int main() {
  struct gameState G;

  struct gameState Gcopy;
  struct infosStruct infos;
  int k[] = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14};  
  int numPlayers = 4;
  int handCountBefore, handCountAfter;
  int deckCountBefore, deckCountAfter;
  int curPlayer, p1 = 0, p2 = 1, p3 = 2, p4 = 3;
  int i;
  G.numPlayers = numPlayers;
  G.whoseTurn = 0;
  infos.currentPlayer = 0;
  infos.handPos = 4;

  int handCount = 5;
  int deckCount = MAX_DECK - handCount;
  createRandomHand(G.hand[p1], handCount);
  createRandomHand(G.hand[p2], handCount);
  createRandomHand(G.hand[p3], handCount);
  createRandomHand(G.hand[p4], handCount);

  G.handCount[p1] = handCount;
  G.handCount[p2] = handCount;  
  G.handCount[p3] = handCount;  
  G.handCount[p4] = handCount;

  createRandomDeck(G.deck[p1], deckCount);
  createRandomDeck(G.deck[p2], deckCount);
  createRandomDeck(G.deck[p3], deckCount);
  createRandomDeck(G.deck[p4], deckCount);

  G.deckCount[p1] = deckCount;
  G.deckCount[p2] = deckCount;  
  G.deckCount[p3] = deckCount;  
  G.deckCount[p4] = deckCount;
  printf("handCount: %d\n", G.deckCount[p2]);

  setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p1], MAX_DECK);
  setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p2], MAX_DECK);
  setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p3], MAX_DECK);
  setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p4], MAX_DECK);

  G.discardCount[p1] = 0;
  G.discardCount[p2] = 0; 
  G.discardCount[p3] = 0; 
  G.discardCount[p4] = 0;

    memcpy (&Gcopy, &G, sizeof(G) );
  curPlayer = p1;
    int nextPlayer = 1;
  printf("handCount: %d\n", G.handCount[0]);

  //check handCount and deckCount of current player
  handCountBefore = G.handCount[curPlayer];
  deckCountBefore = G.deckCount[curPlayer];

  effectCouncil(&G, &infos);

    handCountAfter = G.handCount[curPlayer];
    deckCountAfter = G.deckCount[curPlayer];

 //check state of other player(s)
  //  printf("size: %d\n", G.deckCount[p1]);

    assert((Gcopy.deckCount[p1]-4) == G.deckCount[p1]);
    assert(Gcopy.deckCount[p2] == G.deckCount[p2]);
    assert(Gcopy.deckCount[p3] == G.deckCount[p3]);
    assert(Gcopy.deckCount[p4] == G.deckCount[p4]);

    printf("TEST: player 2 deck is unchanged\n");
    for(i = 0; i < G.deckCount[p2]; i++)
      assert(Gcopy.deck[p2][i] == G.deck[p2][i]);

    printf("TEST: player 3 deck is unchanged\n");
    for(i = 0; i < G.deckCount[p3]; i++)
      assert(Gcopy.deck[p3][i] == G.deck[p3][i]);

    printf("TEST: player 4 deck is unchanged\n");
    for(i = 0; i < G.deckCount[p4]; i++)
      assert(Gcopy.deck[p4][i] == G.deck[p4][i]);

    printf("TEST: player 2 hand is unchanged\n");
    for(i = 0; i < G.handCount[p2]; i++)
      assert(Gcopy.hand[p2][i] == G.hand[p2][i]);

    printf("TEST: player 3 hand is unchanged\n");
    for(i = 0; i < G.handCount[p3]; i++)
      assert(Gcopy.hand[p3][i] == G.hand[p3][i]);

    printf("TEST: player 4 hand is unchanged\n");
    for(i = 0; i < G.handCount[p4]; i++)
      assert(Gcopy.hand[p4][i] == G.hand[p4][i]);
  return 0;
int main() {
	struct gameState G;
	struct infosStruct infos;
	int k[] = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14};	
	int numPlayers = 4;
	int handCountBefore, handCountAfter;
	int deckCountBefore, deckCountAfter;
	int curPlayer, p1 = 0, p2 = 1, p3 = 2, p4 = 3;
	int i;
	int seed = 1000;
	initializeGame(numPlayers, k, seed, &G);
	G.numPlayers = numPlayers;
	G.whoseTurn = 0;
	infos.currentPlayer = 0;
	infos.handPos = 4;
	int numActions1, numActions2;
	int numCards1, numCards2;
	int numDeck1, numDeck2;
	int numHand1, numHand2;

	int handCount = 5;
	int deckCount = MAX_DECK - handCount;
	createRandomHand(G.hand[p1], handCount);
	createRandomHand(G.hand[p2], handCount);
	createRandomHand(G.hand[p3], handCount);
	createRandomHand(G.hand[p4], handCount);

	G.handCount[p1] = handCount;
	G.handCount[p2] = handCount;	
	G.handCount[p3] = handCount;	
	G.handCount[p4] = handCount;

	createRandomDeck(G.deck[p1], deckCount);
	createRandomDeck(G.deck[p2], deckCount);
	createRandomDeck(G.deck[p3], deckCount);
	createRandomDeck(G.deck[p4], deckCount);

	G.deckCount[p1] = deckCount;
	G.deckCount[p2] = deckCount;	
	G.deckCount[p3] = deckCount;	
	G.deckCount[p4] = deckCount;

	setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p1], MAX_DECK);
	setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p2], MAX_DECK);
	setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p3], MAX_DECK);
	setDiscardDeck(G.discard[p4], MAX_DECK);

	G.discardCount[p1] = 0;
	G.discardCount[p2] = 0;	
	G.discardCount[p3] = 0;	
	G.discardCount[p4] = 0;

//testing current player
	numActions1 = G.numActions;
	numHand1 = G.handCount[p1];
	numDeck1 = G.deckCount[p1];
	effectVillage(&G, &infos);

	numHand2 = G.handCount[p1];
	numDeck2 = G.deckCount[p1];
	numActions2 = G.numActions;	
	assert(numActions1 +2 == numActions2);
	assert(numDeck1 -1 == numDeck2);
	//assert(numHand1 +1 == numHand2);
	assert(G.numActions == numActions1);

	//testing for player 2
	infos.currentPlayer = 0;
	numHand1 = G.handCount[p2];
	numDeck1 = G.deckCount[p2];
	effectVillage(&G, &infos);

	numHand2 = G.handCount[p2];
	numDeck2 = G.deckCount[p2];
	assert(numDeck1 == numDeck2);
	assert(numHand1 == numHand2);

//testing for player 3
	infos.currentPlayer = 0;
	numHand1 = G.handCount[p3];
	numDeck1 = G.deckCount[p3];
	effectVillage(&G, &infos);

	numHand2 = G.handCount[p3];
	numDeck2 = G.deckCount[p3];
	assert(numDeck1 == numDeck2);
	assert(numHand1 == numHand2);

//testing for player 4
	infos.currentPlayer = 0;
	numHand1 = G.handCount[p4];
	numDeck1 = G.deckCount[p4];
	effectVillage(&G, &infos);

	numHand2 = G.handCount[p4];
	numDeck2 = G.deckCount[p4];
	assert(numDeck1 == numDeck2);
	assert(numHand1 == numHand2);

	return 0;
int main (){
     int seed = 1000;
     int numPlayer = 2;
     int flag; //0=no cards in deck, 
     int r;
     int result = 0;
     bool pass = true;
     int p=0;

     int k[10] = { adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine
          , remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall };
     struct gameState G;
     memset(&G, 23, sizeof(struct gameState));   // clear the game state
     r = initializeGame(numPlayer, k, seed, &G); // initialize a new game

     printf("TESTING DRAW CARD\n");

     for(p=0; p<numPlayer; p++){
       printf("Testing for player %d\n", p+1);

      /*EDGE CASES*/
       //CHECK for 0 cards in deck
       printf("Testing for no cards in deck\n");
       flag = 0;
       G.deckCount[p] = 0;
       setDiscardDeck(p, &G);
       result = checkDrawCard(p, &G, flag);
       if (result == -1){
            pass = false;

       //check for neg cards in deck
       printf("Testing for neg cards in deck\n");
       flag = 0;
       G.deckCount[p] = -5;
       setDiscardDeck(p, &G);
       result = checkDrawCard(p, &G, flag);
       if (result == -1){
            pass = false;
       //testing for max cards in deck
       printf("Testing for max cards in deck\n");
       flag = 1;
       G.deckCount[p] = MAX_DECK;
       setDeck(p, &G);
       result = checkDrawCard(p, &G, flag);
       if (result == -1){
            pass = false;

       /**NORMAL CASES**/
       printf("Testing for 10 cards in deck\n");
       flag = 1;
       G.deckCount[p] = 10;
       setDiscardDeck(p, &G);
       result = checkDrawCard(p, &G, flag);
       if (result == -1){
            pass = false;

       //check for 0 cards in hand
       printf("Testing for 0 cards in hand\n");
       flag = 1;
       G.deckCount[p] = 10;
       G.handCount[p] =0;
       setDiscardDeck(p, &G);
       result = checkDrawCard(p, &G, flag);
       if (result == -1){
            pass = false;

       if (pass == true){
         printf("ALL TESTS PASSED!\n");


  return 0;