void SelectionDialog:: addResourceType( QString type )
	// Add the new constraint to the list; value is "any", and no
	// relatives are included by default.  First, look up all the
	// resource ids for this type.
	QString resources;

	ConstraintListItem * item = new ConstraintListItem( constraintListView,
			"N", type, "ANY", "---", type, resources );

	// Don't let user set the value in RelCol (types of relatives to get)
	// The purpose of a resource-type-only entry is to limit the search to
	// include entries at a specific level, and searching for all
	// relatives of all resources of a given type (as we do for other
	// constraints) would be expensive.
	item->setRenameEnabled( RelCol, false );

	// Put all resources of this type in the database's temporary table
	// The blank value string means "find all values"
	int results = dataSource->addResourcesByName( type, QString() );
	if( results < 0 ) {
		delete item;
	} else {
		setCounts( item, results );

HistogramBinDistribution::HistogramBinDistribution(std::vector<double> abscissas, std::vector<double> counts) 
  : UncertaintyDescription(boost::shared_ptr<detail::UncertaintyDescription_Impl>(
        new detail::UncertaintyDescription_Impl(HistogramBinDistribution::type())))
void DesuraJSBinding::updateCounts(int32 msg, int32 updates, int32 threads, int32 cart)
	auto userCore = GetUserCore();

	if (userCore)
		userCore->setCounts(msg, updates, threads, cart);
void SelectionDialog:: addConstraint( QString type, QString value,
		QString resources, QString resourceType )
	// Before we add an item, make sure it's not a duplicate
	// of an exisiting item, since that's not useful and hard
	// to recover from later.
	Q3ListViewItemIterator it( constraintListView );
	while( it.current() ) {
		ConstraintListItem * item = (ConstraintListItem *)it.current();
		if( item->text( ValueCol ) == value
				&& item->resourceType() == resourceType ) {
			// Show the duplicate by selecting it
			constraintListView->setSelected( item, true );

	// Add the new constraint to the list
	ConstraintListItem * item = new ConstraintListItem( constraintListView,
			"D", type, value, "---", resourceType, resources );

	// Allow user to set the value in RelCol (types of relatives to get)
	item->setRenameEnabled( RelCol, true );

	// Put resources in the db list according to the specifications in
	// this item. 
	int results = addItemRelatives( item, Self | FromItem );

	// Check for success; rollback and remove item if there was an error
	if( results < 0 ) {
		delete item;
	} else {
		setCounts( item, results );

void SelectionDialog:: setRelatives( Q3ListViewItem * item, int col )
	// Sanity check; the only column that should have been changed
	// is the Relatives List 
	if( col != RelCol ) return;

	// Cast to the right type
	ConstraintListItem * it = (ConstraintListItem*) item;

	// Make the following changes atomically

	// We don't know the what relatives were included previously,
	// so we'll delete any ancestors and descendants and then
	// add whatever was requested.
	deleteItemRelatives( it, Both );

	// Get the count for the remaining resources (no relatives) in this item
	int results = dataSource->getResultCount( 1, QString(),labelList() );
	if( results < 0 ) {

	// Now add back the items as specfied in the RelCol
	int count = addItemRelatives( it, FromItem );
	// Be sure the changes succeeded
	if( count < 0 ) {

	// Update OK; commit it and count the results
	results += count;

	// Update the item count for this item and the whole set
	setCounts( it, results );