void SegmentListVIIRSDNB::spbWindowValueChanged(int spbwindowval, int slcentreband)
    float fval = spbwindowval;

    qDebug() << QString("Value WindowBandChanged value = %1").arg(pow(10, fval));

    opts.dnbspbwindowsvalue = spbwindowval;

    float lowerlimit = pow(10, slcentreband/20.0)/pow(10, opts.dnbspbwindowsvalue);
    float upperlimit = pow(10, slcentreband/20.0)*pow(10, opts.dnbspbwindowsvalue);

    qDebug() << QString("lowerlimit = %1").arg(lowerlimit);
    qDebug() << QString("upperlimit = %1").arg(upperlimit);

    QList<Segment*>::iterator segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);
        segm->ComposeSegmentImageWindow(lowerlimit, upperlimit);
    emit segmentlistfinished(true);

void SegmentListVIIRSM::finishedviirs()

    qDebug() << "=============>SegmentListVIIRSM::readfinishedviirs()";
    emit progressCounter(100);
    opts.texture_changed = true;
    delete watcherviirs;

    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
void SegmentListOLCI::finishedolci()

    qDebug() << "=============>SegmentListOLCIefr::finishedolci()";
    emit progressCounter(100);
    opts.texture_changed = true;
    delete watcherolci;

    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
bool SegmentListVIIRSM::ComposeVIIRSImageInThread(QList<bool> bandlist, QList<int> colorlist, QList<bool> invertlist)

    qDebug() << "bool SegmentListVIIRSM::ComposeVIIRSImageInThread(QList<bool> bandlist, QList<int> colorlist) started";

    progressresultready = 0;
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

    emit progressCounter(10);

    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < 1024; j++)
            imageptrs->segment_stats_ch[i][j] = 0;
            imageptrs->lut_ch[i][j] = 0;

    for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;
        this->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        this->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;

    // Reset memory ; segselected can be metop, noaa , hrp, gac, viirsm viirsdnb
    QList<Segment*>::iterator segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        Segment *segm = (Segment *)(*segsel);

    int startlinenbr = 0;
    int totalnbroflines = 0;
    int totalnbrofsegments = 0;

    QList<Segment*>::iterator segit = segmentlist.begin();

    // create QList of selected segments
    while ( segit != segmentlist.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segit);
        if (segm->segmentselected)
             totalnbroflines += 768;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);
        segm->setBandandColor(bandlist, colorlist, invertlist);
        startlinenbr += segm->NbrOfLines;

    // image pointers always = new QImage()
    if(imageptrs->ptrimageViirs != NULL)
        delete imageptrs->ptrimageViirs;
        imageptrs->ptrimageViirs = NULL;

    imageptrs->ptrimageViirs = new QImage(earthviews, totalnbroflines, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

    int deltaprogress = 99 / (totalnbrofsegments*2);
    int totalprogress = 0;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);

        totalprogress += deltaprogress;
        emit progressCounter(totalprogress);


    bool composecolor;

    long cnt_active_pixels = 0;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);
        composecolor = segm->composeColorImage();

        for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
            if( segm->stat_max_ch[i] > this->stat_max_ch[i])
                this->stat_max_ch[i] = segm->stat_max_ch[i];
            if( segm->stat_min_ch[i] < this->stat_min_ch[i])
                this->stat_min_ch[i] = segm->stat_min_ch[i];
        cnt_active_pixels += segm->active_pixels[0];

    for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[i] = this->stat_max_ch[i];
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[i] = this->stat_min_ch[i];

    imageptrs->active_pixels = cnt_active_pixels;


    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);

        totalprogress += deltaprogress;
        emit progressCounter(totalprogress);

    qDebug() << " SegmentListVIIRS::ComposeVIIRSMImageInThread Finished !!";


    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
    emit progressCounter(100);

    return true;

void SegmentListVIIRSM::ShowImageSerial(QList<bool> bandlist, QList<int> colorlist, QList<bool> invertlist)

    progressresultready = 0;
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < 1024; j++)
            imageptrs->segment_stats_ch[i][j] = 0;
            imageptrs->lut_ch[i][j] = 0;

    for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;
        this->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        this->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;

    QList<Segment*>::iterator segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);
        segm->setBandandColor(bandlist, colorlist, invertlist);

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);

    bool composecolor;

    long cnt_active_pixels = 0;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);
        composecolor = segm->composeColorImage();

        for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
            if( segm->stat_max_ch[i] > this->stat_max_ch[i])
                this->stat_max_ch[i] = segm->stat_max_ch[i];
            if( segm->stat_min_ch[i] < this->stat_min_ch[i])
                this->stat_min_ch[i] = segm->stat_min_ch[i];
        cnt_active_pixels += segm->active_pixels[0];

    for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[i] = this->stat_max_ch[i];
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[i] = this->stat_min_ch[i];

    imageptrs->active_pixels = cnt_active_pixels;


    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSM *segm = (SegmentVIIRSM *)(*segsel);
    qDebug() << " SegmentListVIIRS::ShowImageSerialM Finished !!";


    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
    emit progressCounter(100);
bool SegmentListOLCI::ComposeOLCIImageInThread(QList<bool> bandlist, QList<int> colorlist, QList<bool> invertlist, bool untarfiles)

    qDebug() << "bool SegmentListOLCIefr::ComposeOLCIImageInThread() started";

    progressresultready = 0;
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

    emit progressCounter(10);

    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < 1024; j++)
            imageptrs->lut_ch[i][j] = 0;

    for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;
        this->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        this->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;

    // Reset memory
    QList<Segment*>::iterator segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        Segment *segm = (Segment *)(*segsel);

    int startlinenbr = 0;
    int totalnbroflines = 0;
    int totalnbrofsegments = 0;

    QList<Segment*>::iterator segit = segmentlist.begin();

    // create QList of selected segments
    while ( segit != segmentlist.end() )
        SegmentOLCI *segm = (SegmentOLCI *)(*segit);
        if (segm->segmentselected)

    int deltaprogress = 99 / (totalnbrofsegments*3);
    int totalprogress = 0;

        segsel = segsselected.begin();
        while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
            SegmentOLCI *segm = (SegmentOLCI *)(*segsel);
            totalprogress += deltaprogress;
            emit progressCounter(totalprogress);

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentOLCI *segm = (SegmentOLCI *)(*segsel);
        segm->setBandandColor(bandlist, colorlist, invertlist);

        totalprogress += deltaprogress;
        emit progressCounter(totalprogress);
        if(segsel == segsselected.begin())
            this->earth_views_per_scanline = segm->getEarthViewsPerScanline();

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentOLCI *segm = (SegmentOLCI *)(*segsel);
        startlinenbr += segm->NbrOfLines;
        totalnbroflines += segm->NbrOfLines;

    // image pointers always = new QImage()
    if(imageptrs->ptrimageOLCI != NULL)
        delete imageptrs->ptrimageOLCI;
        imageptrs->ptrimageOLCI = NULL;

    imageptrs->ptrimageOLCI = new QImage(this->earth_views_per_scanline, totalnbroflines, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    qDebug() << QString("ptrimageOLCI created %1 x %2").arg(this->earth_views_per_scanline).arg(totalnbroflines);

    bool composecolor;

    long cnt_active_pixels = 0;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentOLCI *segm = (SegmentOLCI *)(*segsel);
        composecolor = segm->composeColorImage();

        for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
            if( segm->stat_max_ch[i] > this->stat_max_ch[i])
                this->stat_max_ch[i] = segm->stat_max_ch[i];
            if( segm->stat_min_ch[i] < this->stat_min_ch[i])
                this->stat_min_ch[i] = segm->stat_min_ch[i];
        cnt_active_pixels += segm->active_pixels[0];

    for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[i] = this->stat_max_ch[i];
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[i] = this->stat_min_ch[i];

    imageptrs->active_pixels = cnt_active_pixels;

    imageptrs->stat_max = 0;
    imageptrs->stat_min = 99999999;

    for(int k = 0; k < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); k++)
        if(imageptrs->stat_max < this->stat_max_ch[k])
            imageptrs->stat_max = this->stat_max_ch[k];
        if(imageptrs->stat_min > this->stat_min_ch[k])
            imageptrs->stat_min = this->stat_min_ch[k];

    qDebug() << QString("imageptrs stat_min_ch[0] = %1 stat_max_ch[0] = %2").arg(imageptrs->stat_min_ch[0]).arg(imageptrs->stat_max_ch[0]);
        qDebug() << QString("imageptrs stat_min_ch[1] = %1 stat_max_ch[1] = %2").arg(imageptrs->stat_min_ch[1]).arg(imageptrs->stat_max_ch[1]);
        qDebug() << QString("imageotrs stat_min_ch[2] = %1 stat_max_ch[2] = %2").arg(imageptrs->stat_min_ch[2]).arg(imageptrs->stat_max_ch[2]);

    qDebug() << QString("imageptrs stat min = %1 stat max = %2").arg(imageptrs->stat_min).arg(imageptrs->stat_max);


    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentOLCI *segm = (SegmentOLCI *)(*segsel);
        totalprogress += deltaprogress;
        emit progressCounter(totalprogress);

    qDebug() << " SegmentListOLCI::ComposeOLCIImageInThread Finished !!";


    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
    emit progressCounter(100);
    return true;
void SegmentListVIIRSDNB::ShowImageSerial()

    progressresultready = 0;
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < 1024; j++)
            imageptrs->segment_stats_ch[i][j] = 0;
            imageptrs->lut_ch[i][j] = 0;

    for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;
        this->stat_max_ch[k] = 0;
        this->stat_min_ch[k] = 9999999;

    QList<Segment*>::iterator segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);

    long cnt_active_pixels = 0;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);

//        for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
//        {
//            if( segm->stat_max_ch[i] > this->stat_max_ch[i])
//                this->stat_max_ch[i] = segm->stat_max_ch[i];
//            if( segm->stat_min_ch[i] < this->stat_min_ch[i])
//                this->stat_min_ch[i] = segm->stat_min_ch[i];
//        }
        cnt_active_pixels += segm->active_pixels[0];

//    for(int i = 0; i < (composecolor ? 3 : 1); i++)
//    {
//        imageptrs->stat_max_ch[i] = this->stat_max_ch[i];
//        imageptrs->stat_min_ch[i] = this->stat_min_ch[i];
//    }

    imageptrs->active_pixels = cnt_active_pixels;

//    CalculateLUTDNB();

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);
    qDebug() << " SegmentListVIIRS::ShowImageSerialDNB Finished !!";


    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
    emit progressCounter(100);
bool SegmentListVIIRSDNB::ComposeVIIRSImageInThread()

    qDebug() << "bool SegmentListVIIRS::ComposeVIIRSImageInThread() started";

    progressresultready = 0;
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );

    emit progressCounter(10);

    // Reset memory
    QList<Segment*>::iterator segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        Segment *segm = (Segment *)(*segsel);

    int startlinenbr = 0;
    int totalnbroflines = 0;
    int totalnbrofsegments = 0;

    QList<Segment*>::iterator segit = segmentlist.begin();

    // create QList of selected segments
    while ( segit != segmentlist.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segit);
        if (segm->segmentselected)
             totalnbroflines += 768;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);
        startlinenbr += segm->NbrOfLines;

    // image pointers always = new QImage()
    if(imageptrs->ptrimageViirs != NULL)
        delete imageptrs->ptrimageViirs;
        imageptrs->ptrimageViirs = NULL;

    imageptrs->ptrimageViirs = new QImage(earthviews, totalnbroflines, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

    int deltaprogress = 99 / (totalnbrofsegments*2);
    int totalprogress = 0;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);

        totalprogress += deltaprogress;
        emit progressCounter(totalprogress);

    stat_max_dnb = -1.0E31;
    stat_min_dnb = 1.0E31;

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);

        if( segm->stat_max > this->stat_max_dnb)
            this->stat_max_dnb = segm->stat_max;
        if( segm->stat_min < this->stat_min_dnb)
            this->stat_min_dnb = segm->stat_min;

    imageptrs->stat_max_dnb = this->stat_max_dnb;
    imageptrs->stat_min_dnb = this->stat_min_dnb;

    qDebug() << QString("imageptrs stat_min = %1 stat_max = %2").arg(imageptrs->stat_min_dnb).arg(imageptrs->stat_max_dnb);


    float lowerlimit = pow(10, opts.dnbsbvalue/20.0)/pow(10, opts.dnbspbwindowsvalue);
    float upperlimit = pow(10, opts.dnbsbvalue/20.0)*pow(10, opts.dnbspbwindowsvalue);

    segsel = segsselected.begin();
    while ( segsel != segsselected.end() )
        SegmentVIIRSDNB *segm = (SegmentVIIRSDNB *)(*segsel);

        segm->ComposeSegmentImageWindow(lowerlimit, upperlimit);

        totalprogress += deltaprogress;
        emit progressCounter(totalprogress);
    qDebug() << " SegmentListVIIRS::ComposeVIIRSDNBImageInThread Finished !!";


    emit segmentlistfinished(true);
    emit progressCounter(100);

    return true;
