int libgncmod_report_system_gnc_module_init(int refcount) { /* load the engine (we depend on it) */ if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/engine", 0)) { return FALSE; } if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/app-utils", 0)) { return FALSE; } scm_init_sw_report_system_module(); scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash report report-system))"); /* if this is the first time the module's being loaded, initialize * the relative date system */ if (refcount == 0) { scm_c_eval_string("(gnc:reldate-initialize)"); } return TRUE; }
/******************************************************************** * update_report_list * * this procedure does the real work of displaying a sorted list of * available custom reports ********************************************************************/ static void update_report_list(GtkListStore *store, CustomReportDialog *crd) { SCM get_rpt_guids = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:custom-report-template-guids"); SCM template_menu_name = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid"); SCM rpt_guids; int i; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (store); gboolean valid_iter; gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(store), COL_NAME, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING); crd->reportlist = scm_call_0(get_rpt_guids); rpt_guids = crd->reportlist; /* Empty current liststore */ valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter); while (valid_iter) { GValue value = { 0, }; GncGUID *row_guid; g_value_init ( &value, G_TYPE_POINTER); gtk_tree_model_get_value (model, &iter, COL_NUM, &value); row_guid = (GncGUID *) g_value_get_pointer (&value); guid_free (row_guid); g_value_unset (&value); valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter); } gtk_list_store_clear(store); if (scm_is_list(rpt_guids)) { /* for all the report guids in the list, store them, with a reference, in the gtkliststore */ for (i = 0; !scm_is_null(rpt_guids); i++) { GncGUID *guid = guid_malloc (); gchar *guid_str = scm_to_utf8_string (SCM_CAR(rpt_guids)); gchar *name = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (scm_call_2(template_menu_name, SCM_CAR(rpt_guids), SCM_BOOL_F)); if (string_to_guid (guid_str, guid)) { gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, COL_NAME, name, COL_NUM, guid, -1); } g_free (name); g_free (guid_str); rpt_guids = SCM_CDR(rpt_guids); } } }
static void inner_main_add_price_quotes(void *closure, int argc, char **argv) { SCM mod, add_quotes, scm_book, scm_result = SCM_BOOL_F; QofSession *session = NULL; scm_c_eval_string("(debug-set! stack 200000)"); mod = scm_c_resolve_module("gnucash price-quotes"); scm_set_current_module(mod); load_gnucash_modules(); qof_event_suspend(); scm_c_eval_string("(gnc:price-quotes-install-sources)"); if (!gnc_quote_source_fq_installed()) { g_print("%s", _("No quotes retrieved. Finance::Quote isn't " "installed properly.\n")); goto fail; } add_quotes = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:book-add-quotes"); session = gnc_get_current_session(); if (!session) goto fail; qof_session_begin(session, add_quotes_file, FALSE, FALSE); if (qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR) goto fail; qof_session_load(session, NULL); if (qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR) goto fail; scm_book = gnc_book_to_scm(qof_session_get_book(session)); scm_result = scm_call_2(add_quotes, SCM_BOOL_F, scm_book); qof_session_save(session, NULL); if (qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR) goto fail; qof_session_destroy(session); if (!scm_is_true(scm_result)) { g_warning("Failed to add quotes to %s.", add_quotes_file); goto fail; } qof_event_resume(); gnc_shutdown(0); return; fail: if (session && qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR) g_warning("Session Error: %s", qof_session_get_error_message(session)); qof_event_resume(); gnc_shutdown(1); }
int libgncmodfoo_gnc_module_init(int refcount) { /* publish the wrapped Scheme bindings for libfoo */ scm_init_sw_foo_module(); scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (sw_foo))"); /* use the Scheme "foo" module */ scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash foo))"); return TRUE; }
int libgncmod_bar_gnc_module_init(int refcount) { /* publish the wrapped Scheme bindings for libbar */ scm_init_sw_bar_module(); scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (sw_bar))"); /* use the Scheme "bar" module */ scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash bar))"); return TRUE; }
int libgncmod_business_gnome_gnc_module_init(int refcount) { /* load app-utils: we depend on it -- and it depends on the engine */ if (!gnc_module_load ("gnucash/app-utils", 0)) { return FALSE; } /* We also depend on gnome-utils and gnome-search modules */ if (!gnc_module_load ("gnucash/gnome-utils", 0)) { return FALSE; } if (!gnc_module_load ("gnucash/gnome-search", 0)) { return FALSE; } if (!gnc_module_load ("gnucash/report/report-gnome", 0)) { return FALSE; } scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash business-gnome))"); scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash report business-reports))"); if (refcount == 0) { /* Register the Owner search type */ gnc_search_core_register_type (GNC_OWNER_MODULE_NAME, (GNCSearchCoreNew) gnc_search_owner_new); gnc_business_urls_initialize (); gnc_business_options_gnome_initialize (); gnc_plugin_manager_add_plugin (gnc_plugin_manager_get (), gnc_plugin_business_new ()); gnc_hook_add_dangler(HOOK_BOOK_OPENED, (GFunc)gnc_invoice_remind_bills_due_cb, NULL); gnc_hook_add_dangler(HOOK_BOOK_OPENED, (GFunc)gnc_invoice_remind_invoices_due_cb, NULL); /* Add to preferences under Business */ /* The parameters are; glade file, items to add from glade file - last being the dialog, preference tab name */ gnc_preferences_add_page("", "liststore_printinvoice,days_in_adj,cust_days_in_adj,business_prefs", _("Business")); } return TRUE; }
/* * This gets called if scm_apply throws an error. * * We use gh_scm2newstr to convert from Guile string to Scheme string. The * GH interface is deprecated, but doing it in scm takes more code. We'll * convert later if we have to. */ static SCM gnm_guile_catcher (void *data, SCM tag, SCM throw_args) { char const *header = _("Guile error"); SCM smob; SCM func; SCM res; char *guilestr = NULL; char *msg; GnmValue *v; func = scm_c_eval_string ("gnm:error->string"); if (scm_procedure_p (func)) { res = scm_apply (func, tag, scm_cons (throw_args, scm_listofnull)); if (scm_string_p (res)) guilestr = gh_scm2newstr (res, NULL); } if (guilestr != NULL) { char *buf = g_strdup_printf ("%s: %s", header, guilestr); free (guilestr); v = value_new_error (NULL, buf); g_free (buf); } else { v = value_new_error (NULL, header); } smob = make_new_smob (v); value_release (v); return smob; }
static void lmod(char * mn) { char * form = g_strdup_printf("(use-modules %s)\n", mn); scm_c_eval_string(form); g_free(form); }
static void run_tests (void) { Query *q; SCM val2str; int i; val2str = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:value->string"); g_return_if_fail (scm_is_procedure (val2str)); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { q = get_random_query (); test_query (q, val2str); qof_query_destroy (q); fflush(stdout); } { q = get_random_query (); test_query (q, val2str); qof_query_destroy (q); fflush(stdout); } }
G_MODULE_EXPORT void go_plugin_init (GOPlugin *p, GOCmdContext *cc) { char *name, *dir; *ret_error = NULL; scm_init_guile (); /* Initialize just in case. */ eval_pos = NULL; init_value_type (); scm_c_define_gsubr ("gnumeric-funcall", 2, 0, 0, scm_gnumeric_funcall); scm_c_define_gsubr ("register-function", 5, 0, 0, scm_register_function); dir = gnm_sys_data_dir ("guile"); name = g_strconcat (dir, "gnumeric_startup.scm", NULL); scm_apply (scm_c_eval_string ("(lambda (filename)" " (if (access? filename R_OK)" " (load filename)" " (display (string-append \"could not read Guile plug-in init file\" filename \"\n\"))))"), scm_cons (scm_makfrom0str (name), SCM_EOL), SCM_EOL); g_free (name); g_free (dir); /* Don't try to deactivate the plugin */ gnm_plugin_use_ref (PLUGIN); }
int libgncmod_qif_import_gnc_module_init(int refcount) { if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/engine", 0)) { return FALSE; } if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/app-utils", 0)) { return FALSE; } if (!gnc_module_load("gnucash/gnome-utils", 0)) { return FALSE; } /* If the recount == 0 then register the qif-import-druid for the new-user * dialog. */ if (refcount == 0) { gnc_new_user_dialog_register_qif_druid ((void (*)())gnc_ui_qif_import_druid_make); } scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (gnucash import-export qif-import))"); gnc_plugin_qif_import_create_plugin(); return TRUE; }
SCM gfec_eval_string(const char *str, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:eval-string-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error = SCM_UNDEFINED; call_result = scm_call_1 (func, scm_from_utf8_string (str)); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; }
SCM gfec_apply(SCM proc, SCM arglist, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:apply-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error; call_result = scm_call_2 (func, proc, arglist); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; }
/* We assume that data is actually a char**. The way we return results * from this function is to malloc a fresh string, and store it in * this pointer. It is the caller's responsibility to do something * smart with this freshly allocated storage. the caller can determine * whether there was an error by initializing the char* passed in to * NULL. If there is an error, the char string will not be NULL on * return. */ static SCM gfec_catcher(void *data, SCM tag, SCM throw_args) { SCM func; SCM result; const char *msg = NULL; func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:error->string"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { result = scm_call_2(func, tag, throw_args); if (scm_is_string(result)) { char * str; scm_dynwind_begin (0); str = scm_to_locale_string (result); msg = g_strdup (str); scm_dynwind_free (str); scm_dynwind_end (); } } if (msg == NULL) { msg = "Error running guile function."; } *(char**)data = strdup(msg); return SCM_UNDEFINED; }
static SCM gfec_string_helper(void *data) { char *string = data; return scm_c_eval_string(string); }
static void gnc_plugin_business_reload_module (const gchar *name) { SCM file_scm; file_scm = scm_makfrom0str (name); scm_call_1(scm_c_eval_string("gnc:reload-module"), file_scm); }
static void init_env(void) { SCM smob; char *ver; SOURCE_HANDLE *handle; init_log(); init_alsa_module(); ver = scm_to_locale_string(scm_version()); log_msg("Guile version %s\n", ver); free(ver); init_messaging(msg_port); init_time(); init_json(); init_scheduler(); init_audiofile(); if (use_jack) init_jackport(); init_feeds(); init_recorder(); init_stream(); init_source_mod(); init_ladspa(); init_unitgen(); fader = (SOURCE_OBJ *)my_malloc(sizeof(SOURCE_OBJ), "main fader"); handle = (SOURCE_HANDLE *)my_gc_malloc(sizeof(SOURCE_HANDLE), "mains", "mains"); handle->body = (void *)fader; handle->src = fader; init_source(fader); mains_tag = scm_make_smob_type("mains", sizeof(SOURCE_OBJ)); SCM_NEWSMOB(smob, mains_tag, handle); scm_c_define("mains", smob); if (use_jack) { scm_c_define("jack-client-name", scm_from_locale_string(client_name)); scm_c_define_gsubr("patch-out", 2, 0, 0, patch_out); scm_c_define_gsubr("unpatch-out", 2, 0, 0, unpatch_out); } scm_c_define_gsubr("quit", 0, 0, 0, qmx_quit); scm_c_define_gsubr("db", 1, 0, 0, db20); scm_c_define_gsubr("period-duty-cycle", 0, 0, 0, get_duty_cycle); scm_permanent_object(console_display = scm_c_eval_string(console_display_src)); scm_permanent_object(catch_display = scm_c_eval_string(catch_display_src)); return; }
static SCM body_proc(void *data) { SCM obj; char *linebuf = (char *)data; obj = scm_c_eval_string(linebuf); if (obj == SCM_UNSPECIFIED) return SCM_BOOL_T; scm_call_1(console_display, obj); scm_remember_upto_here_1(obj); return SCM_BOOL_T; }
static void gnc_column_view_edit_close_cb(GNCOptionWin * win, gpointer user_data) { gnc_column_view_edit * r = user_data; SCM set_editor = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-set-editor-widget!"); scm_call_2(set_editor, r->view, SCM_BOOL_F); gnc_column_view_edit_destroy(r); }
static void gnc_column_view_edit_apply_cb(GNCOptionWin * w, gpointer user_data) { SCM dirty_report = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-set-dirty?!"); gnc_column_view_edit * win = user_data; if (!win) return; gnc_option_db_commit(win->odb); scm_call_2(dirty_report, win->view, SCM_BOOL_T); }
/*********************************************************** * gnc_ui_custom_report_edit_name * * open the custom report dialog and highlight the given * report's name for editing. ***********************************************************/ void gnc_ui_custom_report_edit_name (GncMainWindow * window, SCM scm_guid) { SCM is_custom_report; CustomReportDialog *crd = gnc_ui_custom_report_internal (window); GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; GncGUID *guid; gchar *guid_str; gboolean valid_iter; is_custom_report = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:report-template-is-custom/template-guid?"); if (scm_is_false (scm_call_1 (is_custom_report, scm_guid))) return; guid = guid_malloc (); guid_str = scm_to_utf8_string (scm_guid); if (!string_to_guid (guid_str, guid)) goto cleanup; /* Look up the row for the requested guid */ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (crd->reportview)); valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter); while (valid_iter) { GValue value = { 0, }; GncGUID *row_guid; gtk_tree_model_get_value (model, &iter, COL_NUM, &value); row_guid = (GncGUID *) g_value_get_pointer (&value); if (guid_equal (guid, row_guid)) { /* We found the row for the requested guid * Now let's set the report's name cell in edit mode * so the user can edit the name. */ GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (crd->reportview)); gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (selection, &iter); path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, &iter); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(crd->namerenderer), "editable", TRUE, NULL); gtk_tree_view_set_cursor_on_cell (GTK_TREE_VIEW (crd->reportview), path, crd->namecol, crd->namerenderer, TRUE); break; } g_value_unset (&value); valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter); } cleanup: guid_free (guid); }
/********************************************************************* * custom_report_delete * * this will delete the report, update the reports list and leave the * dialog active for additional usage. *********************************************************************/ static void custom_report_delete (SCM guid, CustomReportDialog *crd) { SCM template_menu_name = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid"); gchar *report_name; if (scm_is_null (guid)) return; report_name = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string(scm_call_2(template_menu_name, guid, SCM_BOOL_F)); /* we must confirm the user wants to delete their precious custom report! */ if (gnc_verify_dialog( GTK_WINDOW (crd->dialog), FALSE, _("Are you sure you want to delete %s?"), report_name)) { SCM del_report = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:delete-report"); scm_call_1(del_report, guid); update_report_list(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(crd->reportview))), crd); } g_free (report_name); }
static void start_guile(void* closure, int argc, char **argv) { scm_c_define_gsubr("get-scene-mgr", 0, 0, 0, script_ogre_get_scene_mgr); scm_c_define_gsubr("get-root-scene-node", 0, 0, 0, script_ogre_get_root_scene_node); scm_c_define_gsubr("create-light", 1, 0, 0, script_ogre_create_light); scm_c_define_gsubr("create-entity", 2, 0, 0, script_ogre_create_entity); scm_c_define_gsubr("create-child-scene-node", 2, 0, 0, script_ogre_create_child_scene_node); scm_c_define_gsubr("attach-object", 2, 0, 0, script_ogre_attach_object); scm_c_define_gsubr("set-position", 4, 0, 0, script_ogre_set_position); //scm_c_eval_string("(debug-set! stack 0)"); //scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))"); scm_c_define_gsubr("move", 4, 0, 0, script_move); init_gio(); scm_c_eval_string("(load \"src_scm/db.scm\")"); scm_c_eval_string("(load \"src_scm/graphics.scm\")"); //scm_c_eval_string("(load \"src_scm/blend_format.scm\")"); scm_c_eval_string("(load \"src_scm/ogre.scm\")"); printf("\nSkomakare game engine..."); /* TODO: replace this using scm_c_eval_string(). */ /*while (1) { char* input = readline("\n$ "); //uint len = mylen(input); //printf("%i\n", len); //input[len-1] = '\0'; //input = realloc(input, mylen(input) + 1); if (0 == strcmp(input, "q")) break; printf("%s", input); scm_c_eval_string(input)); //printf("%s", scm_to_locale_string(scm_c_eval_string(input))); }*/ scm_shell(argc, argv); }
static void gnc_style_sheet_select_dialog_fill(StyleSheetDialog * ss) { SCM stylesheets = scm_c_eval_string("(gnc:get-html-style-sheets)"); SCM sheet_info; /* pack it full of content */ for (; !scm_is_null(stylesheets); stylesheets = SCM_CDR(stylesheets)) { sheet_info = SCM_CAR(stylesheets); gnc_style_sheet_select_dialog_add_one(ss, sheet_info, FALSE); } }
static void dirty_same_stylesheet(gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data) { SCM dirty_ss = data; SCM rep_ss = NULL; SCM report = val; SCM func = NULL; func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-stylesheet"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) rep_ss = scm_call_1(func, report); else return; if (scm_is_true(scm_eq_p(rep_ss, dirty_ss))) { func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-set-dirty?!"); /* This makes _me_ feel dirty! */ if (scm_is_procedure(func)) scm_call_2(func, report, SCM_BOOL_T); } }
void init () { g_type_init (); scm_c_eval_string ("(use-modules (gnome-2) (gnome gobject))"); repository_init (); types_init (); registered_type_init (); object_init (); function_init (); callable_init (); argument_init (); }
SCM gnc_scm_lookup(const char *module, const char *symbol) { #if defined(SCM_GUILE_MAJOR_VERSION) && \ (SCM_GUILE_MAJOR_VERSION > 0) && (SCM_GUILE_MINOR_VERSION > 4) SCM scm_module = scm_c_resolve_module(module); SCM value = scm_c_module_lookup(scm_module, symbol); return value; #else gchar *in_guard_str; gchar *thunk_str; SCM in_guard; SCM thunk; SCM out_guard; SCM result; in_guard_str = g_strdup_printf("(lambda () (set-current-module (resolve-module (%s))))", module); thunk_str = g_strdup_printf("(lambda () (eval '%s))", symbol); in_guard = scm_c_eval_string(in_guard_str); thunk = scm_c_eval_string(thunk_str); out_guard = scm_c_eval_string("(let ((cm (current-module)))" " (lambda () (set-current-module cm)))"); result = scm_dynamic_wind(in_guard, thunk, out_guard); g_free(in_guard_str); g_free(thunk_str); return result; #endif }
/**************************************************************** * gnc_ui_qif_account_picker_new_cb * * This handler is invoked when the user wishes to create a new * account. ****************************************************************/ void gnc_ui_qif_account_picker_new_cb(GtkButton * w, gpointer user_data) { QIFAccountPickerDialog * wind = user_data; SCM name_setter = scm_c_eval_string("qif-map-entry:set-gnc-name!"); const gchar *name; int response; gchar *fullname; GtkWidget *dlg, *entry; /* Create a dialog to get the new account name. */ dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(wind->dialog), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, "%s", _("Enter a name for the account")); gtk_dialog_set_default_response(GTK_DIALOG(dlg), GTK_RESPONSE_OK); entry = gtk_entry_new(); gtk_entry_set_activates_default(GTK_ENTRY(entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_max_length(GTK_ENTRY(entry), 250); gtk_widget_show(entry); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dlg)->vbox), entry); /* Run the dialog to get the new account name. */ response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dlg)); name = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); /* Did the user enter a name and click OK? */ if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK && name && *name) { /* If an account is selected, this will be a new subaccount. */ if (wind->selected_name && *(wind->selected_name)) /* We have the short name; determine the full name. */ fullname = g_strjoin(gnc_get_account_separator_string(), wind->selected_name, name, (char *)NULL); else fullname = g_strdup(name); /* Save the full name and update the map entry. */ g_free(wind->selected_name); wind->selected_name = fullname; scm_call_2(name_setter, wind->map_entry, scm_from_utf8_string(fullname)); } gtk_widget_destroy(dlg); /* Refresh the tree display and give it the focus. */ build_acct_tree(wind, wind->qif_wind); gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(wind->treeview)); }
static void test_scm_local_eval () { SCM result; scm_c_use_module ("ice-9 local-eval"); result = scm_local_eval (scm_list_3 (scm_from_latin1_symbol ("+"), scm_from_latin1_symbol ("x"), scm_from_latin1_symbol ("y")), scm_c_eval_string ("(let ((x 1) (y 2)) (the-environment))")); assert (scm_is_true (scm_equal_p (result, scm_from_signed_integer (3)))); }
/********************************************************************\ * gnc_copy_split_scm_onto_split * * copies a scheme representation of a split onto an actual split.* * * * Args: split_scm - the scheme representation of a split * * split - the split to copy onto * * Returns: Nothing * \********************************************************************/ void gnc_copy_split_scm_onto_split(SCM split_scm, Split *split, QofBook * book) { static swig_type_info *split_type = NULL; SCM result; SCM func; SCM arg; if (split_scm == SCM_UNDEFINED) return; if (split == NULL) return; g_return_if_fail (book); func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:split-scm?"); if (!scm_is_procedure(func)) return; result = scm_call_1(func, split_scm); if (!scm_is_true(result)) return; func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:split-scm-onto-split"); if (!scm_is_procedure(func)) return; if (!split_type) split_type = SWIG_TypeQuery("_p_Split"); arg = SWIG_NewPointerObj(split, split_type, 0); scm_call_3(func, split_scm, arg, gnc_book_to_scm (book)); }