void Physics::collisionDetectionTute()
	if (glfwGetMouseButton(m_window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1) == GLFW_PRESS && timer > timerLimit)
		int width = 0, height = 0;
		glfwGetWindowSize(glfwGetCurrentContext(), &width, &height);
		float aspectRatio = (float)width / (float)height;
		double mouseX;
		double mouseY;
		glfwGetCursorPos(m_window, &mouseX, &mouseY);
		float mouseZ;
		glReadPixels(mouseX, mouseY, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &mouseZ);
		glm::vec3 screenCoord(mouseX, mouseY, mouseZ);

		glm::mat4 projectionM = m_camera.view * m_camera.proj;
		glm::mat4 invPM = glm::inverse(projectionM);

		glm::vec4 viewport;
		float winZ = 1.0f;

		viewport.x = (2.0f*((float)(mouseX - 0) / ((float)width - 0))) - 1.0f;
		viewport.y = 1.0f - (2.0f*((float)(mouseY - 0) / ((float)height - 0)));
		viewport.z = 2.0f * winZ - 1.0f;
		viewport.w = 1.0f;

		glm::vec4 worldPos = viewport * invPM;

		worldPos.x *= simSize;
		worldPos.y *= simSize;

		glm::vec3 endPos = glm::vec3(whiteBall->position, 0);
		direction = worldPos.xy - endPos.xy;
		selectedPower = glm::length(direction);
		direction = glm::normalize(direction);
		if (selectedPower > MAX_SHOT_POWER)
			selectedPower = MAX_SHOT_POWER;
		Gizmos::add2DLine(whiteBall->position, whiteBall->position+ direction.xy * selectedPower, glm::vec4(1, 1, 1, 1));
		shot = true;
	if (glfwGetMouseButton(m_window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1) == GLFW_RELEASE && shot && timer > timerLimit)
		whiteBall->velocity += -1.0f*direction.xy * selectedPower * selectedPower;
		shot = false;
		timer = 0.0f;
	void BasicRaytracer::Raytrace()
		assert(nullptr != m_Camera);
		assert(nullptr != m_FrameBuffer);

		const float screenWidth = (float)m_FrameBuffer->GetWidth();
		const float screenHeight = (float)m_FrameBuffer->GetHeight();

		const float nearClipPlaneDistance = m_Camera->GetNearClipPlaneDistance();
		const float aspectRatio = screenWidth / screenHeight;
		const float halfFov = m_Camera->GetYFov() * 0.5f;

		const float top = nearClipPlaneDistance * tan(MATHLIB_DEG_TO_RAD(halfFov));
		const float right = top * aspectRatio;

		// Now we need to transform the direction into world space.
		vector4& camera_xAxis = m_Camera->GetXAxis();
		vector4& camera_yAxis = m_Camera->GetYAxis();
		vector4& camera_zAxis = m_Camera->GetZAxis();

		matrix4x4 rotationMatrix
			camera_xAxis.extractX(), camera_yAxis.extractX(), camera_zAxis.extractX(), 0.0f,
			camera_xAxis.extractY(), camera_yAxis.extractY(), camera_zAxis.extractY(), 0.0f,
			camera_xAxis.extractZ(), camera_yAxis.extractZ(), camera_zAxis.extractZ(), 0.0f,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f

		// First project the point onto the near clip plane (in camera space of course)
		matrix4x4 screenCoordToNearPlaneB
			right, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
			0.0f, top, 0.0f, 0.0f,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f

		matrix4x4 screenCoordToNearPlaneA
			2.0f / (screenWidth - 1.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f,
			0.0f, -2.0f / (screenHeight - 1.0f), 0.0f, +1.0f,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -nearClipPlaneDistance,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f

		matrix4x4 transform;
		matrix4x4_mul(screenCoordToNearPlaneB, screenCoordToNearPlaneA, transform);

		float* currentFrameBufferPosition = m_FrameBuffer->GetData();

		HighPerformanceTimer timer;

		auto& debugManager = Debugging::DebugManager::GetInstance();

		for (int y = 0; y < screenHeight; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < screenWidth; x++)
				if (x == (screenWidth * 0.5f) && y == (screenHeight * 0.5f))

				vector4 screenCoord((float)x, (float)y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				vector4 cameraSpaceDirection;

				matrix4x4_vectorMul(transform, screenCoord, cameraSpaceDirection);

				matrix4x4_vectorMul(rotationMatrix, cameraSpaceDirection, cameraSpaceDirection);

				// Transfer position and direction across to ray.
				ray worldSpaceRay;

				// Intersect world with ray.
				float t;
				m_Scene->Trace(worldSpaceRay, &t, currentFrameBufferPosition);

				currentFrameBufferPosition += 4;

				//printf("[%i][%i] traced...\n", x, y);


		printf("Total trace time: %4.2Lf msecs\n", timer.GetTimeMilliseconds());
		printf("Average ray time: %4.5Lf microseconds\n", timer.GetTimeMicroseconds() / (screenWidth * screenHeight));
void NewXZRotExperimentHCI::update(const std::vector<MinVR::EventRef> &events){

	//later to be pass into closestTouchPair function
	glm::dvec3 pos1;
	glm::dvec3 pos2;
	double minDistance = DBL_MAX; 
	MinVR::TimeStamp timestamp;

	//boolean flags
	bool xzTrans = false;
	glm::dmat4 xzTransMat = dmat4(0.0);
	bool yTrans = false;
	glm::dmat4 yTransMat = dmat4(0.0);
	bool yRotScale = false;

	numTouchForHand1 = 0;
	numTouchForHand2 = 0;

	 //only update the map and other variables first
	for(int p = 0; p < events.size(); p++) {

		timestamp = events[p]->getTimestamp();
		std::string name = events[p]->getName();
		int id = events[p]->getId();

		if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(name, "TUIO_Cursor_up")) {
			 //delete the cursor down associated with this up event
			std::map<int, TouchDataRef>::iterator it = registeredTouchData.find(id); 

			if (it != registeredTouchData.end()) { // if id is found
				registeredTouchData.erase(it);	   //erase value associate with that it
				//std::cout << "UP" <<std::endl;
			} else {
				std::cout<<"ERROR: Received touch up for a cursor not in the registered touch data!"<<std::endl;
				std::cout << events[p]->toString() << std::endl;
				for (auto iter = registeredTouchData.begin(); iter != registeredTouchData.end(); iter++) {
					std::cout << "\t" << iter->second->toString() << std::endl;

		} else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(name, "TUIO_Cursor_down")) {
			// always add a new one on DOWN
			glm::dvec3 roomCoord = convertScreenToRoomCoordinates(events[p]->get2DData());
			TouchDataRef datum(new TouchData(events[p], roomCoord));
			registeredTouchData.insert(std::pair<int, TouchDataRef>(id, datum));
			//std::cout << "DOWN " << glm::to_string(events[p]->get2DData()) <<std::endl;

		} else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(name, "TUIO_CursorMove")) {
			 //update the map with the move event
			// if the corresponding id was down, make it a move event
			std::map<int, TouchDataRef>::iterator it = registeredTouchData.find(id); 
			//std::cout << "Move " << events[p]->getId() <<std::endl;

			if (it != registeredTouchData.end()) { // if id is found
				glm::dvec2 screenCoord (events[p]->get4DData());
				glm::dvec3 roomCoord = convertScreenToRoomCoordinates(glm::dvec2(events[p]->get4DData()));

				// update map

		// end of TUIO events

		// Update hand positions
		if (name == "Hand_Tracker1") {
			//std::cout << "Inside hand tracking 1 event (xz) " << std::endl;
			//only enter one time to init prevHandPos1
			if (prevHandPos1.y == -1.0) {
				glm::dvec3 currHandPos1 (events[p]->getCoordinateFrameData()[3]);
				prevHandPos1 = currHandPos1;
				initRoomPos = true;
			} else {
				//std::cout << "updating hand 1 curr and prev position  " << std::endl;
				prevHandPos1 = currHandPos1;
				currHandPos1 = glm::dvec3(events[p]->getCoordinateFrameData()[3]);

		//std::cout<<"currHandPos1: "<<glm::to_string(currHandPos1)<<std::endl;
		//std::cout<<"prevHandPos1: "<<glm::to_string(prevHandPos1)<<std::endl;

		if(name == "Hand_Tracker2") {
			//std::cout << "Inside hand tracking 2 event (xz) " << std::endl;
			if (prevHandPos2.y == -1.0) {
				glm::dvec3 currHandPos2 (events[p]->getCoordinateFrameData()[3]);
				prevHandPos2 = currHandPos2;
			} else {
				//std::cout << "updating hand 2 curr and prev position  " << std::endl;
				prevHandPos2 = currHandPos2;
				currHandPos2 = glm::dvec3(events[p]->getCoordinateFrameData()[3]);
	} // end of data-updating for loop
	// give feedback object the touch data so
	 //it can draw touch positions
	feedback->registeredTouchData = registeredTouchData;

	// At this point, the touch data should be updated, and hand positions
	std::map<int, TouchDataRef>::iterator iter;
	for (iter = registeredTouchData.begin(); iter != registeredTouchData.end(); iter++) {

		glm::dvec3 currRoomPos (iter->second->getCurrRoomPos());
		bool belongsToHand1 = (glm::length(currHandPos1 - currRoomPos) <  glm::length(currHandPos2 - currRoomPos));
		if (belongsToHand1) {
			if(iter->second->getBelongTo() == -1){
		else { // belongs to hand 2
			if(iter->second->getBelongTo() == -1){
	} // end touch enumeration
	 //from TUIO move

	//std::cout << "Touch size: " << registeredTouchData.size() << std::endl;
	 //find closest pair of TouchPoints
	if (registeredTouchData.size() > 1) {
		closestTouchPair(registeredTouchData , pos1, pos2, minDistance);

		//std::cout << "Min distance: " << minDistance << std::endl;


	if (minDistance < 0.06 && currHandPos1 != prevHandPos1) {
		xzRotFlag = true;
		//std::cout << "Inside XZRot Mode" << std::endl;


	if (xzRotFlag && liftedFingers) { // might have to be xzRotFlag and not any other flag 

		feedback->displayText = "rotating";

			// pos1 and pos2 are where you put your fingers down. We're finding the centroid
			 //to calculate the box boundary for xzRotMode
			initRoomTouchCentre = 0.5*(pos1 + pos2); 
			initRoomPos = false;


		// try to change around center of origin
		glm::dvec3 centOfRot (glm::dvec3((glm::column(cFrameMgr->getVirtualToRoomSpaceFrame(), 3))));
		//calculate the current handToTouch vector
		if(registeredTouchData.size() > 1 && !centerRotMode) {
			roomTouchCentre = 0.5*(pos1 + pos2);
		//std::cout << "Touch Center: " << glm::to_string(roomTouchCentre) << std::endl; 

		//Should not be equal in XZRotMode but just in case.
		 //for choosing the hand that rotates
		/*std::cout<<"currHandPos1: "<<glm::to_string(currHandPos1)<<std::endl;*/

		if (numTouchForHand1 >= numTouchForHand2) { 
			//std::cout << "Using right hand: " << std::endl; 
			if (roomTouchCentre - currHandPos1 != glm::dvec3(0.0)) {//zero guard
				currHandToTouch = roomTouchCentre - currHandPos1;

			if (roomTouchCentre - prevHandPos1 != glm::dvec3(0.0)) {//zero guard
				prevHandToTouch = roomTouchCentre - prevHandPos1;

		} else {
			//std::cout << "Using Left hand: " << std::endl;

			if (roomTouchCentre - currHandPos2 != glm::dvec3(0.0)) { //zero guard
				currHandToTouch = roomTouchCentre - currHandPos2;

			if (roomTouchCentre - prevHandPos2 != glm::dvec3(0.0)) { //zero guard
				prevHandToTouch = roomTouchCentre - prevHandPos2;

		//set up the 2 vertices for a square boundry for the gesture
		glm::dvec3 upRight = glm::dvec3(initRoomTouchCentre.x+0.2, 0.0, initRoomTouchCentre.z+0.2);
		glm::dvec3 lowLeft = glm::dvec3(initRoomTouchCentre.x-0.2, 0.0, initRoomTouchCentre.z-0.2);

		 //this if-else block for setting xzRotFlag,
		 //also for grabbing xzCentOfRot
		if(registeredTouchData.size() == 0) { //if no touch on screen then automatically exit the xzrot mode
			xzRotFlag = false;
			initRoomPos = true;
			liftedFingers = true;
			feedback->displayText = "";
			feedback->centOfRot.x = DBL_MAX;
			//std::cout<<"no touchyyy so I quit"<<std::endl;
		else { //if there are touch(s) then check if the touch is in bound of the rectangle

			bool setxzRotFlag = true;
			std::map<int, TouchDataRef>::iterator iter;
			int countFingers = 0;
			for (iter = registeredTouchData.begin(); iter != registeredTouchData.end(); iter++) {

				// not exactly sure why roomPos. > upRight.z , I think it should be <. but that doesn't work
				if(!(iter->second->getCurrRoomPos().x > upRight.x || iter->second->getCurrRoomPos().z > upRight.z ||iter->second->getCurrRoomPos().x < lowLeft.x ||iter->second->getCurrRoomPos().z < lowLeft.z)){ //you are in the box

					//std::cout << "fingers in bound so STILL IN XZRot Mode" << std::endl;
					setxzRotFlag = false; 
					countFingers += 1;

				} //else{ // touch point not in box, assume as center of rotation
				//	centOfRot = iter->second->getCurrRoomPos();
				//	centerRotMode = true;
				//	//std::cout << "Cent of Rot set" << std::endl;
				//	feedback->centOfRot = centOfRot;

				// only tries to change the xzRotFlag at the end of the data in the map
				if(iter == std::prev(registeredTouchData.end(),1) && setxzRotFlag) {
					xzRotFlag = false;
					initRoomPos = true;
					feedback->displayText = ""; 
					feedback->centOfRot.x = DBL_MAX;
					//std::cout << "all fingers went out of bound so Out of XZRot Mode" << std::endl;

					// found bug where person just drags their fingers across the table, and it reinitiates xzRotMode
					liftedFingers = false;
			} // end for loop over registeredTouchData

			if(countFingers == registeredTouchData.size()){//all fingers in bound 
				centerRotMode = false;
				feedback->centOfRot.x = DBL_MAX;

		} // end if/else block

		//std::cout<<"currHandToTouch: "<<glm::to_string(currHandToTouch)<<std::endl;
		//std::cout<<"prevHandToTouch: "<<glm::to_string(prevHandToTouch)<<std::endl;
		//std::cout<<"dot product of them: "<< glm::to_string(glm::dot(glm::normalize(currHandToTouch), glm::normalize(prevHandToTouch))) << std::endl;
			//std::cout<<"what we clamping: "<<glm::clamp(glm::dot(currHandToTouch, prevHandToTouch),-1.0,1.0)<<std::endl;

			double alpha = glm::acos(glm::clamp(glm::dot(glm::normalize(currHandToTouch), glm::normalize(prevHandToTouch)),-1.0,1.0)); // from 0 to pi
			//std::cout<<"alpha: " << alpha << std::endl;

			// get cross prod
			glm::dvec3 cross = glm::normalize(glm::cross(currHandToTouch, prevHandToTouch)); 
			//std::cout<<"cross: "<<glm::to_string(cross)<<std::endl;
			glm::dvec3 projCross = glm::normalize(glm::dvec3(cross.x, 0.0, cross.z)); // projection
			//std::cout<<"projcross: "<<glm::to_string(projCross)<<std::endl;

			// project cross prod onto the screen, get a length
			double lengthOfProjection = glm::dot(cross, projCross); 
			//std::cout<<"lengthOfProjection: "<<glm::to_string(lengthOfProjection)<<std::endl;
			// projected cross prod 
			//glm::dvec3 projectedCrossProd = lengthOfProjection * normProjCross; 

			//std::cout<<"lengthOfProjection: "<<lengthOfProjection<<std::endl;
			//std::cout<<"alpha in degree before times lengthofprojection: "<<glm::degrees(alpha)<<std::endl;

			alpha = alpha * lengthOfProjection;

			//std::cout<<"alpha in degree after: "<<glm::degrees(alpha)<<std::endl;
			//std::cout<<"normProjCross: "<<glm::to_string(normProjCross)<<std::endl;

			glm::dmat4 XZRotMat = glm::rotate(glm::dmat4(1.0), glm::degrees(alpha) /* * 2.0 */, glm::normalize(projCross));

			// have translations when we have a touch point not in the bounding box

			// translate to origin
			glm::dmat4 transMat(glm::translate(glm::dmat4(1.0), -1.0*centOfRot));
			 //translate back
			glm::dmat4 transBack(glm::translate(glm::dmat4(1.0), centOfRot));	

			 //put it into the matrix stack	
			//std::cout<<"XZRotMat: "<<glm::to_string(XZRotMat) <<std::endl;
			cFrameMgr->setRoomToVirtualSpaceFrame(cFrameMgr->getRoomToVirtualSpaceFrame() * transBack * XZRotMat * transMat);

	} // end xzRot Gesture



	if(registeredTouchData.size() == 0) {
		feedback->displayText = "";
		liftedFingers = true;

	 //this is bret's commented out line