Packet::Packet(string packetData){
// Parse the packet into the object

	stringstream deserializer(packetData); 

	string type;

	deserializer >> type;
	string d;
	string t;
	string dateTime;

	deserializer >> d;
	deserializer >> t;
	stringstream dateTimeStream;
	dateTimeStream << d << " " << t;
	dateTime = dateTimeStream.str(); 

	const char * timeBuffer =dateTime.c_str();

	tm date;
	strptime(timeBuffer, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &date);	
	time_t packetTime = mktime(&date);
	int life;
	deserializer >> life;

	int pno;
	deserializer >> pno;	
	int hop;
	deserializer >> hop;

	string src;
	deserializer >> src;
	string dest;
	deserializer >> dest;

	stringstream payloadStream;
	payloadStream << deserializer.rdbuf();
	string pay = payloadStream.str();
	pay = pay.substr(1, pay.length());

bool Card::handleEvent( SDL_Event* e )
    bool isEvent = false;
    float lDist, dDist, dTheta, dist;

    if( (e->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION || e->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || e->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP || e->type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL))
        //Get mouse position
        int x, y;
        SDL_GetMouseState( &x, &y );

        double new_x = x - (pos[0] + width/2);
        double new_y = y - (pos[1] + height/2);
        x = cos((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_x + sin((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_y;
        y = cos((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_y - sin((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_x;

        if (isInside(x, y))
            //calculate new position for card
            //float newPosx = x - touchPos.x;
            //float newPosy = y - touchPos.y;

            //Set mouse over sprite
            switch( e->type )
                case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:

                   /* if (isTrans) {
                        SDL_GetMouseState( &x, &y );
                        pos.x = x - touchPos.x;
                        pos.y = y - touchPos.y;
                        setLifeTime(clock() + 10*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/2);
                    } */

                case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    isEvent = true;

                    setLifeTime(clock() + 10*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/2);
                    int x2, y2;
                    SDL_GetMouseState( &x2, &y2 );
                    touchPos.x = x2 - pos.x;
                    touchPos.y = y2 - pos.y;
                    isTrans = true;

                    if (y < -height/2 + 9*width/50 && abs(x) < width/2 - width/25 ) {
                        isReading = !isReading;
                    else if (isReading && y > height/2 - width/10 && abs(x) < width/2 - width/25  ) {
                        isReading = false;


                case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                    //currentEvent = "BUTTON_SPRITE_MOUSE_UP";
                    //std::cout <<  currentEvent << std::endl;
                    touchPos = glm::vec2(-1.0f,-1.0f);
                    isTrans = false;

                case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL:
                    double scaleFactor = 1.0;
                    setLifeTime(clock() + 10*CLOCKS_PER_SEC/2);

                    if (e->wheel.y < 0 )
                        scaleFactor = 0.98;
                    else if (e->wheel.y > 0)
                        scaleFactor = 1.02;

                    if (width*scaleFactor < SCREEN_WIDTH/2) {
                        width *= scaleFactor;
                        height *= scaleFactor;
                    isEvent = true;

    if (e->type == SDL_FINGERMOTION || e->type == SDL_FINGERDOWN|| e->type == SDL_FINGERUP)
        double x = e->tfinger.x * SCREEN_WIDTH;
        double y = e->tfinger.y * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
        glm::vec2 lastP;
        glm::vec2 lastCentroid;
        glm::vec2 newCentroid;

        double new_x = x - (pos[0] + width/2);
        double new_y = y - (pos[1] + height/2);
        x = cos((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_x + sin((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_y;
        y = cos((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_y - sin((M_PI * angle)/180)*new_x;

        if (isInside(x, y))
            isEvent = true;
            //save the touchfinger events in a variable
            SDL_TouchFingerEvent tf = e->tfinger;

            float newPosx = pos.x+e->tfinger.dx*SCREEN_WIDTH;
            float newPosy = pos.y+e->tfinger.dy*SCREEN_HEIGHT;

            switch( e->type )

            case SDL_FINGERDOWN:

                if (numberFingers == 0 || fingerEvents[0].x == -1)
                    fingerEvents[0] = tf;
                else if (numberFingers == 1 || fingerEvents[1].x == -1)
                    fingerEvents[1] = tf;

               // std::cout << "nf: " << numberFingers << std::endl;

                setLifeTime(time(0) + 10);
                touchPos.x = x - pos.x;
                touchPos.y = y - pos.y;
                isTrans = true;

                isReading = !isReading;
//                std::cout << isReading;

              //  std::cout << "number fingers: " << numberFingers << std::endl;

            case SDL_FINGERMOTION:

                //if only 1 finger move card
                if (numberFingers < 2)
                    fingerEvents[0] = tf;
                    // makes sure cards can't be forced outside of screen
                    if (isTrans )
                        //isEvent = true;
                        pos.x = pos.x + tf.dx*SCREEN_WIDTH;
                        pos.y = pos.y + tf.dy*SCREEN_HEIGHT;
                        setLifeTime(time(0) + 10); //add time before death
                //otherwise it should be scaled and/or rotated
                    SDL_TouchFingerEvent thatFinger;
                    lastP.x = tf.x - tf.dx; //the fingers position
                    lastP.y = tf.y - tf.dy;

                    if (std::abs(fingerEvents[0].x - lastP.x) < EPSILON && std::abs(fingerEvents[0].y - lastP.y) < EPSILON)
                        thatFinger = fingerEvents[1];
                        fingerEvents[0] = tf;
                    else if (std::abs(fingerEvents[1].x - (tf.x - tf.dx)) < EPSILON && std::abs(fingerEvents[1].y - (tf.y - tf.dy)) < EPSILON)
                        thatFinger = fingerEvents[0];
                        fingerEvents[1] = tf;

                    lastCentroid.x = lastP.x - (lastP.x - thatFinger.x)/2;
                    lastCentroid.y = lastP.y - (lastP.y - thatFinger.y)/2;

                    newCentroid.x = lastCentroid.x + e->tfinger.dx/2;
                    newCentroid.y = lastCentroid.y + e->tfinger.dy/2;

                    glm::vec2 lv, v;

                    lv.x = lastP.x - lastCentroid.x; //from center to last position
                    lv.y = lastP.y - lastCentroid.y;

                    lDist = sqrt(pow(lv.x,2) + pow(lv.y,2));

                    v.x = tf.x - newCentroid.x; //from center to current pos
                    v.y = tf.y - newCentroid.y;

                    dist = sqrt(pow(v.x,2) + pow(v.y,2));

                    dDist = (dist - lDist);

                    //std::cout << "dDist " << dDist << std::endl;

                    double fingerDist = sqrt(pow(thatFinger.x - lastP.x ,2)
                                             + pow(thatFinger.y - lastP.y ,2));

                    double scaleFactor = (fingerDist + dDist)/fingerDist;

                    //std::cout << "skal: " << scaleFactor << std::endl;
                    if (std::abs(scaleFactor - 1.0) < 0.1)
                        width *= scaleFactor;
                        height *= scaleFactor;

                    glm::vec2 p1 = glm::vec2(lastP.x - thatFinger.x, lastP.y - thatFinger.y);
                    glm::vec2 p2 = glm::vec2(tf.x - thatFinger.x, tf.y - thatFinger.y);

                    // arctan(v X u/v * u)
                    dTheta = atan2(lv.x*v.y - lv.y*v.x,lv.x*v.x + lv.y*v.y)*180/3.14;
                    //dTheta = acos((v.x*lv.x + v.y*lv.y)/(sqrt(pow(v.x,2) + sqrt(pow(v.y,2)))*sqrt(pow(lv.x,2)+pow(lv.y,2))));

                    if (std::abs(dTheta) > 3.14/1080)
                        angle += dTheta;



            case SDL_FINGERUP:

                if (std::abs(tf.x - fingerEvents[0].x) < EPSILON && std::abs(tf.y - fingerEvents[0].y) < EPSILON)
                       fingerEvents[0].x = -1; std::cout << "finger 1 upp" << std::endl;
                else if (std::abs(tf.x - fingerEvents[1].x) < EPSILON && std::abs(tf.y - fingerEvents[1].y) < EPSILON)
                        fingerEvents[1].x = -1;
                         std::cout << "finger 2 upp" << std::endl;

                touchPos = glm::vec2(-1.0f,-1.0f);
                if (isTrans)

                if (numberFingers == 0)
                    isTrans = false;

                //  std::cout << "up: " << std::abs(tf.x + tf.dx - fingerEvents[0].x) << std::endl;

                std::cout << "nf : " << numberFingers << std::endl;

    return isEvent;