void eQEP::defaultSettings() { // Set all options off setDecoderControl(0); // Enable the eQEP unit setControl(EQEP_QEPCTL_PHEN); // Set all options off setCaptureControl(0); // Set all options off setPositionCompareControl(0); // Default to no interrupts enabled. setInterruptEnable(0); // Clear all of the interrupts. setInterruptClear(EQEP_INT_ENABLE_ALL); // Clear all of the sticky bits. setStatus(EQEP_QEPSTS_COEF | EQEP_QEPSTS_CDEF | EQEP_QEPSTS_FIMF); // Set the Max Position to the maximum possible. setMaxPos(-1); }
/** * Disable Position Counter Error Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disablePositionCounterErrorInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_PCE); }
/** * Disable Unit Timeout Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disableQuadraturePhaseErrorInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_PHE); }
/** * Disable Quadrature Direction Change Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disableQuadratureDirectionChangeInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_QDC); }
/** * Disable Watchdog Time Out Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disableWatchdogTimeOutInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_WTO); }
/** * Disable Position Counter Underflow Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disablePositionCounterUnderflowInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_PCU); }
/* Main */ Tohkbd::Tohkbd(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { dbusRegistered = false; interruptsEnabled = false; vddEnabled = false; capsLockSeq = 0; vkbLayoutIsTohkbd = false; currentActiveLayout = QString(); currentOrientationLock = QString(); keypadIsPresent = false; gpio_fd = -1; displayIsOn = false; keyIsPressed = false; keyRepeat = false; slideEventEmitted = false; taskSwitcherVisible = false; ssNotifyReplacesId = 0; ssFilename = QString(); tohkbd2user = new QDBusInterface("com.kimmoli.tohkbd2user", "/", "com.kimmoli.tohkbd2user", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); tohkbd2user->setTimeout(2000); thread = new QThread(); worker = new Worker(); worker->moveToThread(thread); connect(worker, SIGNAL(gpioInterruptCaptured()), this, SLOT(handleGpioInterrupt())); connect(worker, SIGNAL(workRequested()), thread, SLOT(start())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(doWork())); connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()), Qt::DirectConnection); backlightTimer = new QTimer(this); backlightTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(backlightTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(backlightTimerTimeout())); presenceTimer = new QTimer(this); presenceTimer->setInterval(2000); presenceTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(presenceTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(presenceTimerTimeout())); repeatTimer = new QTimer(this); repeatTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(repeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(repeatTimerTimeout())); /* do this automatically at startup */ setVddState(true); setInterruptEnable(true); uinputif = new UinputIf(); uinputif->openUinputDevice(); tca8424 = new tca8424driver(0x3b); keymap = new keymapping(); FKEYS.clear(); FKEYS.append(KEY_F1); FKEYS.append(KEY_F2); FKEYS.append(KEY_F3); FKEYS.append(KEY_F4); FKEYS.append(KEY_F5); FKEYS.append(KEY_F6); FKEYS.append(KEY_F7); FKEYS.append(KEY_F8); FKEYS.append(KEY_F9); FKEYS.append(KEY_F10); FKEYS.append(KEY_F11); FKEYS.append(KEY_F12); reloadSettings(); if (currentActiveLayout.isEmpty()) changeActiveLayout(true); if (currentOrientationLock.isEmpty()) { changeOrientationLock(true); saveOrientation(); } checkKeypadPresence(); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(shiftChanged()), this, SLOT(handleShiftChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(ctrlChanged()), this, SLOT(handleCtrlChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(altChanged()), this, SLOT(handleAltChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(symChanged()), this, SLOT(handleSymChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(keyPressed(QList< QPair<int, int> >)), this, SLOT(handleKeyPressed(QList< QPair<int, int> >))); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(keyReleased()), this, SLOT(handleKeyReleased())); }
os_status osHwiMultiplexedDelete(os_hwi_handle hwi_num, os_hwi_function handler, os_hwi_arg argument) { os_status status = OS_SUCCESS; multiplexed_hwi_t *this_int = NULL, *iterator, *head; #ifdef HWI_ERROR_CHECKING // Can't remove during active hwi - risk of corrupting active list if (g_os_flags & OS_FLG_HWI_ACTIVE) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_FAIL); } if (hwi_num > OS_INT_LAST) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_INVALID); } if (interrupt_pointer[hwi_num] != osHwiMultiplexedHandler) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_COMMAND_INVALID); } #endif // HWI_ERROR_CHECKING osHwiSwiftDisable(); head = (multiplexed_hwi_t *)interrupt_argument[hwi_num]; for (iterator = head ; iterator != NULL ; iterator = iterator->next) { if ((iterator->argument == argument) && (iterator->handler == handler)) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_CHECKING if (iterator->valid != TRUE) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ status = OS_ERR_ALREADY_FREE; REPORT_ERROR(status); goto exit_func; } #endif // HWI_ERROR_CHECKING this_int = iterator; this_int->valid = FALSE; /* Put this_int at the end of the list. Ensures requirement * in osHwiMultiplexedHandler() */ // If first in list if (this_int == head) { // If not single entry in list if (this_int->next != NULL) { interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)(this_int->next); move_to_end(iterator, this_int); } else { setInterruptEnable(hwi_num, FALSE); } } // If not already last in list if (this_int->next != NULL) { iterator = head; while (iterator->next != this_int) { iterator = iterator->next; } iterator->next = this_int->next; move_to_end(iterator, this_int); } break; } } exit_func: osHwiSwiftEnable(); return status; }
/** * Disable Position Compare Match Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disablePositionCompareMatchInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_PCM); }
/** * Disable Strobe Event Latch Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disableStrobeEventLatchInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_SEL); }
/** * Disable Index Event Latch Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disableIndexEventLatchInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_IEL); }
/** * Disable Unit Timeout Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disableUnitTimeoutInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_UTO); }
/** * Enable Unit Timeout Interrupt **/ void eQEP::enableUnitTimeoutInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() | EQEP_INT_UTO); }
os_status osHwiCreate(os_hwi_handle hwi_num, os_hwi_priority priority, os_hwi_mode mode, os_hwi_function handler, os_hwi_arg argument) { uint16_t index; uint32_t mode_bit; uint32_t *trigger_reg_ptr; uint32_t trigger_reg; /* handle the mode register ELRx */ index = (uint16_t)((hwi_num - 18) >> 5); trigger_reg_ptr = (uint32_t *)((g_dsp_plat_map->epic).p_elr); trigger_reg_ptr += index; mode_bit = (uint32_t)(0x00000001 << ((hwi_num - 18) & 0x001F)); if (mode == LEVEL_MODE) { READ_UINT32(trigger_reg, *trigger_reg_ptr); trigger_reg &= ~mode_bit; WRITE_UINT32(*trigger_reg_ptr, trigger_reg); } else if(mode == EDGE_MODE) { READ_UINT32(trigger_reg, *trigger_reg_ptr); trigger_reg |= mode_bit; WRITE_UINT32(*trigger_reg_ptr, trigger_reg); } /* create hwi task using phoenix API */ (void)os_create_task(PHOENIX_TSK_INTTASK, (PHOENIX_TSKFUNC)handler, 0, hwi_num, 0, priority, (PHOENIX_INTVECTOR)(hwi_num - 18)); /* Store handler into table */ interrupt_pointer[hwi_num] = handler; if (hwi_num == OS_INT_ORED_GENERAL) interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)general_ored_interrupt; else if (hwi_num == OS_INT_ORED_DEBUG) interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)debug_ored_interrupt; else if (hwi_num == OS_INT_ORED_MAPLE) interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)maple_ored_interrupt; else interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = argument; return OS_SUCCESS; #if 0 os_status status = OS_SUCCESS; os_hwi_status int_status; uint16_t index; uint32_t pending_bit, mode_bit; uint32_t *pending_reg_ptr, *trigger_reg_ptr; uint32_t trigger_reg; os_hwi_handle epic_hwi_num = 0; #ifdef HWI_ERROR_CHECKING if ( (priority > OS_HWI_LAST_PRIORITY) && (priority != OS_HWI_PRIORITY_NMI) ) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_PRIORITY_INVALID); } if (handler == NULL) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_FUNCTION_INVALID); } if (HWI_INVALID_MODE(mode)) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ if(priority != 0) //meaning disable only { RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_MODE_INVALID); } } #endif /* HWI_ERROR_CHECKING */ if (hwi_num > OS_INT_LAST) { if(hwi_num > OS_INT_GEN_LAST) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_INVALID); } else { return osHwiCreateGeneral(hwi_num,handler,argument); } } if ( (priority > 0) && (priority != OS_HWI_PRIORITY_NMI) ) priority = (os_hwi_priority)((OS_HWI_LAST_PRIORITY + 1) - priority); int_status = osHwiDisable(); #ifdef HWI_LOGGING if (priority != OS_HWI_PRIORITY_NMI) osLog(LOG_HWI_CREATE, (uint32_t)(((OS_HWI_LAST_PRIORITY - priority)<<16) | (hwi_num))); else osLog(LOG_HWI_CREATE, (uint32_t)(((0xFFFF)<<16) | (hwi_num))); /* for NMI interrupts */ #endif /* Store handler into table */ interrupt_pointer[hwi_num] = handler; if (hwi_num == OS_INT_ORED_GENERAL) interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)general_ored_interrupt; else if (hwi_num == OS_INT_ORED_DEBUG) interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)debug_ored_interrupt; else if (hwi_num == OS_INT_ORED_MAPLE) interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = (os_hwi_arg)maple_ored_interrupt; else interrupt_argument[hwi_num] = argument; /* Non-EPIC interrupts don't require any more handling */ if (hwi_num < EPIC_INTERRUPTS_OFFSET) { osHwiEnable(int_status); return status; } else /* get the EPIC interrupt zero-based index */ epic_hwi_num = (os_hwi_handle)(hwi_num - EPIC_INTERRUPTS_OFFSET); prioritySet(epic_hwi_num, priority); /* handle the mode register ELRx */ index = (uint16_t)(epic_hwi_num >> 5); /* /32 */ trigger_reg_ptr = (uint32_t *)((g_dsp_plat_map->epic).p_elr); trigger_reg_ptr += index; mode_bit = (uint32_t)(0x00000001 << (epic_hwi_num & 0x001F)); if (mode == LEVEL_MODE) { READ_UINT32(trigger_reg, *trigger_reg_ptr); trigger_reg &= ~mode_bit; WRITE_UINT32(*trigger_reg_ptr, trigger_reg); } else // mode == EDGE_MODE { READ_UINT32(trigger_reg, *trigger_reg_ptr); trigger_reg |= mode_bit; WRITE_UINT32(*trigger_reg_ptr, trigger_reg); } /* handle the pending interrupt register */ index = (uint16_t)(epic_hwi_num >> 5); /* /32 */ pending_reg_ptr = (uint32_t *)((g_dsp_plat_map->epic).p_ipr); pending_reg_ptr += index; /* Figure out what the pending mask looks like */ pending_bit = (uint32_t)(0x00000001 << (epic_hwi_num & 0x001F)); /* Clear any pending interrupts */ WRITE_UINT32(*pending_reg_ptr,pending_bit); /* enable the interrupt in the ENDIS register */ setInterruptEnable(hwi_num, TRUE); osHwiEnable(int_status); return status; #endif }
/** * Disable Position Compare Ready Interrupt **/ void eQEP::disablePositionCompareReadyInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() & ~EQEP_INT_PCR); }
os_status osHwiMultiplexedCreate(os_hwi_handle hwi_num, os_hwi_priority priority, os_hwi_mode mode, os_hwi_function handler, os_hwi_arg argument) { multiplexed_hwi_t *this_int = NULL, *head = NULL, *fixed_head = NULL; os_status status; bool reusing_non_valid_entry = FALSE; #ifdef HWI_ERROR_CHECKING if ( (priority > OS_HWI_LAST_PRIORITY) && (priority != OS_HWI_PRIORITY_NMI) ) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_PRIORITY_INVALID); } if (handler == NULL) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_FUNCTION_INVALID); } if (HWI_INVALID_MODE(mode)) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ if(priority != 0) //meaning disable only { RETURN_ERROR(OS_ERR_HWI_MODE_INVALID); } } #endif /* HWI_ERROR_CHECKING */ osHwiSwiftDisable(); // If multiplexed interrupt list already registered if (interrupt_pointer[hwi_num] == osHwiMultiplexedHandler) { fixed_head = (multiplexed_hwi_t *)interrupt_argument[hwi_num]; head = fixed_head; // Error in registration #ifdef HWI_ERROR_CHECKING if (head == NULL) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ status = OS_ERR_HWI_INVALID; REPORT_ERROR(status); goto exit_func; } // Verify that the mode is consistent with other this_int = head; do { if ((this_int->mode != mode) && (this_int->valid == TRUE)) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ status = OS_ERR_HWI_MODE_INVALID; REPORT_ERROR(status); goto exit_func; } this_int = this_int->next; } while (this_int != NULL); #endif /* HWI_ERROR_CHECKING */ this_int = NULL; while (head != NULL) { if (head->valid == FALSE) { this_int = head; reusing_non_valid_entry = TRUE; break; } head = head->next; } } if (this_int == NULL) { this_int = (multiplexed_hwi_t *)osMalloc(sizeof(multiplexed_hwi_t), OS_MEM_LOCAL); if (this_int == NULL) { #ifdef HWI_ERROR_ASSERT OS_ASSERT; #endif /* HWI_ERROR_ASSERT */ status = OS_ERR_NO_MEMORY; REPORT_ERROR(status); goto exit_func; } this_int->next = NULL; } this_int->argument = argument; this_int->handler = handler; this_int->mode = mode; this_int->valid = TRUE; // This is the first registration of this multiplexed interrupt if (fixed_head == NULL) status = osHwiCreate(hwi_num, priority, mode, osHwiMultiplexedHandler, (os_hwi_arg)this_int); else { // If necessary to append this_int to linked list if (reusing_non_valid_entry == FALSE) { head = fixed_head; while (head->next != NULL) head = head->next; head->next = this_int; } // Set priority to new priority status = osHwiPrioritySet(hwi_num, priority); // Enable the interrupt setInterruptEnable(hwi_num, TRUE); } exit_func: osHwiSwiftEnable(); return status; }
/** * Enable Position Counter Overflow Interrupt **/ void eQEP::enablePositionCounterOverflowInterrupt() { setInterruptEnable(getInterruptEnable() | EQEP_INT_PCO); }
static int arlan_setup_card_by_book(struct net_device *dev) { u_char irqLevel, configuredStatusFlag; volatile struct arlan_shmem *arlan = ((struct arlan_private *) dev->priv)->card; // ARLAN_DEBUG_ENTRY("arlan_setup_card"); READSHM(configuredStatusFlag, arlan->configuredStatusFlag, u_char); IFDEBUG(10) if (configuredStatusFlag != 0) IFDEBUG(10) printk("arlan: CARD IS CONFIGURED\n"); else IFDEBUG(10) printk("arlan: card is NOT configured\n"); if (testMemory || (READSHMB(arlan->diagnosticInfo) != 0xff)) if (arlan_hw_test_memory(dev)) return -1; DEBUGSHM(4, "arlan configuredStatus = %d \n", arlan->configuredStatusFlag, u_char); DEBUGSHM(4, "arlan driver diagnostic: 0x%2x\n", arlan->diagnosticInfo, u_char); /* issue nop command - no interrupt */ arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_NOOP); if (arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_WAIT_NOW) != 0) return -1; IFDEBUG(50) printk("1st Noop successfully executed !!\n"); /* try to turn on the arlan interrupts */ clearClearInterrupt(dev); setClearInterrupt(dev); setInterruptEnable(dev); /* issue nop command - with interrupt */ arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_NOOPINT); if (arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_WAIT_NOW) != 0) return -1; IFDEBUG(50) printk("2nd Noop successfully executed !!\n"); READSHM(irqLevel, arlan->irqLevel, u_char) if (irqLevel != dev->irq) { IFDEBUG(1) printk(KERN_WARNING "arlan dip switches set irq to %d\n", irqLevel); printk(KERN_WARNING "device driver irq set to %d - does not match\n", dev->irq); dev->irq = irqLevel; } else IFDEBUG(2) printk("irq level is OK\n"); IFDEBUG(3) arlan_print_diagnostic_info(dev); arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_CONF); READSHM(configuredStatusFlag, arlan->configuredStatusFlag, u_char); if (configuredStatusFlag == 0) { printk(KERN_WARNING "arlan configure failed\n"); return -1; } arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_LONG_WAIT_NOW); arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_RX); arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_LONG_WAIT_NOW); printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: arlan driver version %s loaded\n", dev->name, arlan_version); // ARLAN_DEBUG_EXIT("arlan_setup_card"); return 0; /* no errors */ }
/* Main */ Tohkbd::Tohkbd(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { dbusRegistered = false; interruptsEnabled = false; vddEnabled = false; vkbLayoutIsTohkbd = false; currentActiveLayout = QString(); currentOrientationLock = QString(); keypadIsPresent = false; gpio_fd = -1; displayIsOn = false; keyIsPressed = false; keyRepeat = false; slideEventEmitted = false; taskSwitcherVisible = false; selfieLedOn = false; gpioInterruptCounter = 0; actualSailfishVersion = QString(); fix_CapsLock = !checkSailfishVersion(""); capsLock = false; tohkbd2user = new ComKimmoliTohkbd2userInterface("com.kimmoli.tohkbd2user", "/", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); tohkbd2user->setTimeout(2000); thread = new QThread(); worker = new Worker(); worker->moveToThread(thread); connect(worker, SIGNAL(gpioInterruptCaptured()), this, SLOT(handleGpioInterrupt())); connect(worker, SIGNAL(workRequested()), thread, SLOT(start())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(doWork())); connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()), Qt::DirectConnection); backlightTimer = new QTimer(this); backlightTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(backlightTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(backlightTimerTimeout())); presenceTimer = new QTimer(this); presenceTimer->setInterval(2000); presenceTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(presenceTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(presenceTimerTimeout())); repeatTimer = new QTimer(this); repeatTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(repeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(repeatTimerTimeout())); /* do this automatically at startup */ setVddState(true); setInterruptEnable(true); uinputif = new UinputIf(); uinputif->openUinputDevice(); uinputevpoll = new UinputEvPoll(); evpollThread = new QThread(); uinputevpoll->moveToThread(evpollThread); connect(uinputevpoll, SIGNAL(capsLockLedChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(capsLockLedState(bool))); connect(uinputevpoll, SIGNAL(pollingRequested()), evpollThread, SLOT(start())); connect(evpollThread, SIGNAL(started()), uinputevpoll, SLOT(doPoll())); connect(uinputevpoll, SIGNAL(finished()), evpollThread, SLOT(quit()), Qt::DirectConnection); uinputevpoll->requestPolling(uinputif->getFd()); printf("uinputevpoll->requestPolling(uinputif->getFd());\n"); tca8424 = new tca8424driver(0x3b); keymap = new keymapping(); FKEYS.clear(); FKEYS.append(KEY_F1); FKEYS.append(KEY_F2); FKEYS.append(KEY_F3); FKEYS.append(KEY_F4); FKEYS.append(KEY_F5); FKEYS.append(KEY_F6); FKEYS.append(KEY_F7); FKEYS.append(KEY_F8); FKEYS.append(KEY_F9); FKEYS.append(KEY_F10); FKEYS.append(KEY_F11); FKEYS.append(KEY_F12); reloadSettings(); keymap->setLayout(masterLayout); if (currentActiveLayout.isEmpty()) changeActiveLayout(true); if (currentOrientationLock.isEmpty()) { changeOrientationLock(true); saveOrientation(); } checkKeypadPresence(); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(shiftChanged()), this, SLOT(handleShiftChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(ctrlChanged()), this, SLOT(handleCtrlChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(altChanged()), this, SLOT(handleAltChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(symChanged()), this, SLOT(handleSymChanged())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(toggleCapsLock()), this, SLOT(toggleCapsLock())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(keyPressed(QList< QPair<int, int> >)), this, SLOT(handleKeyPressed(QList< QPair<int, int> >))); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(keyReleased()), this, SLOT(handleKeyReleased())); connect(keymap, SIGNAL(bogusDetected()), tca8424, SLOT(reset())); }