static SeedValue seed_cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException *exception) { gdouble offset, r, g, b, a; cairo_pattern_t *pat; CHECK_THIS(); if (argument_count != 5) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("add_color_stop_rgba", "5 arguments"); } pat = seed_object_get_private (this_object); offset = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception); r = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); g = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception); b = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[3], exception); a = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[4], exception); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, offset, r, g, b, a); return seed_make_undefined (ctx); }
static SeedValue seed_cairo_matrix_transform_point (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException *exception) { SeedValue ret[2]; gdouble x, y; cairo_matrix_t m; if (argument_count != 3) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("transform_point", "3 arguments"); } if (!seed_value_to_cairo_matrix (ctx, arguments[0], &m, exception)) { seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError", "transform_point needs an array [xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0]"); } x = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); y = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception); cairo_matrix_transform_point (&m, &x, &y); ret[0] = seed_value_from_double (ctx, x, exception); ret[1] = seed_value_from_double (ctx, y, exception); return seed_make_array (ctx, ret, 2, exception); }
static SeedValue seed_cairo_matrix_scale (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException *exception) { gdouble x, y; cairo_matrix_t m; if (argument_count != 3) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("scale", "3 arguments"); } if (!seed_value_to_cairo_matrix (ctx, arguments[0], &m, exception)) { seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError", "scale needs an array [xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0]"); } x = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); y = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception); cairo_matrix_scale (&m, x, y); return seed_value_from_cairo_matrix (ctx, &m, exception); }
static gboolean seed_cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution(SeedContext ctx, SeedObject this_object, SeedString property_name, SeedValue value, SeedException *exception) { cairo_surface_t *surf; gdouble x, y; SeedValue jsx, jsy; CHECK_THIS_BOOL(); if (!seed_value_is_object (ctx, value)) { seed_make_exception(ctx, exception, "ArgumentError", "Cairo.Surface.fallback_resolution must be an array [x,y]"); return FALSE; } jsx = seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 0, exception); jsy = seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 1, exception); surf = seed_object_to_cairo_surface (ctx, this_object, exception); x = seed_value_to_double (ctx, jsx, exception); y = seed_value_to_double (ctx, jsy, exception); cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution (surf, x, y); return TRUE; }
SeedValue seed_mpfr_sub (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue args[], SeedException *exception) { mpfr_rnd_t rnd; mpfr_ptr rop, op1, op2; gdouble dop1, dop2; gint ret; seed_mpfr_t argt1, argt2; /* only want 1 double argument. alternatively, could accept 2, add those, and set from the result*/ CHECK_ARG_COUNT("mpfr.sub", 3); rop = seed_object_get_private(this_object); rnd = seed_value_to_mpfr_rnd_t(ctx, args[2], exception); argt1 = seed_mpfr_arg_type(ctx, args[0], exception); argt2 = seed_mpfr_arg_type(ctx, args[1], exception); if ( (argt1 & argt2) == SEED_MPFR_MPFR ) { /* both mpfr_t */ op1 = seed_object_get_private(args[0]); op2 = seed_object_get_private(args[1]); ret = mpfr_sub(rop, op1, op2, rnd); } else if ( (argt1 | argt2) == (SEED_MPFR_MPFR | SEED_MPFR_DOUBLE) ) { /* a double and an mpfr_t. Figure out the order */ if ( argt1 == SEED_MPFR_MPFR ) { op1 = seed_object_get_private(args[0]); dop2 = seed_value_to_double(ctx, args[1], exception); mpfr_sub_d(rop, op1, dop2, rnd); } else { dop1 = seed_value_to_double(ctx, args[0], exception); op2 = seed_object_get_private(args[1]); mpfr_d_sub(rop, dop1, op2, rnd); } } else if ( (argt1 & argt2) == SEED_MPFR_DOUBLE ) { /* 2 doubles. hopefully doesn't happen */ dop1 = seed_value_to_double(ctx, args[0], exception); dop2 = seed_value_to_double(ctx, args[1], exception); ret = mpfr_set_d(rop, dop1 - dop2, rnd); } else { TYPE_EXCEPTION("mpfr.sub", "double or mpfr_t"); } return seed_value_from_int(ctx, ret, exception); }
SeedValue seed_mpfr_cmp (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue args[], SeedException *exception) { mpfr_ptr rop, op; gdouble dop; gint ret; CHECK_ARG_COUNT("mpfr.cmp", 1); rop = seed_object_get_private(this_object); if ( seed_value_is_object_of_class(ctx, args[0], mpfr_class) ) { op = seed_object_get_private(args[0]); ret = mpfr_cmp(rop, op); } else if ( seed_value_is_number(ctx, args[0])) { dop = seed_value_to_double(ctx, args[0], exception); ret = mpfr_cmp_d(rop, dop); } else { TYPE_EXCEPTION("mpfr.cmp", "mpfr_t or double"); } return seed_value_from_int(ctx, ret, exception); }
static SeedObject seed_cairo_construct_linear_gradient (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject constructor, size_t argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException * exception) { gdouble x0,y0,x1,y1; if (argument_count != 4) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("LinearGradient constructor", "4 arguments"); } x0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception); y0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); x1 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception); y1 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[3], exception); return seed_object_from_cairo_pattern (ctx, cairo_pattern_create_linear (x0, y0, x1, y1)); }
static SeedValue seed_cairo_matrix_init_translate (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException *exception) { gdouble x, y; cairo_matrix_t m; if (argument_count != 2) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("init_translate", "2 arguments"); } x = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception); y = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); cairo_matrix_init_translate (&m, x, y); return seed_value_from_cairo_matrix (ctx, &m, exception); }
static SeedObject seed_cairo_construct_pdf_surface (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject constructor, size_t argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException * exception) { cairo_surface_t *ret; gchar *filename = NULL; gdouble width, height; if (argument_count != 3) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("PDFSurface", "3 arguments"); } if (!seed_value_is_null (ctx, arguments[0])) filename = seed_value_to_string (ctx, arguments[0], exception); width = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); height = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception); ret = cairo_pdf_surface_create (filename, width, height); return seed_object_from_cairo_pdf_surface (ctx, ret); }
static SeedValue seed_cairo_pdf_surface_set_size (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException *exception) { cairo_surface_t *surf; gdouble x, y; CHECK_THIS(); if (argument_count != 2) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("set_size", "2 arguments"); } surf = seed_object_get_private (this_object); x = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception); y = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); cairo_pdf_surface_set_size (surf, x, y); return seed_make_undefined (ctx); }
static SeedValue seed_cairo_matrix_init_rotate (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject function, SeedObject this_object, gsize argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException *exception) { gdouble angle; cairo_matrix_t m; if (argument_count != 1) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("init_rotate", "1 arguments"); } angle = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception); cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&m, angle); return seed_value_from_cairo_matrix (ctx, &m, exception); }
void js_signal_from_c(TestSimpleFixture* fixture, gconstpointer _data) { TestSharedState* state = (TestSharedState*) _data; SeedValue* val = seed_simple_evaluate( state->eng->context, "Gtk =;" "GObject =;" "Gtk.init(null, null);" "HelloWindowType = {" " parent: Gtk.Window.type," " name: \"HelloWindow\"," " class_init: function(klass, prototype)" " {" " var HelloSignalDefinition = {name: \"hello\"," " " "parameters: [GObject.TYPE_INT," " " " GObject.TYPE_STRING]," " " "return_type: GObject.TYPE_DOUBLE};" " hello_signal_id = klass.install_signal(HelloSignalDefinition);" " }," " init: function(instance)" " {" " }};" "HelloWindow = new GType(HelloWindowType);" "w = new HelloWindow();", NULL); GObject* obj = seed_value_to_object(state->eng->context, val, NULL); g_signal_connect(obj, "hello", G_CALLBACK(hello_cb), NULL); val = seed_simple_evaluate(state->eng->context, "g = w.signal.hello.emit(2,'Test')", NULL); g_assert(seed_value_to_double(state->eng->context, val, NULL) == 5.12); }
gboolean seed_value_to_cairo_matrix (SeedContext ctx, SeedValue value, cairo_matrix_t *matrix, SeedException *exception) { if (!seed_value_is_object (ctx, value)) return FALSE; matrix->xx = seed_value_to_double (ctx, seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 0, exception), exception); matrix->yx = seed_value_to_double (ctx, seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 1, exception), exception); matrix->xy = seed_value_to_double (ctx, seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 2, exception), exception); matrix->yy = seed_value_to_double (ctx, seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 3, exception), exception); matrix->x0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 4, exception), exception); matrix->y0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, seed_object_get_property_at_index (ctx, (SeedObject) value, 5, exception), exception); return TRUE; }
static SeedObject seed_cairo_construct_radial_gradient (SeedContext ctx, SeedObject constructor, size_t argument_count, const SeedValue arguments[], SeedException * exception) { gdouble cx0, cy0, r0, cx1, cy1, r1; if (argument_count != 6) { EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("RadialGradient constructor", "6 arguments"); } cx0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[0], exception); cy0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[1], exception); r0 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[2], exception); cx1 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[3], exception); cy1 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[4], exception); r1 = seed_value_to_double (ctx, arguments[5], exception); return seed_object_from_cairo_pattern (ctx, cairo_pattern_create_radial (cx0, cy0, r0, cx1, cy1, r1)); }
static ffi_type * gtype_to_ffi_type (SeedContext ctx, SeedValue value, GType otype, GArgument *garg, gpointer *arg, SeedException *exception) { ffi_type *return_type; GType type = g_type_fundamental (otype); g_assert (type != G_TYPE_INVALID); switch (type) { case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case G_TYPE_CHAR: case G_TYPE_INT: return_type = &ffi_type_sint; garg->v_int = seed_value_to_int (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_UCHAR: case G_TYPE_UINT: return_type = &ffi_type_uint; garg->v_uint = seed_value_to_uint (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_STRING: return_type = &ffi_type_pointer; garg->v_pointer = seed_value_to_string (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_OBJECT: // case G_TYPE_BOXED: case G_TYPE_POINTER: return_type = &ffi_type_pointer; garg->v_pointer = seed_pointer_get_pointer (ctx, value); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_FLOAT: return_type = &ffi_type_float; garg->v_float = seed_value_to_float (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_DOUBLE: return_type = &ffi_type_double; garg->v_double = seed_value_to_double (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_LONG: return_type = &ffi_type_slong; garg->v_uint = seed_value_to_uint (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_ULONG: return_type = &ffi_type_ulong; garg->v_ulong = seed_value_to_ulong (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_INT64: return_type = &ffi_type_sint64; garg->v_int64 = seed_value_to_int64 (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; case G_TYPE_UINT64: return_type = &ffi_type_uint64; garg->v_uint64 = seed_value_to_uint64 (ctx, value, exception); *arg = (gpointer)garg; break; default: g_warning ("Unsupported fundamental in type: %s", g_type_name (type)); return_type = &ffi_type_pointer; garg->v_pointer = NULL; *arg = (garg->v_pointer); break; } return return_type; }
void basic_types(TestSimpleFixture * fixture, gconstpointer _data) { // bool to/from JS equality gboolean bool_test_in = TRUE; SeedValue *bool_test = seed_value_from_boolean(fixture->context, bool_test_in, NULL); gboolean bool_test_out = seed_value_to_boolean(fixture->context, bool_test, NULL); g_assert(bool_test_in == bool_test_out); // uint to/from JS equality guint uint_test_in = 2946623; SeedValue *uint_test = seed_value_from_uint(fixture->context, uint_test_in, NULL); guint uint_test_out = seed_value_to_uint(fixture->context, uint_test, NULL); g_assert(uint_test_in == uint_test_out); // int to/from JS equality gint int_test_in = -54374; SeedValue *int_test = seed_value_from_int(fixture->context, int_test_in, NULL); gint int_test_out = seed_value_to_int(fixture->context, int_test, NULL); g_assert(int_test_in == int_test_out); // char to/from JS equality gchar char_test_in = -126; SeedValue *char_test = seed_value_from_char(fixture->context, char_test_in, NULL); gchar char_test_out = seed_value_to_char(fixture->context, char_test, NULL); g_assert(char_test_in == char_test_out); // uchar to/from JS equality guchar uchar_test_in = 250; SeedValue *uchar_test = seed_value_from_uchar(fixture->context, uchar_test_in, NULL); guchar uchar_test_out = seed_value_to_uchar(fixture->context, uchar_test, NULL); g_assert(uchar_test_in == uchar_test_out); // long to/from JS equality glong long_test_in = -454250; SeedValue *long_test = seed_value_from_long(fixture->context, long_test_in, NULL); glong long_test_out = seed_value_to_long(fixture->context, long_test, NULL); g_assert(long_test_in == long_test_out); // ulong to/from JS equality gulong ulong_test_in = 250; SeedValue *ulong_test = seed_value_from_ulong(fixture->context, ulong_test_in, NULL); gulong ulong_test_out = seed_value_to_ulong(fixture->context, ulong_test, NULL); g_assert(ulong_test_in == ulong_test_out); // int64 to/from JS equality gint64 int64_test_in = -54374; SeedValue *int64_test = seed_value_from_int64(fixture->context, int64_test_in, NULL); gint64 int64_test_out = seed_value_to_int64(fixture->context, int64_test, NULL); g_assert(int64_test_in == int64_test_out); // uint64 to/from JS equality guint64 uint64_test_in = 2946623; SeedValue *uint64_test = seed_value_from_uint64(fixture->context, uint64_test_in, NULL); guint64 uint64_test_out = seed_value_to_uint64(fixture->context, uint64_test, NULL); g_assert(uint64_test_in == uint64_test_out); // float to/from JS equality gfloat float_test_in = 1.618; SeedValue *float_test = seed_value_from_float(fixture->context, float_test_in, NULL); gfloat float_test_out = seed_value_to_float(fixture->context, float_test, NULL); g_assert(float_test_in == float_test_out); // double to/from JS equality gdouble double_test_in = 1.6134857638; SeedValue *double_test = seed_value_from_double(fixture->context, double_test_in, NULL); gdouble double_test_out = seed_value_to_double(fixture->context, double_test, NULL); g_assert(double_test_in == double_test_out); // string to/from JS equality gchar *string_test_in = "Hello, world!"; SeedValue *string_test = seed_value_from_string(fixture->context, string_test_in, NULL); gchar *string_test_out = seed_value_to_string(fixture->context, string_test, NULL); g_assert(strncmp(string_test_in, string_test_out, strlen(string_test_in)) == 0); // filename to/from JS equality gchar *filename_test_in = "/bin"; SeedValue *filename_test = seed_value_from_filename(fixture->context, filename_test_in, NULL); gchar *filename_test_out = seed_value_to_filename(fixture->context, filename_test, NULL); g_assert(strncmp(filename_test_in, filename_test_out, strlen(filename_test_in)) == 0); SeedValue si[2]; si[0] = seed_value_from_string (fixture->context, "Hi", NULL); si[1] = seed_value_from_int (fixture->context, 1, NULL); gint ni; gchar *ns; seed_value_to_format (fixture->context, "si", si, NULL, &ns, &ni, NULL); g_assert (ni == 1); g_assert (!strcmp(ns, "Hi")); }