void Map::fitBounds(AnnotationSegment segment, EdgeInsets padding, Duration duration) {
    if (segment.empty()) {
    // Calculate the bounds of the possibly rotated shape with respect to the viewport.
    vec2<> nePixel = {-INFINITY, -INFINITY};
    vec2<> swPixel = {INFINITY, INFINITY};
    for (LatLng latLng : segment) {
        vec2<> pixel = pixelForLatLng(latLng);
        swPixel.x = std::min(swPixel.x, pixel.x);
        nePixel.x = std::max(nePixel.x, pixel.x);
        swPixel.y = std::min(swPixel.y, pixel.y);
        nePixel.y = std::max(nePixel.y, pixel.y);
    vec2<> size = nePixel - swPixel;

    // Calculate the zoom level.
    double scaleX = (getWidth() - padding.left - padding.right) / size.x;
    double scaleY = (getHeight() - padding.top - padding.bottom) / size.y;
    double minScale = std::fmin(scaleX, scaleY);
    double zoom = std::log2(getScale() * minScale);
    zoom = std::fmax(std::fmin(zoom, getMaxZoom()), getMinZoom());

    // Calculate the center point of a virtual bounds that is extended in all directions by padding.
    vec2<> paddedNEPixel = {
        nePixel.x + padding.right / minScale,
        nePixel.y + padding.top / minScale,
    vec2<> paddedSWPixel = {
        swPixel.x - padding.left / minScale,
        swPixel.y - padding.bottom / minScale,
    vec2<> centerPixel = (paddedNEPixel + paddedSWPixel) * 0.5;
    LatLng centerLatLng = latLngForPixel(centerPixel);

    setLatLngZoom(centerLatLng, zoom, duration);
void TransformState::moveLatLng(const LatLng& latLng, const ScreenCoordinate& anchor) {
    auto centerCoord = Projection::project(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped), scale);
    auto latLngCoord = Projection::project(latLng, scale);
    auto anchorCoord = Projection::project(screenCoordinateToLatLng(anchor), scale);
    setLatLngZoom(Projection::unproject(centerCoord + latLngCoord - anchorCoord, scale), getZoom());
void TransformState::setLatLngBounds(optional<LatLngBounds> bounds_) {
    if (bounds_ != bounds) {
        bounds = bounds_;
        setLatLngZoom(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped), getZoom());