int gui_window_line_draw(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, LINE_REC *line, int ypos, int skip, int max) { LINE_CACHE_REC *cache; LINE_CACHE_SUB_REC *sub; char *pos, *next_pos; int n; g_return_val_if_fail(gui != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(line != NULL, -1); cache = g_hash_table_lookup(gui->line_cache, line); if (cache == NULL) cache = gui_window_line_cache(gui, line); else cache->last_access = time(NULL); if (max < 0) max = cache->count; for (n = skip; n < cache->count && max > 0; n++, ypos++, max--) { sub = n == 0 ? NULL : &cache->lines[n-1]; pos = sub == NULL ? line->text : sub->start; next_pos = (n+1 < cache->count) ? cache->lines[n].start : NULL; single_line_draw(gui, ypos, sub, pos, next_pos); } #ifdef USE_CURSES_WINDOWS screen_refresh(gui->parent->curses_win); #else screen_refresh(NULL); #endif return cache->count; }
static void sig_printtext_finished(WINDOW_REC *window) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); if (gui->cur_line == NULL) return; if (format->len > 0) { /* save format of the line */ linebuf_add(gui, format->str, format->len); g_string_truncate(format, 0); } linebuf_add(gui, "\0\200", 2); /* mark EOL */ gui->eol_marked = TRUE; if (is_window_visible(window)) { #ifdef USE_CURSES_WINDOWS screen_refresh(gui->parent->curses_win); #else screen_refresh(NULL); #endif } }
static void window_clear_screen(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui) { #ifdef USE_CURSES_WINDOWS wclear(gui->parent->curses_win); screen_refresh(gui->parent->curses_win); #else int n; for (n = gui->parent->first_line; n < gui->parent->last_line; n++) { move(n, 0); clrtoeol(); } screen_refresh(NULL); #endif }
static void statusbar_topic(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { CHANNEL_REC *channel; QUERY_REC *query; char *str, *topic; if (item->size != COLS-2) { /* get all space for topic */ statusbar_item_resize(item, COLS-2); return; } move(ypos, item->xpos); set_bg((1<<4)+7); clrtoeol(); set_bg(0); if (active_win == NULL) return; topic = NULL; channel = irc_item_channel(active_win->active); query = irc_item_query(active_win->active); if (channel != NULL && channel->topic != NULL) topic = channel->topic; if (query != NULL && query->address != NULL) topic = query->address; if (topic != NULL) { topic = strip_codes(topic); str = g_strdup_printf("%.*s", item->size, topic); set_color((1<<4)+15); addstr(str); g_free(str); g_free(topic); } screen_refresh(); }
static void statusbar_topic(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { CHANNEL_REC *channel; QUERY_REC *query; char *str, *topic; if (item->size != COLS-2) { /* get all space for topic */ statusbar_item_resize(item, COLS-2); return; } move(ypos, item->xpos); set_bg(stdscr, settings_get_int("statusbar_background") << 4); clrtoeol(); set_bg(stdscr, 0); if (active_win == NULL) return; topic = NULL; channel = CHANNEL(active_win->active); query = QUERY(active_win->active); if (channel != NULL && channel->topic != NULL) topic = channel->topic; if (query != NULL && query->address != NULL) topic = query->address; if (topic != NULL) { topic = strip_codes(topic); str = g_strdup_printf("%.*s", item->size, topic); set_color(stdscr, sbar_color_normal); addstr(str); g_free(str); g_free(topic); } screen_refresh(NULL); }
static void statusbar_mail(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { char str[MAX_INT_STRLEN]; int size_needed, mail_count; mail_count = settings_get_bool("mail_counter") ? get_mail_count() : 0; ltoa(str, mail_count); if (*str == '\0' || mail_count <= 0) size_needed = 0; else size_needed = strlen(str) + 8; if (item->size != size_needed) { /* we need more (or less..) space! */ statusbar_item_resize(item, size_needed); return; } if (size_needed == 0) return; move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color(stdscr, sbar_color_dim); addch('['); set_color(stdscr, sbar_color_normal); addstr("Mail: "); set_color(stdscr, sbar_color_bold); addstr(str); set_color(stdscr, sbar_color_dim); addch(']'); screen_refresh(NULL); }
void gui_window_redraw(WINDOW_REC *window) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; GList *line; int ypos, lines, skip, max; g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); /* clear the lines first */ set_color(0); for (ypos = gui->parent->first_line; ypos <= gui->parent->last_line; ypos++) { move(ypos, 0); clrtoeol(); } skip = gui->subline; ypos = gui->parent->first_line; for (line = gui->startline; line != NULL; line = line->next) { LINE_REC *rec = line->data; max = gui->parent->last_line - ypos+1; if (max < 0) break; lines = gui_window_line_draw(gui, rec, ypos, skip, max); ypos += lines-skip; skip = 0; } screen_refresh(); }
void write_screen(struct screen *screen, struct loki_state *state) { pthread_mutex_lock(&scrmutex); if(screen->left != NULL) { screen->left->write(state, screen->left->port); } if(screen->centre != NULL) { werase(screen->centre->port); screen->centre->write(state, screen->centre->port); } if(screen->right != NULL) { werase(screen->right->port); screen->right->write(state, screen->right->port); } move(0,15); printw("Total Packets: %ld | ", ((struct frame_log*)(state->log))->totalPackets); move(LINES-1, 1); clrtoeol(); if(state->status_msg != NULL) printw(state->status_msg); screen_refresh(screen); pthread_mutex_unlock(&scrmutex); }
static void entry_update(void) { char *p; int n, len; len = entry->len-scrstart > COLS-1-promptlen ? COLS-1-promptlen : entry->len-scrstart; set_color(stdscr, 0); move(LINES-1, promptlen); for (p = entry->str+scrstart, n = 0; n < len; n++, p++) { if (prompt_hidden) addch(' '); else if ((unsigned char) *p >= 32) addch((unsigned char) *p); else { set_color(stdscr, ATTR_REVERSE); addch(*p+'A'-1); set_color(stdscr, 0); } } clrtoeol(); move_cursor(LINES-1, scrpos+promptlen); screen_refresh(NULL); }
void CLS_DlgStreamPusher::event_loop(struct_stream_info *_pstrct_streaminfo) { if (NULL == _pstrct_streaminfo){ TRACE("NULL == _pstrct_streaminfo"); return; } SDL_Event event; double incr, pos, frac; for (;;) { double x; //判断退出 if (_pstrct_streaminfo->m_abort_request){ break; } SDL_WaitEvent(&event); switch (event.type) { case FF_AUDIO_REFRESH_EVENT: screen_refresh(event.user.data1); _pstrct_streaminfo->m_refresh = 0; break; case FF_VIDEO_REFRESH_EVENT: break; case FF_BREAK_EVENT: break; case FF_QUIT_EVENT: stream_stop(event.user.data1); break; default: break; } } }
/* redraw -- more -- */ static void statusbar_more(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { if (item->size != 10) return; move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color(stdscr, sbar_color_bold); addstr("-- more --"); screen_refresh(NULL); }
/* ======================================= TIMER2 中断处理 ======================================= */ CR_API void_t TIM2_IRQHandler (void_t) { if (TIM_GetITStatus(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update)) { TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2, TIM_FLAG_Update); screen_refresh(); } }
/* redraw -- more -- */ static void statusbar_more(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { if (item->size != 10) return; move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color((1 << 4)+15); addstr("-- more --"); screen_refresh(); }
void highscore_show(int numb) { highscore_add("player name",numb); while(!keyboard_check(27 /*vk_escape*/)) { draw_highscore(20, 0, room_width-20, room_height); screen_refresh(); io_handle(); } }
static void window_clear(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui) { int n; for (n = gui->parent->first_line; n <= gui->parent->last_line; n++) { move(n, 0); clrtoeol(); } screen_refresh(); }
void* client_receiver(void * params) { while(running) { struct line *buf = (struct line*) malloc(sizeof(struct line)); udp_receive((char *)buf, sizeof(struct line)); screen_out_add(buf); screen_refresh(); } return NULL; }
void resized(int signal) { if(SIGWINCH == signal) { int max_rows; int max_cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, max_rows, max_cols); if(g_max_rows != max_rows || g_max_cols != max_cols) redefine_screen(max_rows, max_cols); screen_refresh(); } }
static void statusbar_lag(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { IRC_SERVER_REC *server; GString *str; int size_needed, lag_unknown; time_t now; now = time(NULL); str = g_string_new(NULL); server = (IRC_SERVER_REC *) (active_win == NULL ? NULL : active_win->active_server); if (server == NULL || server->lag_last_check == 0) size_needed = 0; else if (server->lag_sent == 0 || now-server->lag_sent < 5) { lag_unknown = now-server->lag_last_check > MAX_LAG_UNKNOWN_TIME+settings_get_int("lag_check_time"); if (server->lag < lag_min_show && !lag_unknown) size_needed = 0; /* small lag, don't display */ else { g_string_sprintf(str, "%d.%02d", server->lag/1000, (server->lag % 1000)/10); if (lag_unknown) g_string_append(str, " (??)"); size_needed = str->len+7; } } else { /* big lag, still waiting .. */ g_string_sprintf(str, "%ld (??)", now-server->lag_sent); size_needed = str->len+7; } if (item->size != size_needed) { /* we need more (or less..) space! */ statusbar_item_resize(item, size_needed); g_string_free(str, TRUE); return; } if (item->size != 0) { lag_last_draw = now; move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('['); set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr("Lag: "); set_color((1 << 4)+15); addstr(str->str); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch(']'); screen_refresh(); } g_string_free(str, TRUE); }
void* client_input(void* params) { while(running) { if(screen_in_input()) { udp_send(g_input_buffer, MSG_SIZE); memset(g_input_buffer, 0, MSG_SIZE); } screen_refresh(); } return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t colorblock[60000]; uint32_t i = 0; /* On veut remplir une mire avec 7 bandes de couleur de 100 pixels de * large chacune, et de 600 pixels de haut * On initialise donc un écran de largeur 700, et de hauteur 600 */ screen_init(700, 600, 25); /* On veut ensuite copier les bandes de couleur, à la bonne place dans * l'image. * Pour cela, on utilise la fonction screen_cpyrect. On initialise * également le bloc à copier */ for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = WHITE; } screen_cpyrect(0,0,100,600, colorblock); for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = RED; } screen_cpyrect(100,0,100,600, colorblock); for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = RED | BLUE; } screen_cpyrect(200,0,100,600, colorblock); for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = BLUE; } screen_cpyrect (300,0,100,600, colorblock); for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = BLUE | GREEN; } screen_cpyrect (400,0,100,600, colorblock); for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = GREEN; } screen_cpyrect (500,0,100,600, colorblock); for (i = 0 ; i < 60000 ; i++) { colorblock[i] = BLACK; } screen_cpyrect (600,0,100,600, colorblock); // Les 7 bandes ont été copiés, on peut maintenant afficher l'image screen_refresh(); /* Une fois rafraichit, on ferme l'écran. Cette fonction attend en fait * que l'on ferme explicitement la fenetre */ screen_exit(); return 0; }
// parse a hex record and write the contents to flash if appropriate // return 1 if EOF, 0 otherwise extern u8 flash_write_hex_record(u8* data) { static hexRecord_t rec; static u32 addrOff = 0; static u32 dst; static char hexBuf[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int err; err = parse_raw_hex_record(data, &rec); if(err) { // print_dbg("\r\n failure parsing hex record: \r\n"); // print_dbg((const char*)data); screen_line(0, 6, "WARNING:", 0xf); screen_line(0, 7, "error parsing hex record!", 0xf); screen_refresh(); } else { switch(rec.type) { case HEX_EXT_LINEAR_ADDRESS: addrOff = rec.address; break; case HEX_DATA: /* // print_dbg("\r\n writing firmware to flash at address: "); */ /* // print_dbg_hex(addrOff + rec.address); */ dst = addrOff + rec.address; /// TEST!! if(dst < FIRMWARE_FLASH_ADDRESS) { // if(0) { // don't allow writes to anything below the runtime location! // this is where the bootloader lives! // app data goes at the end of flash. screen_line(0, 6, "WARNING:", 0xf); screen_line(0, 7, "scary address! ", 0xf); uint_to_hex_ascii( hexBuf, dst); screen_line(64, 7, hexBuf, 0xf); } else { flashc_memcpy( (void*)(dst),, rec.count, 1); } break; default: ;; } } return 0; }
/* redraw clock */ static void statusbar_clock(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { struct tm *tm; char str[6]; clock_last = time(NULL); tm = localtime(&clock_last); g_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%02d:%02d", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('['); set_color((1 << 4)+15); addstr(str); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch(']'); screen_refresh(); }
/* redraw activity */ static void statusbar_activity(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { WINDOW_REC *window; GList *tmp; gchar str[MAX_INT_STRLEN]; int size_needed; gboolean act, det; size_needed = 0; act = det = FALSE; for (tmp = activity_list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { window = tmp->data; size_needed += 1+ltoa(str, window->refnum); if (!use_colors && window->new_data == NEWDATA_MSG_FORYOU) det = TRUE; else act = TRUE; } if (act) size_needed += 6; /* [Act: ], -1 */ if (det) size_needed += 6; /* [Det: ], -1 */ if (act && det) size_needed--; if (item->size != size_needed) { /* we need more (or less..) space! */ statusbar_item_resize(item, size_needed); return; } if (item->size == 0) return; move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('['); if (act) draw_activity("Act: ", TRUE, !det); if (act && det) addch(' '); if (det) draw_activity("Det: ", FALSE, TRUE); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch(']'); screen_refresh(); }
void screen_redraw() { float color[4]; int clearcolor = ((int)background_color) & 0x00FFFFFF; // Setup the color to clear the buffer to. color[0] = __GETR(clearcolor); color[1] = __GETG(clearcolor); color[2] = __GETB(clearcolor); color[3] = 1; // Clear the back buffer. m_deviceContext->ClearRenderTargetView(m_renderTargetView, color); // Clear the depth buffer. m_deviceContext->ClearDepthStencilView(m_depthStencilView, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH, 1.0f, 0); screen_refresh(); }
void screen_redraw() { //d3dmgr->EndShapesBatching(); //If called inside bound surface we need to finish drawing d3dmgr->BeginScene(); // Clean up any textures that ENIGMA may still think are binded but actually are not d3d_set_zwriteenable(true); if (!view_enabled) { screen_set_viewport(0, 0, window_get_region_width_scaled(), window_get_region_height_scaled()); clear_view(0, 0, room_width, room_height, 0, background_showcolor); draw_back(); draw_insts(); draw_tiles(); } else { //TODO: Possibly implement view option from Stupido to control which view clears the background // Only clear the background on the first visible view by checking if it hasn't been cleared yet bool draw_backs = true; bool background_allviews = true; // FIXME: Create a setting for this. for (view_current = 0; view_current < 8; view_current++) { int vc = (int)view_current; if (!view_visible[vc]) continue; int vob = (int)view_object[vc]; if (vob != -1) follow_object(vob, vc); screen_set_viewport(view_xport[vc], view_yport[vc], view_wport[vc], view_hport[vc]); clear_view(view_xview[vc], view_yview[vc], view_wview[vc], view_hview[vc], view_angle[vc], background_showcolor && draw_backs); if (draw_backs) draw_back(); draw_insts(); if (draw_tiles()) break; draw_backs = background_allviews; } view_current = 0; } // Now process the sub event of draw called draw gui // It is for drawing GUI elements without view scaling and transformation if (enigma::gui_used) { screen_set_viewport(0, 0, window_get_region_width_scaled(), window_get_region_height_scaled()); d3d_set_projection_ortho(0, 0, enigma::gui_width, enigma::gui_height, 0); // Clear the depth buffer if hidden surface removal is on at the beginning of the draw step. if (enigma::d3dMode) d3dmgr->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0); draw_gui(); } d3dmgr->EndScene(); ///TODO: screen_refresh() shouldn't be in screen_redraw(). They are separate functions for a reason. screen_refresh(); }
/* get to handle. Matthias */ int handle_X_event(XEvent event, unsigned char qt_c) { /* no longer needed. Matthias */ /* XEvent event; */ unsigned char *s; int count; Window root, child; int root_x, root_y, x, y; unsigned int mods; static Time buttonpress_time=0; static unsigned int clicks=1; /* this was set in get_com_char originally. Matthias */ refreshed = 0; /* no longer needed. Matthias */ /* XNextEvent(display,&event); */ switch(event.type) { case KeyPress: s = lookup_key(&event,&count, qt_c); send_string(s,count); return 0; case ClientMessage: if (event.xclient.format == 32 &&[0] == wm_del_win) clean_exit(0); return 0; case MappingNotify: XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&event.xmapping); return 0; case GraphicsExpose: case Expose: if (!size_set) { /* Force a window resize if an exposure event * arrives before the first resize event. */ resize_window(0,0); size_set = 1; } if(event.xany.window==vt_win) { scr_refresh(event.xexpose.x,event.xexpose.y, event.xexpose.width,event.xexpose.height); return 0; } /* no longer needed */ /* else */ /* { */ /* while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent (display, event.xany.window, Expose, */ /* &dummy)); */ /* while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent (display, event.xany.window, */ /* GraphicsExpose, &dummy)); */ /* } */ return 0; case VisibilityNotify: /* Here's my conclusiion: * If the window is completely onobscured, use bitblt's * to scroll. Even then, they're only used when doing partial * screen scrolling. When partially obscured, we have to fill * in the GraphicsExpose parts, which means that after each refresh, * we need to wait for the graphics expose or Noexpose events, * which ought to make things real slow! */ if(event.xvisibility.state == VisibilityUnobscured) { scr_refresh(0,0,MyWinInfo.cwidth,MyWinInfo.cheight); /* refresh_type = FAST; */ /* use slow here. FAST seems to be buggy sometimes. (Matthias) */ refresh_type = SLOW; } else if(event.xvisibility.state == VisibilityPartiallyObscured) { refresh_type = SLOW; scr_refresh(0,0,MyWinInfo.cwidth,MyWinInfo.cheight); } else { refresh_type = DONT_BOTHER; } break; case FocusIn: scr_focus(1); return 0; case FocusOut: scr_focus(0); return 0; case ConfigureNotify: resize_window(0,0); size_set = 1; return 0; case ButtonPress: if (event.xany.window == vt_win) { if (mouse_rep && ((event.xbutton.state & ShiftMask) == 0) && !mouse_block) { mouse_report (&(event.xbutton), 0); return 1; } else { switch (event.xbutton.button) { case Button1 : /* recognize multiclick. bmg */ if (event.xbutton.time-buttonpress_time < MULTICLICK_TIME) { clicks++; } else { clicks = 1; } /* don't react two times on the same event */ /* Matthias */ if (event.xbutton.time == buttonpress_time) clicks--; buttonpress_time = event.xbutton.time; scr_start_selection(clicks, event.xbutton.x,event.xbutton.y); return 0; /* deactivated since Button3 is for popupmenu. Matthias */ /* case Button3 : */ /* scr_extend_selection(event.xbutton.x,event.xbutton.y); */ /* Scroll up */ case Button4: MyWinInfo.offset += 3; /* check to make sure we aren't at the top already */ if (MyWinInfo.offset > MyWinInfo.sline_top) { MyWinInfo.offset = MyWinInfo.sline_top; } screen_refresh(); return 0; /* Scroll down */ case Button5: MyWinInfo.offset -= 3; /* check to make sure we aren't at the bottom already */ if (MyWinInfo.offset < 0) { MyWinInfo.offset = 0; } screen_refresh(); return 0; default: return 0; } } } return 0; case ButtonRelease: if (event.xany.window == vt_win) { if (mouse_rep && ((event.xbutton.state & ShiftMask) == 0) && !mouse_block) { mouse_report (&(event.xbutton), 1); return 1; } else { switch (event.xbutton.button) { case Button1: /* no longer needed bmg */ /* case Button3: */ scr_make_selection(event.xbutton.time); return 0; case Button2: if ((event.xbutton.state & Mod1Mask) == 0) scr_paste_selection(); return 0; } } } return 0; case MotionNotify: if (event.xany.window == vt_win && ((event.xbutton.state & Button1Mask) == Button1Mask) && !(event.xbutton.state & Button2Mask)) { while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, vt_win, MotionNotify, &event)); XQueryPointer(display,vt_win,&root,&child, &root_x,&root_y,&x,&y,&mods); scr_extend_selection(x,y); return 0; } return 0; default: return 0; } return 0; }
static unsigned int get_com_char(int flags) { fd_set in_fdset; int count,retval; unsigned char val; struct itimerval value; /* static int refreshed = 0; */ int total; /* If there have been a lot of new lines, then update the screen */ /* What the heck I'll cheat and only refresh less than every page-full. * the number of pages between refreshes is refresh_nl_limit, which * is incremented here because we must be doing flat-out scrolling. */ /* refreshing should be correct for small scrolls, because of the * time-out */ if(refresh_nl_count > refresh_nl_limit*MyWinInfo.cheight) { if(refresh_nl_limit < MAX_REFRESH_PERIOD) refresh_nl_limit++; refresh_nl_count = 0; refreshed = 1; screen_refresh(); } /* If we have characters already read in. return one */ if (com_buf_next < com_buf_top) { refreshed = 0; return((unsigned int) (*com_buf_next++ & mask) ); } /* Nothing to read, either return now or continue and wait */ if (flags & BUF_ONLY) { refresh_nl_count = 0; refresh_nl_limit = 1; if(!refreshed) screen_refresh(); refreshed = 1; /* scrollbar movements are done in screen_refresh now (Matthias) */ /* sbar_show(MyWinInfo.cheight+MyWinInfo.sline_top-1,MyWinInfo.offset, MyWinInfo.offset + MyWinInfo.cheight -1); */ XFlush(display); return ((unsigned int) GCC_NULL); } /* for (;;) */ /* { */ /* process any X events that are pending */ /* while(XPending(display)) */ /* { */ /* refreshed = 0; */ /* get_X_event(); */ /* } */ /* Nothing to do! */ FD_ZERO(&in_fdset); FD_SET(comm_fd,&in_fdset); /* select handling slightly changed. Yet the "main" select (with blocking) is inside the Qt event loop. Important. Matthias */ /* value.it_value.tv_usec = 1000; */ /* value.it_value.tv_sec = 0; */ /* if(!refreshed) */ /* retval = select(fd_width,&in_fdset,NULL,NULL,&value.it_value); */ /* else */ /* retval = select(fd_width,&in_fdset,NULL,NULL,NULL); */ /* if (!refreshed){ */ /* value.it_value.tv_usec = 1000; */ /* value.it_value.tv_sec = 0; */ /* } */ /* else { */ /* value.it_value.tv_usec = 0; */ /* value.it_value.tv_sec = 0; */ /* } */ if (!refreshed){ value.it_value.tv_usec = 0; value.it_value.tv_sec = 1; } else { value.it_value.tv_usec = 0; value.it_value.tv_sec = 1; } retval = select(fd_width,&in_fdset,NULL,NULL,&value.it_value); /* See if we can read from the application */ if(FD_ISSET(comm_fd,&in_fdset)) { count = 1; com_buf_next = com_buf; com_buf_top = com_buf; total = COM_BUF_SIZE; while((count > 0)&&(total>COM_BUF_SIZE/2)) { count = read(comm_fd,com_buf_top,total); if(count > 0) { com_buf_top += count; total -= count; } } if (com_buf_top > com_buf_next) { val = *com_buf_next++; refreshed = 0; return((unsigned int) (val & mask)); } } /* If the select statement timed out, we better update the screen */ if(retval == 0 ) { refresh_nl_count = 0; refresh_nl_limit = 1; if(!refreshed) screen_refresh(); refreshed = 1; /* scrollbar movements are done in screen_refresh now (Matthias) */ /* sbar_show(MyWinInfo.cheight+MyWinInfo.sline_top-1,MyWinInfo.offset, MyWinInfo.offset + MyWinInfo.cheight -1); */ XFlush(display); } return (unsigned int) GCC_NULL; }
void screen_redraw() { // Should implement extended lost device checking //if (d3ddev == NULL ) return; // Clean up any textures that ENIGMA may still think are binded but actually are not texture_reset(); d3ddev->BeginScene(); // begins the 3D scene dsprite->Begin(D3DXSPRITE_ALPHABLEND | D3DXSPRITE_DO_NOT_ADDREF_TEXTURE); if (!view_enabled) { D3DVIEWPORT9 pViewport = { 0, 0, (DWORD)window_get_region_width_scaled(), (DWORD)window_get_region_height_scaled(), 0, 1.0f }; d3ddev->SetViewport(&pViewport); D3DXMATRIX matTrans, matScale; // Calculate a translation matrix D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matTrans, -0.5, -room_height - 0.5, 0); D3DXMatrixScaling(&matScale, 1, -1, 1); // Calculate our world matrix by multiplying the above (in the correct order) D3DXMATRIX matWorld = matTrans * matScale; // Set the matrix to be applied to anything we render from now on d3ddev->SetTransform( D3DTS_VIEW, &matWorld); D3DXMATRIX matProjection; // the projection transform matrix D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH(&matProjection, 0, (FLOAT)room_width, 0, (FLOAT)room_height, 0.0f, // the near view-plane 1.0f); // the far view-plane d3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &matProjection); // set the projection transform if (background_showcolor) { int clearcolor = ((int)background_color) & 0x00FFFFFF; // clear the window to the background color d3ddev->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(__GETR(clearcolor), __GETG(clearcolor), __GETB(clearcolor)), 1.0f, 0); // clear the depth buffer } // Clear the depth buffer if 3d mode is on at the beginning of the draw step. if (enigma::d3dMode) d3ddev->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0); draw_back(); // Apply and clear stored depth changes. for (map<int,pair<double,double> >::iterator it = id_to_currentnextdepth.begin(); it != id_to_currentnextdepth.end(); it++) { enigma::object_graphics* inst_depth = (enigma::object_graphics*)enigma::fetch_instance_by_id((*it).first); if (inst_depth != NULL) { drawing_depths[(*it).second.first].draw_events->unlink(inst_depth->depth.myiter); inst_iter* mynewiter = drawing_depths[(*it).second.second].draw_events->add_inst(inst_depth->depth.myiter->inst); if (instance_event_iterator == inst_depth->depth.myiter) { instance_event_iterator = inst_depth->depth.myiter->prev; } inst_depth->depth.myiter = mynewiter; } } id_to_currentnextdepth.clear(); if (enigma::particles_impl != NULL) { const double high = numeric_limits<double>::max(); const double low = drawing_depths.rbegin() != drawing_depths.rend() ? drawing_depths.rbegin()->first : -numeric_limits<double>::max(); (enigma::particles_impl->draw_particlesystems)(high, low); } bool stop_loop = false; for (enigma::diter dit = drawing_depths.rbegin(); dit != drawing_depths.rend(); dit++) { if (dit->second.tiles.size()) //glCallList(drawing_depths[dit->second.tiles[0].depth].tilelist); texture_reset(); enigma::inst_iter* push_it = enigma::instance_event_iterator; //loop instances for (enigma::instance_event_iterator = dit->second.draw_events->next; enigma::instance_event_iterator != NULL; enigma::instance_event_iterator = enigma::instance_event_iterator->next) { enigma::instance_event_iterator->inst->myevent_draw(); if (enigma::room_switching_id != -1) { stop_loop = true; break; } } enigma::instance_event_iterator = push_it; if (stop_loop) break; //particles if (enigma::particles_impl != NULL) { const double high = dit->first; dit++; const double low = dit != drawing_depths.rend() ? dit->first : -numeric_limits<double>::max(); dit--; (enigma::particles_impl->draw_particlesystems)(high, low); } } //return; } else { bool stop_loop = false; for (view_current = 0; view_current < 7; view_current++) { if (view_visible[(int)view_current]) { int vc = (int)view_current; int vob = (int)view_object[vc]; if (vob != -1) { object_basic *instanceexists = fetch_instance_by_int(vob); if (instanceexists) { object_planar* vobr = (object_planar*)instanceexists; double vobx = vobr->x, voby = vobr->y; //int bbl=*vobr.x+*vobr.bbox_left,bbr=*vobr.x+*vobr.bbox_right,bbt=*vobr.y+*vobr.bbox_top,bbb=*vobr.y+*vobr.bbox_bottom; //if (bbl<view_xview[vc]+view_hbor[vc]) view_xview[vc]=bbl-view_hbor[vc]; double vbc_h, vbc_v; (view_hborder[vc] > view_wview[vc]/2) ? vbc_h = view_wview[vc]/2 : vbc_h = view_hborder[vc]; (view_vborder[vc] > view_hview[vc]/2) ? vbc_v = view_hview[vc]/2 : vbc_v = view_vborder[vc]; if (view_hspeed[vc] == -1) { if (vobx < view_xview[vc] + vbc_h) view_xview[vc] = vobx - vbc_h; else if (vobx > view_xview[vc] + view_wview[vc] - vbc_h) view_xview[vc] = vobx + vbc_h - view_wview[vc]; } else { if (vobx < view_xview[vc] + vbc_h) { view_xview[vc] -= view_hspeed[vc]; if (view_xview[vc] < vobx - vbc_h) view_xview[vc] = vobx - vbc_h; } else if (vobx > view_xview[vc] + view_wview[vc] - vbc_h) { view_xview[vc] += view_hspeed[vc]; if (view_xview[vc] > vobx + vbc_h - view_wview[vc]) view_xview[vc] = vobx + vbc_h - view_wview[vc]; } } if (view_vspeed[vc] == -1) { if (voby < view_yview[vc] + vbc_v) view_yview[vc] = voby - vbc_v; else if (voby > view_yview[vc] + view_hview[vc] - vbc_v) view_yview[vc] = voby + vbc_v - view_hview[vc]; } else { if (voby < view_yview[vc] + vbc_v) { view_yview[vc] -= view_vspeed[vc]; if (view_yview[vc] < voby - vbc_v) view_yview[vc] = voby - vbc_v; } if (voby > view_yview[vc] + view_hview[vc] - vbc_v) { view_yview[vc] += view_vspeed[vc]; if (view_yview[vc] > voby + vbc_v - view_hview[vc]) view_yview[vc] = voby + vbc_v - view_hview[vc]; } } if (view_xview[vc] < 0) view_xview[vc] = 0; else if (view_xview[vc] > room_width - view_wview[vc]) view_xview[vc] = room_width - view_wview[vc]; if (view_yview[vc] < 0) view_yview[vc] = 0; else if (view_yview[vc] > room_height - view_hview[vc]) view_yview[vc] = room_height - view_hview[vc]; } } D3DVIEWPORT9 pViewport = { (DWORD)view_xport[vc], (DWORD)view_yport[vc], (DWORD)(window_get_region_width_scaled() - view_xport[vc]), (DWORD)(window_get_region_height_scaled() - view_yport[vc]), 0, 1.0f }; d3ddev->SetViewport(&pViewport); D3DXMATRIX matTrans, matScale; // Calculate a translation matrix D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matTrans, -view_xview[vc] - 0.5, -view_yview[vc] - room_height - 0.5, 0); D3DXMatrixScaling(&matScale, 1, -1, 1); // Calculate our world matrix by multiplying the above (in the correct order) D3DXMATRIX matWorld = matTrans * matScale; // Set the matrix to be applied to anything we render from now on d3ddev->SetTransform( D3DTS_VIEW, &matWorld); D3DXMATRIX matProjection; // the projection transform matrix D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH(&matProjection, 0, (FLOAT)view_wview[vc], 0, (FLOAT)view_hview[vc], 0.0f, // the near view-plane 1.0f); // the far view-plane d3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &matProjection); // set the projection transform if (background_showcolor && view_current == 0) { int clearcolor = ((int)background_color) & 0x00FFFFFF; // clear the window to the background color d3ddev->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(__GETR(clearcolor), __GETG(clearcolor), __GETB(clearcolor)), 1.0f, 0); } // Clear the depth buffer if 3d mode is on at the beginning of the draw step. if (enigma::d3dMode) d3ddev->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0); if (view_current == 0) { draw_back(); } // Apply and clear stored depth changes. for (map<int,pair<double,double> >::iterator it = id_to_currentnextdepth.begin(); it != id_to_currentnextdepth.end(); it++) { enigma::object_graphics* inst_depth = (enigma::object_graphics*)enigma::fetch_instance_by_id((*it).first); if (inst_depth != NULL) { drawing_depths[(*it).second.first].draw_events->unlink(inst_depth->depth.myiter); inst_iter* mynewiter = drawing_depths[(*it).second.second].draw_events->add_inst(inst_depth->depth.myiter->inst); if (instance_event_iterator == inst_depth->depth.myiter) { instance_event_iterator = inst_depth->depth.myiter->prev; } inst_depth->depth.myiter = mynewiter; } } id_to_currentnextdepth.clear(); if (enigma::particles_impl != NULL) { const double high = numeric_limits<double>::max(); const double low = drawing_depths.rbegin() != drawing_depths.rend() ? drawing_depths.rbegin()->first : -numeric_limits<double>::max(); (enigma::particles_impl->draw_particlesystems)(high, low); } for (enigma::diter dit = drawing_depths.rbegin(); dit != drawing_depths.rend(); dit++) { if (dit->second.tiles.size()) //glCallList(drawing_depths[dit->second.tiles[0].depth].tilelist); texture_reset(); enigma::inst_iter* push_it = enigma::instance_event_iterator; //loop instances for (enigma::instance_event_iterator = dit->second.draw_events->next; enigma::instance_event_iterator != NULL; enigma::instance_event_iterator = enigma::instance_event_iterator->next) { enigma::instance_event_iterator->inst->myevent_draw(); if (enigma::room_switching_id != -1) { stop_loop = true; break; } } enigma::instance_event_iterator = push_it; if (stop_loop) break; //particles if (enigma::particles_impl != NULL) { const double high = dit->first; dit++; const double low = dit != drawing_depths.rend() ? dit->first : -numeric_limits<double>::max(); dit--; (enigma::particles_impl->draw_particlesystems)(high, low); } } if (stop_loop) break; } } view_current = 0; } int culling = d3d_get_culling(); d3d_set_culling(rs_none); // Now process the sub event of draw called draw gui // It is for drawing GUI elements without view scaling and transformation if (enigma::gui_used) { // Now process the sub event of draw called draw gui // It is for drawing GUI elements without view scaling and transformation D3DVIEWPORT9 pViewport = { 0, 0, window_get_region_width_scaled(), window_get_region_height_scaled(), 0, 1.0f }; d3ddev->SetViewport(&pViewport); D3DXMATRIX matTrans, matScale; // Calculate a translation matrix D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matTrans, -0.5, -room_height - 0.5, 0); D3DXMatrixScaling(&matScale, 1, -1, 1); // Calculate our world matrix by multiplying the above (in the correct order) D3DXMATRIX matWorld = matTrans * matScale; // Set the matrix to be applied to anything we render from now on d3ddev->SetTransform( D3DTS_VIEW, &matWorld); D3DXMATRIX matProjection; // the projection transform matrix D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH(&matProjection, 0, (FLOAT)enigma::gui_width, 0, (FLOAT)enigma::gui_height, 0.0f, // the near view-plane 1.0f); // the far view-plane d3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &matProjection); // set the projection transform //dsprite->SetWorldViewRH(NULL, &matWorld); // Clear the depth buffer if hidden surface removal is on at the beginning of the draw step. if (enigma::d3dMode) d3ddev->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0); d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); bool stop_loop = false; for (enigma::diter dit = drawing_depths.rbegin(); dit != drawing_depths.rend(); dit++) { enigma::inst_iter* push_it = enigma::instance_event_iterator; //loop instances for (enigma::instance_event_iterator = dit->second.draw_events->next; enigma::instance_event_iterator != NULL; enigma::instance_event_iterator = enigma::instance_event_iterator->next) { enigma::instance_event_iterator->inst->myevent_drawgui(); if (enigma::room_switching_id != -1) { stop_loop = true; break; } } enigma::instance_event_iterator = push_it; if (stop_loop) break; } } // Textures should be clamped when rendering 2D sprites and stuff, so memorize it. DWORD wrapu, wrapv, wrapw; d3ddev->GetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, &wrapu ); d3ddev->GetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, &wrapv ); d3ddev->GetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSW, &wrapw ); d3ddev->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); d3ddev->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); d3ddev->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSW, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); // The D3D sprite batcher uses clockwise face culling which is default but can't tell if // this here should memorize it and force it to CW all the time and then reset what the user had // or not. //d3ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW); dsprite->End(); // And now reset the texture repetition. d3ddev->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU, wrapu ); d3ddev->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV, wrapv ); d3ddev->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_ADDRESSW, wrapw ); // reset the culling d3d_set_culling(culling); d3ddev->EndScene(); // ends the 3D scene screen_refresh(); }
/* redraw nick */ static void statusbar_nick(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { CHANNEL_REC *channel; IRC_SERVER_REC *server; NICK_REC *nickrec; int size_needed; int umode_size; gchar nick[10]; server = (IRC_SERVER_REC *) (active_win == NULL ? NULL : active_win->active_server); umode_size = server == NULL || server->usermode == NULL ? 0 : strlen(server->usermode)+3; /* nick */ if (server == NULL || server->nick == NULL) { nick[0] = '\0'; nickrec = NULL; } else { strncpy(nick, server->nick, 9); nick[9] = '\0'; channel = irc_item_channel(active_win->active); nickrec = channel == NULL ? NULL : nicklist_find(channel, server->nick); } size_needed = 2 + strlen(nick) + umode_size + (server != NULL && server->usermode_away ? 7 : 0) + (nickrec != NULL && (nickrec->op || nickrec->voice) ? 1 : 0); /* @ + */ if (item->size != size_needed) { /* we need more (or less..) space! */ statusbar_item_resize(item, size_needed); return; } /* size ok, draw the nick */ move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('['); if (nickrec != NULL && (nickrec->op || nickrec->voice)) { set_color((1 << 4)+15); addch(nickrec->op ? '@' : '+'); } set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(nick); if (umode_size) { set_color((1 << 4)+15); addch('('); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('+'); set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(server->usermode); set_color((1 << 4)+15); addch(')'); if (server->usermode_away) { set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(" ("); set_color((1 << 4)+10); addstr("zZzZ"); set_color((1 << 4)+7); addch(')'); } } set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch(']'); screen_refresh(); }
/* redraw channel */ static void statusbar_channel(SBAR_ITEM_REC *item, int ypos) { WINDOW_REC *window; WI_ITEM_REC *witem; CHANNEL_REC *channel; SERVER_REC *server; gchar channame[21], winnum[MAX_INT_STRLEN], *mode; int size_needed; int mode_size; window = item->bar->pos != STATUSBAR_POS_MIDDLE ? active_win : mainwindow_find_sbar(item); server = window == NULL ? NULL : window->active_server; ltoa(winnum, window == NULL ? 0 : window->refnum); witem = window != NULL && irc_item_check(window->active) ? window->active : NULL; if (witem == NULL) { /* display server tag */ channame[0] = '\0'; mode = NULL; mode_size = 0; size_needed = 3 + strlen(winnum) + (server == NULL ? 0 : strlen(server->tag)); } else { /* display channel + mode */ strncpy(channame, witem->name, 20); channame[20] = '\0'; channel = irc_item_channel(witem); if (channel == NULL) { mode_size = 0; mode = NULL; } else { mode = channel_get_mode(channel); mode_size = strlen(mode); if (mode_size > 0) mode_size += 3; /* (+) */ } size_needed = 3 + strlen(winnum) + strlen(channame) + mode_size; } if (item->size != size_needed) { /* we need more (or less..) space! */ statusbar_item_resize(item, size_needed); if (mode != NULL) g_free(mode); return; } move(ypos, item->xpos); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('['); /* window number */ set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(winnum); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch(':'); if (channame[0] == '\0' && server != NULL) { /* server tag */ set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(server->tag); } else if (channame[0] != '\0') { /* channel + mode */ set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(channame); if (mode_size) { set_color((1 << 4)+15); addch('('); set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch('+'); set_color((1 << 4)+7); addstr(mode); set_color((1 << 4)+15); addch(')'); } } set_color((1 << 4)+3); addch(']'); screen_refresh(); if (mode != NULL) g_free(mode); }