int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; int forkaway = 0; FILE *pidfile; const char *pidpath = "/var/run/"; struct group *grp; struct passwd *pw; char *webroot; const char *usernam = NULL; const char *groupnam = NULL; int logfacility = LOG_DAEMON; int createdefault = 0; sigset_t set; const char *homedir; const char *rawts_input = NULL; #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB const char *dvb_rawts_input = NULL; #endif const char *join_transport = NULL; const char *confpath = NULL; char *p, *endp; uint32_t adapter_mask = 0xffffffff; int crash = 0; webui_port = 9981; htsp_port = 9982; gid_t gid; uid_t uid; /* Get current directory */ tvheadend_cwd = dirname(dirname(tvh_strdupa(argv[0]))); /* Set locale */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); // make sure the timezone is set tzset(); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Aa:fp:u:g:c:Chdr:j:sw:e:E:R:W:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'a': adapter_mask = 0x0; p = strtok(optarg, ","); if (p != NULL) { do { int adapter = strtol(p, &endp, 10); if (*endp != 0 || adapter < 0 || adapter > 31) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid adapter number '%s'\n", p); return 1; } adapter_mask |= (1 << adapter); } while ((p = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL); if (adapter_mask == 0x0) { fprintf(stderr, "No adapters specified!\n"); return 1; } } else { usage(argv[0]); } break; case 'A': crash = 1; break; case 'f': forkaway = 1; break; case 'p': pidpath = optarg; break; case 'w': webui_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': htsp_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'E': htsp_port_extra = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': usernam = optarg; break; case 'g': groupnam = optarg; break; case 'c': confpath = optarg; break; case 'd': log_debug_to_console = 1; break; case 's': log_debug_to_syslog = 1; break; case 'C': createdefault = 1; break; case 'r': rawts_input = optarg; break; #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB case 'R': dvb_rawts_input = optarg; break; #endif case 'j': join_transport = optarg; break; case 'W': webroot = malloc(strlen(optarg) + (*optarg == '/' ? 0 : 1)); if (*optarg != '/') { *webroot = '/'; strcpy(webroot+1, optarg); } else { strcpy(webroot, optarg); } if (webroot[strlen(webroot)-1] == '/') webroot[strlen(webroot)-1] = '\0'; tvheadend_webroot = webroot; break; default: usage(argv[0]); } } signal(SIGPIPE, handle_sigpipe); log_stderr = 1; log_decorate = isatty(2); if(forkaway) { grp = getgrnam(groupnam ?: "video"); pw = usernam ? getpwnam(usernam) : NULL; pidfile = fopen(pidpath, "w+"); if(grp != NULL) { gid = grp->gr_gid; } else { gid = 1; } if (pw != NULL) { if (getuid() != pw->pw_uid) { gid_t glist[10]; int gnum; gnum = get_user_groups(pw, glist, 10); if (setgroups(gnum, glist)) { tvhlog(LOG_ALERT, "START", "setgroups() failed, do you have permission?"); return 1; } } uid = pw->pw_uid; homedir = pw->pw_dir; setenv("HOME", homedir, 1); } else { uid = 1; } if ((getgid() != gid) && setgid(gid)) { tvhlog(LOG_ALERT, "START", "setgid() failed, do you have permission?"); return 1; } if ((getuid() != uid) && setuid(uid)) { tvhlog(LOG_ALERT, "START", "setuid() failed, do you have permission?"); return 1; } if(daemon(0, 0)) { exit(2); } if(pidfile != NULL) { fprintf(pidfile, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(pidfile); } umask(0); } log_stderr = !forkaway; log_decorate = isatty(2); sigfillset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); openlog("tvheadend", LOG_PID, logfacility); hts_settings_init(confpath); pthread_mutex_init(&ffmpeg_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&fork_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&global_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&global_lock); time(&dispatch_clock); trap_init(argv[0]); /** * Initialize subsystems */ config_init(); imagecache_init(); service_init(); channels_init(); subscription_init(); access_init(createdefault); #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB muxes_init(); dvb_init(adapter_mask, dvb_rawts_input); #endif iptv_input_init(); #if ENABLE_V4L v4l_init(); #endif tcp_server_init(); http_server_init(); webui_init(); serviceprobe_init(); #if ENABLE_CWC cwc_init(); capmt_init(); #if (!ENABLE_DVBCSA) ffdecsa_init(); #endif #endif epggrab_init(); epg_init(); dvr_init(); htsp_init(); if(rawts_input != NULL) rawts_init(rawts_input); if(join_transport != NULL) subscription_dummy_join(join_transport, 1); #ifdef CONFIG_AVAHI avahi_init(); #endif epg_updated(); // cleanup now all prev ref's should have been created pthread_mutex_unlock(&global_lock); /** * Wait for SIGTERM / SIGINT, but only in this thread */ running = 1; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); signal(SIGTERM, doexit); signal(SIGINT, doexit); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "START", "HTS Tvheadend version %s started, " "running as PID:%d UID:%d GID:%d, settings located in '%s'", tvheadend_version, getpid(), getuid(), getgid(), hts_settings_get_root()); if(crash) abort(); mainloop(); epg_save(); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "STOP", "Exiting HTS Tvheadend"); if(forkaway) unlink("/var/run/"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; sigset_t set; #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB uint32_t adapter_mask; #endif /* Defaults */ log_stderr = 1; log_decorate = isatty(2); log_debug_to_syslog = 0; log_debug_to_console = 0; log_debug_to_path = 0; log_path = NULL; tvheadend_webui_port = 9981; tvheadend_webroot = NULL; tvheadend_htsp_port = 9982; tvheadend_htsp_port_extra = 0; /* Command line options */ int opt_help = 0, opt_version = 0, opt_fork = 0, opt_firstrun = 0, opt_debug = 0, opt_syslog = 0, opt_uidebug = 0, opt_abort = 0, opt_noacl = 0, opt_ipv6 = 0; const char *opt_config = NULL, *opt_user = NULL, *opt_group = NULL, *opt_pidpath = "/var/run/", #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB *opt_dvb_adapters = NULL, *opt_dvb_raw = NULL, #endif *opt_rawts = NULL, *opt_subscribe = NULL; cmdline_opt_t cmdline_opts[] = { { 0, NULL, "Generic Options", OPT_BOOL, NULL }, { 'h', "help", "Show this page", OPT_BOOL, &opt_help }, { 'v', "version", "Show version infomation", OPT_BOOL, &opt_version }, { 0, NULL, "Service Configuration", OPT_BOOL, NULL }, { 'c', "config", "Alternate config path", OPT_STR, &opt_config }, { 'f', "fork", "Fork and run as daemon", OPT_BOOL, &opt_fork }, { 'u', "user", "Run as user", OPT_STR, &opt_user }, { 'g', "group", "Run as group", OPT_STR, &opt_group }, { 'p', "pid", "Alternate pid path", OPT_STR, &opt_pidpath }, { 'C', "firstrun", "If no useraccount exist then create one with\n" "no username and no password. Use with care as\n" "it will allow world-wide administrative access\n" "to your Tvheadend installation until you edit\n" "the access-control from within the Tvheadend UI", OPT_BOOL, &opt_firstrun }, #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB { 'a', "adapters", "Use only specified DVB adapters", OPT_STR, &opt_dvb_adapters }, #endif { 0, NULL, "Server Connectivity", OPT_BOOL, NULL }, { '6', "ipv6", "Listen on IPv6", OPT_BOOL, &opt_ipv6 }, { 0, "http_port", "Specify alternative http port", OPT_INT, &tvheadend_webui_port }, { 0, "http_root", "Specify alternative http webroot", OPT_STR, &tvheadend_webroot }, { 0, "htsp_port", "Specify alternative htsp port", OPT_INT, &tvheadend_htsp_port }, { 0, "htsp_port2", "Specify extra htsp port", OPT_INT, &tvheadend_htsp_port_extra }, { 0, NULL, "Debug Options", OPT_BOOL, NULL }, { 'd', "debug", "Enable all debug", OPT_BOOL, &opt_debug }, { 's', "syslog", "Enable debug to syslog", OPT_BOOL, &opt_syslog }, { 0, "uidebug", "Enable webUI debug", OPT_BOOL, &opt_uidebug }, { 'l', "log", "Log to file", OPT_STR, &log_path }, { 'A', "abort", "Immediately abort", OPT_BOOL, &opt_abort }, { 0, "noacl", "Disable all access control checks", OPT_BOOL, &opt_noacl }, #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB { 'R', "dvbraw", "Use rawts file to create virtual adapter", OPT_STR, &opt_dvb_raw }, #endif { 'r', "rawts", "Use rawts file to generate virtual services", OPT_STR, &opt_rawts }, { 'j', "join", "Subscribe to a service permanently", OPT_STR, &opt_subscribe } }; /* Get current directory */ tvheadend_cwd = dirname(dirname(tvh_strdupa(argv[0]))); /* Set locale */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* make sure the timezone is set */ tzset(); /* Process command line */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* Find option */ cmdline_opt_t *opt = cmdline_opt_find(cmdline_opts, ARRAY_SIZE(cmdline_opts), argv[i]); if (!opt) show_usage(argv[0], cmdline_opts, ARRAY_SIZE(cmdline_opts), "invalid option specified [%s]", argv[i]); /* Process */ if (opt->type == OPT_BOOL) *((int*)opt->param) = 1; else if (++i == argc) show_usage(argv[0], cmdline_opts, ARRAY_SIZE(cmdline_opts), "option %s requires a value", opt->lopt); else if (opt->type == OPT_INT) *((int*)opt->param) = atoi(argv[i]); else *((char**)opt->param) = argv[i]; /* Stop processing */ if (opt_help) show_usage(argv[0], cmdline_opts, ARRAY_SIZE(cmdline_opts), NULL); if (opt_version) show_version(argv[0]); } /* Additional cmdline processing */ log_debug_to_console = opt_debug; log_debug_to_syslog = opt_syslog; log_debug_to_path = opt_debug; tvheadend_webui_debug = opt_debug || opt_uidebug; tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "START", "initialising"); #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB if (!opt_dvb_adapters) { adapter_mask = ~0; } else { char *p, *r, *e; adapter_mask = 0x0; p = strtok_r((char*)opt_dvb_adapters, ",", &r); while (p) { int a = strtol(p, &e, 10); if (*e != 0 || a < 0 || a > 31) { tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "START", "Invalid adapter number '%s'", p); return 1; } adapter_mask |= (1 << a); p = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &r); } if (!adapter_mask) { tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "START", "No adapters specified!"); return 1; } } #endif if (tvheadend_webroot) { char *tmp; if (*tvheadend_webroot == '/') tmp = strdup(tvheadend_webroot); else { tmp = malloc(strlen(tvheadend_webroot)+1); *tmp = '/'; strcpy(tmp+1, tvheadend_webroot); } if (tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] == '/') tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0'; tvheadend_webroot = tmp; } signal(SIGPIPE, handle_sigpipe); // will be redundant later /* Daemonise */ if(opt_fork) { const char *homedir; gid_t gid; uid_t uid; struct group *grp = getgrnam(opt_group ?: "video"); struct passwd *pw = opt_user ? getpwnam(opt_user) : NULL; FILE *pidfile = fopen(opt_pidpath, "w+"); if(grp != NULL) { gid = grp->gr_gid; } else { gid = 1; } if (pw != NULL) { if (getuid() != pw->pw_uid) { gid_t glist[10]; int gnum; gnum = get_user_groups(pw, glist, 10); if (setgroups(gnum, glist)) { tvhlog(LOG_ALERT, "START", "setgroups() failed, do you have permission?"); return 1; } } uid = pw->pw_uid; homedir = pw->pw_dir; setenv("HOME", homedir, 1); } else { uid = 1; } if ((getgid() != gid) && setgid(gid)) { tvhlog(LOG_ALERT, "START", "setgid() failed, do you have permission?"); return 1; } if ((getuid() != uid) && setuid(uid)) { tvhlog(LOG_ALERT, "START", "setuid() failed, do you have permission?"); return 1; } if(daemon(0, 0)) { exit(2); } if(pidfile != NULL) { fprintf(pidfile, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(pidfile); } umask(0); } /* Setup logging */ log_stderr = !opt_fork; log_decorate = isatty(2); openlog("tvheadend", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); /* Initialise configuration */ hts_settings_init(opt_config); /* Setup global mutexes */ pthread_mutex_init(&ffmpeg_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&fork_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&global_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&global_lock); time(&dispatch_clock); /* Signal handling */ sigfillset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); trap_init(argv[0]); /** * Initialize subsystems */ #if ENABLE_LIBAV libav_init(); #endif config_init(); imagecache_init(); service_init(); channels_init(); subscription_init(); access_init(opt_firstrun, opt_noacl); #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB muxes_init(); dvb_init(adapter_mask, opt_dvb_raw); #endif iptv_input_init(); #if ENABLE_V4L v4l_init(); #endif #if ENABLE_TIMESHIFT timeshift_init(); #endif tcp_server_init(opt_ipv6); http_server_init(); webui_init(); serviceprobe_init(); #if ENABLE_CWC cwc_init(); capmt_init(); #if (!ENABLE_DVBCSA) ffdecsa_init(); #endif #endif epggrab_init(); epg_init(); dvr_init(); htsp_init(); if(opt_rawts != NULL) rawts_init(opt_rawts); if(opt_subscribe != NULL) subscription_dummy_join(opt_subscribe, 1); #ifdef CONFIG_AVAHI avahi_init(); #endif epg_updated(); // cleanup now all prev ref's should have been created pthread_mutex_unlock(&global_lock); /** * Wait for SIGTERM / SIGINT, but only in this thread */ running = 1; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); signal(SIGTERM, doexit); signal(SIGINT, doexit); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "START", "HTS Tvheadend version %s started, " "running as PID:%d UID:%d GID:%d, settings located in '%s'", tvheadend_version, getpid(), getuid(), getgid(), hts_settings_get_root()); if(opt_abort) abort(); mainloop(); epg_save(); #if ENABLE_TIMESHIFT timeshift_term(); #endif tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "STOP", "Exiting HTS Tvheadend"); if(opt_fork) unlink(opt_pidpath); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; int forkaway = 0; FILE *pidfile; const char *pidpath = "/var/run/"; struct group *grp; struct passwd *pw; const char *usernam = NULL; const char *groupnam = NULL; int logfacility = LOG_DAEMON; int createdefault = 0; sigset_t set; const char *homedir; const char *rawts_input = NULL; const char *join_transport = NULL; const char *confpath = NULL; char *p, *endp; uint32_t adapter_mask = 0xffffffff; int crash = 0; // make sure the timezone is set tzset(); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Aa:fp:u:g:c:Chdr:j:s")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'a': adapter_mask = 0x0; p = strtok(optarg, ","); if (p != NULL) { do { int adapter = strtol(p, &endp, 10); if (*endp != 0 || adapter < 0 || adapter > 31) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid adapter number '%s'\n", p); return 1; } adapter_mask |= (1 << adapter); } while ((p = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL); if (adapter_mask == 0x0) { fprintf(stderr, "No adapters specified!\n"); return 1; } } else { usage(argv[0]); } break; case 'A': crash = 1; break; case 'f': forkaway = 1; break; case 'p': pidpath = optarg; break; case 'u': usernam = optarg; break; case 'g': groupnam = optarg; break; case 'c': confpath = optarg; break; case 'd': log_debug_to_console = 1; break; case 's': log_debug_to_syslog = 1; break; case 'C': createdefault = 1; break; case 'r': rawts_input = optarg; break; case 'j': join_transport = optarg; break; default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } signal(SIGPIPE, handle_sigpipe); grp = getgrnam(groupnam ?: "video"); pw = usernam ? getpwnam(usernam) : NULL; if(forkaway) { if(daemon(0, 0)) { exit(2); } pidfile = fopen(pidpath, "w+"); if(pidfile != NULL) { fprintf(pidfile, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(pidfile); } if(grp != NULL) { setgid(grp->gr_gid); } else { setgid(1); } if(pw != NULL) { setuid(pw->pw_uid); } else { setuid(1); } if(pw != NULL) { homedir = pw->pw_dir; setenv("HOME", homedir, 1); } umask(0); } log_stderr = !forkaway; log_decorate = isatty(2); sigfillset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); openlog("tvheadend", LOG_PID, logfacility); hts_settings_init(confpath); pthread_mutex_init(&ffmpeg_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&fork_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&global_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&global_lock); time(&dispatch_clock); trap_init(argv[0]); /** * Initialize subsystems */ xmltv_init(); /* Must be initialized before channels */ service_init(); channels_init(); access_init(createdefault); tcp_server_init(); #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB dvb_init(adapter_mask); #endif iptv_input_init(); #if ENABLE_V4L v4l_init(); #endif http_server_init(); webui_init(tvheadend_dataroot()); serviceprobe_init(); cwc_init(); capmt_init(); epg_init(); dvr_init(); htsp_init(); ffdecsa_init(); if(rawts_input != NULL) rawts_init(rawts_input); if(join_transport != NULL) subscription_dummy_join(join_transport, 1); #ifdef CONFIG_AVAHI avahi_init(); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&global_lock); /** * Wait for SIGTERM / SIGINT, but only in this thread */ running = 1; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); signal(SIGTERM, doexit); signal(SIGINT, doexit); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "START", "HTS Tvheadend version %s started, " "running as PID:%d UID:%d GID:%d, settings located in '%s', " "dataroot: %s", tvheadend_version, getpid(), getuid(), getgid(), hts_settings_get_root(), tvheadend_dataroot() ?: "<Embedded file system>"); if(crash) abort(); mainloop(); epg_save(); tvhlog(LOG_NOTICE, "STOP", "Exiting HTS Tvheadend"); if(forkaway) unlink("/var/run/"); return 0; }