg ) ) {
                                        insert_copy_inst_after( assigned_ports, dst, port );
                                        beg_reg = dst->next_sched; // reg will be used starting from the copy inst
                                    // -> register the use of reg as output of beg_reg
                                    for( Inst *d = beg_reg; d != port.inst; d = d->next_sched )
                                        inst->add_used_reg( reg, beg_reg );

                                // if there is a conflict
                                if ( not inst->used_reg_ok_for( reg, dst ) ) {
                                    // add a copy inst
                                    insert_copy_inst_after( assigned_ports, inst, port );
                                    // -> register the use of reg as output of beg_reg
                                    for( Inst *c = inst->next_sched, *d = c; d != port.inst; d = d->next_sched )
                                        inst->add_used_reg( reg, c );


                // constraint that would be good to fullfill
                //            if ( num_optionnal_constraint < assigned_ports.size() ) {
                //                InstAndPort port = assigned_ports[ num_optionnal_constraint++ ];

                //                for( std::pair<const Inst::PortConstraint,int> &c : port.inst->same_out )
                //                    if ( c.second != Inst::COMPULSORY and c.first.src_ninp == port.ninp_constraint() )
                //                        assign_port_rec( assigned_ports, c.first.dst_inst, c.first.dst_ninp, out_reg );

                //                continue;
                //            }

                // nothing to propagate
            return true;
        Codegen_C *cc;
    AssignOutReg aor; aor.cc = this;
    beg->visit_sched( aor, true );

    // display if necessary
    //    if ( disp_inst_graph_wo_phi ) {
    //        beg->update_sched_num();
    //        Inst::display_graph( out );
    //    }

    // specify where the registers have to be declared
    for( int n = 0; n < out_regs.size(); ++n ) {
        CppOutReg *reg = &out_regs[ n ];
        Inst *anc = reg->common_provenance_ancestor();
        anc->reg_to_decl << reg;

    // write the code
    for( Inst *inst = beg; inst; inst = inst->next_sched )
        write( inst );
Inst *Codegen_C::scheduling( Vec<Expr> out ) {
    // update inst->when
    for( Expr inst : out )
        inst->update_when( BoolOpSeq( True() ) );

    // get the front
    Vec<Expr> front;
    for( Expr inst : out )
        get_front( front, inst );
    for( Expr inst : front )
        inst->op_id = Inst::cur_op_id;

    // go to the roots
    Inst *beg = 0, *end;
    while ( front.size() ) {
        // try to find an instruction with the same condition set or an inst that is not going to write anything
        Inst *inst = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < front.size(); ++i ) {
            if ( front[ i ]->when->always( false ) ) {
                front.remove_unordered( i-- );
            if ( front[ i ]->when->always( true ) ) {
                inst = front[ i ].inst;
                front.remove_unordered( i );

        // if not possible to do more without a condition
        if ( not inst ) {
            if ( not front.size() )

            // try to find the best condition to move forward
            std::map<BoolOpSeq,int> possible_conditions;
            for( int i = 0; i < front.size(); ++i ) {
                Vec<BoolOpSeq> pc = front[ i ]->when->common_terms();
                PRINT( *front[ i ]->when );
                PRINT( pc.size() );
                for( int c = 0; c < pc.size(); ++c )
                    std::cout << "    " << pc[ c ];
                std::cout << "\n";
                for( BoolOpSeq &item : pc )
                    ++possible_conditions[ item ];
            int best_score = -1;
            BoolOpSeq best_item;
            for( const std::pair<BoolOpSeq,int> &p : possible_conditions ) {
                if ( best_score < p.second ) {
                    best_score = p.second;
                    best_item = p.first;

            // start the input list with the conditions
            std::map<Inst *,OutCondFront> outputs; // inst to replace -> replacement values + IfOut pos
            std::map<Expr,int> inputs;
            std::set<Expr> deps;
            inputs[ best_item.expr() ] = 0;

            // get a front of instructions that must be done under the condition `cond`
            Vec<Expr> ok_we_inp = extract_inst_that_must_be_done_if( outputs, inputs, deps, front, best_item    , 1 );
            Vec<Expr> ko_we_inp = extract_inst_that_must_be_done_if( outputs, inputs, deps, front, not best_item, 0 );

            //            for( std::pair<Expr,int> i : inputs )
            //                std::cout << "  inp=" << *i.first << " num=" << i.second << std::endl;
            //            for( std::pair<Inst *,OutCondFront> o : outputs )
            //                std::cout << "  to_be_repl=" << *o.first << "\n    ok=" << o.second.inp[ 1 ] << "\n    ko=" << o.second.inp[ 0 ] << "\n    num=" << o.second.num_in_outputs << std::endl;

            Expr if_inp_ok = make_if_inp( inputs, deps, ok_we_inp );
            Expr if_inp_ko = make_if_inp( inputs, deps, ko_we_inp );

            Expr if_out_ok = make_if_out( outputs, 1 );
            Expr if_out_ko = make_if_out( outputs, 0 );

            // complete the If instruction
            Vec<Expr> inp( Size(), inputs.size() );
            for( std::pair<Expr,int> i : inputs )
                inp[ i.second ] = i.first;
            Expr if_expr = if_inst( inp, if_inp_ok, if_inp_ko, if_out_ok, if_out_ko );
            *if_expr->when = BoolOpSeq( True() );

            // use the outputs of the if instruction
            Vec<Expr> if_out_sel( Size(), outputs.size() );
            for( int i = 0; i < if_out_sel.size(); ++i ) {
                if_out_sel[ i ] = get_nout( if_expr, i );
                *if_out_sel[ i ]->when = BoolOpSeq( True() );

            for( std::pair<Inst *,OutCondFront> o : outputs )
                for( Inst::Parent &p : o.first->par )
                    if ( p.ninp >= 0 )
                        p.inst->mod_inp( if_out_sel[ o.second.num_in_outputs ], p.ninp );
                        p.inst->mod_dep( if_out_sel[ o.second.num_in_outputs ], o.first );

            // add dep to the if instruction
            for( Expr d : deps )
                if_expr->add_dep( d );

            // push if_expr in the front
            // if_expr->op_id = Inst::cur_op_id - 1;
            // front << if_expr;

            inst = if_expr.inst;

        // register
        inst->op_id = Inst::cur_op_id; // say that it's done
        if ( not beg ) {
            beg = inst;
            end = inst;
        } else {
            end->next_sched = inst;
            inst->prev_sched = end;
            end = inst;

        // update the front
        for( Inst::Parent &p : inst->par ) {
            if ( ready_to_be_scheduled( p.inst ) ) {
                p.inst->op_id = Inst::cur_op_id - 1; // -> in the front
                front << p.inst;

    // delayed operation (ext blocks)
    for( Inst *inst = beg; inst; inst = inst->next_sched ) {
        // schedule sub block (ext instructions)
        for( int ind = 0; ind < inst->ext_disp_size(); ++ind ) {
            Inst *ext_beg = scheduling( inst->ext[ ind ] );
            ext_beg->par_ext_sched = inst;
            inst->ext_sched << ext_beg;

        // add internal break or continue if necessary
        //        CC_SeqItemBlock *b[ s ];
        //        for( int i = 0; i < s; ++i )
        //            b[ i ] = ne->ext[ i ].ptr();
        //        ne->expr->add_break_and_continue_internal( b );

    return beg;