void la_wait (t_nombre_semaforo identificador_semaforo){
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)

    void * buffer = NULL, *response_buffer = calloc(1,sizeof(char));
    int buffer_index = 0, identificador_semaforo_length = (int) strlen(identificador_semaforo);
    char operation = SEMAPHORE_ID, action = WAIT_ID;
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%d%04d%s", atoi(SEMAPHORE_ID), atoi(WAIT_ID), strlen(identificador_semaforo), identificador_semaforo);
    serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&action, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&identificador_semaforo_length, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(identificador_semaforo, (size_t) identificador_semaforo_length, &buffer, &buffer_index);

    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "wait(%s) failed", identificador_semaforo);
    log_info(cpu_log, "Starting wait");
    //me quedo esperando activamente a que kernel me responda
//    recv(kernelSocketClient, response_buffer, sizeof(char), 0);
    //kernel_response debería ser '0'
//    log_info(cpu_log, "Finished wait");
t_valor_variable obtenerValorCompartida(t_nombre_compartida variable){
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)
        return ERROR;

    //5 + 0 + nameSize + name (1+1+4+nameSize bytes)
    void* buffer = NULL;
    int value = 0, variable_name_length = (int) strlen(variable), buffer_index = 0;
    char operation = SHARED_VAR_ID, action = GET_VAR;

//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%d%04d%s", atoi(SHARED_VAR_ID), atoi(GET_VAR), strlen(variable), variable);
    serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&action, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&variable_name_length, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(variable, (size_t) variable_name_length, &buffer, &buffer_index);

    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "send of obtener variable compartida of %s failed", variable);
        return ERROR;
    buffer = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
    if(recv(kernelSocketClient, buffer, sizeof(int),  0) <= 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "recv of obtener variable compartida failed");
        return ERROR;
    int deserialize_index = 0;
    deserialize_data(&value, sizeof(int), buffer, &deserialize_index);
    log_info(cpu_log, "recv value %d of obtener variable %s", value, variable);
    return value;

文件: cpu.c 项目: avaudagna/elestac
int get_instruction_line(t_list *instruction_addresses_list, void ** instruction_line) {

    void * recv_bytes_buffer = NULL;
    int buffer_index = 0;
    while(list_size(instruction_addresses_list) > 0) {

        logical_addr * element = list_get(instruction_addresses_list, 0);

//        sprintf(aux_buffer, "%d%04d%04d%04d", PEDIDO_BYTES, element->page_number, element->offset, element->tamanio);
        void * aux_buffer = NULL;
        int aux_buffer_index = 0;
        char operacion = PEDIDO_BYTES;
        serialize_data(&operacion, sizeof(char), &aux_buffer,&aux_buffer_index);
        serialize_data(&element->page_number, sizeof(int), &aux_buffer, &aux_buffer_index);
        serialize_data(&element->offset, sizeof(int), &aux_buffer, &aux_buffer_index);
        serialize_data(&element->tamanio, sizeof(int), &aux_buffer, &aux_buffer_index);
        log_info(cpu_log, "Fetching for (%d,%d,%d) in UMC", element->page_number, element->offset, element->tamanio);
        //Send bytes request to UMC
        if( send(umcSocketClient, aux_buffer, aux_buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
            puts("Last Fetch failed");
            return ERROR;
        //Recv response
        recv_bytes_buffer = calloc(1, (size_t) element->tamanio);
        if(recv_bytes_buffer == NULL) {
            log_error(cpu_log, "get_instruction_line recv_bytes_buffer mem alloc failed");
            return ERROR;

        if(check_umc_response(recv_umc_response_status()) != SUCCESS) {
            return ERROR;

        if( recv(umcSocketClient , recv_bytes_buffer , (size_t ) element->tamanio , 0) <= 0) {
            log_error(cpu_log, "UMC bytes recv failed");
            return ERROR;
        log_info(cpu_log, "Bytes Received: %s", (char*) recv_bytes_buffer);

        *instruction_line = realloc(*instruction_line, (size_t) buffer_index+element->tamanio);

        memcpy(*instruction_line+buffer_index, recv_bytes_buffer, (size_t) element->tamanio);
        buffer_index += element->tamanio;
        list_remove_and_destroy_element(instruction_addresses_list, 0, free);
    *instruction_line = realloc(*instruction_line, (size_t) (sizeof(char) + buffer_index));
    * (char*)(*instruction_line+buffer_index) = '\0';
    return SUCCESS;
文件: cpu.c 项目: avaudagna/elestac
int change_active_process() {
    //send actual process pid
    void * buffer = NULL;
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%04d", CAMBIO_PROCESO_ACTIVO, actual_pcb->pid);
    int buffer_index = 0;
    char operacion = CAMBIO_PROCESO_ACTIVO;
    serialize_data(&operacion, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&actual_pcb->pid, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    if( send(umcSocketClient , buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "Send pid %d to UMC failed", actual_pcb->pid);
        return ERROR;
    log_info(cpu_log, "Changed active process to current pid : %d", actual_pcb->pid);
    return SUCCESS;
void imprimir(t_valor_variable valor) {
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)

    void * buffer = NULL;
    int buffer_index = 0;
    char operation = IMPRIMIR_ID;
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%04d", atoi(IMPRIMIR_ID), valor);
    serialize_data(&operation , sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&valor, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "imprimir value %d send to KERNEL failed", valor);
        return ;
    log_info(cpu_log, "imprimir value %d sent to KERNEL");
t_valor_variable dereferenciar(t_posicion direccion_variable) {
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)
        return ERROR;

    //Hacemos el request a la UMC con el codigo 2
    t_list *pedidos = NULL;
    construir_operaciones_lectura(&pedidos, direccion_variable);

    void * variable_buffer = calloc(1, ANSISOP_VAR_SIZE), *umc_request_buffer = NULL;
    int variable_buffer_index = 0;
    char response_status;
    logical_addr * current_address = NULL;
    while(list_size(pedidos) > 0) {
        current_address  = list_remove(pedidos, 0);
//      asprintf(&umc_request_buffer, "3%04d%04d%04d", current_address->page_number,
//                 current_address->offset, current_address->tamanio);
        int umc_request_buffer_index = 0;
        char operation = PEDIDO_BYTES;
        serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &umc_request_buffer, &umc_request_buffer_index);
        serialize_data(&current_address->page_number, sizeof(int), &umc_request_buffer, &umc_request_buffer_index);
        serialize_data(&current_address->offset, sizeof(int), &umc_request_buffer, &umc_request_buffer_index);
        serialize_data(&current_address->tamanio, sizeof(int), &umc_request_buffer, &umc_request_buffer_index);
        log_info(cpu_log, "sending request : op:%c (%d,%d,%d) for direccion variable %d",operation, current_address->page_number,
                 current_address->offset, current_address->tamanio, direccion_variable);
//        log_info(cpu_log, "sending request : %s for direccion variable %d", &umc_request_buffer, direccion_variable);
        if( send(umcSocketClient, umc_request_buffer, (size_t) umc_request_buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
            log_error(cpu_log, "UMC expected addr send failed");
            return ERROR;

        if(check_umc_response(recv_umc_response_status()) != SUCCESS) {
            return ERROR;

        if( recv(umcSocketClient , ((char*) variable_buffer) + variable_buffer_index , (size_t) current_address->tamanio, 0) <= 0) {
            log_error(cpu_log, "UMC response recv failed");
        variable_buffer_index += current_address->tamanio;

    log_info(cpu_log, "Valor variable obtained : %d", *(int*)variable_buffer);
    return (t_valor_variable) *(t_valor_variable*)variable_buffer;
void la_signal (t_nombre_semaforo identificador_semaforo){
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)

    void * buffer = NULL;
    int buffer_index = 0, identificador_semaforo_length = (int) strlen(identificador_semaforo);
    char operation = SEMAPHORE_ID, action = SIGNAL_ID;
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%d%04d%s", atoi(SEMAPHORE_ID), atoi(SIGNAL_ID), strlen(identificador_semaforo), identificador_semaforo);
    serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&action, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&identificador_semaforo_length, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(identificador_semaforo, identificador_semaforo_length, &buffer, &buffer_index);

    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "signal(%s) failed", identificador_semaforo);
void catalog_object::serialize()
    cs_stream stream(p_object, cs_stream::mode_write);
    int magic = get_magic();
    stream.write(&magic, sizeof(int));
    if (p_object == XNULL) { p_object = stream.get_xptr(); };
void armar_pedidos_escritura(t_list ** pedidos, t_list *direcciones, int valor) {
    t_nodo_send * nodo = NULL;
    int index = 0, indice_copiado = 0;
    logical_addr * address = NULL;
    *pedidos = list_create();
    char operation = ALMACENAMIENTO_BYTES;
    while(list_size(direcciones) > 0) {
        address = list_remove(direcciones, index);
        nodo = calloc(1, sizeof(t_nodo_send));
        serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &nodo->data ,&nodo->data_length);
        serialize_data(&address->page_number, sizeof(int), &nodo->data ,&nodo->data_length);
        serialize_data(&address->offset, sizeof(int), &nodo->data ,&nodo->data_length);
        serialize_data(&address->tamanio, sizeof(int), &nodo->data ,&nodo->data_length);
        serialize_data( ((char*) (&valor)) + indice_copiado, (size_t) address->tamanio, &nodo->data, &nodo->data_length);
        indice_copiado += address->tamanio;
void imprimirTexto(char* texto) {
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)

    void * buffer = NULL;
    int texto_len = (int) strlen(texto), buffer_index = 0;
    char operation = IMPRIMIR_TEXTO_ID;
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%04d%s", atoi(IMPRIMIR_TEXTO_ID), texto_len, texto);
    serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&texto_len, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(texto, (size_t) texto_len, &buffer, &buffer_index);

    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "imprimirTexto with texto : %s , send failed", texto);
    log_info(cpu_log, "imprimirTexto with texto : %s , sent to KERNEL", texto);
int serialize_kvp(lua_sandbox* lsb, serialization_data* data, size_t parent)
    int kindex = -2, vindex = -1;

    if (ignore_value_type(lsb, data, vindex)) return 0;
    int result = serialize_data(lsb, kindex, &lsb->m_output);
    if (result != 0) return result;

    size_t pos = data->m_keys.m_pos;
    if (dynamic_snprintf(&data->m_keys, "%s[%s]", data->m_keys.m_data + parent,
                         lsb->m_output.m_data)) {
        return 1;

    fprintf(data->m_fh, "%s = ", data->m_keys.m_data + pos);
    if (lua_type(lsb->m_lua, vindex) == LUA_TTABLE) {
        const void* ptr = lua_topointer(lsb->m_lua, vindex);
        table_ref* seen = find_table_ref(&data->m_tables, ptr);
        if (seen == NULL) {
            seen = add_table_ref(&data->m_tables, ptr, pos);
            if (seen != NULL) {
                data->m_keys.m_pos += 1;
                fprintf(data->m_fh, "{}\n");
                result = serialize_table(lsb, data, pos);
            } else {
                snprintf(lsb->m_error_message, ERROR_SIZE,
                         "preserve table out of memory");
                return 1;
        } else {
            data->m_keys.m_pos = pos;
            fprintf(data->m_fh, "%s\n", data->m_keys.m_data + seen->m_name_pos);
    } else {
        data->m_keys.m_pos = pos;
        result = serialize_data(lsb, vindex, &lsb->m_output);
        if (result == 0) {
            fprintf(data->m_fh, "%s\n", lsb->m_output.m_data);
    return result;
t_valor_variable asignarValorCompartida(t_nombre_compartida variable, t_valor_variable valor){
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)
        return ERROR;

    //5 + 1 + nameSize + name + value (1+1+4+nameSize+4 bytes)
    void* buffer = NULL;
    int buffer_index = 0, variable_length = (int) strlen(variable);
    char operation = SHARED_VAR_ID, action = SET_VAR;
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%d%04d%s%04d", atoi(SHARED_VAR_ID), atoi(SET_VAR), strlen(variable), variable, valor);
    serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&action, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&variable_length, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(variable, (size_t) variable_length, &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&valor, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);

    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "set value of %s failed", variable);
        return ERROR;
    log_info(cpu_log, "asignarValorCompartida of %s with value %d was successful", variable, valor);
    return valor;
void entradaSalida(t_nombre_dispositivo dispositivo, int tiempo) {
    if(status_check() != EXECUTING)

    //cambio el estado del pcb
    //3+ ioNameSize + ioName + io_units (1+4+ioNameSize+4 bytes)
    void * buffer = NULL;
    char operation = ENTRADA_SALIDA_ID;
    int dispositivo_length = (int) strlen(dispositivo), buffer_index = 0;
    //Armo paquete de I/O operation
//    asprintf(&buffer, "%d%04d%s%04d", atoi(ENTRADA_SALIDA_ID), strlen(dispositivo), dispositivo, tiempo);
    serialize_data(&operation, sizeof(char), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&dispositivo_length, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(dispositivo, (size_t) dispositivo_length, &buffer, &buffer_index);
    serialize_data(&tiempo, sizeof(int), &buffer, &buffer_index);

    //Envio el paquete a KERNEL
    if(send(kernelSocketClient, buffer, (size_t) buffer_index, 0) < 0) {
        log_error(cpu_log, "entrada salida of dispositivo %s %d time send to KERNEL failed", dispositivo, tiempo);
文件: stack.c 项目: avaudagna/elestac
 * Serializa las entradas del stack en una char*.
 * stack  : El stack que se quiere serializar.
 * buffer : El buffer donde se quiere almacenar el stack serializado.
 * buffer_size : Variable donde se almacenara el tamanio final que terminara teniendo el buffer.
void serialize_stack (t_stack *stack, void **buffer, int *buffer_size) {

    //1) Agarrro el t_list elements (t_link_element {t_link_element *head, int elements_count})
    //2) voy recorriendo agarrando head y recorriendo el next
    //(t_link_element {void *data, t_link_element *next}) , next sera NULL para el ultimo elemento
    //3) a cada link element tengo que serializarle el data, que va a ser un t_stack_entry
    //(t_stack_entry {int pos, int cant_args, char *args, int cant_vars, char *vars,
    //                int ret_pos, int cant_ret_vars, char *ret_vars})

    t_link_element *link_actual = NULL;
    t_stack_entry *entrada_actual = NULL;
    void *stack_entry_item_buffer = NULL, *stack_list_buffer = *buffer, *next = NULL;
    u_int32_t cantidad_elementos_stack = 0;
    t_stack_entry *data = NULL;
    u_int32_t indice = 0;
    int stack_entry_item_size = 0, stack_entry_list_buffer_size = *buffer_size;

    //Stack / Queue
    t_list *elementos = stack-> elements; //Tomo la lista de elementos de la queue
    //t_link_element *element = elementos->head; //Tomo el primer elemento de la lista

    //Lista de la Queue
    link_actual = elementos->head; //Tomo la data del primer link de la lista
    cantidad_elementos_stack = (u_int32_t) elementos->elements_count; //Cantidad de links totales en el stack

    //El primer elemento que se agrega es la cantidad de elementos totales que tendra el stack
                   buffer, buffer_size);

    if(link_actual == NULL || cantidad_elementos_stack == 0) {

    for(indice = 0; indice < cantidad_elementos_stack; indice++) {
        entrada_actual = (t_stack_entry*) link_actual->data; //Tomo la data del primer link de la lista
        serialize_stack_entry(entrada_actual, buffer, buffer_size);
        link_actual = link_actual->next; //En la ultima iteracion, entrada_actual terminara siendo igualada a NULL

    //Ya se leyeron todos los datos (t_stack_entry) del stack y se los serializaron el buffer
    //Tendria que haber cantidad_elementos_stack elementos en stack_entry_list_buffer
    //y stack_entry_list_buffer_size tendria que tener el size total del stack_entry_list_buffer
static void
mainloop(wmr_server *srv)
	int fd;

	log_info("%s", "Entering server main loop");
	for (;;) {
		/* POSIX.1: accept is a cancellation point */
		if ((fd = accept(srv->fd, NULL, 0)) == -1)
			err(1, "accept");

		log_debug("Client accepted, fd = %u", fd);

		struct byte_array data;

		serialize_data(&data, &srv->wmr->latest);

		while (write(fd, data.elems, data.size) >= 0);

		(void) close(fd);
		log_debug("%s", "Client socket closed");
文件: stack.c 项目: avaudagna/elestac
 * Serializa una entrada del stack a un buffer, almacenando su tamanio.
 * serialized_data format >> pos|cant_args|args|cant_vars|vars|cant_ret_vars|ret_vars.
 * entry  : La entrada que se quiere serializar.
 * buffer : El buffer donde se almacenara la entrada serializada.
 * buffer_size : Variable que terminara con el valor del tamanio final del buffer.
void serialize_stack_entry(t_stack_entry *entry, void **buffer, int *buffer_size) {
    int i = 0;
    serialize_data(&entry->pos, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    serialize_data(&entry->cant_args, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    //serialize_data(&entry->args, (size_t) sizeof(t_arg)*entry->cant_args, buffer, buffer_size);
    for(i = 0; i < entry->cant_args; i++) {
        serialize_data(&(entry->args+i)->page_number, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->args+i)->offset, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->args+i)->tamanio, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    serialize_data(&entry->cant_vars, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    //serialize_data(&entry->vars, (size_t) sizeof(t_var)*entry->cant_vars, buffer, buffer_size);
    for(i = 0; i < entry->cant_vars; i++) {
        serialize_data(&(entry->vars+i)->var_id, sizeof(char), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->vars+i)->page_number, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->vars+i)->offset, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->vars+i)->tamanio, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    serialize_data(&entry->cant_ret_vars, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    //serialize_data(&entry->ret_vars, (size_t) sizeof(t_ret_var)*entry->cant_vars, buffer, buffer_size);
    for(i = 0; i < entry->cant_ret_vars; i++) {
        serialize_data(&(entry->ret_vars+i)->page_number, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->ret_vars+i)->offset, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
        serialize_data(&(entry->ret_vars+i)->tamanio, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
    serialize_data(&entry->ret_pos, sizeof(int), buffer, buffer_size);
static lsb_err_value
serialize_kvp(lsb_lua_sandbox *lsb, serialization_data *data, size_t parent)
  lsb_err_value ret = NULL;
  lua_CFunction fp = NULL;
  int kindex = -2, vindex = -1;
  if (ignore_value_type(lsb, data, vindex, &fp)) {
    return ret;
  ret = serialize_data(lsb, kindex, &lsb->output);
  if (ret) {
    return ret;

  size_t pos = data->keys.pos;
  ret = lsb_outputf(&data->keys, "%s[%s]", data->keys.buf + parent,
  if (ret) return ret;

  if (lua_type(lsb->lua, vindex) == LUA_TTABLE) {
    const void *ptr = lua_topointer(lsb->lua, vindex);
    table_ref *seen = find_table_ref(&data->tables, ptr);
    if (seen == NULL) {
      seen = add_table_ref(&data->tables, ptr, pos);
      if (seen != NULL) {
        data->keys.pos += 1;
        fprintf(data->fh, "%s = {}\n", data->keys.buf + pos);
        ret = serialize_table(lsb, data, pos);
      } else {
        snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
                 "lsb_serialize preserve table out of memory");
        return LSB_ERR_UTIL_OOM;
    } else {
      fprintf(data->fh, "%s = ", data->keys.buf + pos);
      data->keys.pos = pos;
      fprintf(data->fh, "%s\n", data->keys.buf + seen->name_pos);
  } else if (lua_type(lsb->lua, vindex) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {
    void *ud = lua_touserdata(lsb->lua, vindex);
    table_ref *seen = find_table_ref(&data->tables, ud);
    if (seen == NULL) {
      seen = add_table_ref(&data->tables, ud, pos);
      if (seen != NULL) {
        data->keys.pos += 1;
        lua_pushlightuserdata(lsb->lua, data->keys.buf + pos);
        lua_pushlightuserdata(lsb->lua, &lsb->output);
        lsb->output.pos = 0;
        int result = fp(lsb->lua);
        lua_pop(lsb->lua, 2); // remove the key and the output
        if (!result) {
          size_t n = fwrite(lsb->output.buf, 1, lsb->output.pos, data->fh);
          if (n != lsb->output.pos) {
            snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
                     "lsb_serialize failed %s", data->keys.buf + pos);
            return LSB_ERR_LUA;
      } else {
        snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
                 "lsb_serialize out of memory %s", data->keys.buf + pos);
        return LSB_ERR_UTIL_OOM;
    } else {
      fprintf(data->fh, "%s = ", data->keys.buf + pos);
      data->keys.pos = pos;
      fprintf(data->fh, "%s\n", data->keys.buf +
  } else {
    fprintf(data->fh, "%s = ", data->keys.buf + pos);
    data->keys.pos = pos;
    ret = serialize_data(lsb, vindex, &lsb->output);
    if (!ret) {
      fprintf(data->fh, "%s\n", lsb->output.buf);
  return ret;
int serve(volatile bool *running, data_t *data, int port) {
    int pid;
    int servSock, clntSock;
    int children;

    struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;

    if (port < 0 || port > 65336) {
        logerr("%d is an invalid port number\r\n", port);

    if ((servSock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) {
        logerr("Could not open socket\r\n");

    memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    while (*running && bind(servSock, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
        logerr("Could not bind to port %d, trying again in 1s\r\n", port);
    logerr("Bound to port %d!\r\n", port);

    if (listen(servSock, MAXPENDING) < 0) {
        logerr("Listen failed\r\n");

    int flags;

    if (-1 == (flags = fcntl(servSock, F_GETFL, 0))) {
        flags = 0;
    fcntl(servSock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

    for (children = 1; *running; children++) {
        unsigned int length = sizeof(cli_addr);
        if ((clntSock = accept(servSock, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &length)) < 0) {
            if (clntSock < 0) {
                if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) {
                } else {
                    logerr("Accept failed\r\n");  
        } else {
            const char *content = "hi world";

            std::string json = serialize_data(data);

            servRequest(clntSock, cli_addr, json.c_str());

    return 0;