int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int fd, part_size, file_id;
	int k = 5;
	struct file_info* file_info;
	printf("%10d\n", k);


    if(argc!=4) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if(sethandler(SIG_IGN,SIGPIPE)) ERR("Seting SIGPIPE:");
    if(sethandler(sigint_handler,SIGINT)) ERR("Seting SIGINT:");

    fd = connect_socket(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));

	send_message(fd, "UPL", "");

    part_size = wait_for_system_readiness(fd);

	file_info = get_file_info(fd, argv[3], part_size);

	if(( file_id = send_file_info(fd, argv[3], part_size, file_info)) < 0) ERR("write");

	file_info -> file_id = file_id;
	printf("File ID: %d\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n", file_info -> file_id);
	send_file(fd, argv[3], file_info, part_size);
	printf("File ID: %d\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n", file_info -> file_id);

	if(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd))<0) ERR("close");

    return 0;
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    // variables and data structures
    const char * server_hostname; // (from command line)
    const char * port_str; // (from command line)
    char filename[FILENAME_BUF_LEN]; // (from command line)
    char op_str[3];
    int socket_fd; // socket for communicating with server
    long int file_len; // length of file sent by server
    unsigned char MD5_hash_server[16]; // array (NOT STRING) holding hex values for MD5 hash from server
    unsigned char * file_buf = NULL;
    unsigned char * MD5_hash_client[16]; // POINTER to array (NOT STRING) holding hex values for MD5 hash from client (self)
    enum OPERATION op = REQ;
    FILE * file = NULL;
    struct timeval time_start;
    struct timeval time_end;
    struct timeval time_elapsed;

    // get information from command line
    analyze_argc(argc, 3, &print_usage);
    server_hostname = argv[1];
    debugprintf("server hostnamename argument: %s", server_hostname);
    port_str = argv[2];
    debugprintf("port argument: %s", port_str);

    // capture start time
    if (gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL) == -1) {
        perror("error getting start time");
    debugprintf("start time recorded");

    // connect to server
    socket_fd = connect_to_server(server_hostname, port_str);
    if (socket_fd == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to connect to server, exiting now\n");

    // Receive operation input
    while(op != XIT){
      printf("Please enter an operation:\n");
      scanf("%s", &op_str);
      if(strcmp(op_str, "REQ") == 0){
        op = REQ;
        send_operation(socket_fd, op);
        // gather file info & send it
        printf("Please enter the name of the file you would like to request:\n");
        scanf("%s", &filename);
        send_file_info(socket_fd, filename);

        // receive file length from server
        long int file_len_net;
        recv_bytes(socket_fd, &file_len_net, sizeof(file_len_net), "file length");
        file_len = file_len_net;
        debugprintf("file length received from server: %ld", file_len);

        // quit if file does not exist on server
        if (file_len == -1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "File does not exists\n");

        // receive MD5 hash from server
        recv_bytes(socket_fd, MD5_hash_server, 16, "MD5 hash");
        debugprintf("MD5 hash received from server");

        // prepare to receive file byte array (packet by packet) from server
        file_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(file_len * sizeof(unsigned char));
        int i_full_pckt;
        int n_full_pckts = file_len / FILE_PCKT_LEN;
        size_t last_pckt_len = file_len % FILE_PCKT_LEN;
        debugprintf("expecting %d full packets from server (%zu bytes)", n_full_pckts, FILE_PCKT_LEN);
        if (last_pckt_len != 0) {
            debugprintf("last packet will be %zu bytes", last_pckt_len);
        } else {
            debugprintf("no last packet will be received");

        // recieve full packets from server
        for (i_full_pckt = 0; i_full_pckt < n_full_pckts; i_full_pckt++) {
            recv_bytes(socket_fd, &file_buf[i_full_pckt * FILE_PCKT_LEN], FILE_PCKT_LEN, "file packet");
            debugprintf("full packet %d of %d received from server", (i_full_pckt + 1), n_full_pckts);

        // receive last packet from server (if necessary)
        if (last_pckt_len != 0) {
            recv_bytes(socket_fd, &file_buf[n_full_pckts * FILE_PCKT_LEN], last_pckt_len, "last file packet");
            debugprintf("last packet received from server");
        debugprintf("file received from server");

        // create MD5 hash of file
        MD5_hash_of_byte_array(file_buf, file_len, MD5_hash_client);
        debugprintf("MD5 hash created");

        // compare MD5 hashes
        if (cmp_MD5_hash(*MD5_hash_client, MD5_hash_server) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "File hashes do not match – bad transfer\n");
        debugprintf("MD5 hashes match"); //TODO: MAKE FAIL!

        // write byte array to file
        file = fopen(filename, "wb");
        size_t write_size = fwrite(file_buf, 1, file_len, file); //return value!
        debugprintf("file created, DONE %d bytes written", write_size);

        // capture end time
        if (gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL) == -1) {
            perror("error getting end time");
        debugprintf("end time recorded");

        // calculate and print time difference and throughput
        timersub(&time_end, &time_start, &time_elapsed);
        double seconds_elapsed = time_elapsed.tv_sec + (time_elapsed.tv_usec / 1000000.0);
        double throughput = ((double)file_len / 1048576) / seconds_elapsed;
        printf("%ld bytes transferred in %f sec. Throughput: %f Megabytes/sec. File MD5sum: ", file_len, seconds_elapsed, throughput);

      } else if(strcmp(op_str, "UPL") == 0){
        op = UPL;
        send_operation(socket_fd, op);
        printf("Please enter the name of the file you would like to upload:\n");
      } else if(strcmp(op_str, "DEL") == 0){
        op = DEL;
        send_operation(socket_fd, op);

        // gather file info & send it
        printf("Please enter the name of the file you would like to delete:\n");
        scanf("%s", &filename);
        send_file_info(socket_fd, filename);
        // Listen for if file exists
        uint32_t file_exists_net;
        recv_bytes(socket_fd, &file_exists_net, sizeof(file_exists_net), "operation");
        short int file_exists = ntohs(file_exists_net);

          printf("Are you sure you want to delete %s (Yes/No)?\n", &filename);
          char confirm_str[3];
          scanf("%s", &confirm_str);
          short int confirm;
          if( strcmp(confirm_str, "Yes") == 0 ){
            confirm = 1;  
            debugprintf("file delete sent to client");
          } else {
            confirm = 0;
            printf("Delete abandoned by user!\n");

          uint32_t confirm_net;
          confirm_net = htons(confirm);
          send_bytes(socket_fd, &confirm_net, sizeof(confirm_net), "confirm delete sent to server");
          if( confirm ){
            recv_bytes(socket_fd, &confirm_net, sizeof(confirm_net), "confirm delete from server");
            confirm = ntohs(confirm_net);
            if( confirm == 0 ){
              printf("File was sucessfully deleted from the server\n");
            } else printf("Error deleting file from the server\n");
        } else {
          debugprintf("Server says file does not exist");

      } else if(strcmp(op_str, "LIS") == 0){
        op = LIS;
        send_operation(socket_fd, op);
        short int num_files;
        uint32_t num_files_net;        
        recv_bytes(socket_fd, &num_files_net, sizeof(num_files_net), "client receiving num files");
        num_files = ntohs(num_files_net);        
        debugprintf("%d Files in the dir\n", num_files);
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < num_files; i++){
           receive_file_info ( socket_fd, filename);
           printf("%s\n", filename);

      } else if(strcmp(op_str, "XIT") == 0){
        op = XIT;
        send_operation(socket_fd, op);

    printf("Connection to host closed. Goodbye!\n");
void *connection(void *user) {
  //struct timeval curTime;
  struct User *_user = (struct User *)user;
  int e;
  int rc = 1;
  int sockfd = _user->sockfd;
  pthread_detach(pthread_self()); //automatically clears the threads memory on exit
  fd_set rdset, wrset;
  int s = -1;
  int max_fd = sockfd + 1;
  struct timeval selectTimeout;
  selectTimeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT / 1000;
  selectTimeout.tv_usec = (TIMEOUT % 1000) * 1000;
  char *buf = calloc(100,1);
  for (;;) {
    // start monitoring for reads or timeout
    if (s <= 0) {
      FD_SET(sockfd, &rdset);

    s = select(max_fd, &rdset, &wrset, NULL, &selectTimeout); 

    if (s == -1) { printf("ERROR: Socket error. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); }

     * Here we handle all of the incoming text from a particular client.
    if(s > 0) {
      rc = recv(sockfd,buf,99,0);
      if (rc > 0)
        char *cmd = malloc(24);
        cmd = strtok(buf," ");
        // which command are we processing? 
        if (strcmp(cmd,GET_CMD) == 0) {
          char *filename = calloc(FILENAME_LEN,1);
          filename = strtok(NULL,"\0");
          send_file_info(sockfd, filename);
        else if (strcmp(cmd,LIST_CMD) == 0) {
        else if (strcmp(cmd,USERS_CMD) == 0) {
        else if (strcmp(cmd,SEND_LIST_CMD) == 0) {
        else if (strcmp(cmd,EXIT_CMD) == 0) {
          //if I received an 'exit' message from this client
	        printf("Shouldn't see this!\n");
          //loop through global client list and
	        //e =write(..); 
	        if (e == -1) //broken pipe.. someone has left the room
	          //so remove them from our list
        else {
          printf("Unknown command received: %s\n",cmd);
	//A requirement for 5273 students:
  //if I received a new files list from this client, the
	//server must “Push”/send the new updated hash table to all clients it is connected to.

  //should probably never get here
  return 0;
文件: client.cpp 项目: tinnfu/ftp
int client::upload()
    char file_name[BUFFSIZE] = {0};
    if(m_cmd.size() < 2)
            cout << "file name: ";

            cin.getline(file_name, BUFFSIZE - 1);

        }while(file_name[0] == '\0');
        strncpy(file_name, m_cmd[1], BUFFSIZE);

    // Check file's existance in local.
    if(-1 == access(file_name, F_OK) )
        cout << "no such file" << endl;
        return -1;

    int res = 0;

    if( -1 == send_file_info(file_name) )
        ;// Send info error.

    char pack_type = acceptable();
    if( is_pack_type(PT_FEXIST, pack_type) )
        while( 1 )
            char choice[BUFFSIZE] = {0};
            cout << "file exist in remote, "
                << "do you want to cover it ? [yes | no]"
                << " >> ";

            cin.getline(choice, BUFFSIZE - 1);

            // Default choice is "yes".
            if('\0' == choice[0])
                strcpy(choice, "yes");

            if( is_no(choice) )
                return 0;
            else if( is_yes(choice) )
                cout << "input error" << endl;

    res = send_file(file_name);

    return res;