int main(int argc, char const ** argv) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "USAGE: basic_seq_io_example FILENAME\n"; return 1; } seqan::SequenceStream seqStream(argv[1], seqan::SequenceStream::WRITE); if (!isGood(seqStream)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not open the file.\n"; return 1; } seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> ids; appendValue(ids, "seq1"); appendValue(ids, "seq2"); seqan::StringSet<seqan::Dna5String> seqs; appendValue(seqs, "CGAT"); appendValue(seqs, "TTTT"); if (writeAll(seqStream, ids, seqs) != 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not write to file!\n"; return 1; } return 0; }
bool QSslCertificatePrivate::parseExtension(const QByteArray &data, QSslCertificateExtension *extension) { bool ok; bool critical = false; QAsn1Element oidElem, valElem; QDataStream seqStream(data); // oid if (! || oidElem.type() != QAsn1Element::ObjectIdentifierType) return false; const QByteArray oid = oidElem.toObjectId(); // critical and value if (! return false; if (valElem.type() == QAsn1Element::BooleanType) { critical = valElem.toBool(&ok); if (!ok || ! return false; } if (valElem.type() != QAsn1Element::OctetStringType) return false; // interpret value QAsn1Element val; bool supported = true; QVariant value; if (oid == "") { // authorityInfoAccess if (! || val.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; QVariantMap result; foreach (const QAsn1Element &el, val.toVector()) { QVector<QAsn1Element> items = el.toVector(); if (items.size() != 2) return false; const QString key = QString::fromLatin1(; switch ( { case QAsn1Element::Rfc822NameType: case QAsn1Element::DnsNameType: case QAsn1Element::UniformResourceIdentifierType: result[key] =; break; } } value = result; } else if (oid == "") {
Alignment::Alignment(string filePath, string fileName) { string filePathAndName = filePath + PATH_SEPERATOR + fileName; /* open the file */ ifstream seqStream(filePathAndName.c_str()); if (!seqStream) { cerr << "Cannot open file \"" + fileName + "\"" << endl; exit(1); } string linestring = ""; int line = 0; string theSequence = ""; int taxonNum = 0; matrix = NULL; numTaxa = numChar = 0; while( getline(seqStream, linestring).good() ) { istringstream linestream(linestring); int ch; string word = ""; int wordNum = 0; int siteNum = 0; do { word = ""; linestream >> word; wordNum++; //cout << "word(" << wordNum << ") = " << word << endl; if (line == 0) { /* read the number of taxa/chars from the first line */ int x; istringstream buf(word); buf >> x; if (wordNum == 1) numTaxa = x; else numChar = numSitePatterns = x; if (numTaxa > 0 && numChar > 0 && matrix == NULL) { matrix = new int*[numTaxa]; matrix[0] = new int[numTaxa * numChar]; for (int i=1; i<numTaxa; i++) matrix[i] = matrix[i-1] + numChar; for (int i=0; i<numTaxa; i++) for (int j=0; j<numChar; j++) matrix[i][j] = 0; patternCount = new int[numChar]; for (int i=0; i<numChar; i++) patternCount[i] = 1; compressedData = false; } } else { if (wordNum == 1) { taxonNames.push_back(word); taxonNum++; } else { for (int i=0; i<word.length(); i++) { char site =; matrix[taxonNum-1][siteNum++] = nucID(site); } } } } while ( (ch=linestream.get()) != EOF ); // NOTE: We probably do not need this bit of code. if (line == 0) { /* the first line should contain the number of taxa and the sequence length */ istringstream buf(word); //buf >> genomeSize; } else { for (int i=0; i<word.length(); i++) { char site =; if (tolower(site) == 'a' || tolower(site) == 'c' || tolower(site) == 'g' || tolower(site) == 't') theSequence += tolower(site); } } //cout << linestring << endl; line++; }
void indexTranscriptsSA(ParserT* parser, std::string& outputDir, std::mutex& iomutex) { // Seed with a real random value, if available std::random_device rd; // Create a random uniform distribution std::default_random_engine eng(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 3); uint32_t n{0}; uint32_t k = rapmap::utils::my_mer::k(); std::vector<std::string> transcriptNames; std::vector<uint32_t> transcriptStarts; //std::vector<uint32_t> positionIDs; constexpr char bases[] = {'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'}; uint32_t polyAClipLength{10}; uint32_t numPolyAsClipped{0}; std::string polyA(polyAClipLength, 'A'); using TranscriptList = std::vector<uint32_t>; using eager_iterator = MerMapT::array::eager_iterator; using KmerBinT = uint64_t; size_t numDistinctKmers{0}; size_t numKmers{0}; size_t currIndex{0}; std::cerr << "\n[Step 1 of 4] : counting k-mers\n"; //rsdic::RSDicBuilder rsdb; std::vector<uint32_t> onePos; // Positions in the bit array where we should write a '1' fmt::MemoryWriter txpSeqStream; { ScopedTimer timer; while(true) { typename ParserT::job j(*parser); if(j.is_empty()) break; for(size_t i = 0; i < j->nb_filled; ++i) { // For each sequence std::string& readStr = j->data[i].seq; readStr.erase(std::remove_if(readStr.begin(), readStr.end(), [](const char a) -> bool { return !(isprint(a)); }), readStr.end()); // Do Kallisto-esque clipping of polyA tails if (readStr.size() > polyAClipLength and readStr.substr(readStr.length() - polyAClipLength) == polyA) { auto newEndPos = readStr.find_last_not_of("Aa"); // If it was all As if (newEndPos == std::string::npos) { readStr.resize(0); } else { readStr.resize(newEndPos + 1); } ++numPolyAsClipped; } uint32_t readLen = readStr.size(); uint32_t txpIndex = n++; // The name of the current transcript transcriptNames.push_back(j->data[i].header); // The position at which this transcript starts transcriptStarts.push_back(currIndex); bool firstBase{true}; rapmap::utils::my_mer mer; mer.polyT(); for (size_t b = 0; b < readLen; ++b) { readStr[b] = ::toupper(readStr[b]); int c = jellyfish::mer_dna::code(readStr[b]); // Replace non-ACGT bases with pseudo-random bases if (jellyfish::mer_dna::not_dna(c)) { char rbase = bases[dis(eng)]; c = jellyfish::mer_dna::code(rbase); readStr[b] = rbase; } //positionIDs.push_back(txpIndex); //rsdb.PushBack(0); } txpSeqStream << readStr; txpSeqStream << '$'; //positionIDs.push_back(txpIndex); //rsdb.PushBack(1); currIndex += readLen + 1; onePos.push_back(currIndex - 1); } if (n % 10000 == 0) { std::cerr << "\r\rcounted k-mers for " << n << " transcripts"; } } } std::cerr << "\n"; std::cerr << "Clipped poly-A tails from " << numPolyAsClipped << " transcripts\n"; // Put the concatenated text in a string std::string concatText = txpSeqStream.str(); // And clear the stream txpSeqStream.clear(); // Make our dense bit arrray BIT_ARRAY* bitArray = bit_array_create(concatText.length()); for (auto p : onePos) { bit_array_set_bit(bitArray, p); } /** SANITY CHECKS RELATED TO THE RANK structure **/ /* uint64_t nextSetBit{0}; uint64_t offset{0}; auto numBits = bit_array_length(bitArray); while (offset < numBits and bit_array_find_next_set_bit(bitArray, offset, &nextSetBit)) { if (concatText[nextSetBit] != '$') { std::cerr << "Bit # " << nextSetBit << " is set to 1, but the " << "corresponding character in the text is " << concatText[nextSetBit] << "\n"; } offset = nextSetBit + 1; } if (bit_array_num_bits_set(bitArray) != onePos.size()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Bit array has " << bit_array_num_bits_set(bitArray) << " bits set, but this should be " << onePos.size() << "!\n"; std::exit(1); } rank9b bitmap(bitArray->words, bitArray->num_of_bits); for (size_t i = 0; i < onePos.size() - 1; ++i) { auto pos = onePos[i]; auto r = bitmap.rank(pos+1); if (r != i+1) { std::cerr << "rank should be " << i+1 << " but it's " << r << "\n"; std::cerr << "text is " << concatText[pos] < "\n\n"; std::cerr << "bit vector says " << (bit_array_get_bit(bitArray, pos) ? '1' : '0') << "\n"; } } std::ofstream rsStream(outputDir + "rsdSafe.bin", std::ios::binary); { ScopedTimer timer; rsdic::RSDic rsd; rsdb.Build(rsd); rsd.Save(rsStream); std::cerr << "done\n"; } rsStream.close(); */ /** END OF SANITY CHECK **/ onePos.clear(); onePos.shrink_to_fit(); std::string rsFileName = outputDir + "rsd.bin"; FILE* rsFile = fopen(rsFileName.c_str(), "w"); { ScopedTimer timer; std::cerr << "Building rank-select dictionary and saving to disk "; bit_array_save(bitArray, rsFile); std::cerr << "done\n"; } fclose(rsFile); bit_array_free(bitArray); std::ofstream seqStream(outputDir + "txpInfo.bin", std::ios::binary); { ScopedTimer timer; std::cerr << "Writing sequence data to file . . . "; cereal::BinaryOutputArchive seqArchive(seqStream); seqArchive(transcriptNames); seqArchive(transcriptStarts); //seqArchive(positionIDs); seqArchive(concatText); std::cerr << "done\n"; } seqStream.close(); // clear stuff we no longer need //positionIDs.clear(); //positionIDs.shrink_to_fit(); transcriptStarts.clear(); transcriptStarts.shrink_to_fit(); transcriptNames.clear(); transcriptNames.shrink_to_fit(); // done clearing // Build the suffix array size_t tlen = concatText.length(); std::vector<int> SA(tlen, 0); std::ofstream saStream(outputDir + "sa.bin", std::ios::binary); { ScopedTimer timer; std::cerr << "Building suffix array . . . "; auto ret = sais(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>( const_cast<char*>(concatText.c_str())),, tlen + 1); if (ret == 0) { std::cerr << "success\n"; { ScopedTimer timer2; std::cerr << "saving to disk . . . "; cereal::BinaryOutputArchive saArchive(saStream); saArchive(SA); // don't actually need the LCP right now // saArchive(LCP); std::cerr << "done\n"; } } else { std::cerr << "FAILURE: return code from sais() was " << ret << "\n"; std::exit(1); } std::cerr << "done\n"; } saStream.close(); // clear things we don't need //LCP.clear(); // LCP.shrink_to_fit(); // done clearing // Now, build the k-mer lookup table /* std::unordered_map<uint64_t, rapmap::utils::SAInterval, rapmap::utils::KmerKeyHasher> khash; */ google::dense_hash_map<uint64_t, rapmap::utils::SAInterval, rapmap::utils::KmerKeyHasher> khash; khash.set_empty_key(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()); /* concatText.erase(std::remove_if(concatText.begin(), concatText.end(), [] (const char a) -> bool { return !isprint(a); }), concatText.end()); */ // The start and stop of the current interval uint32_t start = 0, stop = 0; // An iterator to the beginning of the text auto textB = concatText.begin(); auto textE = concatText.end(); // The current k-mer as a string rapmap::utils::my_mer mer; bool currentValid{false}; std::string currentKmer; std::string nextKmer; while (stop < tlen) { // Check if the string starting at the // current position is valid (i.e. doesn't contain $) // and is <= k bases from the end of the string nextKmer = concatText.substr(SA[stop], k); if (nextKmer.length() == k and nextKmer.find_first_of('$') == std::string::npos) { // If this is a new k-mer, then hash the current k-mer if (nextKmer != currentKmer) { if (currentKmer.length() == k and currentKmer.find_first_of('$') == std::string::npos) { mer = rapmap::utils::my_mer(currentKmer); auto bits = mer.get_bits(0, 2*k); auto hashIt = khash.find(bits); if (hashIt == khash.end()) { if (start > 1) { if (concatText.substr(SA[start-1], k) == concatText.substr(SA[start], k)) { std::cerr << "T[SA[" << start-1 << "]:" << k << "] = " << concatText.substr(SA[start-1], k) << " = T[SA[" << start << "]:" << k << "]\n"; std::cerr << "start = " << start << ", stop = " << stop << "\n"; std::cerr << "(1) THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN\n"; std::exit(1); } } if (start == stop) { std::cerr << "AHH (1) : Interval is empty! (start = " << start << ") = (stop = " << stop << ")\n"; } if (start == stop) { std::cerr << "AHH (2) : Interval is empty! (start = " << start << ") = (stop = " << stop << ")\n"; } khash[bits] = {start, stop}; } else { std::cerr << "\nERROR (1): trying to add same suffix " << currentKmer << " (len = " << currentKmer.length() << ") multiple times!\n"; auto prevInt = hashIt->second; std::cerr << "existing interval is [" << prevInt.begin << ", " << prevInt.end << ")\n"; for (auto x = prevInt.begin; x < prevInt.end; ++x) { auto suff = concatText.substr(SA[x], k); for (auto c : suff) { std::cerr << "*" << c << "*"; } std::cerr << " (len = " << suff.length() <<")\n"; } std::cerr << "new interval is [" << start << ", " << stop << ")\n"; for (auto x = start; x < stop; ++x) { auto suff = concatText.substr(SA[x], k); for (auto c : suff) { std::cerr << "*" << c << "*"; } std::cerr << "\n"; } } } currentKmer = nextKmer; start = stop; } } else { // If this isn't a valid suffix (contains a $) // If the previous interval was valid, put it // in the hash. if (currentKmer.length() == k and currentKmer.find_first_of('$') == std::string::npos) { mer = rapmap::utils::my_mer(currentKmer); auto bits = mer.get_bits(0, 2*k); auto hashIt = khash.find(bits); if (hashIt == khash.end()) { if (start > 2) { if (concatText.substr(SA[start-1], k) == concatText.substr(SA[start], k)) { std::cerr << "T[SA[" << start-1 << "]:" << k << "] = " << concatText.substr(SA[start-1], k) << " = T[SA[" << start << "]:" << k << "]\n"; std::cerr << "start = " << start << ", stop = " << stop << "\n"; std::cerr << "(2) THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN\n"; std::exit(1); } } khash[bits] = {start, stop}; } else { std::cerr << "\nERROR (2): trying to add same suffix " << currentKmer << "multiple times!\n"; auto prevInt = hashIt->second; std::cerr << "existing interval is [" << prevInt.begin << ", " << prevInt.end << ")\n"; for (auto x = prevInt.begin; x < prevInt.end; ++x) { std::cerr << concatText.substr(SA[x], k) << "\n"; } std::cerr << "new interval is [" << start << ", " << stop << ")\n"; for (auto x = start; x < stop; ++x) { std::cerr << concatText.substr(SA[x], k) << "\n"; } } } // The current interval is invalid and empty currentKmer = nextKmer; start = stop; } if (stop % 1000000 == 0) { std::cerr << "\r\rprocessed " << stop << " positions"; } // We always update the end position ++stop; } if (start < tlen) { if (currentKmer.length() == k and currentKmer.find_first_of('$') != std::string::npos) { mer = rapmap::utils::my_mer(currentKmer); khash[mer.get_bits(0, 2*k)] = {start, stop}; } } std::cerr << "\nkhash had " << khash.size() << " keys\n"; std::ofstream hashStream(outputDir + "hash.bin", std::ios::binary); { ScopedTimer timer; std::cerr << "saving hash to disk . . . "; cereal::BinaryOutputArchive hashArchive(hashStream); hashArchive(k); khash.serialize(google::dense_hash_map<uint64_t, rapmap::utils::SAInterval, rapmap::utils::KmerKeyHasher>::NopointerSerializer(), &hashStream); //hashArchive(khash); std::cerr << "done\n"; } hashStream.close(); std::string indexVersion = "q0"; IndexHeader header(IndexType::QUASI, indexVersion, true, k); // Finally (since everything presumably succeeded) write the header std::ofstream headerStream(outputDir + "header.json"); { cereal::JSONOutputArchive archive(headerStream); archive(header); } headerStream.close(); }
bool RapMapSAIndex::load(const std::string& indDir) { auto logger = spdlog::get("stderrLog"); size_t n{0}; // This part takes the longest, so do it in it's own asynchronous task std::future<std::pair<bool, uint32_t>> loadingHash = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, logger, indDir]() -> std::pair<bool, uint32_t> { this->khash.set_empty_key(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()); uint32_t k; std::ifstream hashStream(indDir + "hash.bin"); { logger->info("Loading Position Hash"); cereal::BinaryInputArchive hashArchive(hashStream); hashArchive(k); khash.unserialize(google::dense_hash_map<uint64_t, rapmap::utils::SAInterval, rapmap::utils::KmerKeyHasher>::NopointerSerializer(), &hashStream); //hashArchive(khash); } hashStream.close(); return std::make_pair(true, k); }); std::ifstream saStream(indDir + "sa.bin"); { logger->info("Loading Suffix Array "); cereal::BinaryInputArchive saArchive(saStream); saArchive(SA); //saArchive(LCP); } saStream.close(); std::ifstream seqStream(indDir + "txpInfo.bin"); { logger->info("Loading Transcript Info "); cereal::BinaryInputArchive seqArchive(seqStream); seqArchive(txpNames); seqArchive(txpOffsets); //seqArchive(positionIDs); seqArchive(seq); } seqStream.close(); /* std::ifstream rsStream(indDir + "rsdSafe.bin", std::ios::binary); { logger->info("Loading Rank-Select Data"); rankDictSafe.Load(rsStream); } rsStream.close(); */ std::string rsFileName = indDir + "rsd.bin"; FILE* rsFile = fopen(rsFileName.c_str(), "r"); { logger->info("Loading Rank-Select Bit Array"); bitArray.reset(bit_array_create(0)); if (!bit_array_load(bitArray.get(), rsFile)) { logger->error("Couldn't load bit array from {}!", rsFileName); std::exit(1); } logger->info("There were {} set bits in the bit array", bit_array_num_bits_set(bitArray.get())); rankDict.reset(new rank9b(bitArray->words, bitArray->num_of_bits)); } fclose(rsFile); { logger->info("Computing transcript lengths"); txpLens.resize(txpOffsets.size()); if (txpOffsets.size() > 1) { for(size_t i = 0; i < txpOffsets.size() - 1; ++i) { auto nextOffset = txpOffsets[i+1]; auto currentOffset = txpOffsets[i]; txpLens[i] = (nextOffset - 1) - currentOffset; } } // The last length is just the length of the suffix array - the last offset txpLens[txpOffsets.size()-1] = (SA.size() - 1) - txpOffsets[txpOffsets.size() - 1]; } logger->info("Waiting to finish loading hash"); loadingHash.wait(); auto hashLoadRes = loadingHash.get(); if (!hashLoadRes.first) { logger->error("Failed to load hash!"); std::exit(1); } rapmap::utils::my_mer::k(hashLoadRes.second); logger->info("Done loading index"); return true; }