IntSize ScrollbarThemeChromiumWin::buttonSize(ScrollbarThemeClient* scrollbar)
    // Our desired rect is essentially thickness by thickness.

    // Our actual rect will shrink to half the available space when we have < 2
    // times thickness pixels left.  This allows the scrollbar to scale down
    // and function even at tiny sizes.

    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());

    // In layout test mode, we force the button "girth" (i.e., the length of
    // the button along the axis of the scrollbar) to be a fixed size.
    // FIXME: This is retarded!  scrollbarThickness is already fixed in layout
    // test mode so that should be enough to result in repeatable results, but
    // preserving this hack avoids having to rebaseline pixel tests.
    const int kLayoutTestModeGirth = 17;
    int girth = isRunningLayoutTest() ? kLayoutTestModeGirth : thickness;

    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        int width = scrollbar->width() < 2 * girth ? scrollbar->width() / 2 : girth;
        return IntSize(width, thickness);

    int height = scrollbar->height() < 2 * girth ? scrollbar->height() / 2 : girth;
    return IntSize(thickness, height);
void LayoutTextControl::computeLogicalHeight(
    LayoutUnit logicalHeight,
    LayoutUnit logicalTop,
    LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const {
    HTMLElement* innerEditor = innerEditorElement();
    if (LayoutBox* innerEditorBox = innerEditor->layoutBox()) {
        LayoutUnit nonContentHeight = innerEditorBox->borderAndPaddingHeight() +
        logicalHeight = computeControlLogicalHeight(
                            innerEditorBox->lineHeight(true, HorizontalLine,

        // We are able to have a horizontal scrollbar if the overflow style is
        // scroll, or if its auto and there's no word wrap.
        if (style()->overflowInlineDirection() == OverflowScroll ||
                (style()->overflowInlineDirection() == OverflowAuto &&
                 innerEditor->layoutObject()->style()->overflowWrap() ==
            logicalHeight += scrollbarThickness();

        // FIXME: The logical height of the inner text box should have been added
        // before calling computeLogicalHeight to avoid this hack.

        logicalHeight += borderAndPaddingHeight();

    LayoutBox::computeLogicalHeight(logicalHeight, logicalTop, computedValues);
IntRect ScrollbarThemeGtk::trackRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, bool)
    // The padding along the thumb movement axis (from outside to in)
    // is the size of trough border plus the size of the stepper (button)
    // plus the size of stepper spacing (the space between the stepper and
    // the place where the thumb stops). There is often no stepper spacing.
    int movementAxisPadding = m_troughBorderWidth + m_stepperSize + m_stepperSpacing;

    // The fatness of the scrollbar on the non-movement axis.
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());

    int alternateButtonOffset = 0;
    int alternateButtonWidth = 0;
    if (m_hasForwardButtonStartPart) {
        alternateButtonOffset += m_stepperSize;
        alternateButtonWidth += m_stepperSize;
    if (m_hasBackButtonEndPart)
        alternateButtonWidth += m_stepperSize;

    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        // Once the scrollbar becomes smaller than the natural size of the
        // two buttons, the track disappears.
        if (scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + movementAxisPadding + alternateButtonOffset, scrollbar->y(),
                       scrollbar->width() - (2 * movementAxisPadding) - alternateButtonWidth, thickness);

    if (scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + movementAxisPadding + alternateButtonOffset,
                   thickness, scrollbar->height() - (2 * movementAxisPadding) - alternateButtonWidth);
IntRect ScrollbarThemeHaiku::trackRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, bool)
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        if (scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + thickness, scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width() - 2 * thickness, thickness);
    if (scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + thickness, thickness, scrollbar->height() - 2 * thickness);
IntRect ScrollbarThemeHaiku::forwardButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool)
    if (part == BackButtonStartPart)
        return IntRect();

    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        int width = buttonWidth(scrollbar->width(), thickness);
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + scrollbar->width() - width, scrollbar->y(), width, thickness);

    int height = buttonWidth(scrollbar->height(), thickness);
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + scrollbar->height() - height, thickness, height);
void RenderTextControl::computeLogicalHeight()
    HTMLElement* innerText = innerTextElement();
    RenderBox* innerTextBox = innerText->renderBox();
    LayoutUnit nonContentHeight = innerTextBox->borderAndPaddingHeight() + innerTextBox->marginHeight();
    setHeight(computeControlHeight(innerTextBox->lineHeight(true, HorizontalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes), nonContentHeight) + borderAndPaddingHeight());

    // We are able to have a horizontal scrollbar if the overflow style is scroll, or if its auto and there's no word wrap.
    if (style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL ||  (style()->overflowX() == OAUTO && innerText->renderer()->style()->wordWrap() == NormalWordWrap))
        setHeight(height() + scrollbarThickness());

IntRect ScrollbarThemeHaiku::backButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool)
    if (part == BackButtonEndPart)
        return IntRect();

    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    IntPoint buttonOrigin(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y());
    IntSize buttonSize = scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar
                         ? IntSize(buttonWidth(scrollbar->width(), thickness), thickness)
                         : IntSize(thickness, buttonWidth(scrollbar->height(), thickness));
    IntRect buttonRect(buttonOrigin, buttonSize);

    return buttonRect;
IntRect ScrollbarThemeChromium::trackRect(ScrollbarThemeClient* scrollbar, bool)
    IntSize bs = buttonSize(scrollbar);
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        // Once the scrollbar becomes smaller than the size of the
        // two buttons with a 1 pixel gap, the track disappears.
        if (scrollbar->width() <= 2 * bs.width() + 1)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + bs.width(), scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width() - 2 * bs.width(), thickness);
    if (scrollbar->height() <= 2 * bs.height() + 1)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + bs.height(), thickness, scrollbar->height() - 2 * bs.height());
void RenderTextControl::computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const
    HTMLElement* innerText = innerTextElement();
    if (RenderBox* innerTextBox = innerText->renderBox()) {
        LayoutUnit nonContentHeight = innerTextBox->borderAndPaddingHeight() + innerTextBox->marginHeight();
        logicalHeight = computeControlHeight(innerTextBox->lineHeight(true, HorizontalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes), nonContentHeight) + borderAndPaddingHeight();

        // We are able to have a horizontal scrollbar if the overflow style is scroll, or if its auto and there's no word wrap.
        if (style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL ||  (style()->overflowX() == OAUTO && innerText->renderer()->style()->overflowWrap() == NormalOverflowWrap))
            logicalHeight += scrollbarThickness();

    RenderBox::computeLogicalHeight(logicalHeight, logicalTop, computedValues);
IntRect ScrollbarThemeBal::backButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool)
    if (part == BackButtonEndPart)
        return IntRect();

    // Our desired rect is essentially 17x17.

    // Our actual rect will shrink to half the available space when
    // we have < 34 pixels left.  This allows the scrollbar
    // to scale down and function even at tiny sizes.
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y(),
                       scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness ? scrollbar->width() / 2 : thickness, thickness);
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y(),
                   thickness, scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness ? scrollbar->height() / 2 : thickness);
bool ScrollbarThemeChromiumWin::shouldSnapBackToDragOrigin(ScrollbarThemeClient* scrollbar, const PlatformMouseEvent& evt)
    // Find the rect within which we shouldn't snap, by expanding the track rect
    // in both dimensions.
    IntRect rect = trackRect(scrollbar);
    const bool horz = scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar;
    const int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
    rect.inflateX((horz ? kOffEndMultiplier : kOffSideMultiplier) * thickness);
    rect.inflateY((horz ? kOffSideMultiplier : kOffEndMultiplier) * thickness);

    // Convert the event to local coordinates.
    IntPoint mousePosition = scrollbar->convertFromContainingWindow(evt.position());
    mousePosition.move(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y());

    // We should snap iff the event is outside our calculated rect.
    return !rect.contains(mousePosition);
IntRect ScrollbarThemeChromium::trackRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, bool)
    IntSize bs = buttonSize(scrollbar);
    // The buttons at the top and bottom of the scrollbar are square, so the
    // thickness of the scrollbar is also their height.
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        // Once the scrollbar becomes smaller than the natural size of the
        // two buttons, the track disappears.
        if (scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + bs.width(), scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width() - 2 * bs.width(), thickness);
    if (scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + bs.height(), thickness, scrollbar->height() - 2 * bs.height());
IntRect ScrollbarThemeGtk::trackRect(ScrollbarThemeClient* scrollbar, bool)
    // The padding along the thumb movement axis includes the trough border
    // plus the size of stepper spacing (the space between the stepper and
    // the place where the thumb stops). There is often no stepper spacing.
    int movementAxisPadding = m_troughBorderWidth + m_stepperSpacing;

    // The fatness of the scrollbar on the non-movement axis.
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());

    int startButtonsOffset = 0;
    int buttonsWidth = 0;
    if (m_hasForwardButtonStartPart) {
        startButtonsOffset += m_stepperSize;
        buttonsWidth += m_stepperSize;
    if (m_hasBackButtonStartPart) {
        startButtonsOffset += m_stepperSize;
        buttonsWidth += m_stepperSize;
    if (m_hasBackButtonEndPart)
        buttonsWidth += m_stepperSize;
    if (m_hasForwardButtonEndPart)
        buttonsWidth += m_stepperSize;

    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        // Once the scrollbar becomes smaller than the natural size of the
        // two buttons, the track disappears.
        if (scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + movementAxisPadding + startButtonsOffset, scrollbar->y(),
                       scrollbar->width() - (2 * movementAxisPadding) - buttonsWidth, thickness);

    if (scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + movementAxisPadding + startButtonsOffset,
                   thickness, scrollbar->height() - (2 * movementAxisPadding) - buttonsWidth);
    return IntRect();
void ScrollbarThemeGtk::updateScrollbarsFrameThickness()
    if (scrollbarMap().isEmpty())

    // Update the thickness of every interior frame scrollbar widget. The
    // platform-independent scrollbar them code isn't yet smart enough to get
    // this information when it paints.
    for (const auto& scrollbar : scrollbarMap()) {
        // Top-level scrollbar i.e. scrollbars who have a parent ScrollView
        // with no parent are native, and thus do not need to be resized.
        if (!scrollbar->parent() || !scrollbar->parent()->parent())

        int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
        if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
            scrollbar->setFrameRect(IntRect(0, scrollbar->parent()->height() - thickness, scrollbar->width(), thickness));
            scrollbar->setFrameRect(IntRect(scrollbar->parent()->width() - thickness, 0, thickness, scrollbar->height()));
void RenderTextControl::computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const
    HTMLElement* innerEditor = innerEditorElement();
    if (RenderBox* innerEditorBox = innerEditor->renderBox()) {
        LayoutUnit nonContentHeight = innerEditorBox->borderAndPaddingHeight() + innerEditorBox->marginHeight();
        logicalHeight = computeControlLogicalHeight(innerEditorBox->lineHeight(true, HorizontalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes), nonContentHeight);

        // We are able to have a horizontal scrollbar if the overflow style is scroll, or if its auto and there's no word wrap.
        if ((isHorizontalWritingMode() && (style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL ||  (style()->overflowX() == OAUTO && innerEditor->renderer()->style()->overflowWrap() == NormalOverflowWrap)))
            || (!isHorizontalWritingMode() && (style()->overflowY() == OSCROLL ||  (style()->overflowY() == OAUTO && innerEditor->renderer()->style()->overflowWrap() == NormalOverflowWrap))))
            logicalHeight += scrollbarThickness();

        // FIXME: The logical height of the inner text box should have been added before calling computeLogicalHeight to
        // avoid this hack.

        logicalHeight += borderAndPaddingHeight();

    RenderBox::computeLogicalHeight(logicalHeight, logicalTop, computedValues);
IntRect ScrollbarThemeWx::trackRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, bool)
    IntSize bs = buttonSize(scrollbar);
    int trackStart = 0;
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
        trackStart = bs.width();
        trackStart = bs.height();
#if __WXMAC__
    trackStart = 0;
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
    if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        if (scrollbar->width() < 2 * thickness)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + trackStart, scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width() - 2 * bs.width(), thickness);
    if (scrollbar->height() < 2 * thickness)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + trackStart, thickness, scrollbar->height() - 2 * bs.height());
void ScrollbarThemeGtk::updateThemeProperties()
    MozGtkScrollbarMetrics metrics;

    m_thumbFatness = metrics.slider_width;
    m_troughBorderWidth = metrics.trough_border;
    m_stepperSize = metrics.stepper_size;
    m_stepperSpacing = metrics.stepper_spacing;
    m_minThumbLength = metrics.min_slider_size;
    m_troughUnderSteppers = metrics.trough_under_steppers;
    m_hasForwardButtonStartPart = metrics.has_secondary_forward_stepper;
    m_hasBackButtonEndPart = metrics.has_secondary_backward_stepper;

    if (!gScrollbars)

    // Update the thickness of every interior frame scrollbar widget. The
    // platform-independent scrollbar them code isn't yet smart enough to get
    // this information when it paints.
    HashSet<Scrollbar*>::iterator end = gScrollbars->end();
    for (HashSet<Scrollbar*>::iterator it = gScrollbars->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        Scrollbar* scrollbar = (*it);

        // Top-level scrollbar i.e. scrollbars who have a parent ScrollView
        // with no parent are native, and thus do not need to be resized.
        if (!scrollbar->parent() || !scrollbar->parent()->parent())

        int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
        if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
            scrollbar->setFrameRect(IntRect(0, scrollbar->parent()->height() - thickness, scrollbar->width(), thickness));
            scrollbar->setFrameRect(IntRect(scrollbar->parent()->width() - thickness, 0, thickness, scrollbar->height()));
Scrollbar::Scrollbar(ScrollableArea* scrollableArea, ScrollbarOrientation orientation)
    : m_scrollableArea(scrollableArea)
    , m_orientation(orientation)
    , m_visibleSize(0)
    , m_totalSize(0)
    , m_currentPos(0)
    , m_dragOrigin(0)
    , m_hoveredPart(NoPart)
    , m_pressedPart(NoPart)
    , m_pressedPos(0)
    , m_scrollPos(0)
    , m_documentDragPos(0)
    , m_enabled(true)
    , m_scrollTimer(this, &Scrollbar::autoscrollTimerFired)
    , m_overlapsResizer(false)
    // FIXME: This is ugly and would not be necessary if we fix cross-platform code to actually query for
    // scrollbar thickness and use it when sizing scrollbars (rather than leaving one dimension of the scrollbar
    // alone when sizing).
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    Widget::setFrameRect(IntRect(0, 0, thickness, thickness));

    m_currentPos = scrollableAreaCurrentPos();
int RenderTextControlMultiLine::preferredContentWidth(float charWidth) const
    int factor = static_cast<HTMLTextAreaElement*>(node())->cols();
    return static_cast<int>(ceilf(charWidth * factor)) + scrollbarThickness();
int ScrollbarTheme::minimumThumbLength(const ScrollbarThemeClient* scrollbar)
    return scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
int ScrollbarThemeComposite::minimumThumbLength(Scrollbar* scrollbar)
    return scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
int Scrollbar::minimumThumbLength()
    return scrollbarThickness();
int ScrollbarThemeChromiumLinux::minimumThumbLength(Scrollbar* scrollbar)
    // This matches Firefox on Linux.
    return 2 * scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize());
LayoutUnit RenderTextControlMultiLine::preferredContentLogicalWidth(float charWidth) const
    return ceilf(charWidth * textAreaElement().cols()) + scrollbarThickness();
LayoutUnit RenderTextControlMultiLine::preferredContentLogicalWidth(float charWidth) const
    int factor = toHTMLTextAreaElement(node())->cols();
    return static_cast<LayoutUnit>(ceilf(charWidth * factor)) + scrollbarThickness();