int main()
	while (true) {

		//thrust PID
		error = setpoint - getHeight();
		integral = integral + error * dt;
		derivative = (error - previous_error);
		thrust = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative;

		//Pitch PID
		error_P = 0 - getPitch();
		integral_P = integral_P + error_P * dt;
		derivative_P = (error_P - pre_error_P);
		pitch = Kp * error_P + Ki * integral_P + Kd * derivative_P;

		//Roll PID
		error_R = 0 - getRoll();
		integral_R = integral_R + error_R * dt;
		derivative_R = (error_R - pre_error_R);
		roll = Kp * error_R + Ki * integral_P + Kd * derivative_R;

		//Motor controls
		if (thrust > 255) thrust = 255;
		else if (thrust < 0) thrust = 0;

		setFR(makeValid(thrust + pitch + roll)); // front right
		setFL(makeValid(thrust + pitch - roll)); // front left
		setBR(makeValid(thrust - pitch + roll)); // back right	
		setBL(makeValid(thrust - pitch - roll)); // back left

		//set previous errors
		previous_error = error;
		pre_error_P = error_P;
		pre_error_R = error_R;
		Sleep(1000 * dt);
//go sideways for distance(in degrees) in a straight line at heading goal(front of robot)
//distance is always a positive integer
//goal should be 0 coming out of a turn so it finishes adjustments it couldn't do because of the motor cutoff
//alternately the goal could be the current gyro heading
//base power is positive or negative depending on desired direction-negative = left; positive = right
void sideways(int distance, int goal, int basePower, int cutOff)
	//adjusts distance
	distance = abs(distance);
	distance = (int)(distance*(360/sideConversion));

	int direction;

	//sets direction for use later
	if(basePower <= 0)
		direction = -1;
		direction = 1;

	//error variables for use later
	float error;
	float oldError = 0;
	float change = 0;

	//resets variables for use later
	proportion = 0;
	integral = 0;
	derivative = 0;

	//set constants for PID
	float Kp = 0.5;
	float Ki = 0.054;
	float Kd = 1.5;

	//prepares goal for use with gyro
	goal *= 10;

	//stores gyro value
	int gyroValue;

	//will loop while the average of the sides is less than the direction
	while((direction * NMotorEncoder[BL] + direction * (-1*NMotorEncoder[BR]))/2 < distance)
		//preparing error...mostly magic
		gyroValue = SensorValue[gyro];
		gyroValue = centerGyro(goal, gyroValue);
		error = adjustGyro(gyroValue);

		change = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, error, oldError);
		change = change * -1;
		weightMechanum(basePower, 0, change);

		setFR(FRPower, cutOff);
		setFL(FLPower, cutOff);
		setBL(BLPower, cutOff);
		setBR(BRPower, cutOff);

		//sets the current error to be the old error for the next iteration
		oldError = error;

		//waits so that calculations are at even intervals
void MechanumDrive(int bottomThresh, int topThresh, int lowGear, int cutOff)
	//these variables allow you to change which channels conrtol different movements
	if(controllerState == 0)
  	XVal = 0;	//left/right
  	ZVal = vexRT[Ch3];	//forward/back
  	RotateVal = vexRT[Ch1];	//rotational
	else if(controllerState == 1)
		XVal = 0;
		ZVal = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2];
		RotateVal = vexRT[Ch1Xmtr2];
 		accelChange = abs(ZVal - oldZVal);
 	//if accel is in progress continue and aim for ZVal always
  	ZVal = accelRun(ZVal);

  	//if the ZVal has changed enough turn on accel
  	if(abs(ZVal - oldZVal) >= accelCutOff)
  		if(ZVal > oldZVal)
  			accelDirection = 1
  			accelDirection = -1
  		ZVal = accelRun(ZVal);
  		accel = true;
  oldZVal = ZVal;
  //these manipulate the channel values going into the main function
  //*see top and bottom thresh above
  if(abs(ZVal)< bottomThresh)
    ZVal = 0;
  else if(abs(ZVal) < topThresh)
    ZVal = ZVal/lowGear;

  if(abs(XVal)< bottomThresh)
    XVal = 0;
  else if(abs(XVal) < topThresh)
    XVal = XVal/lowGear;

  if(abs(RotateVal)< bottomThresh)
    RotateVal = 0;
  else if(abs(RotateVal) < topThresh)
    RotateVal = RotateVal/lowGear;

	weightMechanum(XVal, ZVal, RotateVal);

  //Set powers to motors
	setFR(FRPower, cutOff);
	setFL(FLPower, cutOff);
	setBL(BLPower, cutOff);
	setBR(BRPower, cutOff);
int main()
  //Declare variables for equation use
	//Sensor Variables
	int8_t height1;
	int8_t pitch1;
	int8_t roll1;
	uint8_t height2;
	int8_t pitch2;
	int8_t roll2;
  //Target Variables
	int8_t pitchTar = 0;
	int8_t rollTar = 0;
	uint8_t heightTar = 127;
  //Rate of change variables
	double derPitch;
	double derRoll;
	double derHeight;
  //Calculated Thrust Variables
	double pitchThrust;
	double rollThrust;
	double heightThrust;
	double adjustHeightThrust;
  //Motor thrust before height adjustment variables
	double FRTNoAdjustment;
	double FLTNoAdjustment;
	double BRTNoAdjustment;
	double BLTNoAdjustment;
  //Motor thrust after height adjustment variablefs
	uint8_t FRT;
	uint8_t FLT;
	uint8_t BRT;
	uint8_t BLT;
  //Detect Pitch, Roll, and Height and store as variables
	pitch1 = getPitch();
	roll1 = getRoll();
	height1 = getHeight();

	//Calculate initial motor strength guess based on Pitch, Roll, and Height
	FRT = (int)pitch1 + (int)roll1 + (int)heightTar - (int)height1;
	FLT = (int)pitch1 - (int)roll1 + (int)heightTar - (int)height1;
	BRT = -(int)pitch1 + (int)roll1 + (int)heightTar - (int)height1;
	BLT = -(int)pitch1 - (int)roll1 + (int)heightTar - (int)height1;

	//Set the motor strength

  //Infinite loop
	while (true)
	  //Detect position again
		pitch2 = getPitch();
		roll2 = getRoll();
		height2 = getHeight();
    //Calculate rate of change based on thrust and pitch
		if ((int)FRT + (int)FLT - (int)BRT - (int)BLT != 0)
			derPitch = ((int)pitch2 - (int)pitch1) / ((int)FRT + (int)FLT - (int)BRT - (int)BLT);
			if (derPitch != 0)
			  //Calculate desired thrust based on rate of change in pitch
				pitchThrust = ((int)pitchTar - (int)pitch2) / derPitch;
    //Calculate rate of change based on thrust and roll
		if ((int)FRT + (int)BRT - (int)FLT - (int)BLT != 0)
			derRoll = ((int)roll2 - (int)roll1) / ((int)FRT + (int)BRT - (int)FLT - (int)BLT);
			if (derRoll != 0)
			  //Calculate desired thrust based on rate of change in roll
				rollThrust = ((int)rollTar - (int)roll2) / derRoll;
    //Calculate rate of change based on thrust and height
		if ((int)FRT + (int)FLT + (int)BRT + (int)BLT != 0)
			derHeight = ((int)height2 - (int)height1) / ((int)FRT + (int)FLT + (int)BRT + (int)BLT);
			if (derHeight != 0)
			  //Calculate desired thrust based on rate of change in height
				heightThrust = ((int)heightTar - (int)height2) / derHeight;
    //Calculate what thrust would be with only pitch and roll taken in to account
		FRTNoAdjustment = pitchThrust + rollThrust;
		FLTNoAdjustment = pitchThrust - rollThrust;
		BRTNoAdjustment = -pitchThrust + rollThrust;
		BLTNoAdjustment = -pitchThrust - rollThrust;
		//Calculate change in thrust required to get to target height
		adjustHeightThrust = (heightThrust - (FRTNoAdjustment + FLTNoAdjustment + BRTNoAdjustment + BLTNoAdjustment)) / 4;
    //Calculate thrust based on pitch roll and height
		FRT = pitchThrust + rollThrust + adjustHeightThrust;
		FLT = pitchThrust - rollThrust + adjustHeightThrust;
		BRT = -pitchThrust + rollThrust + adjustHeightThrust;
		BLT = -pitchThrust - rollThrust + adjustHeightThrust;

		//Set the motor strength
    //Save old positionf
		pitch1 = pitch2;
		roll1 = roll2;
		height1 = height2;

	return 0;