bool Item::serialize_object( Stream *file, CoreObject *obj, bool bLive ) const
   byte type = FLC_ITEM_OBJECT;
   if ( bLive )
      type |= 0x80;

   file->write( &type, 1 );

   // write the class symbol so that it can be rebuilt back.
   serialize_symbol( file, obj->generator()->symbol() );

   // then serialzie the object itself
   return obj->serialize( file, bLive );
bool Item::serialize_function( Stream *file, const CoreFunc *func, bool bLive ) const
   byte type = FLC_ITEM_FUNC;
   if ( bLive )
         type |= 0x80;
   file->write( &type, 1 );

   // we don't serialize the module ID because it is better to rebuild it on deserialization
   serialize_symbol( file, func->symbol() );

   if ( func->symbol()->isFunction() )
      // language function ? -- serialize the state.
      FuncDef *fdef = func->symbol()->getFuncDef();
      // write the called status
      uint32 itemId = fdef->onceItemId();
      if ( itemId != FuncDef::NO_STATE )
         byte called = func->liveModule()->globals()[ itemId ].isNil() ? 0 : 1;
         file->write( &called, 1 );

      // and we may need to serialize also it's closure.
      ItemArray* closed = func->closure();
      if( closed != 0 )
         int32 len = endianInt32( closed->length() );
         file->write( (byte *) &len, sizeof( len ) );

         for( uint32 i = 0; i < closed->length(); i ++ )
            (*closed)[i].serialize( file, bLive );
            if( ! file->good() )
               return false;
      else {
         int32 len = 0;
         file->write( (byte *) &len, sizeof( len ) );

   if ( ! file->good() )
      return false;

   return true;
void Trace::write_file(const char * filename)
	xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
    xmlNodePtr root_node = NULL, node = NULL, memories_n, instructions_n, symbols_n, xrefs_n;

	doc = xmlNewDoc( BAD_CAST "1.0");
	root_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "atdoc");
    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root_node);
	memories_n =		xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "memblocks", NULL);
	instructions_n =xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "instructions", NULL);
	symbols_n = xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "symbols", NULL);
	xrefs_n = xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "xrefs", NULL);
	for (memseglist_ci i = m_mem_segments.begin(); i != m_mem_segments.end(); i++)
		serialize_memsegment(*i, memories_n);
	for (memloclist_i i = m_memdata.begin(); i!=m_memdata.end(); i++)
		serialize_Instruction(dynamic_cast<Instruction *>((*i).second), instructions_n);
	for (SymbolList::symaddr_ci i = m_symlist.begin_addr(); i!=m_symlist.end_addr(); i++)
		serialize_symbol(*i, symbols_n);
	for (memloclist_i i = m_memdata.begin(); i!=m_memdata.end(); i++)
		MemlocData * instr = (*i).second;
		if (!instr || !instr->has_xrefs_from())
		for (xref_map_ci j = instr->begin_xref_from(); j != instr->end_xref_from(); j++)
			serialize_xref((*j).second, xrefs_n);
	XMLBZIP2_writer writer;
	if (!writer.xmlWriteDoc(doc, filename))
		printf("Failed to save!\n");