int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    //Ejemplo de alineamiento ficticio
    //Ojo, no se está calculando nada en este ejemplo
    Sequence seq1("seq_a_1", "GTACTCATAAAA");
    Sequence seq2("seq_b_1", "GACTCAGTAACA");
    //Sequence seq1("seq_a_1", "GTACTCA T");
    //Sequence seq2("seq_b_1", "G ACTCAGT");
    Alignment alignment(seq1, seq2, "GTACTCA-TAAAA", "G-ACTCAGTAACA", 
                        0, 0, 10, 10, 26);
    return 0;
    void checkQKeySequence()
        // Check that the valid keycode Qt::Key_unknown is handled gracefully
        // Qt::Key_unknown is a valid Qt Key. But toString makes unicode gibberish
        // from it. '???'.
        // Reported with patch - mjansen
        QKeySequence unknown_key(Qt::Key_unknown);
        // The keycode falls into the unicode handling
        QString p = QChar((Qt::Key_unknown-0x10000)/0x400+0xd800);
                p += QChar((Qt::Key_unknown-0x10000)%400+0xdc00);
        QCOMPARE(unknown_key.toString(), p); // What happens
        QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Qt::Key_unknown not handled", Continue);
        QCOMPARE(unknown_key.toString(), QString());     // What i would expect

        // Check that the keycode -1 is handled gracefully.
        // -1 happens for some keys when listening to keyPressEvent in QWidget::event()
        // It means the key is not supported by Qt. It probably should be
        // Qt::Key_unknown instead. Unsupported keys: (Alt+Print for example).
        // Reported with patch - mjansen
        QKeySequence invalid_key(-1);
        // The keycode falls into the handling of keys lesser that Key_escape
        QString p1 = QChar((-1) & 0xffff).toUpper();
        QCOMPARE(invalid_key.toString(), QString("Meta+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+"+p1)); // What happens
        QEXPECT_FAIL("", "-1 not handled", Continue);
        QCOMPARE(invalid_key.toString(), QString());     // What i would expect

        // The famous "KDE4 eats my E key" bug: Win+E isn't parsed anymore.
        QKeySequence seq("Win+E");
        QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Qt Bug 205255/134941 - QKeySequence silently discards unknown key modifiers", Continue);
        // And what really happens
        QCOMPARE(seq.toString(), QLatin1String("E"));

        // KDE3 -> KDE4 migration. KDE3 used xKeycodeToKeysym or something and
        // stored the result
        QKeySequence seq2("Meta+Alt+Period");
        QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Qt Bug 205255/134941 - QKeySequence silently discards unknown key modifiers", Continue);
        // And what really happens
        QCOMPARE(seq2.toString(), QLatin1String("Meta+Alt+"));
 int main() {
     const int SIZE = 20;
     // Make a vector of SIZE integers 
     std::vector<int> seq(SIZE);
     // Populate the vector with 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., SIZE - 1
     std::iota(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq), 0);
     // Display the vector
     std::for_each(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq), 
                   [](int x) { std::cout << x << ' '; });
     std::cout << '\n';
     // Make a vector large enough to hold the copied values
     std::vector<int> seq2(SIZE);
     // Copy the seq to seq2
     std::copy(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq), std::begin(seq2));
     // Display seq2
     std::for_each(std::begin(seq2), std::end(seq2), 
                   [](int x) { std::cout << x << ' '; });
     std::cout << '\n';
     // Make a vector large enough to hold the transformed values
     std::vector<int> seq3(SIZE);
     // Copy the seq to seq3
     std::transform(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq), std::begin(seq3),
                    [](int n) { return 2*n; });
     // Display seq3
     std::for_each(std::begin(seq3), std::end(seq3), 
                   [](int x) { std::cout << x << ' '; });
     std::cout << '\n';
      void perform_test_trivial() {

          typedef int value_type;
          typedef std::set<value_type> set_type;
          typedef std::set<set_type> container_type;
          typedef container_type::iterator container_iterator;
          typedef Subsumption_elimination<container_type> elimination_type;
          elimination_type sub_elim;

          { // empty sequence
            container_type empty;
            sub_elim.upward(empty, empty.begin(), empty.end());
            OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_RANGES(empty, container_type());
            OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_RANGES(empty, container_type());
          { // example sequence
            container_type seq;
            seq.insert(boost::assign::list_of(1) (2));
            const container_iterator first_subsumption = seq.insert(boost::assign::list_of(1) (2) (3)).first;
            container_iterator second_subsumption = seq.insert(boost::assign::list_of(2) (3) (4)).first;
            seq.insert(boost::assign::list_of(3) (4));
            const container_type orig(seq);
              container_type seq2(orig);
              sub_elim.upward(seq2, seq2.begin(), seq2.end());
              OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_W2(seq2, seq);
              sub_elim.upward(seq2, seq2.rbegin(), seq2.rend());
              OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_W2(seq2, seq);
              container_type seq2(orig);
              OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_W2(seq2, seq);
              typedef std::list<set_type> container_type;
              container_type seq2(orig.begin(), orig.end());
              typedef Subsumption_elimination<container_type> elimination_type;
              elimination_type sub_elim;
              OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_RANGES(seq2, seq);
              typedef std::list<set_type> container_type;
              container_type seq2(orig.begin(), orig.end());
              seq2.insert(seq2.end(), orig.begin(), orig.end());
              seq2.sort(OKlib::Programming::Utilities::OrderRelations::SizeLessThan<std::less<set_type> >());
              seq2.erase(std::unique(seq2.begin(), seq2.end()), seq2.end());
              typedef Subsumption_elimination<container_type, SubsumptionsTags::hyperedges_are_unique, SubsumptionsTags::hyperedges_sorted_by_size> elimination_type;
              elimination_type sub_elim;
              OKLIB_TEST_EQUAL_RANGES(seq2, seq);
