bool PMXMLParser::initDocument( )
   if( !m_pDoc )
      m_pDoc = new QDomDocument( "KPOVMODELER" );
      if( m_pDoc->setContent( m_pDevice ) )
         return true;
         printError( i18n( "Could not load the documents data!" ) );
         setFatalError( );
         return false;
   return true;
void PMXMLParser::topParse( )
   if( initDocument( ) )
      QDomElement e = m_pDoc->documentElement( );
      // read the format number
      // assume 1.0 on error
      QString fstring = e.attribute( "majorFormat", "1" );
      bool ok = true;
      int format = fstring.toInt( &ok );
      if( !ok || ( format < 1 ) )
         format = 1;
      m_majorDocumentFormat = format;

      fstring = e.attribute( "minorFormat", "0" );
      ok = true;
      format = fstring.toInt( &ok );
      if( !ok || ( format < 0 ) )
         format = 0;
      m_minorDocumentFormat = format;

      if( ( m_majorDocumentFormat > c_majorDocumentFormat )
          || ( m_majorDocumentFormat == c_majorDocumentFormat )
          && ( m_minorDocumentFormat > c_minorDocumentFormat ) )
         printWarning( i18n( "This document was created with a newer version of KPovModeler. "
                             "The whole document may not be loaded correctly." ) );

      if( e.tagName( ) == "objects" )
         parseChildObjects( e, 0 );
      else if( e.tagName( ) == "scene" )
         PMScene* scene = new PMScene( m_pPart );
         insertChild( scene, 0 );
         PMXMLHelper hlp( e, m_pPart, this,
                          m_majorDocumentFormat, m_minorDocumentFormat );
         scene->readAttributes( hlp );
         parseChildObjects( e, scene );
         printError( i18n( "Wrong top level tag" ) );
         setFatalError( );
Socket* SSLTCPSocket::accept() {
    if (endPoint != LISTENER)
        return NULL;

    SOCKET client;

    client = AcceptConnection(sock);

    if (client == -1 && !wouldBlock()) {
        return NULL;
    else if (client == -1 && wouldBlock()) {
        return NULL;

    SSLTCPSocket* sslClient = new SSLTCPSocket(SERVER);
    if (!sslClient->setFD(client)) {
        delete sslClient;
        return NULL;

    return sslClient;