void GraphicsLayerChromium::setupContentsLayer(LayerChromium* contentsLayer) { if (contentsLayer == m_contentsLayer) return; if (m_contentsLayer) { m_contentsLayer->removeFromSuperlayer(); m_contentsLayer = 0; } if (contentsLayer) { m_contentsLayer = contentsLayer; m_contentsLayer->setAnchorPoint(FloatPoint(0, 0)); // Insert the content layer first. Video elements require this, because they have // shadow content that must display in front of the video. m_layer->insertSublayer(m_contentsLayer.get(), 0); updateContentsRect(); if (showDebugBorders()) { setLayerBorderColor(*m_contentsLayer, Color(0, 0, 128, 180)); m_contentsLayer->setBorderWidth(1); } } updateDebugIndicators(); }
void GraphicsLayerBlackBerry::setupContentsLayer(LayerWebKitThread* contentsLayer) { if (contentsLayer == m_contentsLayer) return; if (m_contentsLayer) { m_contentsLayer->removeFromSuperlayer(); m_contentsLayer = 0; } if (contentsLayer) { m_contentsLayer = contentsLayer; m_contentsLayer->setAnchorPoint(FloatPoint::zero()); // It is necessary to update setDrawable as soon as we receive the new contentsLayer, for // the correctness of early exit conditions in setDrawsContent() and setContentsVisible(). m_contentsLayer->setDrawable(m_contentsVisible); // Insert the content layer first. Video elements require this, because they have // shadow content that must display in front of the video. m_layer->insertSublayer(m_contentsLayer.get(), 0); updateContentsRect(); if (showDebugBorders()) { setLayerBorderColor(*m_contentsLayer, Color(0, 0, 128, 180)); m_contentsLayer->setBorderWidth(1); } } updateDebugIndicators(); }
void GraphicsLayerChromium::setDebugBorder(const Color& color, float borderWidth) { if (color.isValid()) { setLayerBorderColor(*m_layer, color); m_layer->setBorderWidth(borderWidth); } else { clearBorderColor(*m_layer); m_layer->setBorderWidth(0); } }
void GraphicsLayerCACF::setDebugBorder(const Color& color, float borderWidth) { if (color.isValid()) { setLayerBorderColor(m_layer.get(), color); m_layer->setBorderWidth(borderWidth); } else { clearBorderColor(m_layer.get()); m_layer->setBorderWidth(0); } }
void GraphicsLayerCACF::setupContentsLayer(WKCACFLayer* contentsLayer) { if (contentsLayer == m_contentsLayer) return; if (m_contentsLayer) { m_contentsLayer->removeFromSuperlayer(); m_contentsLayer = 0; } if (contentsLayer) { m_contentsLayer = contentsLayer; if (defaultContentsOrientation() == CompositingCoordinatesBottomUp) { CATransform3D flipper = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; m_contentsLayer->setTransform(flipper); m_contentsLayer->setAnchorPoint(CGPointMake(0.0f, 1.0f)); } else m_contentsLayer->setAnchorPoint(CGPointMake(0.0f, 0.0f)); // Insert the content layer first. Video elements require this, because they have // shadow content that must display in front of the video. m_layer->insertSublayer(m_contentsLayer.get(), 0); updateContentsRect(); if (showDebugBorders()) { setLayerBorderColor(m_contentsLayer.get(), Color(0, 0, 128, 180)); m_contentsLayer->setBorderWidth(1.0f); } } updateDebugIndicators(); }