void QgsPhotoWidget::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  QWidget* container;

  mLineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor );

  if ( mLineEdit )
    container = qobject_cast<QWidget*>( mLineEdit->parent() );
    container = editor;
    mLineEdit = container->findChild<QLineEdit*>();

  mButton = container->findChild<QPushButton*>( "FileChooserButton" );
  if ( !mButton )
    mButton = container->findChild<QPushButton*>();

  mPhotoLabel = container->findChild<QLabel*>( "PhotoLabel" );
  if ( !mPhotoLabel )
    mPhotoLabel = container->findChild<QLabel*>();

  if ( mButton )
    connect( mButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectFileName() ) );

  if ( mLineEdit )
    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QString ) ) );
    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( loadPixmap( QString ) ) );
void QgsFileNameWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  mLineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor );
  if ( !mLineEdit )
    mLineEdit = editor->findChild<QLineEdit*>();

  mPushButton = editor->findChild<QPushButton*>();

  if ( mPushButton )
    connect( mPushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectFileName() ) );

  mLabel = qobject_cast<QLabel*>( editor );

  if ( mLineEdit )
    QgsFilterLineEdit* fle = qobject_cast<QgsFilterLineEdit*>( editor );
    if ( fle )
      fle->setNullValue( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );

    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QString ) ) );
void QgsWebViewWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  QWidget* container;

  mLineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor );

  if ( mLineEdit )

    QgsFilterLineEdit* fle = qobject_cast<QgsFilterLineEdit*>( mLineEdit );
    if ( fle )
      fle->setNullValue( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );

    container = qobject_cast<QWidget*>( mLineEdit->parent() );
    container = editor;
    mLineEdit = container->findChild<QLineEdit*>();

  mButton = container->findChild<QPushButton*>( "FileChooserButton" );
  if ( !mButton )
    mButton = container->findChild<QPushButton*>();

  mWebView = container->findChild<QWebView*>( "EditorWebView" );
  if ( !mWebView )
    mWebView = container->findChild<QWebView*>();

  if ( mWebView )
    mWebView->page()->setNetworkAccessManager( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance() );
    mWebView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, true );
    mWebView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows, true );
    mWebView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true );
    mWebView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true );

  if ( mButton )
    connect( mButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectFileName() ) );

  if ( mLineEdit )
    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( loadUrl( QString ) ) );
    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QString ) ) );
void QgsPhotoWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  QWidget* container;

  mLineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor );
  mWebView = qobject_cast<QWebView*>( editor );

  if ( mLineEdit )
    container = mLineEdit->parentWidget();
  else if ( mWebView )
    container = mWebView->parentWidget();
    mLineEdit = container->findChild<QLineEdit*>();
    container = editor;
    mLineEdit = container->findChild<QLineEdit*>();

  mButton = container->findChild<QPushButton*>( "FileChooserButton" );
  if ( !mButton )
    mButton = container->findChild<QPushButton*>();

  mPhotoLabel = container->findChild<QLabel*>( "PhotoLabel" );
  if ( !mPhotoLabel )
    mPhotoLabel = container->findChild<QLabel*>();

  mPhotoPixmapLabel = qobject_cast<QgsPixmapLabel*>( mPhotoLabel );
  if ( mButton )
    connect( mButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectFileName() ) );

  if ( mLineEdit )

    QgsFilterLineEdit *fle = qobject_cast<QgsFilterLineEdit*>( mLineEdit );
    if ( fle )
      fle->setNullValue( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );

    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QString ) ) );
    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( loadPixmap( QString ) ) );
BOOL TFileOpen::setupDialog()
  SendDlgItemMessage(hWindow, id_FName, CB_LIMITTEXT, fsPathName, 0);
  strncpy(pathName, filePath, fsPathName);
  strncpy(extension, getExtension(pathName), fsExtension);
  if (hasWildCards(extension))
        extension[0] = '\0';
  if (!updateListBoxes())
        strcpy(pathName, "*.*");
  return TRUE;
int TFileOpen::canClose()
	WORD pathLen;

  GetDlgItemText(hWindow, id_FName, fileSpec, fsPathName + 1);
  pathLen = strlen(pathName);
  if (hasWildCards(pathName) ||
      (GetFocus() == GetDlgItem( hWindow, id_DList) ||
      ( pathLen && (pathName[pathLen - 1] == '\\') )

        if (pathName[pathLen - 1] == '\\')
          strncat(pathName, fileSpec, fsPathName);
	if (!updateListBoxes())
        return 0;
  strncat(strncat(pathName, "\\", fsPathName), fileSpec, fsPathName);
  if (updateListBoxes())
        return 0;
  pathName[pathLen] = '\0';
  if (getExtension(pathName)[0] == '\0')
        strncat(pathName, extension, fsPathName);
  AnsiLower((LPSTR) strcpy(filePath, pathName));
  if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hWindow, id_Text) == 1)
        *fileType = FileWindow;
  if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hWindow, id_Scribble) == 1)
        *fileType = ScribbleWindow;
  if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hWindow, id_Graph) == 1)
        *fileType = GraphWindow;
	return 0;
  return 1;
 QUndoCommand* FileImportExtension::performAction(QAction *, GLWidget *widget)
   m_glwidget = widget;
   if (!m_fileImportDialog) {
     m_fileImportDialog = new FileImportDialog();
     connect(m_fileImportDialog->selectFileName, SIGNAL(clicked()),
             this, SLOT(selectFileName()));
     connect(m_fileImportDialog->selectFileName2, SIGNAL(clicked()),
             this, SLOT(selectFileName2()));
     connect(m_fileImportDialog->buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()),
             this, SLOT(import()));
     connect(m_fileImportDialog->buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()),
             m_fileImportDialog, SLOT(hide()));
   else {
   return 0;
QWidget *QgsAttributeEditor::createAttributeEditor( QWidget *parent, QWidget *editor, QgsVectorLayer *vl, int idx, const QVariant &value, QMap<int, QWidget*> &proxyWidgets )
  if ( !vl )
    return 0;

  QWidget *myWidget = 0;
  QgsVectorLayer::EditType editType = vl->editType( idx );
  const QgsField &field = vl->pendingFields()[idx];
  QVariant::Type myFieldType = field.type();

  bool synchronized = false;

  switch ( editType )
    case QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValues:
      QList<QVariant> values;
      vl->dataProvider()->uniqueValues( idx, values );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        cb->setEditable( false );

        for ( QList<QVariant>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++ )
          cb->addItem( it->toString(), it->toString() );

        myWidget = cb;


    case QgsVectorLayer::Enumeration:
      QStringList enumValues;
      vl->dataProvider()->enumValues( idx, enumValues );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        QStringList::const_iterator s_it = enumValues.constBegin();
        for ( ; s_it != enumValues.constEnd(); ++s_it )
          cb->addItem( *s_it, *s_it );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::ValueMap:
      const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map = vl->valueMap( idx );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        for ( QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++ )
          cb->addItem( it.key(), it.value() );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::ValueRelation:
      const QgsVectorLayer::ValueRelationData &data = vl->valueRelation( idx );

      QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( data.mLayer ) );
      QMap< QString, QString > map;

      int fi = -1;
      if ( layer )
        int ki = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mOrderByValue ? data.mValue : data.mKey );
        int vi = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mOrderByValue ? data.mKey : data.mValue );

        if ( !data.mFilterAttributeColumn.isNull() )
          fi = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mFilterAttributeColumn );

        if ( ki >= 0 && vi >= 0 )
          QgsAttributeList attributes;
          attributes << ki;
          attributes << vi;
          if ( fi >= 0 )
            attributes << fi;
          layer->select( attributes, QgsRectangle(), false );
          QgsFeature f;
          while ( layer->nextFeature( f ) )
            if ( fi >= 0 && f.attributeMap()[ fi ].toString() != data.mFilterAttributeValue )

            map.insert( f.attributeMap()[ ki ].toString(), f.attributeMap()[ vi ].toString() );

      if ( !data.mAllowMulti )
        QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
        if ( cb )
          if ( data.mAllowNull )
            QSettings settings;
            cb->addItem( tr( "(no selection)" ), settings.value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );

          for ( QMap< QString, QString >::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++ )
            if ( data.mOrderByValue )
              cb->addItem( it.key(), it.value() );
              cb->addItem( it.value(), it.key() );

          myWidget = cb;
        QListWidget *lw = listWidget( editor, parent );
        if ( lw )
          QStringList checkList = value.toString().remove( QChar( '{' ) ).remove( QChar( '}' ) ).split( "," );

          for ( QMap< QString, QString >::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++ )
            QListWidgetItem *item;
            if ( data.mOrderByValue )
              item = new QListWidgetItem( it.key() );
              item->setData( Qt::UserRole, it.value() );
              item->setCheckState( checkList.contains( it.value() ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
              item = new QListWidgetItem( it.value() );
              item->setData( Qt::UserRole, it.key() );
              item->setCheckState( checkList.contains( it.key() ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
            lw->addItem( item );

          myWidget = lw;

    case QgsVectorLayer::Classification:
      QMap<QString, QString> classes;

      const QgsUniqueValueRenderer *uvr = dynamic_cast<const QgsUniqueValueRenderer *>( vl->renderer() );
      if ( uvr )
        const QList<QgsSymbol *> symbols = uvr->symbols();

        for ( int i = 0; i < symbols.size(); i++ )
          QString label = symbols[i]->label();
          QString name = symbols[i]->lowerValue();

          if ( label == "" )
            label = name;

          classes.insert( name, label );

      const QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 *csr = dynamic_cast<const QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 *>( vl->rendererV2() );
      if ( csr )
        const QgsCategoryList &categories = (( QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 * )csr )->categories(); // FIXME: QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2::categories() should be const
        for ( int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++ )
          QString label = categories[i].label();
          QString value = categories[i].value().toString();
          if ( label.isEmpty() )
            label = value;
          classes.insert( value, label );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        for ( QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++ )
          cb->addItem( it.value(), it.key() );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::DialRange:
    case QgsVectorLayer::SliderRange:
    case QgsVectorLayer::EditRange:
      if ( myFieldType == QVariant::Int )
        int min = vl->range( idx ).mMin.toInt();
        int max = vl->range( idx ).mMax.toInt();
        int step = vl->range( idx ).mStep.toInt();

        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::EditRange )
          QSpinBox *sb = 0;

          if ( editor )
            sb = qobject_cast<QSpinBox *>( editor );
            sb = new QSpinBox( parent );

          if ( sb )
            sb->setRange( min, max );
            sb->setSingleStep( step );

            myWidget = sb;
          QAbstractSlider *sl = 0;

          if ( editor )
            sl = qobject_cast<QAbstractSlider*>( editor );
          else if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::DialRange )
            sl = new QDial( parent );
            sl = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, parent );

          if ( sl )
            sl->setRange( min, max );
            sl->setSingleStep( step );

            myWidget = sl;
      else if ( myFieldType == QVariant::Double )
        QDoubleSpinBox *dsb = 0;
        if ( editor )
          dsb = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( editor );
          dsb = new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );

        if ( dsb )
          double min = vl->range( idx ).mMin.toDouble();
          double max = vl->range( idx ).mMax.toDouble();
          double step = vl->range( idx ).mStep.toDouble();

          dsb->setRange( min, max );
          dsb->setSingleStep( step );

          myWidget = dsb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::CheckBox:
      QCheckBox *cb = 0;
      if ( editor )
        cb = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>( editor );
        cb = new QCheckBox( parent );

      if ( cb )
        myWidget = cb;

    // fall-through

    case QgsVectorLayer::LineEdit:
    case QgsVectorLayer::TextEdit:
    case QgsVectorLayer::UuidGenerator:
    case QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValuesEditable:
    case QgsVectorLayer::Immutable:
      QLineEdit *le = 0;
      QTextEdit *te = 0;
      QPlainTextEdit *pte = 0;
      QComboBox * cb = 0;

      if ( editor )
        le = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>( editor );
        te = qobject_cast<QTextEdit *>( editor );
        pte = qobject_cast<QPlainTextEdit *>( editor );
        cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>( editor );
      else if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::TextEdit )
        pte = new QPlainTextEdit( parent );
        le = new QLineEdit( parent );

      if ( le )
        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValuesEditable )
          QList<QVariant> values;
          vl->dataProvider()->uniqueValues( idx, values );

          QStringList svalues;
          for ( QList<QVariant>::const_iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++ )
            svalues << it->toString();

          QCompleter *c = new QCompleter( svalues );
          c->setCompletionMode( QCompleter::PopupCompletion );
          le->setCompleter( c );

        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::UuidGenerator )
          le->setReadOnly( true );

        le->setValidator( new QgsFieldValidator( le, field ) );

        myWidget = le;

      if ( te )
        te->setAcceptRichText( true );
        myWidget = te;

      if ( pte )
        myWidget = pte;

      if ( cb )
        myWidget = cb;

      if ( myWidget )
        myWidget->setDisabled( editType == QgsVectorLayer::Immutable );

        QgsStringRelay* relay = NULL;

        QMap<int, QWidget*>::const_iterator it = proxyWidgets.find( idx );
        if ( it != proxyWidgets.end() )
          QObject* obj = qvariant_cast<QObject*>( (*it)->property( "QgisAttrEditProxy" ) );
          relay = qobject_cast<QgsStringRelay*>( obj );
          relay = new QgsStringRelay( myWidget );

        if ( cb && cb->isEditable() )
          synchronized =  connect( relay, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), myWidget, SLOT( setEditText( QString ) ) );
          synchronized &= connect( myWidget, SIGNAL( editTextChanged( QString ) ), relay, SLOT( changeText( QString ) ) );
          synchronized =  connect( relay, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), myWidget, SLOT( setText( QString ) ) );
          synchronized &= connect( myWidget, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), relay, SLOT( changeText( QString ) ) );

        if ( !cb || cb->isEditable() )
          myWidget->setProperty( "QgisAttrEditProxy", QVariant( QMetaType::QObjectStar, &relay ) );

    case QgsVectorLayer::Hidden:
      myWidget = 0;

    case QgsVectorLayer::FileName:
    case QgsVectorLayer::Calendar:
      QPushButton *pb = 0;
      QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>( editor );
      if ( le )
        if ( le )
          myWidget = le;

        if ( editor->parent() )
          pb = editor->parent()->findChild<QPushButton *>();
        le = new QLineEdit();

        pb = new QPushButton( tr( "..." ) );

        QHBoxLayout *hbl = new QHBoxLayout();
        hbl->addWidget( le );
        hbl->addWidget( pb );

        myWidget = new QWidget( parent );
        myWidget->setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Window );
        myWidget->setAutoFillBackground( true );
        myWidget->setLayout( hbl );

      if ( pb )
        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::FileName )
          connect( pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), new QgsAttributeEditor( pb ), SLOT( selectFileName() ) );
        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::Calendar )
          connect( pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), new QgsAttributeEditor( pb ), SLOT( selectDate() ) );

  QMap<int, QWidget*>::const_iterator it = proxyWidgets.find( idx );
  if ( it != proxyWidgets.end() )
    if ( !synchronized )
      myWidget->setEnabled( false );
    proxyWidgets.insert( idx, myWidget );

  setValue( myWidget, vl, idx, value );

  return myWidget;
QWidget *QgsAttributeEditor::createAttributeEditor( QWidget *parent, QWidget *editor, QgsVectorLayer *vl, int idx, const QVariant &value )
  if ( !vl )
    return NULL;

  QWidget *myWidget = NULL;
  QgsVectorLayer::EditType editType = vl->editType( idx );
  const QgsField &field = vl->pendingFields()[idx];
  QVariant::Type myFieldType = field.type();

  switch ( editType )
    case QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValues:
      QList<QVariant> values;
      vl->dataProvider()->uniqueValues( idx, values );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        cb->setEditable( false );

        for ( QList<QVariant>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++ )
          cb->addItem( it->toString(), it->toString() );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::Enumeration:
      QStringList enumValues;
      vl->dataProvider()->enumValues( idx, enumValues );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        QStringList::const_iterator s_it = enumValues.constBegin();
        for ( ; s_it != enumValues.constEnd(); ++s_it )
          cb->addItem( *s_it, *s_it );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::ValueMap:
      const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map = vl->valueMap( idx );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        for ( QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++ )
          cb->addItem( it.key(), it.value() );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::ValueRelation:
      QSettings settings;
      QString nullValue = settings.value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString();

      const QgsVectorLayer::ValueRelationData &data = vl->valueRelation( idx );

      QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( data.mLayer ) );
      QMap< QString, QString > map;
      if ( layer )
        int ki = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mOrderByValue ? data.mValue : data.mKey );
        int vi = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mOrderByValue ? data.mKey : data.mValue );

        if ( data.mAllowNull )
          map.insert( nullValue, tr( "(no selection)" ) );

        if ( ki >= 0 && vi >= 0 )
          layer->select( QgsAttributeList() << ki << vi, QgsRectangle(), false );
          QgsFeature f;
          while ( layer->nextFeature( f ) )
            map.insert( f.attributeMap()[ ki ].toString(), f.attributeMap()[ vi ].toString() );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        for ( QMap< QString, QString >::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++ )
          if ( data.mOrderByValue )
            cb->addItem( it.key(), it.value() );
            cb->addItem( it.value(), it.key() );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::Classification:
      QMap<QString, QString> classes;

      const QgsUniqueValueRenderer *uvr = dynamic_cast<const QgsUniqueValueRenderer *>( vl->renderer() );
      if ( uvr )
        const QList<QgsSymbol *> symbols = uvr->symbols();

        for ( int i = 0; i < symbols.size(); i++ )
          QString label = symbols[i]->label();
          QString name = symbols[i]->lowerValue();

          if ( label == "" )
            label = name;

          classes.insert( name, label );

      const QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 *csr = dynamic_cast<const QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 *>( vl->rendererV2() );
      if ( csr )
        const QgsCategoryList &categories = (( QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 * )csr )->categories(); // FIXME: QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2::categories() should be const
        for ( int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++ )
          QString label = categories[i].label();
          QString value = categories[i].value().toString();
          if ( label.isEmpty() )
            label = value;
          classes.insert( value, label );

      QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
      if ( cb )
        for ( QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++ )
          cb->addItem( it.value(), it.key() );

        myWidget = cb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::DialRange:
    case QgsVectorLayer::SliderRange:
    case QgsVectorLayer::EditRange:
      if ( myFieldType == QVariant::Int )
        int min = vl->range( idx ).mMin.toInt();
        int max = vl->range( idx ).mMax.toInt();
        int step = vl->range( idx ).mStep.toInt();

        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::EditRange )
          QSpinBox *sb = NULL;

          if ( editor )
            sb = qobject_cast<QSpinBox *>( editor );
            sb = new QSpinBox( parent );

          if ( sb )
            sb->setRange( min, max );
            sb->setSingleStep( step );

            myWidget = sb;
          QAbstractSlider *sl = NULL;

          if ( editor )
            sl = qobject_cast<QAbstractSlider*>( editor );
          else if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::DialRange )
            sl = new QDial( parent );
            sl = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, parent );

          if ( sl )
            sl->setRange( min, max );
            sl->setSingleStep( step );

            myWidget = sl;
      else if ( myFieldType == QVariant::Double )
        QDoubleSpinBox *dsb = NULL;
        if ( editor )
          dsb = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( editor );
          dsb = new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );

        if ( dsb )
          double min = vl->range( idx ).mMin.toDouble();
          double max = vl->range( idx ).mMax.toDouble();
          double step = vl->range( idx ).mStep.toDouble();

          dsb->setRange( min, max );
          dsb->setSingleStep( step );

          myWidget = dsb;

    case QgsVectorLayer::CheckBox:
      QCheckBox *cb = NULL;
      if ( editor )
        cb = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>( editor );
        cb = new QCheckBox( parent );

      if ( cb )
        myWidget = cb;

    // fall-through

    case QgsVectorLayer::LineEdit:
    case QgsVectorLayer::TextEdit:
    case QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValuesEditable:
    case QgsVectorLayer::Immutable:
      QLineEdit *le = NULL;
      QTextEdit *te = NULL;
      QPlainTextEdit *pte = NULL;

      if ( editor )
        le = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>( editor );
        te = qobject_cast<QTextEdit *>( editor );
        pte = qobject_cast<QPlainTextEdit *>( editor );
      else if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::TextEdit )
        pte = new QPlainTextEdit( parent );
        le = new QLineEdit( parent );

      if ( le )

        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValuesEditable )
          QList<QVariant> values;
          vl->dataProvider()->uniqueValues( idx, values );

          QStringList svalues;
          for ( QList<QVariant>::const_iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++ )
            svalues << it->toString();

          QCompleter *c = new QCompleter( svalues );
          c->setCompletionMode( QCompleter::PopupCompletion );
          le->setCompleter( c );

        le->setValidator( new QgsFieldValidator( le, field ) );
        myWidget = le;

      if ( te )
        te->setAcceptRichText( true );
        myWidget = te;

      if ( pte )
        myWidget = pte;

      if ( myWidget )
        myWidget->setDisabled( editType == QgsVectorLayer::Immutable );

    case QgsVectorLayer::Hidden:
      myWidget = NULL;

    case QgsVectorLayer::FileName:
    case QgsVectorLayer::Calendar:
      QPushButton *pb = NULL;
      QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>( editor );
      if ( le )
        if ( le )
          myWidget = le;

        if ( editor->parent() )
          pb = editor->parent()->findChild<QPushButton *>();
        le = new QLineEdit();

        pb = new QPushButton( tr( "..." ) );

        QHBoxLayout *hbl = new QHBoxLayout();
        hbl->addWidget( le );
        hbl->addWidget( pb );

        myWidget = new QWidget( parent );
        myWidget->setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Window );
        myWidget->setAutoFillBackground( true );
        myWidget->setLayout( hbl );

      if ( pb )
        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::FileName )
          connect( pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), new QgsAttributeEditor( pb ), SLOT( selectFileName() ) );
        if ( editType == QgsVectorLayer::Calendar )
          connect( pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), new QgsAttributeEditor( pb ), SLOT( selectDate() ) );

  setValue( myWidget, vl, idx, value );

  return myWidget;