void RecurrenceWidget::setEndDateTime(QDateTime p)
  if (DEBUG)
    qDebug("setEndDateTime(%s) entered, valid = %d",
           qPrintable(p.toString()), p.isValid());
  if (p.isValid())
void RecurrenceWidget::set(bool recurring, int frequency, QString period, QDateTime start, QDateTime end, int max)
  if (DEBUG)
    qDebug() << objectName() << "::set(" << recurring << ", "
             << frequency    << ", "     << period    << ", "
             << start        << ", "     << end       << ", "
             << max          << ") entered";

  _prevEndDateTime   = end.isValid() ? end : _eot ;
  _prevFrequency     = frequency;
  _prevPeriod        = stringToPeriod(period);
  _prevRecurring     = recurring;
  _prevStartDateTime = start;
  _prevMax           = max;
void OEvent::fromMap( const QMap<int, QString>& map )

	// We just want to set the UID if it is really stored.
	if ( !map[OEvent::FUid].isEmpty() )
		setUid( map[OEvent::FUid].toInt() );

	setCategories( idsFromString( map[OEvent::FCategories] ) );
	setDescription( map[OEvent::FDescription] );
	setLocation( map[OEvent::FLocation] );

	if ( map[OEvent::FType] == "AllDay" )
		setAllDay( true );
		setAllDay( false );

	int alarmTime = -1;
	if( !map[OEvent::FAlarm].isEmpty() )
		alarmTime = map[OEvent::FAlarm].toInt();

	int sound = ( ( map[OEvent::FSound] == "loud" ) ? OPimAlarm::Loud : OPimAlarm::Silent );
	if ( ( alarmTime != -1 )  ){
		QDateTime dt = startDateTime().addSecs( -1*alarmTime*60 );
		OPimAlarm al( sound ,  dt  );
		notifiers().add( al );
	if ( !map[OEvent::FTimeZone].isEmpty() && ( map[OEvent::FTimeZone] != "None" ) ){
		setTimeZone( map[OEvent::FTimeZone] );

	time_t start = (time_t) map[OEvent::FStart].toLong();
	time_t end   = (time_t) map[OEvent::FEnd].toLong();

	/* AllDay is always in UTC */
	if ( isAllDay() ) {
		OTimeZone utc = OTimeZone::utc();
		setStartDateTime( utc.fromUTCDateTime( start ) );
		setEndDateTime  ( utc.fromUTCDateTime( end   ) );
		setTimeZone( "UTC"); // make sure it is really utc
	}else {
		/* to current date time */
		// qWarning(" Start is %d", start );
		OTimeZone zone( timeZone().isEmpty() ? OTimeZone::current() : timeZone() );
		QDateTime date = zone.toDateTime( start );
		qWarning(" Start is %s", date.toString().latin1() );
		setStartDateTime( zone.toDateTime( date, OTimeZone::current() ) );

		date = zone.toDateTime( end );
		setEndDateTime  ( zone.toDateTime( date, OTimeZone::current() ) );

	if ( !map[OEvent::FRecParent].isEmpty() )
		setParent( map[OEvent::FRecParent].toInt() );

	if ( !map[OEvent::FRecChildren].isEmpty() ){
		QStringList list = QStringList::split(' ', map[OEvent::FRecChildren] );
		for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
			addChild( (*it).toInt() );

	// Fill recurrence stuff and put it directly into the ORecur-Object using fromMap..
	if( !map[OEvent::FRType].isEmpty() ){
		QMap<int, QString> recFields;
		recFields.insert( ORecur::RType, map[OEvent::FRType] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::RWeekdays, map[OEvent::FRWeekdays] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::RPosition, map[OEvent::FRPosition] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::RFreq, map[OEvent::FRFreq] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::RHasEndDate, map[OEvent::FRHasEndDate] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::EndDate, map[OEvent::FREndDate] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::Created, map[OEvent::FRCreated] );
		recFields.insert( ORecur::Exceptions, map[OEvent::FRExceptions] );
		ORecur recur( recFields );
		setRecurrence( recur );
