文件: osd.c 项目: noonat/omplex
void show_osd(int played, int duration, char* title)
    if (MAIN_OSD == NULL)
        // Calling ``init_osd`` everytime seems wasteful, but it is needed to
        // ensure that the OSD is visible.  The main issue is that if the player
        // is stopped and then restarted, the graphics library needs to be
        // reinitalized, otherwise the OSD is not drawn ontop of the video.

    OSD* osd = MAIN_OSD;

    if (played > duration)
        played = duration;

    osd->duration   = duration;
    osd->played     = played;
    osd->title      = title;

    Start(osd->width, osd->height);

    Text(32, 120+82+20, "PAUSED", OpenSansBold, 16);

    // Main OSD background
    Fill(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
    Roundrect(22, 82, osd->width-44, 120, 15, 15);

    // Header
    Fill(0, 0, 0, 1);
    Roundrect(22, 120+82-20, osd->width-44, 20, 15, 15);  // Top of the header
    Rect(22, 120+82-(54+10), osd->width-44, 54);          // Bottom of header

    // Current time
    get_time(osd->time_now, 0);
    Fill(102, 102, 102, 1);
    Text(46, 162, osd->time_now, OpenSansSemiBold, 14);

    // End time
    if (duration > 0)
        get_time(osd->time_end, osd->duration-osd->played);
        TextEnd(osd->width-46, 162, osd->time_end, OpenSansSemiBold, 14);

    // Title text
    Fill(255, 255, 255, 1);
    int title_width = TextWidth(osd->title, OpenSansSemiBold, 20);
    Text((osd->width/2)-(title_width/2), 162, osd->title, OpenSansSemiBold, 20);


    // Progress Bar
    if (duration > 0)
        int   pbar_width = osd->width-288;
        float pct_player = (float)played/duration;
        Fill(255, 255, 255, 0.2);                               // Transparent bg
        Roundrect(142, 102, pbar_width, 12, 10, 10);            // Centered

        Fill(209, 125, 30, 1);                                  // Orange bar (progress)
        Roundrect(142, 102, pbar_width*pct_player, 12, 10, 10); // Left justified

        // Progress text
        seconds_to_str(osd->pos_now, osd->played);
        seconds_to_str(osd->pos_end, osd->duration-osd->played);

        // Text shadow
        Fill(0, 0, 0, 1);
        Text(46-1, 102-1, osd->pos_now, OpenSansSemiBold, 12);
        TextEnd(osd->width-46-1, 102-1, osd->pos_end, OpenSansSemiBold, 12);

        // Actual text
        Text(46, 102, osd->pos_now, OpenSansSemiBold, 12);
        TextEnd(osd->width-46, 102, osd->pos_end, OpenSansSemiBold, 12);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  time_t start, end;

  ctx_msg_out = stderr;
  cmd_init(argc, argv);

  if(argc == 1) print_help(stderr, NULL);
  const CtxCmd *cmd = ctx_get_command(argv[1]);
  if(cmd == NULL) print_help(stderr, "Unrecognised command: %s", argv[1]);

  // Once we have set cmd_usage, we can call cmd_print_usage() from anywhere

  // If no arguments after command, print help
  if(argc == 2) cmd_print_usage(NULL);

  // Look for -q, --quiet argument, if given silence output
  int argi = 1;
  while(argi < argc && !(!strcmp(argv[argi],"-q") || !strcmp(argv[argi],"--quiet")))

  if(argi < argc) {
    // Found -q, --quiet argument
    ctx_msg_out = NULL;
    // Remove argument
    for(--argc; argi < argc; argi++)
      argv[argi] = argv[argi+1];

  // Print status header

  int ret = cmd->func(argc-1, argv+1);


  // Warn if more allocations than deallocations
  size_t still_alloced = alloc_get_num_allocs() - alloc_get_num_frees();
  if(still_alloced) warn("%zu allocates not free'd.", still_alloced);

  char nallocs_str[50];
  ulong_to_str(alloc_get_num_allocs(), nallocs_str);
  status("[memory] We made %s allocs", nallocs_str);

  status(ret == 0 ? "Done." : "Fail.");

  // Print time taken
  double diff = difftime(end,start);
  if(diff < 60) status("[time] %.2lf seconds\n", diff);
  else {
    char timestr[100];
    seconds_to_str((size_t)diff, timestr);
    status("[time] %.2lf seconds (%s)\n", diff, timestr);


  return ret;