int start_attack(attack_t *a){ int rc; switch(a->type){ case ATTACK_INJECT: if(!a->dest || !a->text){ fprintf(stderr, "This attack needs a text as well as a destination number\n"); rc = -2; } else { if((rc = send_sms(a->sock, a->dest, a->text) < 0)){ fprintf(stderr, "Error sending SMS (%d)\n", rc); } else { printf("SMS on its way :D\n"); } } break; case ATTACK_MODIFY: if(!a->dest && !a->text){ fprintf(stderr, "You either have to modify the destination or the text!\n"); rc = -2; } else { if((rc = modify_sms(a->sock, a->dest, a->text)) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error modifying SMS (%d)\n", rc); } } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown attack (shouldn't happen)\n"); rc = -3; break; } return rc; }
void check_sms(void) { unsigned char i = 0; unsigned char k = 0; unsigned char phone[15]; i = 3; while (i < 15) { if (reic[i] == '"') break; phone[k] = reic[i]; k++; i++; } phone[k] = '\0'; send_sms(phone,"OK Duong"); }
int main (){ int x; //char * ptr; char * AT = "\r\nAT\r\n"; char * PIN_CHECK = "\r\nAT+CPIN?\r\n"; char * ENTER_PIN = "\r\nAT+CPIN=\"1234\"\r\n"; char * CREG = "\r\nAT+CREG?\r\n"; char response[20]; char * ptr; enum STATES {INIT, CHECK_PIN, SEND_PIN, CHECK_NETWORK_REG, SEND_SMS, CONNECTED}; enum STATES CurrentState = INIT; hardware_init(); enable_UART0_receive_interrupt(); buffer_init(); PIT_Configure_interrupt_mode(1); //PIT interrupt every second enable_UART0_receive_interrupt(); PRINTF("\nGSM Modem Control\n"); //Configuration while(1) { switch(CurrentState) { case INIT: //Check connection to MODEM by sending AT. Expected response is OK PRINTF("Testing Modem Connection\n"); result = send_command(AT, response, sizeof(response), 10); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { printf_response(response); } if(result == SUCCESS) //"OK" was returned by MODEM CurrentState = CHECK_PIN; else //incorrect response or timeout. Delay and try again { CurrentTick = tick_count; while((tick_count - CurrentTick) < 5) {} } break; case CHECK_PIN: //Check if SIM card is ready result = send_command(PIN_CHECK, response, sizeof(response), 10); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { printf_response(response); } if(result == SUCCESS) //"OK" returned, check response string for "READY" or "SIM_PIN" { if(strstr(response, "READY")) //if ready ok is typed into terminal { CurrentState = CHECK_NETWORK_REG; //move to check_network_reg } else if(strstr(response, "SIM_PIN")) // sim_pin ok entered { CurrentState = SEND_PIN; //move to send_pin } } else CurrentState = INIT; break; case SEND_PIN: //Send PIN code. "OK" response if PIN is correct result = send_command(ENTER_PIN, response, sizeof(response), 10); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { printf_response(response); } if(result==SUCCESS) //if logic '0' { //if(strstr(response, "")) CurrentState = CHECK_NETWORK_REG; //move to check_network_reg } else { CurrentState = CHECK_PIN; //if '-1' move back to check_pin again } break; case CHECK_NETWORK_REG: //check if registered on mobile network result = send_command(CREG, response, sizeof(response), 20); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { printf_response(response); } if(result==SUCCESS) { if(strstr(response,"+CREG")) //if +creg entered { ptr = (char*)strchr(response,':');//point to the colon ptr+=4; //move 4 places switch(*ptr)//switch contents of address pointed to { case '1'://if +creg: 0,1 entered CurrentState = INIT;// move back to init PRINTF("Invalid;Try again"); break; case '2'://if +creg: 0,2 entered CurrentState = SEND_SMS;//move to send_sms PRINTF("Proceed to send SMS"); break; case '3'://if +creg: 0,3 entered CurrentTick = tick_count;//wait for "network" while((tick_count - CurrentTick) < 5) {} PRINTF("Checking for Network, Please Wait"); break; case '4'://if +creg: 0,4 entered CurrentState = INIT;//move back to init PRINTF("Invalid,Try Again"); break; case '5': //if +creg: 0,5 entered CurrentState = SEND_SMS;//send sms PRINTF("Proceed to send SMS"); break; default: CurrentState = INIT; PRINTF("Invalid,Try Again"); break; } } else { CurrentState = INIT; } printf_response(response); break; case SEND_SMS: //Send a text message send_sms("\"0871234567\"","\"Testing 123\""); //send number send_sms("\"0171112233\"","\"Success\""); // the message if(result==SUCCESS) // if logic '0' { PRINTF("Message has been sent"); CurrentState = CONNECTED;//move to connected break; } else { CurrentTick = tick_count;// wait for input while((tick_count - CurrentTick) < 5) {} break; } case CONNECTED: while(1) //dummy loop {} break; default: break; }//end switch-case }//end while(1) } }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: execute_action * * * * Purpose: execute an action depending on mediatype * * * * Parameters: alert - alert details * * mediatype - media details * * * * Return value: SUCCESS - action executed sucessfully * * FAIL - otherwise, error will contain error message * * * * Author: Alexei Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ int execute_action(DB_ALERT *alert,DB_MEDIATYPE *mediatype, char *error, int max_error_len) { int res=FAIL; int pid; char full_path[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char env_alertid[128],env_actionid[128],env_clock[128],env_mediatypeid[128], env_status[128]; char *zbxenv[] = { (char *)&env_alertid, (char *)&env_actionid, (char *)&env_clock, (char *)&env_mediatypeid, (char *)&env_status, (char *)0 }; zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In execute_action(%s)", mediatype->smtp_server); if(mediatype->type==MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL) { alarm(40); res = send_email(mediatype->smtp_server,mediatype->smtp_helo,mediatype->smtp_email,alert->sendto,alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); alarm(0); } #if defined (HAVE_JABBER) else if(mediatype->type==MEDIA_TYPE_JABBER) { /* Jabber uses its own timeouts */ res = send_jabber(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } #endif /* HAVE_JABBER */ else if(mediatype->type==MEDIA_TYPE_SMS) { /* SMS uses its own timeouts */ res = send_sms(mediatype->gsm_modem,alert->sendto,alert->message, error, max_error_len); } else if(mediatype->type==MEDIA_TYPE_EXEC) { /* if(-1 == execl(CONFIG_ALERT_SCRIPTS_PATH,mediatype->exec_path,alert->sendto,alert->subject,alert->message))*/ zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Before execl([%s],[%s])", CONFIG_ALERT_SCRIPTS_PATH, mediatype->exec_path); /* if(-1 == execl("/home/zabbix/bin/","",alert->sendto,alert->subject,alert->message,(char *)0))*/ pid = zbx_fork(); if(0 != pid) { waitpid(pid,NULL,0); } else { strscpy(full_path,CONFIG_ALERT_SCRIPTS_PATH); zbx_strlcat(full_path,"/",MAX_STRING_LEN); zbx_strlcat(full_path,mediatype->exec_path,MAX_STRING_LEN); ltrim_spaces(full_path); zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Before executing [%s]", full_path); zbx_snprintf(env_alertid,127,"ZABBIX_ALERT_ID=%d", alert->alertid); zbx_snprintf(env_actionid,127,"ZABBIX_ACTION_ID=%d", alert->actionid); zbx_snprintf(env_clock,127,"ZABBIX_ALERT_TIME=%d", alert->clock); zbx_snprintf(env_mediatypeid,127,"ZABBIX_ALERT_MEDIATYPEID=%d", alert->mediatypeid); zbx_snprintf(env_status,127,"ZABBIX_ALERT_STATUS=%d", alert->status); /* if(-1 == execl(full_path,mediatype->exec_path,alert->sendto,alert->subject,alert->message,(char *)0))*/ if(-1 == execle(full_path,mediatype->exec_path,alert->sendto,alert->subject,alert->message,(char *)0, zbxenv)) { zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error executing [%s] [%s]", full_path, strerror(errno)); zabbix_syslog("Error executing [%s] [%s]", full_path, strerror(errno)); zbx_snprintf(error,max_error_len,"Error executing [%s] [%s]", full_path, strerror(errno)); res = FAIL; } else { res = SUCCEED; } /* In normal case the program will never reach this point */ zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "After execl()"); exit(0); } res = SUCCEED; } else { zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unsupported media type [%d] for alert ID [%d]", mediatype->type, alert->alertid); zabbix_syslog("Unsupported media type [%d] for alert ID [%d]", mediatype->type, alert->alertid); zbx_snprintf(error,max_error_len,"Unsupported media type [%d]", mediatype->type); res=FAIL; } zabbix_log( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End execute_action()"); return res; }
static int index_html (struct shttpd_arg_t *arg) { int n = 0, ret = 0; int *p = arg->user_data; /* integer passed to us */ const char *phone_num = NULL, *text = NULL; const char *ajax = NULL; int isajax = 0; if((ajax = shttpd_get_var(arg, "ajax")) != NULL) isajax = 1; if(!isajax) { n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "<html><head><title>Send SMS To Phone</title>" "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf8\"/>" "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=320, initial-scale=1.0\" />" "</head><body>"); } phone_num = shttpd_get_var (arg, "phone_num"); text = shttpd_get_var (arg, "text"); if(phone_num != NULL && text != NULL) { if ((ret = send_sms (phone_num, text)) < 0) { n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "<p>Could not Send SMS: %d</p>", ret); } else { char sql[1024]; char *sr; n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "<p>Sent Ok</p>"); sprintf(sql,"insert into message (address,text,date,flags) values('%s','%s','%d','3');", phone_num,text,time(NULL)); sr = sqlite_exec("/var/root/Library/SMS/sms.db",sql); free(sr); } if(isajax) { arg->last = 1; return (n); } } n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "<form method=\"post\">" "<p>To:" "<input style=\"font-size:18px\" type=\"text\" size=\"14\" maxlength=\"14\" name=\"phone_num\" value=\"%s\"/>" " <a href=\"/simpb.html\">PhoneBook</a></p>" "<textarea style=\"font-size:15px\" cols=30 rows=10 name=\"text\">%s</textarea><br/>" "<input style=\"font-size:15px\" value=\"Send\" type=\"submit\"/></form>", (phone_num != NULL) ? phone_num : "", (text != NULL) ? text : ""); n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "<div style=\"text-align: right\"><a href=\"/setting.html\">Setting</a> <a href=\"/sms_sim.html\">SMS(SIM)</a> <a href=\"/sms.html?box=inbox\">Inbox</a> <a href=\"/sms.html?box=outbox\">Outbox</a></div>"); n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "<br/><div><a href=\"/credit.html\">Credit</a>"); n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, " <a href=\"/api.html\">API</a></dev>"); n += snprintf (arg->buf + n, arg->buflen - n, "</body></html>"); assert (n < (int) arg->buflen); arg->last = 1; return (n); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: execute_action * * * * Purpose: execute an action depending on mediatype * * * * Parameters: alert - alert details * * mediatype - media details * * * * Return value: SUCCESS - action executed sucessfully * * FAIL - otherwise, error will contain error message * * * * Author: Alexei Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ int execute_action(DB_ALERT *alert, DB_MEDIATYPE *mediatype, char *error, int max_error_len) { const char *__function_name = "execute_action"; int pid, res = FAIL; char full_path[MAX_STRING_LEN]; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s(): alertid [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "] mediatype [%d]", __function_name, alert->alertid, mediatype->type); if (MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL == mediatype->type) { alarm(40); res = send_email(mediatype->smtp_server, mediatype->smtp_helo, mediatype->smtp_email, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); alarm(0); } #if defined(HAVE_JABBER) else if (MEDIA_TYPE_JABBER == mediatype->type) { /* Jabber uses its own timeouts */ res = send_jabber(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } #endif else if (MEDIA_TYPE_SMS == mediatype->type) { /* SMS uses its own timeouts */ res = send_sms(mediatype->gsm_modem, alert->sendto, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } else if (MEDIA_TYPE_EZ_TEXTING == mediatype->type) { /* Ez Texting uses its own timeouts */ res = send_ez_texting(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->message, mediatype->exec_path, error, max_error_len); } else if (MEDIA_TYPE_EXEC == mediatype->type) { pid = zbx_fork(); if (0 != pid) { waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); res = SUCCEED; } else { zbx_snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", CONFIG_ALERT_SCRIPTS_PATH, mediatype->exec_path); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Before executing [%s]", full_path); if (-1 == execl(full_path, mediatype->exec_path, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, (char *)NULL)) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error executing [%s] [%s]", full_path, strerror(errno)); zabbix_syslog("Error executing [%s] [%s]", full_path, strerror(errno)); exit(FAIL); } else THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN; } } else { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unsupported media type [%d] for alert ID [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "]", mediatype->type, alert->alertid); zabbix_syslog("Unsupported media type [%d] for alert ID [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "]", mediatype->type, alert->alertid); zbx_snprintf(error, max_error_len, "Unsupported media type [%d]", mediatype->type); res = FAIL; } zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s(): %d", __function_name, zbx_result_string(res)); return res; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, rc, nerr = 0, e; char *to, *msg, *cp; BUFFER buf; #if HAVE_DOORS struct door_info dib; #endif for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'V': p_header(); exit(0); case 'm': ++mailmode; break; case 'd': ++debug; break; #if HAVE_DOORS case 'D': door_path = strdup(argv[i]+2); break; #endif case 'F': fifo_path = strdup(argv[i]+2); break; case '-': goto EndOptions; case 'h': usage(stdout, argv[0]); exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown switch: %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } EndOptions: if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing recipient of message\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } #if HAVE_DOORS door_fd = open(door_path, O_RDONLY); if (door_fd < 0) { e = errno; if (errno != ENOENT) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: open: %s\n", door_path, strerror(e)); fprintf(stderr, "%s: open(%s): %s\n", argv[0], door_path, strerror(e)); exit(1); } } if (door_fd > 0) { if (door_info(door_fd, &dib) < 0) { e = errno; syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: door_info: %s\n", door_path, strerror(e)); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: door_info: %s\n", argv[0], door_path, strerror(e)); exit(1); } if (debug) { printf("door_info() -> server pid = %ld, uniquifier = %ld", (long) dib.di_target, (long) dib.di_uniquifier); if (dib.di_attributes & DOOR_LOCAL) printf(", LOCAL"); if (dib.di_attributes & DOOR_PRIVATE) printf(", PRIVATE"); if (dib.di_attributes & DOOR_REVOKED) printf(", REVOKED"); if (dib.di_attributes & DOOR_UNREF) printf(", UNREF"); putchar('\n'); } if (dib.di_attributes & DOOR_REVOKED) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: door revoked\n", door_path); fprintf(stderr, "%s: door revoked\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } #endif if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) puts("Enter message:"); buf_init(&buf); buf_load(&buf, stdin); msg = buf_getall(&buf); if (mailmode) { while (*msg && !((msg[0] == '\n' && msg[1] == '\n') || (msg[0] == '\r' && msg[1] == '\n' && msg[2] == '\r' && msg[3] == '\n'))) ++msg; switch (*msg) { case '\r': msg += 4; break; case '\n': msg += 2; } } while (i < argc) { to = s_dup(argv[i]); if (!to) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: s_dup: %s\n", argv[0], argv[i], strerror(errno)); exit(1); } cp = strchr(to, '@'); if (cp) *cp = '\0'; rc = send_sms(to, msg); if (rc != 0) { ++nerr; e = errno; syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: send failed (door_path=%s, rc=%d): %s", argv[i], door_path, strerror(e)); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: send failed (rc=%d): %s\n", argv[0], argv[i], rc, strerror(e)); } ++i; } exit(nerr); }
// --- loop --- void loop(){ char Key = kpd.getKey(); switch (alarmState) { // off - system idle case off: set_sirene(false); goto_on_if_password(); break; // wait_on - delay before on (delai de sortie maison) case wait_on: set_sirene(false); goto_off_if_password(); if(wait_on_timer.check() == 1){ set_lcd("alarm on", ""); next_alarmState = on; } break; // on - system is running case on: set_sirene(false); if(get_sensors()) { next_alarmState = detection; set_lcd("detection", ""); } goto_off_if_password(); break; // detection - movement detected case detection: set_sirene(false); send_sms(); goto_off_if_password(); before_sirene_timer.reset(); next_alarmState = before_sirene; break; // before_sirene - delay before sirene (delai d'entrée dans maison) case before_sirene: set_sirene(false); if(before_sirene_timer.check() == 1){ ring_sirene_timer.reset(); next_alarmState = ring_sirene; set_lcd("sirene", ""); } goto_off_if_password(); break; // sirene - sirene is crying case ring_sirene: set_sirene(true); goto_off_if_password(); if(ring_sirene_timer.check() == 1){ wait_on_timer.reset(); next_alarmState = wait_on; set_lcd("wait_on", ""); } break; } alarmState = next_alarmState; }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: execute_action * * * * Purpose: execute an action depending on mediatype * * * * Parameters: alert - alert details * * mediatype - media details * * * * Return value: SUCCESS - action executed sucessfully * * FAIL - otherwise, error will contain error message * * * * Author: Alexei Vladishev * * * ******************************************************************************/ int execute_action(DB_ALERT *alert, DB_MEDIATYPE *mediatype, char *error, int max_error_len) { const char *__function_name = "execute_action"; int res = FAIL; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s(): alertid [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "] mediatype [%d]", __function_name, alert->alertid, mediatype->type); if (MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL == mediatype->type) { alarm(ALARM_ACTION_TIMEOUT); res = send_email(mediatype->smtp_server, mediatype->smtp_helo, mediatype->smtp_email, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); alarm(0); } #ifdef HAVE_JABBER else if (MEDIA_TYPE_JABBER == mediatype->type) { /* Jabber uses its own timeouts */ res = send_jabber(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } #endif else if (MEDIA_TYPE_SMS == mediatype->type) { /* SMS uses its own timeouts */ res = send_sms(mediatype->gsm_modem, alert->sendto, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } else if (MEDIA_TYPE_EZ_TEXTING == mediatype->type) { /* Ez Texting uses its own timeouts */ res = send_ez_texting(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->message, mediatype->exec_path, error, max_error_len); } else if (MEDIA_TYPE_EXEC == mediatype->type) { char full_path[MAX_STRING_LEN], *send_to, *subject, *message, *output = NULL; send_to = zbx_dyn_escape_string(alert->sendto, "\"\\"); subject = zbx_dyn_escape_string(alert->subject, "\"\\"); message = zbx_dyn_escape_string(alert->message, "\"\\"); zbx_snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"", CONFIG_ALERT_SCRIPTS_PATH, mediatype->exec_path, send_to, subject, message); zbx_free(send_to); zbx_free(subject); zbx_free(message); if (SUCCEED == (res = zbx_execute(full_path, &output, error, max_error_len, ALARM_ACTION_TIMEOUT))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s output:\n%s", mediatype->exec_path, output); zbx_free(output); } else res = FAIL; } else { zbx_snprintf(error, max_error_len, "unsupported media type [%d]", mediatype->type); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "alert ID [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "]: %s", alert->alertid, error); zabbix_syslog("alert ID [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "]: %s", alert->alertid, error); } zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s():%s", __function_name, zbx_result_string(res)); return res; }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: execute_action * * * * Purpose: execute an action depending on mediatype * * * * Parameters: alert - alert details * * mediatype - media details * * * * Return value: SUCCESS - action executed successfully * * FAIL - otherwise, error will contain error message * * * * Author: Alexei Vladishev * * * ******************************************************************************/ int execute_action(DB_ALERT *alert, DB_MEDIATYPE *mediatype, char *error, int max_error_len) { const char *__function_name = "execute_action"; int res = FAIL; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s(): alertid [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "] mediatype [%d]", __function_name, alert->alertid, mediatype->type); if (MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL == mediatype->type) { res = send_email(mediatype->smtp_server, mediatype->smtp_port, mediatype->smtp_helo, mediatype->smtp_email, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, mediatype->smtp_security, mediatype->smtp_verify_peer, mediatype->smtp_verify_host, mediatype->smtp_authentication, mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, ALARM_ACTION_TIMEOUT, error, max_error_len); } #ifdef HAVE_JABBER else if (MEDIA_TYPE_JABBER == mediatype->type) { /* Jabber uses its own timeouts */ res = send_jabber(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->subject, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } #endif else if (MEDIA_TYPE_SMS == mediatype->type) { /* SMS uses its own timeouts */ res = send_sms(mediatype->gsm_modem, alert->sendto, alert->message, error, max_error_len); } else if (MEDIA_TYPE_EZ_TEXTING == mediatype->type) { /* Ez Texting uses its own timeouts */ res = send_ez_texting(mediatype->username, mediatype->passwd, alert->sendto, alert->message, mediatype->exec_path, error, max_error_len); } else if (MEDIA_TYPE_EXEC == mediatype->type) { char *cmd = NULL, *send_to, *subject, *message, *output = NULL; size_t cmd_alloc = ZBX_KIBIBYTE, cmd_offset = 0; cmd = zbx_malloc(cmd, cmd_alloc); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&cmd, &cmd_alloc, &cmd_offset, "%s/%s", CONFIG_ALERT_SCRIPTS_PATH, mediatype->exec_path); if (0 == access(cmd, X_OK)) { send_to = zbx_dyn_escape_shell_single_quote(alert->sendto); subject = zbx_dyn_escape_shell_single_quote(alert->subject); message = zbx_dyn_escape_shell_single_quote(alert->message); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&cmd, &cmd_alloc, &cmd_offset, " '%s' '%s' '%s'", send_to, subject, message); zbx_free(message); zbx_free(subject); zbx_free(send_to); if (SUCCEED == (res = zbx_execute(cmd, &output, error, max_error_len, ALARM_ACTION_TIMEOUT))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s output:\n%s", mediatype->exec_path, output); zbx_free(output); } else res = FAIL; } else zbx_snprintf(error, max_error_len, "%s: %s", cmd, zbx_strerror(errno)); zbx_free(cmd); } else { zbx_snprintf(error, max_error_len, "unsupported media type [%d]", mediatype->type); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "alert ID [" ZBX_FS_UI64 "]: %s", alert->alertid, error); } zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s():%s", __function_name, zbx_result_string(res)); return res; }
int main() { char * AT = "\r\nAT\r\n";//Setting up a char variable AT for the a long string char * PIN_CHECK = "\r\nAT+CPIN?\r\n";//Setting up a char variable PIN_CHECK for the a long string char * ENTER_PIN = "\r\nAT+CPIN=\"1234\"\r\n";//Setting up a char variable ENTER_PIN for the a long string char * CREG = "\r\nAT+CREG?\r\n";//Setting up a char variable CREG for the a long string char response[20]; //A character buffer called response that can hold 20 characters int result = 0; //int result to check the value of the response sent back int transmit_send = 0; volatile int CurrentTick; //Volitile interger to hold the current tick count of the current time char * ptr; //Character char * stat; enum STATES {INIT, CHECK_PIN, SEND_PIN, CHECK_NETWORK_REG, SEND_SMS, CONNECTED}; enum STATES CurrentState = INIT; uart_state_t uartState; // user provides memory for the driver state structure uart_user_config_t uartConfig; buffer_init(); hardware_init(); //UART0_config(); PIT_Configure_interrupt_mode(1); configure_uart_pins(0); //instance 0 is UART1??? // Call OSA_Init to setup LP Timer for timeout OSA_Init(); uartConfig.baudRate = 9600; uartConfig.bitCountPerChar = kUart8BitsPerChar; uartConfig.parityMode = kUartParityDisabled; uartConfig.stopBitCount = kUartOneStopBit; UART_DRV_Init(1, &uartState,&uartConfig); //PRINTF("UART0 Test Code\n\r"); //PRINTF("Any entered character will be echoed\r\n\n"); while(1) { switch(CurrentState) { case INIT: //Check connection to MODEM by sending AT. Expected response is OK printf("Testing Modem Connection\n"); result = send_command(AT, response, sizeof(response), 2000); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { //printf_response(response); } if(result == SUCCESS) //"OK" was returned by MODEM CurrentState = CHECK_PIN; else //incorrect response or timeout. Delay and try again { CurrentTick = tick_count; while((tick_count - CurrentTick) < 5) {} } break; case CHECK_PIN: //Check if SIM card is ready result = send_command(PIN_CHECK, response, sizeof(response), 10); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { //printf_response(response); } if(result == SUCCESS) //"OK" returned, check response string for "READY" or "SIM_PIN" { if(strstr(response, "READY")) { CurrentState = CHECK_NETWORK_REG; } else if(strstr(response, "SIM PIN")) { CurrentState = SEND_PIN; } } else CurrentState = INIT; break; case SEND_PIN: //Send PIN code. "OK" response if PIN is correct result = send_command(ENTER_PIN, response, sizeof(response),10); if(result == SUCCESS || result == ERROR) { //printf_response(response); } if(result == SUCCESS) //"OK" returned, check response string for "READY" or "SIM_PIN" { CurrentState = CHECK_NETWORK_REG; } else CurrentState = INIT; break; case CHECK_NETWORK_REG: //check if registered on mobile network result = send_command(CREG, response, sizeof(response), 20); if(strstr(response, "+CREG")) { stat = (char *)strstr(response,":"); stat += 4; switch(*stat) { case '0': CurrentState = INIT; break; case '1': CurrentState = SEND_SMS; break; case '2': CurrentTick = tick_count; while((tick_count - CurrentTick) < 5) {} CurrentState = CHECK_NETWORK_REG; break; case '3': CurrentState = INIT; break; case '4': CurrentState = CONNECTED; break; case '5': CurrentState = SEND_SMS; break; } } case SEND_SMS: //Send a text message transmit_send = send_sms("\"0877763894\"","\"Testing 123 \""); if(transmit_send == SUCCESS) { CurrentState = CONNECTED; } else if(transmit_send == FAIL) { printf("A transmission fail has been detected or you have timed out\r\n"); CurrentState = SEND_SMS; } else if(transmit_send == ERROR) { printf("A transmission ERROR has been detected,rebooting\r\n"); CurrentState = INIT; } break; case CONNECTED: printf("\nInside Connected \r\n"); while(1) //dummy loop {} break; default: break; }//end switch-case } }
int main() { send_sms( "0128994212", "This is a test SMS. Apparently, it works." ); return 0; }
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT /* Use Calibration values for 1MHz Clock DCO*/ DCOCTL = 0; BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; /* Configure Pin Muxing P1.1 RXD and P1.2 TXD */ P1SEL |= BIT1 | BIT2; P1SEL2 |= BIT1 | BIT2; /* Place UCA0 in Reset to be configured */ UCA0CTL1 = UCSWRST; /* Configure */ UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2; // SMCLK UCA0BR0 = 104; // 1MHz 9600 UCA0BR1 = 0; // 1MHz 9600 UCA0MCTL = UCBRS0; // Modulation UCBRSx = 1 /* Take UCA0 out of reset */ UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; /* Enable USCI_A0 RX interrupt */ IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; /* Enable leds*/ P1DIR |= LED_GREEN + LED_RED; LED_OFF(LED_GREEN|LED_RED); /* Blink leds when reset */ blink_led(LED_RED | LED_GREEN, 5); /* Init Button */ P1REN |= BIT3; // Enable internal pull-up/down resistors P1OUT |= BIT3; //Select pull-up mode for P1.3 P1IE |= BIT3; // P1.3 interrupt enabled P1IES |= BIT3; // P1.3 Hi/lo edge P1IFG &= ~BIT3; // P1.3 IFG cleared /* Power up Sim900A */ P2DIR |= SIM_POW; power_sim(); __enable_interrupt(); if (check_status_sim()) blink_led(LED_GREEN, 5); else { blink_led(LED_RED, 5); } while (1) { if (isSendSMS) { isSendSMS = 0; send_sms("0934384878", "Hello Duong"); } if (isHasSMS) { blink_led(LED_GREEN,3); check_sms(); isHasSMS = 0; isSimSendData = 0; index_reic = 0; data_prev = 0; data_current = 0; } } }