NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgXFVirtualFolderDBView::OnHdrPropertyChanged(nsIMsgDBHdr *aHdrChanged,
                PRBool aPreChange, PRUint32 *aStatus, nsIDBChangeListener *aInstigator)
  // If the junk mail plugin just activated on a new message, then
  // we'll allow filters to remove from view.
  // Otherwise, just update the view line.

  if (aPreChange)
    return NS_OK;

  if (aHdrChanged)
    nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSearchSession> searchSession(do_QueryReferent(m_searchSession));
    if (searchSession)
      nsMsgViewIndex index = FindHdr(aHdrChanged);
      if (index != nsMsgViewIndex_None)
        PRBool match = PR_FALSE;
        searchSession->MatchHdr(aHdrChanged, m_db, &match);
        nsCString originStr;
        PRUint32 flags;
        (void) aHdrChanged->GetStringProperty("junkscoreorigin", getter_Copies(originStr));
        // check for "plugin" with only first character for performance
        if (!match && originStr.get()[0] == 'p' && flags & MSG_FLAG_NEW)
          RemoveByIndex(index); // remove hdr from view
          NoteChange(index, 1, nsMsgViewNotificationCode::changed);
  return NS_OK;
nsMsgQuickSearchDBView::OnHdrPropertyChanged(nsIMsgDBHdr *aHdrChanged, bool aPreChange,
                                        uint32_t *aStatus, nsIDBChangeListener *aInstigator)
  // If the junk mail plugin just activated on a message, then
  // we'll allow filters to remove from view.
  // Otherwise, just update the view line.
  // Note this will not add newly matched headers to the view. This is
  // probably a bug that needs fixing.


  nsMsgViewIndex index = FindHdr(aHdrChanged);
  if (index == nsMsgViewIndex_None) // message does not appear in view
    return NS_OK;

  nsCString originStr;
  (void) aHdrChanged->GetStringProperty("junkscoreorigin", getter_Copies(originStr));
  // check for "plugin" with only first character for performance
  bool plugin = (originStr.get()[0] == 'p');

  if (aPreChange)
    // first call, done prior to the change
    *aStatus = plugin;
    return NS_OK;

  // second call, done after the change
  bool wasPlugin = *aStatus;

  bool match = true;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSearchSession> searchSession(do_QueryReferent(m_searchSession));
  if (searchSession)
    searchSession->MatchHdr(aHdrChanged, m_db, &match);

  if (!match && plugin && !wasPlugin)
    RemoveByIndex(index); // remove hdr from view
    NoteChange(index, 1, nsMsgViewNotificationCode::changed);

  return NS_OK;