文件: csmsg.c 项目: rcrowder/Burt
 * Takes a stream of bytes and builds a ScripterMsg from it
ScripterMsg* bytes_to_message( uint_least8_t* msg_bytes, int total_size ) {
	ScripterMsg* msg = malloc(sizeof(ScripterMsg));
	// ID first
	if ( total_size >= 3 ) {
		msg->id = msg_bytes[0]<<8 | msg_bytes[1];
		// Third byte gives me param count
		msg->param_count = msg_bytes[2];
	} else {
		send_debug_msg("Received less than 3 bytes. Can't create message.");
		return NULL;
	// now we parse parameters
	int i;
	int idx; // used to traverse msg_bytes. Starts after the header, 4th byte
	MsgParam* previous = NULL;
	for( i=0, idx=3; i<msg->param_count; i++ ) {
		uint32_t size;
		if ( total_size >= idx+3 ) {
			// Three bytes for the size
			size = msg_bytes[idx]<<16 | msg_bytes[idx+1]<<8 | msg_bytes[idx+2];
			idx += 3;
		} else {
			send_debug_msg("Received less than %d bytes. Can't create message",idx+3);
			return NULL;
		if ( idx+(int)size > total_size ) {
			send_debug_msg("Received %d bytes, but need at least %d for this message.",
				total_size, idx+size);
			return NULL;
		uint_least8_t* data = malloc(size);
		// now the content
		int j;
		for( j=0; j<(int)size; j++ ) {
			*(data+j) = msg_bytes[idx++];
		MsgParam* param = create_msg_param(data,size);
		// link the parameters
		if ( previous == NULL ) {
			// this is the first parameter we parsed
			msg->parameters = param;
		} else {
			previous->next_param = param;
		previous = param;
	return msg;
 * Installs Lua byte code by creating a file on the MMC/SD card.
 * This code will be executed in a loop if the camera is started
 * the next time in standalone mode.
void install_lua( uint_least8_t* bytecode, size_t size ) {
	FILE *f = fopen(BYTECODE_PERM_FILE, "w");
	if ( f == NULL ) {
  		send_debug_msg("Unable to install bytecode. Could not open file on MMC card. Is the MMC card installed?");
    size_t i;
	for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
	send_debug_msg("LUA bytecode installed successfully!");
 * Get a new track packet as a full userdata.  Returns a track 
 * packet.
int tracker_new(lua_State *_l) {
	cc3_track_pkt_t *pkt;
	uint8_t minred, mingreen, minblue, maxred, maxgreen, maxblue;
    pkt = (cc3_track_pkt_t*) lua_newuserdata(_l, sizeof(cc3_track_pkt_t));
    if (pkt == NULL) {
        send_debug_msg("Error allocating memory for the new tracker.");
    minred = luaL_checknumber(_l, 1);
    mingreen = luaL_checknumber(_l, 2);
    minblue = luaL_checknumber(_l, 3);
    maxred = luaL_checknumber(_l, 4);
    maxgreen = luaL_checknumber(_l, 5);
    maxblue = luaL_checknumber(_l, 6);
    pkt->lower_bound.channel[0] = minred;
    pkt->lower_bound.channel[1] = mingreen;
    pkt->lower_bound.channel[2] = minblue;
    pkt->upper_bound.channel[0] = maxred;
    pkt->upper_bound.channel[1] = maxgreen;
    pkt->upper_bound.channel[2] = maxblue;
    pkt->x0 = pkt->x1 = pkt->y0 = pkt->y1 = pkt->scratch_x = pkt->scratch_y = 0;
    pkt->centroid_x = pkt->centroid_y = 0;
    pkt->num_pixels = pkt->int_density = 0;
    pkt->noise_filter = 2; // default in cmucam2, duplicating
    pkt->track_invert = false;
    pkt->binary_scanline[0] = 0;
  	luaL_getmetatable(_l, "scripter.tracker");
    lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
    return 1;
 * Get a new image struct. Returns a pointer to a cc3_image_t
int image_new(lua_State *_l) {
    cc3_image_t *i;
    int num_bytes;
    uint16_t width, height;
    uint32_t pixsize;

    width = luaL_checknumber(_l, 1);
    height = luaL_checknumber(_l, 2);
    pixsize = width*height;

    num_bytes = sizeof(cc3_image_t);

    i = (cc3_image_t*) lua_newuserdata(_l, num_bytes);
    i->width = width;
    i->height = height;
    i->pix = malloc(pixsize);
    if (i->pix == NULL) {
        send_debug_msg("Error allocating memory for the images's pix");
    i->channels = CC3_CHANNEL_ALL;

    luaL_getmetatable(_l, "scripter.image");
    lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
    return 1; // new userdata is already on the lua stack 
 * Sends Lua error message
void show_error (lua_State *_l, int status) {
  const char *msg;
  msg = lua_tostring(_l, -1);
  if (msg == NULL) msg = "(error with no message)";
  send_debug_msg("Error executing Lua!\nError code=%d, %s\n", status, msg);

 * Implementation of Lua's print function
int print(lua_State *_l) {
    if (debug_on) {
        int n=lua_gettop(_l);
        int i;
        for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
            if (lua_isstring(_l,i)) {
            } else if (lua_isnil(_l,i)==2) {
            } else if (lua_isboolean(_l,i)) {
                send_debug_msg("%s",lua_toboolean(_l,i) ? "true" : "false");
            } else {
	return 0;
 * Execute Lua byte code by first creating a file on the MMC/SD card and then
 * passing that file to Lua interpreter.
void execute_lua( uint_least8_t* bytecode, size_t size ) {
	FILE *f = fopen(BYTECODE_TMP_FILE, "w");
	if ( f == NULL ) {
  		send_debug_msg("Unable to execute bytecode. Could not open tmp file on MMC card. Is the MMC card installed?");
	int status;
    size_t i;

	for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
    // execute the lua file, and show any errors 
    send_debug_msg("Executing Lua code...");
    status = lualib_dofile(BYTECODE_TMP_FILE);
    if (status) {
        show_error(L, i);
    } else {
        send_debug_msg("Lua execution finished!");
 * Get a new frame diff packet as a full userdata.  Returns a frame diff 
 * packet with the previous and current templates set to template_width * 
 * template_height size. 
int framediff_new(lua_State *_l) {
    cc3_frame_diff_pkt_t *pkt;
    uint16_t tw, th;
    int template_size;
    tw = luaL_checknumber(_l, 1);
    th = luaL_checknumber(_l, 2);

    template_size = tw * th * sizeof(uint32_t);
    pkt = (cc3_frame_diff_pkt_t*) lua_newuserdata(_l, sizeof(cc3_frame_diff_pkt_t));

    if (pkt == NULL) {
        send_debug_msg("Error allocating memory for the new framediff.");

    pkt->template_width = tw;
    pkt->template_height = th;
    pkt->current_template = (uint32_t*) malloc(template_size);
    if (pkt->current_template == NULL) {
        send_debug_msg("Error allocating memory for the framediff's current template");
    pkt->previous_template = (uint32_t*) malloc(template_size);
    if (pkt->previous_template == NULL) {
        send_debug_msg("Error allocating memory for the framediff's previous template");

    // initialize all other fields
    pkt->x0 = pkt->x1 = pkt->y0 = pkt->y1 = 0;
    pkt->centroid_x = pkt->centroid_y = 0;
    pkt->int_density = pkt->total_x = pkt->total_y = 0;
    pkt->num_pixels = pkt->threshold = 0;
    pkt->load_frame = false;
    pkt->coi = CC3_CHANNEL_ALL;

    luaL_getmetatable(_l, "scripter.framediff");
    lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
    return 1; // pkt's already on the stack, thanks to the newuserdata call
 * Get and send information about the specified point in the pixbuf.
 * Look at the 5x5 rectangle within two pixels of x, y, and send back:
 * R, G, B at (x, y)
 * average R, G, B
void send_image_info(int x, int y) {
    int BUFFER = 2;
    cc3_image_t img;
    cc3_pixel_t pixel;
    image_info_pkt_t* info_pkt = malloc(sizeof(image_info_pkt_t));
    info_pkt->x = x;
    info_pkt->y = y;

    // make sure we got legal values
    if (x > cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.width || y > cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.height) {
        send_debug_msg("(%d, %d) is outside the bounds of the pixbuf.", x, y);
    info_pkt->x = x;
    info_pkt->y = y;
    info_pkt->avg_r = info_pkt->avg_g = info_pkt->avg_b = 0;

    // get mins and maxes, in case we're near the edge of an image
    int y_min = y - BUFFER;
    if (y_min < 0) {
        y_min = 0;
    int y_max = y + BUFFER;
    if (y_max > cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.height) {
        y_max = cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.height;
    int x_min = x - BUFFER;
    if (x_min < 0) {
        x_min = 0;
    int x_max = x + BUFFER;
    if (x_max > cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.width) {
        x_max = cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.width;

    // get to the min row first
    img.pix = cc3_malloc_rows(1);

    int idx = 0;
    while (idx < y_min) {
        cc3_pixbuf_read_rows(img.pix, 1);
    int num_pix = 0;
    for (; idx < y_max+1; idx++) {
        cc3_pixbuf_read_rows(img.pix, 1);
        for (int j = x_min; j < x_max+1; j++) {
            cc3_get_pixel(&img, j, 0, &pixel);
            info_pkt->avg_r += pixel.channel[0];
            info_pkt->avg_g += pixel.channel[1];
            info_pkt->avg_b += pixel.channel[2];

            if (idx == y && j == x) {
                info_pkt->r = pixel.channel[0];
                info_pkt->g = pixel.channel[1];
                info_pkt->b = pixel.channel[2];
    info_pkt->avg_r = info_pkt->avg_r / num_pix;
    info_pkt->avg_g = info_pkt->avg_g / num_pix;
    info_pkt->avg_b = info_pkt->avg_b / num_pix;
    free(img.pix); // free img.pix  info_pkt gets freed in send_image_info_msg