void HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned long baud, SerialConfig config, SerialMode mode, uint8_t tx_pin)
    _uart = uart_init(_uart_nr, baud, (int) config, (int) mode, tx_pin, _rx_size);
#if defined(DEBUG_ESP_PORT) && !defined(NDEBUG)
    if (static_cast<void*>(this) == static_cast<void*>(&DEBUG_ESP_PORT))
bool Interpret::interpretRawData(unsigned int* pDataWords, const unsigned int& pNdataWords)
	if (Basis::debugSet()) {
		std::stringstream tDebug;
		tDebug << "interpretRawData with " << pNdataWords << " words at total word " << _nDataWords;
	_hitIndex = 0;
	_actualMetaWordIndex = 0;

	int tActualCol1 = 0;				//column position of the first hit in the actual data record
	int tActualRow1 = 0;				//row position of the first hit in the actual data record
	int tActualTot1 = -1;				//tot value of the first hit in the actual data record
	int tActualCol2 = 0;				//column position of the second hit in the actual data record
	int tActualRow2 = 0;				//row position of the second hit in the actual data record
	int tActualTot2 = -1;				//tot value of the second hit in the actual data record

	for (unsigned int iWord = 0; iWord < pNdataWords; ++iWord) {	//loop over the SRAM words
		if (_debugEvents) {
			if (_nEvents >= _startDebugEvent && _nEvents <= _stopDebugEvent)
			setWarningOutput(false);  // FIXME: do not unset this always

		correlateMetaWordIndex(_nEvents, _dataWordIndex);
		unsigned int tActualWord = pDataWords[iWord];			//take the actual SRAM word
		tActualTot1 = -1;												          //TOT1 value stays negative if it can not be set properly in getHitsfromDataRecord()
		tActualTot2 = -1;												          //TOT2 value stays negative if it can not be set properly in getHitsfromDataRecord()
		if (getTimefromDataHeader(tActualWord, tActualLVL1ID, tActualBCID)) {	//data word is data header if true is returned
			if (tNdataHeader > _NbCID - 1) {	                //maximum event window is reached (tNdataHeader > BCIDs, mostly tNdataHeader > 15), so create new event
				if (_alignAtTriggerNumber) {
					addEventErrorCode(__TRUNC_EVENT); //too many data header in the event, abort this event, add truncated flac
					if (Basis::warningSet())
						warning(std::string("addHit: Hit buffer overflow prevented by splitting events at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents)), __LINE__);
			if (tNdataHeader == 0) {								        //set the BCID of the first data header
				tStartBCID = tActualBCID;
				tStartLVL1ID = tActualLVL1ID;
			else {
				tDbCID++;										        //increase relative BCID counter [0:15]
				if (_fEI4B) {
					if (tStartBCID + tDbCID > __BCIDCOUNTERSIZE_FEI4B - 1)	//BCID counter overflow for FEI4B (10 bit BCID counter)
				else {
					if (tStartBCID + tDbCID > __BCIDCOUNTERSIZE_FEI4A - 1)	//BCID counter overflow for FEI4A (8 bit BCID counter)

				if (tStartBCID + tDbCID != tActualBCID) {  //check if BCID is increasing by 1s in the event window, if not close actual event and create new event with actual data header
					if (tActualLVL1ID == tStartLVL1ID) //happens sometimes, non inc. BCID, FE feature, only abort the LVL1ID is not constant (if no external trigger is used or)
					else if (_alignAtTriggerNumber || _alignAtTdcWord)  //rely here on the trigger number or TDC word and do not start a new event
					else {
						tBCIDerror = true;					       //BCID number wrong, abort event and take actual data header for the first hit of the new event
				if (!tBCIDerror && tActualLVL1ID != tStartLVL1ID) {    //LVL1ID not constant, is expected for CMOS pulse trigger/hit OR, but not for trigger word triggering
					if (Basis::infoSet())
						info("interpretRawData: LVL1 is not constant: " + IntToStr(tActualLVL1ID) + "!=" + IntToStr(tStartLVL1ID) + " at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
			tNdataHeader++;										       //increase data header counter
			if (Basis::debugSet())
				debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " DH LVL1ID/BCID " + IntToStr(tActualLVL1ID) + "/" + IntToStr(tActualBCID) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
		else if (isTriggerWord(tActualWord)) { //data word is trigger word, is first word of the event data if external trigger is present
			_nTriggers++;						//increase the total trigger number counter
			if (!_alignAtTriggerNumber) {			// first word is not always the trigger number
				if (tNdataHeader > _NbCID - 1)
			else if (_firstTriggerNrSet) {		// use trigger number for event building, first word is trigger word in data stream
			tTriggerWord++;                     //trigger event counter increase

			if (!_useTriggerTimeStamp)
				tTriggerNumber = TRIGGER_NUMBER_MACRO_NEW(tActualWord); //actual trigger number
				tTriggerNumber = TRIGGER_TIME_STAMP_MACRO(tActualWord); //actual trigger number is a time stamp

			if (Basis::debugSet()) {
				if (!_useTriggerTimeStamp)
					debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " TR NUMBER " + IntToStr(tTriggerNumber) + "\t WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
					debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " TR TIME STAMP " + IntToStr(tTriggerNumber) + "\t WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));

			//TLU error handling
			if (!_firstTriggerNrSet)
				_firstTriggerNrSet = true;
			else if (!_useTriggerTimeStamp && (_lastTriggerNumber + 1 != tTriggerNumber) && !(_lastTriggerNumber == _maxTriggerNumber && tTriggerNumber == 0)) {
				if (Basis::warningSet())
					warning("interpretRawData: Trigger Number not increasing by 1 (old/new): " + IntToStr(_lastTriggerNumber) + "/" + IntToStr(tTriggerNumber) + " at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));

			if (tTriggerWord == 1)  			// event trigger number is trigger number of first trigger word within the event
				tEventTriggerNumber = tTriggerNumber;

			_lastTriggerNumber = tTriggerNumber;
		else if (getInfoFromServiceRecord(tActualWord, tActualSRcode, tActualSRcounter)) { //data word is service record
			if (Basis::debugSet())
				debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " SR " + IntToStr(tActualSRcode) + " (" + IntToStr(tActualSRcounter) + ") at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
			addServiceRecord(tActualSRcode, tActualSRcounter);
		else if (isTdcWord(tActualWord)) {	//data word is a tdc word
			if (_useTdcTriggerTimeStamp && (TDC_TRIG_DIST_MACRO(tActualWord) > _maxTdcDelay)){  // of the trigger distance if > _maxTdcDelay the TDC word does not belong to this event, thus ignore it
				if (Basis::debugSet())
					debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " TDC COUNT " + IntToStr(TDC_COUNT_MACRO(tActualWord)) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents) + "\t TRG DIST TIME STAMP " + IntToStr(TDC_TRIG_DIST_MACRO(tActualWord)) + "\t WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord));

			//create new event if the option to align at TDC words is active AND the previous event has seen already all needed data headers OR the previous event was not aligned at a TDC word
			if (_alignAtTdcWord && _firstTdcSet && ( (tNdataHeader > _NbCID - 1) || ((tErrorCode & __TDC_WORD) != __TDC_WORD) )) {

			_firstTdcSet = true;

			if ((tErrorCode & __TDC_WORD) == __TDC_WORD) {  //if the event has already a TDC word set __MANY_TDC_WORDS
				if (!_useTdcTriggerTimeStamp)  // the first TDC word defines the event TDC value
				else if (TDC_TRIG_DIST_MACRO(tActualWord) != 255) {  // in trigger time measurement mode the valid TDC word (tTdcTimeStamp != 255) defines the event TDC value
					if (tTdcTimeStamp != 255)  // there is already a valid TDC word for this event
					else {
						tTdcTimeStamp = TDC_TRIG_DIST_MACRO(tActualWord);
						tTdcCount = TDC_COUNT_MACRO(tActualWord);
			else {
				tTdcCount = TDC_COUNT_MACRO(tActualWord);
				if (!_useTdcTriggerTimeStamp)
					tTdcTimeStamp = TDC_TIME_STAMP_MACRO(tActualWord);
					tTdcTimeStamp = TDC_TRIG_DIST_MACRO(tActualWord);
			if (tTdcCount == 0)
			if (Basis::debugSet()) {
				if (_useTdcTriggerTimeStamp)
					debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " TDC COUNT " + IntToStr(TDC_COUNT_MACRO(tActualWord)) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents) + "\t TRG DIST TIME STAMP " + IntToStr(TDC_TRIG_DIST_MACRO(tActualWord)) + "\t WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord));
					debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " TDC COUNT " + IntToStr(TDC_COUNT_MACRO(tActualWord)) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents) + "\t TIME STAMP " + IntToStr(TDC_TIME_STAMP_MACRO(tActualWord)) + "\t WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord));
		else if (isDataRecord(tActualWord)) {	//data word is data record if true is returned
			if (getHitsfromDataRecord(tActualWord, tActualCol1, tActualRow1, tActualTot1, tActualCol2, tActualRow2, tActualTot2)) {
				tNdataRecord++;										  //increase data record counter for this event
				_nDataRecords++;									  //increase total data record counter
				if (tActualTot1 >= 0)								//add hit if hit info is reasonable (TOT1 >= 0)
					addHit(tDbCID, tActualLVL1ID, tActualCol1, tActualRow1, tActualTot1, tActualBCID);
				if (tActualTot2 >= 0)								//add hit if hit info is reasonable and set (TOT2 >= 0)
					addHit(tDbCID, tActualLVL1ID, tActualCol2, tActualRow2, tActualTot2, tActualBCID);
				if (Basis::debugSet()) {
					std::stringstream tDebug;
					tDebug << " " << _nDataWords << " DR COL1/ROW1/TOT1  COL2/ROW2/TOT2 " << tActualCol1 << "/" << tActualRow1 << "/" << tActualTot1 << "  " << tActualCol2 << "/" << tActualRow2 << "/" << tActualTot2 << " rBCID " << tDbCID << "\t" << _nEvents;
		else {
			if (isOtherWord(tActualWord)) {			//other for hit interpreting uninteressting data, else data word unknown
				if (Basis::debugSet()) {
					unsigned int tAddress = 0;
					bool isShiftRegister = false;
					unsigned int tValue = 0;
					if (isAddressRecord(tActualWord, tAddress, isShiftRegister)) {
						if (isShiftRegister)
							debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " ADDRESS RECORD SHIFT REG. " + IntToStr(tAddress) + " WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
							debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " ADDRESS RECORD GLOBAL REG. " + IntToStr(tAddress) + " WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
					if (isValueRecord(tActualWord, tValue)) {
						debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " VALUE RECORD " + IntToStr(tValue) + "\t" + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
			else {
				if (Basis::warningSet())
					warning("interpretRawData: " + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " UNKNOWN WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord) + " at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
				if (Basis::debugSet())
					debug(std::string(" ") + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " UNKNOWN WORD " + IntToStr(tActualWord) + " at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));

		if (tBCIDerror) {	//tBCIDerror is raised if BCID is not increasing by 1, most likely due to incomplete data transmission, so start new event, actual word is data header here
			if (Basis::warningSet())
				warning("interpretRawData " + IntToStr(_nDataWords) + " BCID ERROR at event " + LongIntToStr(_nEvents));
			getTimefromDataHeader(tActualWord, tActualLVL1ID, tStartBCID);
			tNdataHeader = 1;									//tNdataHeader is already 1, because actual word is first data of new event
			tStartBCID = tActualBCID;
			tStartLVL1ID = tActualLVL1ID;
	return true;