/* ****************************************************************************
* connectionTreat - 
* This is the MHD_AccessHandlerCallback function for MHD_start_daemon
* This function returns:
* o MHD_YES  if the connection was handled successfully
* o MHD_NO   if the socket must be closed due to a serious error
* - This function is called once when the headers are read and the ciP is created.
* - Then it is called for data payload and once all the payload an acknowledgement
*   must be done, setting *upload_data_size to ZERO.
* - The last call is made with *upload_data_size == 0 and now is when the connection
*   is open to send responses.
* Call 1: *con_cls == NULL
* Call 2: *con_cls != NULL  AND  *upload_data_size != 0
* Call 3: *con_cls != NULL  AND  *upload_data_size == 0
static int connectionTreat
   void*            cls,
   MHD_Connection*  connection,
   const char*      url,
   const char*      method,
   const char*      version,
   const char*      upload_data,
   size_t*          upload_data_size,
   void**           con_cls
  ConnectionInfo*        ciP         = (ConnectionInfo*) *con_cls;
  size_t                 dataLen     = *upload_data_size;

  // 1. First call - setup ConnectionInfo and get/check HTTP headers
  if (ciP == NULL)
    // IP Address and port of caller
    char            ip[32];
    unsigned short  port = 0;

    const union MHD_ConnectionInfo* mciP = MHD_get_connection_info(connection, MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CLIENT_ADDRESS);
    if (mciP != NULL)
      port = (mciP->client_addr->sa_data[0] << 8) + mciP->client_addr->sa_data[1];
      snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "%d.%d.%d.%d", mciP->client_addr->sa_data[2]  & 0xFF, mciP->client_addr->sa_data[3]  & 0xFF, mciP->client_addr->sa_data[4] & 0xFF, mciP->client_addr->sa_data[5] & 0xFF);
      port = 0;
      snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "IP unknown");

    // ConnectionInfo
    if ((ciP = new ConnectionInfo(url, method, version, connection)) == NULL)
      LM_E(("Runtime Error (error allocating ConnectionInfo)"));
      return MHD_NO;

    *con_cls = (void*) ciP; // Pointer to ConnectionInfo for subsequent calls
    ciP->port = port;
    ciP->ip   = ip;
    // Transaction starts here
    LM_TRANSACTION_START("from", ip, port, url);  // Incoming REST request starts

    // URI parameters
    MHD_get_connection_values(connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, uriArgumentGet, ciP);
    if (ciP->httpStatusCode != SccOk)
      LM_W(("Bad Input (error in URI parameters)"));
      restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);
      return MHD_YES;
    LM_T(LmtUriParams, ("notifyFormat: '%s'", ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT].c_str()));

    MHD_get_connection_values(connection, MHD_HEADER_KIND, httpHeaderGet, &ciP->httpHeaders);
    char tenant[128];
    ciP->tenantFromHttpHeader = strToLower(tenant, ciP->httpHeaders.tenant.c_str(), sizeof(tenant));
    LM_T(LmtTenant, ("HTTP tenant: '%s'", ciP->httpHeaders.tenant.c_str()));
    ciP->outFormat            = wantedOutputSupported(ciP->httpHeaders.accept, &ciP->charset);
    if (ciP->outFormat == NOFORMAT)
      ciP->outFormat = XML; // XML is default output format

    ciP->servicePath = ciP->httpHeaders.servicePath;
    if (servicePathSplit(ciP) != 0)
      LM_W(("Bad Input (error in ServicePath http-header)"));
      restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);

    if (contentTypeCheck(ciP) != 0)
      LM_W(("Bad Input (invalid mime-type in Content-Type http-header)"));
      restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);
    else if (outFormatCheck(ciP) != 0)
      LM_W(("Bad Input (invalid mime-type in Accept http-header)"));
      restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);
      ciP->inFormat = formatParse(ciP->httpHeaders.contentType, NULL);

    // Set default mime-type for notifications
    if (ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT] == "")
      if (ciP->outFormat == XML)
        ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT] = "XML";
      else if (ciP->outFormat == JSON)
        ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT] = "JSON";
        ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT] = "XML";

      LM_T(LmtUriParams, ("'default' value for notifyFormat (ciP->outFormat == %d)): '%s'", ciP->outFormat, ciP->uriParam[URI_PARAM_NOTIFY_FORMAT].c_str()));

    return MHD_YES;

  // 2. Data gathering calls
  // 2-1. Data gathering calls, just wait
  // 2-2. Last data gathering call, acknowledge the receipt of data
  if (dataLen != 0)
    if (dataLen == ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength)
      if (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength <= PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE)
        if (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength > STATIC_BUFFER_SIZE)
          ciP->payload = (char*) malloc(ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength + 1);
          ciP->payload = static_buffer;

        ciP->payloadSize = dataLen;
        memcpy(ciP->payload, upload_data, dataLen);
        ciP->payload[dataLen] = 0;
        char details[256];
        snprintf(details, sizeof(details), "payload size: %d, max size supported: %d", ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength, PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE);

        ciP->answer         = restErrorReplyGet(ciP, ciP->outFormat, "", ciP->url, SccRequestEntityTooLarge, details);
        ciP->httpStatusCode = SccRequestEntityTooLarge;

      // All payload received, acknowledge!
      *upload_data_size = 0;
      LM_T(LmtPartialPayload, ("Got %d of payload of %d bytes", dataLen, ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength));

    return MHD_YES;

  // 3. Finally, serve the request (unless an error has occurred)
  if (((ciP->verb == POST) || (ciP->verb == PUT)) && (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength == 0) && (strncasecmp(ciP->url.c_str(), "/log/", 5) != 0))
    std::string errorMsg = restErrorReplyGet(ciP, ciP->outFormat, "", url, SccLengthRequired, "Zero/No Content-Length in PUT/POST request");
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccLengthRequired;
    restReply(ciP, errorMsg);
  else if (ciP->answer != "")
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);

  return MHD_YES;
static int connectionTreat
   void*            cls,
   MHD_Connection*  connection,
   const char*      url,
   const char*      method,
   const char*      version,
   const char*      upload_data,
   size_t*          upload_data_size,
   void**           con_cls
  ConnectionInfo*        ciP         = (ConnectionInfo*) *con_cls;
  size_t                 dataLen     = *upload_data_size;

  // 1. First call - setup ConnectionInfo and get/check HTTP headers
  if (ciP == NULL)
    // First thing to do on a new connection, set correlator to N/A.
    // After reading HTTP headers, the correlator id either changes due to encountering a 
    // Fiware-Correlator HTTP Header, or, if no HTTP header with Fiware-Correlator is found,
    // a new correlator is generated.

    // IP Address and port of caller
    char            ip[32];
    unsigned short  port = 0;

    const union MHD_ConnectionInfo* mciP = MHD_get_connection_info(connection, MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CLIENT_ADDRESS);

    if (mciP != NULL)
      struct sockaddr* addr = (struct sockaddr*) mciP->client_addr;

      port = (addr->sa_data[0] << 8) + addr->sa_data[1];
      snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "%d.%d.%d.%d",
               addr->sa_data[2] & 0xFF,
               addr->sa_data[3] & 0xFF,
               addr->sa_data[4] & 0xFF,
               addr->sa_data[5] & 0xFF);
      snprintf(clientIp, sizeof(clientIp), "%s", ip);
      port = 0;
      snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "IP unknown");

    // Reset time measuring?
    if (timingStatistics)
      memset(&threadLastTimeStat, 0, sizeof(threadLastTimeStat));

    // ConnectionInfo
    // FIXME P1: ConnectionInfo could be a thread variable (like the static_buffer),
    // as long as it is properly cleaned up between calls.
    // We would save the call to new/free for each and every request.
    // Once we *really* look to scratch some efficiency, this change should be made.
    // Also, is ciP->ip really used?
    if ((ciP = new ConnectionInfo(url, method, version, connection)) == NULL)
      LM_E(("Runtime Error (error allocating ConnectionInfo)"));
      return MHD_NO;

    if (timingStatistics)
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ciP->reqStartTime);

    LM_T(LmtRequest, (""));
    // WARNING: This log message below is crucial for the correct function of the Behave tests - CANNOT BE REMOVED
    LM_T(LmtRequest, ("--------------------- Serving request %s %s -----------------", method, url));
    *con_cls     = (void*) ciP; // Pointer to ConnectionInfo for subsequent calls
    ciP->port    = port;
    ciP->ip      = ip;
    ciP->callNo  = reqNo;


    // URI parameters
    // FIXME P1: We might not want to do all these assignments, they are not used in all requests ...
    //           Once we *really* look to scratch some efficiency, this change should be made.
    MHD_get_connection_values(connection, MHD_HEADER_KIND, httpHeaderGet, &ciP->httpHeaders);

    char correlator[CORRELATOR_ID_SIZE + 1];
    if (ciP->httpHeaders.correlator == "")
      ciP->httpHeaders.correlator = correlator;



    // Transaction starts here
    lmTransactionStart("from", ip, port, url);  // Incoming REST request starts

    /* X-Forwared-For (used by a potential proxy on top of Orion) overrides ip */
    if (ciP->httpHeaders.xforwardedFor == "")

    ciP->apiVersion = apiVersionGet(ciP->url.c_str());

    char tenant[SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
    ciP->tenantFromHttpHeader = strToLower(tenant, ciP->httpHeaders.tenant.c_str(), sizeof(tenant));
    ciP->outMimeType          = wantedOutputSupported(ciP->apiVersion, ciP->httpHeaders.accept, &ciP->charset);
    if (ciP->outMimeType == NOMIMETYPE)
      ciP->outMimeType = JSON; // JSON is default output mimeType

    MHD_get_connection_values(connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, uriArgumentGet, ciP);

    return MHD_YES;

  // 2. Data gathering calls
  // 2-1. Data gathering calls, just wait
  // 2-2. Last data gathering call, acknowledge the receipt of data
  if (dataLen != 0)
    // If the HTTP header says the request is bigger than our PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE,
    // just silently "eat" the entire message
    if (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength > PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE)
      *upload_data_size = 0;
      return MHD_YES;

    // First call with payload - use the thread variable "static_buffer" if possible,
    // otherwise allocate a bigger buffer
    // FIXME P1: This could be done in "Part I" instead, saving an "if" for each "Part II" call
    //           Once we *really* look to scratch some efficiency, this change should be made.
    if (ciP->payloadSize == 0)  // First call with payload
      if (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength > STATIC_BUFFER_SIZE)
        ciP->payload = (char*) malloc(ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength + 1);
        ciP->payload = static_buffer;

    // Copy the chunk
    LM_T(LmtPartialPayload, ("Got %d of payload of %d bytes", dataLen, ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength));
    memcpy(&ciP->payload[ciP->payloadSize], upload_data, dataLen);
    // Add to the size of the accumulated read buffer
    ciP->payloadSize += *upload_data_size;

    // Zero-terminate the payload
    ciP->payload[ciP->payloadSize] = 0;

    // Acknowledge the data and return
    *upload_data_size = 0;
    return MHD_YES;

  // 3. Finally, serve the request (unless an error has occurred)
  // URL and headers checks are delayed to the "third" MHD call, as no 
  // errors can be sent before all the request has been read
  if (urlCheck(ciP, ciP->url) == false)
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "error in URI path");
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);

  ciP->servicePath = ciP->httpHeaders.servicePath;

  if (servicePathSplit(ciP) != 0)
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "error in ServicePath http-header");
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);

  if (contentTypeCheck(ciP) != 0)
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "invalid mime-type in Content-Type http-header");
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);
  else if (outMimeTypeCheck(ciP) != 0)
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "invalid mime-type in Accept http-header");
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);
    ciP->inMimeType = mimeTypeParse(ciP->httpHeaders.contentType, NULL);

  if (ciP->httpStatusCode != SccOk)
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, "error in URI parameters");
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);
    return MHD_YES;

  // Here, if the incoming request was too big, return error about it
  if (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength > PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE)
    char details[256];
    snprintf(details, sizeof(details), "payload size: %d, max size supported: %d", ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength, PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE);

    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, details);

    ciP->answer         = restErrorReplyGet(ciP, "", ciP->url, SccRequestEntityTooLarge, details);
    ciP->httpStatusCode = SccRequestEntityTooLarge;

  // Requests of verb POST, PUT or PATCH are considered erroneous if no payload is present - with two exceptions.
  // - Old log requests  (URL contains '/log/')
  // - New log requests  (URL is exactly '/admin/log')
  if (((ciP->verb == POST) || (ciP->verb == PUT) || (ciP->verb == PATCH )) && 
      (ciP->httpHeaders.contentLength == 0) && 
      ((strncasecmp(ciP->url.c_str(), "/log/", 5) != 0) && (strncasecmp(ciP->url.c_str(), "/admin/log", 10) != 0)))
    std::string errorMsg = restErrorReplyGet(ciP, "", url, SccContentLengthRequired, "Zero/No Content-Length in PUT/POST/PATCH request");

    ciP->httpStatusCode  = SccContentLengthRequired;
    restReply(ciP, errorMsg);
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, errorMsg);
  else if (ciP->answer != "")
    alarmMgr.badInput(clientIp, ciP->answer);
    restReply(ciP, ciP->answer);

  return MHD_YES;