void WebCLValidatorAction::ExecuteAction() { // We will get assertions if sema_ isn't wrapped here. llvm::OwningPtr<clang::Sema> sema(sema_); ParseAST(*sema.get()); validatedSource_ = consumer_->getTransformedSource(); kernels_ = consumer_->getKernels(); }
void CommentHandler::handleComment(Annotator &A, Generator& generator, clang::Sema &Sema, const char *bufferStart, int commentStart, int len, clang::SourceLocation searchLocBegin, clang::SourceLocation searchLocEnd, clang::SourceLocation commentLoc) { llvm::StringRef rawString(bufferStart+commentStart, len); std::string attributes; std::string DeclRef; if ((rawString.ltrim().startswith("/**") && !rawString.ltrim().startswith("/***")) || rawString.ltrim().startswith("/*!") || rawString.ltrim().startswith("//!") || (rawString.ltrim().startswith("///") && !rawString.ltrim().startswith("////"))) #if CLANG_VERSION_MAJOR==3 && CLANG_VERSION_MINOR<=4 if (rawString.find("deprecated") == rawString.npos) // workaround crash in comments::Sema::checkDeprecatedCommand #endif { attributes = "class=\"doc\""; clang::Preprocessor &PP = Sema.getPreprocessor(); clang::comments::CommandTraits traits(PP.getPreprocessorAllocator(), clang::CommentOptions()); #if CLANG_VERSION_MAJOR==3 && CLANG_VERSION_MINOR<=4 traits.registerBlockCommand("deprecated"); // avoid typo correction leading to crash. #endif clang::comments::Lexer lexer(PP.getPreprocessorAllocator(), PP.getDiagnostics(), traits, clang::SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(commentStart), bufferStart + commentStart, bufferStart + commentStart + len); clang::comments::Sema sema(PP.getPreprocessorAllocator(), PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getDiagnostics(), traits, &PP); clang::comments::Parser parser(lexer, sema, PP.getPreprocessorAllocator(), PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getDiagnostics(), traits); auto fullComment = parser.parseFullComment(); CommentVisitor visitor{A, generator, traits, Sema}; visitor.visit(fullComment); DeclRef = visitor.DeclRef; } if (!DeclRef.empty()) { docs.insert({std::move(DeclRef), { rawString.str() , commentLoc }}); generator.addTag("i", attributes, commentStart, len); return; } // Try to find a matching declaration const auto &dof = decl_offsets; //is there one and one single decl in that range. auto it_before = dof.lower_bound(searchLocBegin); auto it_after = dof.upper_bound(searchLocEnd); if (it_before != dof.end() && it_after != dof.begin() && it_before == (--it_after)) { if (it_before->second.second) { docs.insert({it_before->second.first, { rawString.str() , commentLoc }}); } else { attributes %= " data-doc=\"" % it_before->second.first % "\""; } } generator.addTag("i", attributes, commentStart, len); }
bool Parse( Furrovine::String filename ) { class ASTDeclConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer { public: ASTDeclConsumer( std::vector<clang::Decl*>& arg ) : vec( arg ) {} std::vector<clang::Decl*>& vec; bool HandleTopLevelDecl( clang::DeclGroupRef arg ) { for ( auto && x : arg ) { vec.push_back( x ); } return true; } }; ASTDeclConsumer astconsumer( declarations ); llvm::StringRef llvmfilename( reinterpret_cast<char*>( filename.data( ) ) ); clang::CompilerInstance ci; clang::DiagnosticsEngine diagnosticsengine( diagnosticids, llvmdiagnosticsoptions.getPtr(), new clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter( errorstream, llvmdiagnosticsoptions.getPtr(), false ), true ); clang::FileManager filemanager( filesystemoptions ); clang::SourceManager sourcemanager( diagnosticsengine, filemanager ); std::unique_ptr<clang::TargetInfo> targetinfo( clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo( diagnosticsengine, &targetoptions ) ); targetinfo->setCXXABI( clang::TargetCXXABI::Microsoft ); clang::HeaderSearchOptions& headersearchoptions = *llvmheadersearchoptions; clang::HeaderSearch hs( llvmheadersearchoptions, filemanager, diagnosticsengine, languageoptions, targetinfo.get( ) ); clang::PreprocessorOptions& preprocessoroptions = *llvmpreprocessoroptions; clang::Preprocessor preprocessor( llvmpreprocessoroptions, diagnosticsengine, languageoptions, targetinfo.get( ), sourcemanager, hs, ci ); clang::InitializePreprocessor( preprocessor, preprocessoroptions, headersearchoptions, frontendoptions ); preprocessor.getBuiltinInfo( ).InitializeBuiltins( preprocessor.getIdentifierTable( ), languageoptions ); clang::ASTContext astcontext( languageoptions, sourcemanager, targetinfo.get( ), preprocessor.getIdentifierTable( ), preprocessor.getSelectorTable( ), preprocessor.getBuiltinInfo( ), 1024 ); clang::Sema sema( preprocessor, astcontext, astconsumer, clang::TU_Complete, null ); const clang::DirectoryLookup* directlookup = nullptr; auto entry = hs.LookupFile( llvmfilename, true, nullptr, directlookup, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr ); if ( !entry ) entry = filemanager.getFile( llvmfilename ); if ( !entry ) throw Furrovine::TException<std::exception>( "Could not find file " + filename ); auto fileid = sourcemanager.createFileID( entry, clang::SourceLocation( ), clang::SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind::C_User ); if ( fileid.isInvalid( ) ) throw Furrovine::TException<std::exception>( "Error translating file " + filename ); sourcemanager.setMainFileID( fileid ); diagnosticsengine.getClient( )->BeginSourceFile( languageoptions, &preprocessor ); clang::ParseAST( sema ); diagnosticsengine.getClient( )->EndSourceFile( ); return diagnosticsengine.getClient( )->getNumErrors() == 0; }
bool parse(Component& component, Module* existingMod, const std::string& filename, bool printAST) { // NOTE: seems to get deleted by Preprocessor HeaderSearch* Headers = new HeaderSearch(HSOpts, SM, Diags, LangOpts, pti); DummyLoader loader; std::shared_ptr<PreprocessorOptions> PPOpts(new PreprocessorOptions()); Preprocessor PP(PPOpts, Diags, LangOpts, SM, *Headers, loader); ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(PP.getHeaderSearchInfo(), *HSOpts, LangOpts, pti->getTriple()); PP.setPredefines(configs); PP.Initialize(*pti); // File stuff const FileEntry *pFile = FileMgr.getFile(filename); if (pFile == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: '%s'\n", filename.c_str()); exit(-1); } FileID id = SM.createFileID(pFile, SourceLocation(), SrcMgr::C_User); PP.EnterSourceFile(id, nullptr, SourceLocation()); // TEMP rewriter test //ast.fileID = id; // Manually set predefines (normally done in EnterMainSourceFile()) std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> SB = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(configs, "<built-in>"); assert(SB && "Cannot create predefined source buffer"); FileID FID = SM.createFileID(std::move(SB)); // NOTE: setPredefines() is normally private PP.setPredefinesFileID(FID); PP.EnterSourceFile(FID, nullptr, SourceLocation()); Diags.getClient()->BeginSourceFile(LangOpts, 0); C2Sema sema(SM, Diags, PP, component, existingMod, filename); C2Parser parser(PP, sema, component.isExternal()); bool ok = parser.Parse(); if (printAST) sema.printAST(); #if 0 PP.EndSourceFile(); llvm::errs() << "\nSTATISTICS FOR '" << ast.getFileName() << "':\n"; PP.PrintStats(); PP.getIdentifierTable().PrintStats(); llvm::errs() << "\n"; #endif return ok; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QSystemSemaphore sema("UniqueFishPro",1,QSystemSemaphore::Open); sema.acquire(); QSharedMemory mem("SystemObject"); if (!mem.create(1)) { sema.release(); QApplication::activeWindow(); return 0; } sema.release(); QApplication a(argc, argv); a.setOrganizationName("YanboOrg"); a.setApplicationName("FishSoftware"); initPath(); QApplication::setStyle(QStyleFactory::create("Fusion")); Widget w; w.setWindowFlags(w.windowFlags()& ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint); //! [0] //Yanbo Tcp class Define and handle:TCP连接类处理方法 ////1 槽 //connect(/*你定义的TCP连接类对象*/,SIGNAL(/*对应的信号*/),&w,SLOT(finishedConnectSlot(int,bool)));//连接成功返回对应组号连接状态 //connect(/*你定义的TCP连接类对象*/,SIGNAL(/*对应的信号*/),&w,SLOT(finishedPutWeigh(int,send_head)));//称量成功后返回实际称量对应槽处理函数 ////1 信号处理 //// void sendConnectSocket(QMap<int,QString>);//点击“发送”按钮,触发信号,发送组号及对应IP //// void sendGroupPutWeighInfo(int,send_head);//发送称量信息-以得到返回称量并进行UI交互 //// void sendGroupBatchInfo(int,send_head);//发送投料信息-以进行最后实际处理-TCP接收站信号后发送数据到硬件进行处理 //// void closeConnect();//断开连接信号 //connect(&w,SIGNAL(sendConnectSocket(QMap<int,QString>)),/*你定义的TCP连接类对象*/,SIGNAL/SLOT(/*对应的信号 或 槽处理函数*/)); //connect(&w,SIGNAL(sendGroupPutWeighInfo(int,send_head)),/*你定义的TCP连接类对象*/,SIGNAL/SLOT(/*对应的信号 或 槽处理函数*/)); //connect(&w,SIGNAL(sendGroupBatchInfo(int,send_head)),/*你定义的TCP连接类对象*/,SIGNAL/SLOT(/*对应的信号 或 槽处理函数*/)); //connect(&w,SIGNAL(closeConnect()),/*你定义的TCP连接类对象*/,SIGNAL/SLOT(/*对应的信号 或 槽处理函数*/)); //! [0]-end! w.show(); return a.exec(); }
int main() { #ifndef _WIN32 Mutex mutex; Semaphore sema(1); struct timeval start; struct timeval tt; double d; Utility::GetTime(&start); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) lock(mutex, i); Utility::GetTime(&tt); d = Diff(start, tt); printf("%.4f sec\n", d); Utility::GetTime(&start); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) lock(sema, i); Utility::GetTime(&tt); d = Diff(start, tt); printf("%.4f sec\n", d); #endif }
int main() { clang::DiagnosticOptions diagnosticOptions; clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter *pTextDiagnosticPrinter = new clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter( llvm::outs(), diagnosticOptions); llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs> pDiagIDs; clang::DiagnosticsEngine *pDiagnosticsEngine = new clang::DiagnosticsEngine(pDiagIDs, pTextDiagnosticPrinter); clang::LangOptions languageOptions; clang::FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions; clang::FileManager fileManager(fileSystemOptions); clang::SourceManager sourceManager( *pDiagnosticsEngine, fileManager); clang::HeaderSearchOptions headerSearchOptions; // <Warning!!> -- Platform Specific Code lives here // This depends on A) that you're running linux and // B) that you have the same GCC LIBs installed that // I do. // Search through Clang itself for something like this, // go on, you won't find it. The reason why is Clang // has its own versions of std* which are installed under // /usr/local/lib/clang/<version>/include/ // See somewhere around Driver.cpp:77 to see Clang adding // its version of the headers to its include path. headerSearchOptions.AddPath("/usr/include/linux", clang::frontend::Angled, false, false, false); headerSearchOptions.AddPath("/usr/include/c++/4.4/tr1", clang::frontend::Angled, false, false, false); headerSearchOptions.AddPath("/usr/include/c++/4.4", clang::frontend::Angled, false, false, false); // </Warning!!> -- End of Platform Specific Code clang::TargetOptions targetOptions; targetOptions.Triple = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(); clang::TargetInfo *pTargetInfo = clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo( *pDiagnosticsEngine, targetOptions); clang::HeaderSearch headerSearch(fileManager, *pDiagnosticsEngine, languageOptions, pTargetInfo); clang::CompilerInstance compInst; clang::Preprocessor preprocessor( *pDiagnosticsEngine, languageOptions, pTargetInfo, sourceManager, headerSearch, compInst); clang::PreprocessorOptions preprocessorOptions; clang::FrontendOptions frontendOptions; clang::InitializePreprocessor( preprocessor, preprocessorOptions, headerSearchOptions, frontendOptions); const clang::FileEntry *pFile = fileManager.getFile( "input04.c"); sourceManager.createMainFileID(pFile); const clang::TargetInfo &targetInfo = *pTargetInfo; clang::IdentifierTable identifierTable(languageOptions); clang::SelectorTable selectorTable; clang::Builtin::Context builtinContext; builtinContext.InitializeTarget(targetInfo); clang::ASTContext astContext( languageOptions, sourceManager, pTargetInfo, identifierTable, selectorTable, builtinContext, 0 /* size_reserve*/); MyASTConsumer astConsumer; clang::Sema sema( preprocessor, astContext, astConsumer); pTextDiagnosticPrinter->BeginSourceFile(languageOptions, &preprocessor); clang::ParseAST(preprocessor, &astConsumer, astContext); pTextDiagnosticPrinter->EndSourceFile(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv, char * const *envp) { // Path void *MainAddr = (void*) (intptr_t) GetExecutablePath; llvm::sys::Path Path = GetExecutablePath(argv[0]); // DiagnosticOptions DiagnosticOptions diagnosticOptions; // DiagnosticClient TextDiagnosticPrinter *DiagClient = new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::outs(), diagnosticOptions); // Diagnostic llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs()); Diagnostic diagnostic(DiagID, DiagClient); //DiagnosticOptions DiagOpts; //llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> diagnostic = CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(DiagOpts, argc, argv); // LangOptions LangOptions langOptions; langOptions.CPlusPlus = 1; langOptions.CPlusPlus0x = 1; langOptions.Microsoft = 1; langOptions.Bool = 1; langOptions.Exceptions = 1; langOptions.CXXExceptions = 1; langOptions.EmitAllDecls = 1; // FileManager FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions; FileManager fileManager(fileSystemOptions); // SourceManager SourceManager sourceManager(diagnostic, fileManager); // HeadderSearch HeaderSearch headerSearch(fileManager); // TargetOptions TargetOptions targetOptions; targetOptions.Triple = llvm::sys::getHostTriple(); // TargetInfo TargetInfo *pTargetInfo = TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo( diagnostic, targetOptions); // HeaderSearchOptions HeaderSearchOptions headerSearchOptions; ApplyHeaderSearchOptions( headerSearch, headerSearchOptions, langOptions, pTargetInfo->getTriple()); // Preprocessor Preprocessor preprocessor( diagnostic, langOptions, *pTargetInfo, sourceManager, headerSearch); // PreprocessorOptions PreprocessorOptions preprocessorOptions; preprocessorOptions.DetailedRecord = true; preprocessor.createPreprocessingRecord(); // FrontendOptions FrontendOptions frontendOptions; // InitializePreprocessor InitializePreprocessor( preprocessor, preprocessorOptions, headerSearchOptions, frontendOptions); //preprocessor.SetCommentRetentionState(true, true); // Tutorial const FileEntry *pFile = fileManager.getFile( "test.cpp", true); sourceManager.createMainFileID(pFile); /*preprocessor.EnterMainSourceFile(); Token Tok; do { preprocessor.Lex(Tok); // read one token //if (context.diags.hasErrorOccurred()) // stop lexing/pp on error // break; preprocessor.DumpToken(Tok); // outputs to cerr std::cerr << std::endl; } while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof));*/ const TargetInfo &targetInfo = *pTargetInfo; IdentifierTable identifierTable(langOptions); SelectorTable selectorTable; Builtin::Context builtinContext(targetInfo); ASTContext astContext( langOptions, sourceManager, targetInfo, identifierTable, selectorTable, builtinContext, 0 /* size_reserve*/); // ASTConsumer astConsumer; MyASTConsumer astConsumer; astConsumer.sourceManager = &sourceManager; astConsumer.html = new ClangDocHTML; astConsumer.html->astConsumer = &astConsumer; preprocessor.addPPCallbacks(astConsumer.html); preprocessor.AddCommentHandler(astConsumer.html); Sema sema( preprocessor, astContext, astConsumer); sema.Initialize(); //MySemanticAnalisys mySema( preprocessor, astContext, astConsumer); //Parser parser( preprocessor, sema); //parser.ParseTranslationUnit(); astConsumer.preprocessor = &sema.PP; ParseAST(preprocessor, &astConsumer, astContext); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { /* * Before starting main application, need to set 'QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1' * to make the runtime work with IBM PPC machine. */ #if defined (Q_OS_LINUX) QByteArray val("1"); qputenv("QT_X11_NO_MITSHM", val); #endif // Create the QT application QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // Setup the settings management QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("pgadmin"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("pgadmin.org"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(PGA_APP_NAME.toLower().replace(" ", "")); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 // Set high DPI pixmap to display icons clear on Qt widget. QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); #endif // Create a hash of the executable path so we can run copies side-by-side QString homeDir = QDir::homePath(); unsigned long exeHash = sdbm((unsigned char *)argv[0]); // Create the address file, that will be used to store the appserver URL for this instance addrFileName = homeDir + (QString("/.%1.%2.addr").arg(PGA_APP_NAME).arg(exeHash)).remove(" "); QFile addrFile(addrFileName); // Create a system-wide semaphore keyed by app name, exe hash and the username // to ensure instances are unique to the user and path QString userName = qgetenv("USER"); // *nix if (userName.isEmpty()) userName = qgetenv("USERNAME"); // Windows QString semaName = QString("%1-%2-%3-sema").arg(PGA_APP_NAME).arg(userName).arg(exeHash); QString shmemName = QString("%1-%2-%3-shmem").arg(PGA_APP_NAME).arg(userName).arg(exeHash); QSystemSemaphore sema(semaName, 1); sema.acquire(); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 // We may need to clean up stale shmem segments on *nix. Attaching and detaching // should remove the segment if it is orphaned. QSharedMemory stale_shmem(shmemName); if (stale_shmem.attach()) stale_shmem.detach(); #endif QSharedMemory shmem(shmemName); bool is_running; if (shmem.attach()) { is_running = true; } else { shmem.create(1); is_running = false; } sema.release(); QSettings settings; if (is_running){ addrFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream in(&addrFile); QString addr = in.readLine(); QString cmd = settings.value("BrowserCommand").toString(); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { cmd.replace("%URL%", addr); QProcess::startDetached(cmd); } else { if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(addr)) { QString error(QWidget::tr("Failed to open the system default web browser. Is one installed?.")); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); exit(1); } } return 0; } atexit(cleanup); // In windows and linux, it is required to set application level proxy // because socket bind logic to find free port gives socket creation error // when system proxy is configured. We are also setting // "setUseSystemConfiguration"=true to use the system proxy which will // override this application level proxy. As this bug is fixed in Qt 5.9 so // need to set application proxy for Qt version < 5.9. // #if defined (Q_OS_WIN) && QT_VERSION <= 0x050800 // Give dummy URL required to find proxy server configured in windows. QNetworkProxyQuery proxyQuery(QUrl("https://www.pgadmin.org")); QNetworkProxy l_proxy; QList<QNetworkProxy> listOfProxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(proxyQuery); if (listOfProxies.size()) { l_proxy = listOfProxies[0]; // If host name is not empty means proxy server is configured. if (!l_proxy.hostName().isEmpty()) { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy()); } } #endif #if defined (Q_OS_LINUX) && QT_VERSION <= 0x050800 QByteArray proxy_env; proxy_env = qgetenv("http_proxy"); // If http_proxy environment is defined in linux then proxy server is configured. if (!proxy_env.isEmpty()) { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy()); } #endif // Display the spash screen QSplashScreen *splash = new QSplashScreen(); splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/splash.png")); splash->show(); app.processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents); quint16 port = 0L; // Find an unused port number. Essentially, we're just reserving one // here that Flask will use when we start up the server. // In order to use the socket, we need to free this socket ASAP. // Hence - putting this code in a code block so the scope of the socket // variable vanishes to make that socket available. { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QTcpSocket socket; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050900 socket.setProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); #endif socket.bind(0, QTcpSocket::ShareAddress); #else QUdpSocket socket; socket.bind(0, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress); #endif port = socket.localPort(); } // Generate a random key to authenticate the client to the server QString key = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); key = key.mid(1, key.length() - 2); // Generate the filename for the log logFileName = homeDir + (QString("/.%1.%2.log").arg(PGA_APP_NAME).arg(exeHash)).remove(" "); // Start the tray service TrayIcon *trayicon = new TrayIcon(logFileName); if (!trayicon->Init()) { QString error = QString(QWidget::tr("An error occurred initialising the tray icon")); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); exit(1); } // Fire up the webserver Server *server; bool done = false; while (done != true) { server = new Server(port, key, logFileName); if (!server->Init()) { splash->finish(NULL); qDebug() << server->getError(); QString error = QString(QWidget::tr("An error occurred initialising the application server:\n\n%1")).arg(server->getError()); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); exit(1); } server->start(); // This is a hack to give the server a chance to start and potentially fail. As // the Python interpreter is a synchronous call, we can't check for proper startup // easily in a more robust way - we have to rely on a clean startup not returning. // It should always fail pretty quickly, and take longer to start if it succeeds, so // we don't really get a visible delay here. delay(1000); // Any errors? if (server->isFinished() || server->getError().length() > 0) { splash->finish(NULL); qDebug() << server->getError(); QString error = QString(QWidget::tr("An error occurred initialising the application server:\n\n%1")).arg(server->getError()); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); // Allow the user to tweak the Python Path if needed bool ok; ConfigWindow *dlg = new ConfigWindow(); dlg->setWindowTitle(QWidget::tr("Configuration")); dlg->setBrowserCommand(settings.value("BrowserCommand").toString()); dlg->setPythonPath(settings.value("PythonPath").toString()); dlg->setApplicationPath(settings.value("ApplicationPath").toString()); dlg->setModal(true); ok = dlg->exec(); QString browsercommand = dlg->getBrowserCommand(); QString pythonpath = dlg->getPythonPath(); QString applicationpath = dlg->getApplicationPath(); if (ok) { settings.setValue("BrowserCommand", browsercommand); settings.setValue("PythonPath", pythonpath); settings.setValue("ApplicationPath", applicationpath); settings.sync(); } else { exit(1); } delete server; } else done = true; } // Ensure the server gets cleaned up later QObject::connect(server, SIGNAL(finished()), server, SLOT(deleteLater())); // Generate the app server URL QString appServerUrl = QString("").arg(port).arg(key); // Read the server connection timeout from the registry or set the default timeout. int timeout = settings.value("ConnectionTimeout", 30).toInt(); // Now the server should be up, we'll attempt to connect and get a response. // We'll retry in a loop a few time before aborting if necessary. QTime endTime = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(timeout); bool alive = false; while(QTime::currentTime() <= endTime) { alive = PingServer(QUrl(appServerUrl)); if (alive) { break; } delay(200); } // Attempt to connect one more time in case of a long network timeout while looping if (!alive && !PingServer(QUrl(appServerUrl))) { splash->finish(NULL); QString error(QWidget::tr("The application server could not be contacted.")); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); exit(1); } // Stash the URL for any duplicate processes to open if (addrFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { addrFile.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner|QFile::WriteOwner); QTextStream out(&addrFile); out << appServerUrl << endl; } // Go! trayicon->setAppServerUrl(appServerUrl); // Enable the shutdown server menu as server started successfully. trayicon->enableShutdownMenu(); QString cmd = settings.value("BrowserCommand").toString(); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { cmd.replace("%URL%", appServerUrl); QProcess::startDetached(cmd); } else { if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(appServerUrl)) { QString error(QWidget::tr("Failed to open the system default web browser. Is one installed?.")); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); exit(1); } } QObject::connect(trayicon, SIGNAL(shutdownSignal(QUrl)), server, SLOT(shutdown(QUrl))); splash->finish(NULL); return app.exec(); }