PhysicsRigidBody::PhysicsRigidBody(Node* node, const PhysicsCollisionShape::Definition& shape, const Parameters& parameters, int group, int mask)
        : PhysicsCollisionObject(node, group, mask), _body(NULL), _mass(parameters.mass), _constraints(NULL), _inDestructor(false)

    // Create our collision shape.
    kmVec3 centerOfMassOffset = vec3Zero;
    _collisionShape = Game::getInstance()->getPhysicsController()->createShape(node, shape, &centerOfMassOffset, parameters.mass != 0.0f);
    GP_ASSERT(_collisionShape && _collisionShape->getShape());

    // Create motion state object.
	_motionState = new PhysicsMotionState(node, this, (kmVec3LengthSq(&centerOfMassOffset) > MATH_EPSILON) ? &centerOfMassOffset : NULL);

    // If the mass is non-zero, then the object is dynamic so we calculate the local 
    // inertia. However, if the collision shape is a triangle mesh, we don't calculate 
    // inertia since Bullet doesn't currently support this.
    btVector3 localInertia(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if (parameters.mass != 0.0)
        _collisionShape->getShape()->calculateLocalInertia(parameters.mass, localInertia);

    // Create the Bullet physics rigid body object.
    btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo(parameters.mass, NULL, _collisionShape->getShape(), localInertia);
    rbInfo.m_friction = parameters.friction;
    rbInfo.m_restitution = parameters.restitution;
    rbInfo.m_linearDamping = parameters.linearDamping;
    rbInfo.m_angularDamping = parameters.angularDamping;

    // Create + assign the new bullet rigid body object.
    _body = bullet_new<btRigidBody>(rbInfo);

    // Set motion state after rigid body assignment, since bullet will callback on the motion state interface to query
    // the initial transform and it will need to access to rigid body (_body).

    // Set other initially defined properties.

    // Add ourself to the physics world.

    if (_collisionShape->getType() == PhysicsCollisionShape::SHAPE_HEIGHTFIELD)
        // Add a listener on the node's transform so we can track dirty changes to calculate
        // an inverse kmMat4 for transforming heightfield points between world and local space.
PhysicsRigidBody::PhysicsRigidBody(Node* node, const PhysicsCollisionShape::Definition& shape, const Parameters& parameters)
        : PhysicsCollisionObject(node), _body(NULL), _mass(parameters.mass), _constraints(NULL), _inDestructor(false)

    // Create our collision shape.
    Vector3 centerOfMassOffset;
    _collisionShape = Game::getInstance()->getPhysicsController()->createShape(node, shape, &centerOfMassOffset);
    GP_ASSERT(_collisionShape && _collisionShape->getShape());

    // Create motion state object.
    _motionState = new PhysicsMotionState(node, (centerOfMassOffset.lengthSquared() > MATH_EPSILON) ? &centerOfMassOffset : NULL);

    // If the mass is non-zero, then the object is dynamic so we calculate the local 
    // inertia. However, if the collision shape is a triangle mesh, we don't calculate 
    // inertia since Bullet doesn't currently support this.
    btVector3 localInertia(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if (parameters.mass != 0.0 && _collisionShape->getType() != PhysicsCollisionShape::SHAPE_MESH)
        _collisionShape->getShape()->calculateLocalInertia(parameters.mass, localInertia);

    // Create the Bullet physics rigid body object.
    btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo(parameters.mass, _motionState, _collisionShape->getShape(), localInertia);
    rbInfo.m_friction = parameters.friction;
    rbInfo.m_restitution = parameters.restitution;
    rbInfo.m_linearDamping = parameters.linearDamping;
    rbInfo.m_angularDamping = parameters.angularDamping;

    // Create + assign the new bullet rigid body object.
    _body = bullet_new<btRigidBody>(rbInfo);

    // Set other initially defined properties.

    // Add ourself to the physics world.

    if (_collisionShape->getType() == PhysicsCollisionShape::SHAPE_HEIGHTFIELD)
        // Add a listener on the node's transform so we can track dirty changes to calculate
        // an inverse matrix for transforming heightfield points between world and local space.