void testApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button){

	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		if ( select_point(ofVec2f(x, y), quadmesh.getPos(i), 10) ){	id = i;	return;	}

void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
	frame_x = (float) x / (VPw/2) - 1.0;		//formula derived from example on pg. 100 of 
	frame_y = (float) (VPh - y) / (VPh/2) - 1.0;	// Interactive Computer Graphics textbook

	//control point selection
	if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
		move_index = select_point(frame_x, frame_y); 	//Returns index number of a control point. 
								//Returns -1 if no point is present at cursor's coordinates

		if (move_index > -1)
			if (grab > -1)
				colors[grab] = color4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // make previously selected control point red (deselected)
			grab = move_index;
			colors[grab] = color4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); // make selected control point green 

		if (grab > -1)
			control_points[grab] = point4(frame_x, frame_y, 0.0, 1.0);
			colors[grab] = color4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); // make selected control point green	
	//deselect points (disable editing of point)
	if (button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
		if (grab > -1)
			colors[grab] = color4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // make selected control point red
			grab = -1;	
	//Create new control points
	if (button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
		control_points[control_index] = point4(frame_x, frame_y, 0.0, 1.0);
		colors[control_index] = color4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // make new control point red
/* Once we have found a D and q, this will find a curve and point.
 * Returns: 0 (composite), 1 (didn't work), 2 (success)
 * It's debatable what to do with a 1 return.
static int find_curve(mpz_t a, mpz_t b, mpz_t x, mpz_t y,
                      long D, int poly_index, mpz_t m, mpz_t q, mpz_t N, int maxroots)
  long nroots, npoints, i, rooti, unity, result;
  mpz_t g, t, t2;
  mpz_t* roots = 0;

  /* TODO: A better way to do this, I believe, would be to have the root
   *       finder set up as an iterator.  That way we'd get the first root,
   *       try to find a curve, and probably we'd be done.  Only if we tried
   *       10+ points on that root would we get another root.  This would
   *       probably be set up as a stack (array) of polynomials plus one
   *       saved root (for when we solve a degree 2 poly).
  /* Step 1: Get the roots of the Hilbert class polynomial. */
  nroots = find_roots(D, poly_index, N, &roots, maxroots);
  if (nroots == 0)
    return 1;

  /* Step 2: Loop selecting curves and trying points.
   *         On average it takes about 3 points, but we'll try 100+. */

  mpz_init(g);  mpz_init(t);  mpz_init(t2);
  npoints = 0;
  result = 1;
  for (rooti = 0; result == 1 && rooti < 50*nroots; rooti++) {
    /* Given this D and root, select curve a,b */
    select_curve_params(a, b, g,  D, roots, rooti % nroots, N, t);
    if (mpz_sgn(g) == 0) { result = 0; break; }

    /* See Cohen 5.3.1, page 231 */
    unity = (D == -3) ? 6 : (D == -4) ? 4 : 2;
    for (i = 0; result == 1 && i < unity; i++) {
      if (i > 0)
        update_ab(a, b, D, g, N);
      select_point(x, y,  a, b, N, t, t2);
      result = ecpp_check_point(x, y, m, q, a, N, t, t2);
  if (npoints > 10 && get_verbose_level() > 0)
    printf("  # point finding took %ld points\n", npoints);

  if (roots != 0) {
    for (rooti = 0; rooti < nroots; rooti++)
  mpz_clear(g);  mpz_clear(t);  mpz_clear(t2);

  return result;
/* Once we have found a D and q, this will find a curve and point.
 * Returns: 0 (composite), 1 (didn't work), 2 (success)
 * It's debatable what to do with a 1 return.
static int find_curve(mpz_t a, mpz_t b, mpz_t x, mpz_t y,
                      long D, mpz_t m, mpz_t q, mpz_t N)
  long nroots, npoints, i, rooti, unity, result;
  mpz_t g, t, t2;
  mpz_t* roots = 0;
  int verbose = get_verbose_level();

  /* Step 1: Get the roots of the Hilbert class polynomial. */
  nroots = find_roots(D, N, &roots);
  if (nroots == 0)
    return 1;

  /* Step 2: Loop selecting curves and trying points.
   *         On average it takes about 3 points, but we'll try 100+. */

  mpz_init(g);  mpz_init(t);  mpz_init(t2);
  npoints = 0;
  result = 1;
  for (rooti = 0; result == 1 && rooti < 50*nroots; rooti++) {
    /* Given this D and root, select curve a,b */
    select_curve_params(a, b, g,  D, roots, rooti % nroots, N, t);
    if (mpz_sgn(g) == 0) { result = 0; break; }

    /* See Cohen 5.3.1, page 231 */
    unity = (D == -3) ? 6 : (D == -4) ? 4 : 2;
    for (i = 0; result == 1 && i < unity; i++) {
      if (i > 0)
        update_ab(a, b, D, g, N);
      select_point(x, y,  a, b, N, t, t2);
      result = ecpp_check_point(x, y, m, q, a, N, t, t2);
  if (verbose && npoints > 10)
    printf("  # point finding took %ld points\n", npoints);

  if (roots != 0) {
    for (rooti = 0; rooti < nroots; rooti++)
  mpz_clear(g);  mpz_clear(t);  mpz_clear(t2);

  return result;
文件: p256.c 项目: google/boringssl
// Interleaved point multiplication using precomputed point multiples: The
// small point multiples 0*P, 1*P, ..., 17*P are in p_pre_comp, the scalar
// in p_scalar, if non-NULL. If g_scalar is non-NULL, we also add this multiple
// of the generator, using certain (large) precomputed multiples in g_pre_comp.
// Output point (X, Y, Z) is stored in x_out, y_out, z_out.
static void batch_mul(fe x_out, fe y_out, fe z_out,
                      const uint8_t *p_scalar, const uint8_t *g_scalar,
                      const fe p_pre_comp[17][3]) {
  // set nq to the point at infinity
  fe nq[3] = {{0},{0},{0}}, ftmp, tmp[3];
  uint64_t bits;
  uint8_t sign, digit;

  // Loop over both scalars msb-to-lsb, interleaving additions of multiples
  // of the generator (two in each of the last 32 rounds) and additions of p
  // (every 5th round).

  int skip = 1;  // save two point operations in the first round
  size_t i = p_scalar != NULL ? 255 : 31;
  for (;;) {
    // double
    if (!skip) {
      point_double(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2]);

    // add multiples of the generator
    if (g_scalar != NULL && i <= 31) {
      // first, look 32 bits upwards
      bits = get_bit(g_scalar, i + 224) << 3;
      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 160) << 2;
      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 96) << 1;
      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 32);
      // select the point to add, in constant time
      select_point(bits, 16, g_pre_comp[1], tmp);

      if (!skip) {
        point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 1 /* mixed */,
                  tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
      } else {
        fe_copy(nq[0], tmp[0]);
        fe_copy(nq[1], tmp[1]);
        fe_copy(nq[2], tmp[2]);
        skip = 0;

      // second, look at the current position
      bits = get_bit(g_scalar, i + 192) << 3;
      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 128) << 2;
      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 64) << 1;
      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i);
      // select the point to add, in constant time
      select_point(bits, 16, g_pre_comp[0], tmp);
      point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 1 /* mixed */, tmp[0],
                tmp[1], tmp[2]);

    // do other additions every 5 doublings
    if (p_scalar != NULL && i % 5 == 0) {
      bits = get_bit(p_scalar, i + 4) << 5;
      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i + 3) << 4;
      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i + 2) << 3;
      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i + 1) << 2;
      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i) << 1;
      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i - 1);
      ec_GFp_nistp_recode_scalar_bits(&sign, &digit, bits);

      // select the point to add or subtract, in constant time.
      select_point(digit, 17, p_pre_comp, tmp);
      fe_opp(ftmp, tmp[1]);  // (X, -Y, Z) is the negative point.
      fe_cmovznz(tmp[1], sign, tmp[1], ftmp);

      if (!skip) {
        point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 0 /* mixed */,
                  tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
      } else {
        fe_copy(nq[0], tmp[0]);
        fe_copy(nq[1], tmp[1]);
        fe_copy(nq[2], tmp[2]);
        skip = 0;

    if (i == 0) {
  fe_copy(x_out, nq[0]);
  fe_copy(y_out, nq[1]);
  fe_copy(z_out, nq[2]);