extern "C" void open_file (const char *pathname, int flags, struct client client) {
  uint32_t file_id;
  struct decafs_file_stat stat;
  int cursor;

  // If the file does not exist
  if ((decafs_file_sstat ((char *)pathname, &stat, client)) == FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
    // If we are going to write to the file, create it
    if (flags & O_RDWR) {
      printf ("\tfile not found... creating now\n");
      // Create the file
      struct timeval time;
      gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
                          // change 4th param to get_replica_size()
                          // implement in vmeta
      file_id = add_file ((char *)pathname, get_stripe_size(), get_chunk_size(),
                          get_chunk_size(), time, client);
    // We can't read from nothing!
    else {
      if (send_open_result (client, FILE_NOT_FOUND_FOR_READING) < 0) {
        printf ("\tOpen result could not reach client.\n");
  else {
    file_id = stat.file_id;

  printf ("\tfile %s has id %d.\n", pathname, file_id);

  // If we're opening with read only, obtain a read lock
  if (flags & O_RDWR) {
    // if we can't get a write lock, return that the file is in use so we can't
    // open it
    if (get_exclusive_lock (client, file_id) < 0) {
      if (send_open_result (client, FILE_IN_USE) < 0) {
        printf ("\tOpen result could not reach client.\n");
    printf ("\tobtained a write lock.\n");
  // obtain a write lock
  else {
    // if we can't get a read lock, return that the file is in use so we can't
    // open it
    if (get_shared_lock (client, file_id) < 0) {
      if (send_open_result (client, FILE_IN_USE) < 0) {
        printf ("\tOpen result could not reach client.\n");
    printf ("\tobtained a read lock.\n");

  cursor = new_file_cursor (file_id, client);
  if (flags & O_APPEND) {
    printf ("\tfile opened with O_APPEND, moving cursor to EOF.\n");
    set_file_cursor (cursor, stat.size, client);

  if (send_open_result (client, cursor) < 0) {
    printf ("\tOpen result could not reach client.\n");
// open_file 
extern "C" void open_file (const char *pathname, int flags, struct client client) {

  send_open_result(client, 1); 