//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LogStream& LogStream::setMessageType(std::string mt, const bool permanent /*= false*/) { boost::algorithm::to_lower(mt); if (mt == "debug") { return setMessageType(LT_DEBUG , permanent); } else if(mt == "info" ) { return setMessageType(LT_INFO , permanent); } else if(mt == "error") { return setMessageType(LT_ERROR , permanent); } else { return setMessageType(LT_INFO , permanent); } // yes, this default to info level is intentional }
static void ICQCALLBACK replyButton(hWindow btn, hWindow hwnd) { ICQMSGDIALOG *cfg = icqskin_getWindowDataBlock(hwnd); if(cfg->mgr && cfg->mgr->reply) setMessageType(hwnd,cfg,cfg->mgr->reply); else setMessageType(hwnd,cfg,MSG_NORMAL); }
void MessageWidget::setMessage(const QString &msg, MessageType type, bool showCloseButton) { if (isActive() && !msg.isEmpty() && type!=msgType) { setVisible(false); } msgType=type; if (msg.isEmpty() && isVisible()) { setVisible(false); return; } // QString text=msg; // if (text.length()>154) { // text=text.left(150)+QLatin1String("..."); // } // if (msg.length()>500) { // setToolTip(msg.left(500)+QLatin1String("...")); // } else { // setToolTip(msg); // } // setText(text); setText(msg); setToolTip(msg); setMessageType(type); setCloseButtonVisible(showCloseButton); #if defined NO_ANIMATED_SHOW setVisible(true); #else if (!parentWidget()->isVisible()) { show(); setVisible(true); } else { animatedShow(); } #endif }
void Container::contactSelected(int) { UserWnd *userWnd = m_tabBar->currentWnd(); if (userWnd == NULL) return; m_wnds->raiseWidget(userWnd); userWnd->setFocus(); m_bar->setParam((void*)userWnd->id()); QString name = userWnd->getName(); Command cmd; cmd->id = CmdContainerContact; cmd->text_wrk = NULL; if (!name.isEmpty()) cmd->text_wrk = strdup(name.utf8()); cmd->icon = userWnd->getIcon(); cmd->param = (void*)(userWnd->id()); cmd->popup_id = MenuContainerContact; cmd->flags = BTN_PICT; Event e(EventCommandChange, cmd); m_bar->processEvent(&e); setMessageType(userWnd->type()); setIcon(Pict(cmd->icon)); setCaption(userWnd->getLongName()); m_bar->checkState(); m_status->message(userWnd->status()); if (isActiveWindow()) userWnd->markAsRead(); }
void MessageWidget::setMessage(const QString &msg, bool isError) { if (msg.isEmpty() && isVisible()) { setVisible(false); return; } QString text=msg; if (text.length()>154) { text=text.left(150)+QLatin1String("..."); } if (msg.length()>500) { setToolTip(msg.left(500)+QLatin1String("...")); } else { setToolTip(msg); } setText(text); setMessageType(isError ? Error : Information); #if defined NO_ANIMATED_SHOW setVisible(true); #else if (!parentWidget()->isVisible()) { show(); setVisible(true); } else { animatedShow(); } #endif }
static void ICQCALLBACK refuseButton(hWindow btn, hWindow hwnd) { ICQMSGDIALOG *cfg = icqskin_getWindowDataBlock(hwnd); cfg->idleSeconds = 0; setMessageType(hwnd, cfg, MSG_REFUSED); }
ZrtpPacketCommit::ZrtpPacketCommit() { DEBUGOUT((fprintf(stdout, "Creating commit packet without data\n"))); zrtpHeader = &data.hdr; // the standard header commitHeader = &data.commit; setZrtpId(); setLength((sizeof (CommitPacket_t) / ZRTP_WORD_SIZE) - 1); setMessageType((uint8_t*)CommitMsg); }
void MsgEdit::setState() { if (sendEvent) emit setStatus(i18n("Sending")); emit setSendState(sendEvent == NULL); unsigned short msgType = 0; if (message()){ msgType = message()->Type(); emit setMessageType(Client::getMessageIcon(msgType), Client::getMessageText(msgType)); } btnSend->setText(sendEvent ? i18n("&Cancel") : i18n("&Send")); chkClose->setEnabled(sendEvent == NULL); phone->setEnabled(sendEvent == NULL); url->setEnabled(sendEvent == NULL); edit->setEnabled(sendEvent == NULL); users->setEnabled(sendEvent == NULL); file->setEnabled(sendEvent == NULL); }
PasswordBar::PasswordBar(QWidget *parent) :KMessageWidget(parent) { setCloseButtonVisible(false); setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Information); QAction* action = new QAction(i18nc("@action:remember password", "&Remember"), this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onRememberButtonClicked())); addAction(action); action = new QAction(i18nc("@action:never for this site", "Ne&ver for this site"), this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onNeverButtonClicked())); addAction(action); action = new QAction(i18nc("@action:not now", "N&ot now"), this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onNotNowButtonClicked())); addAction(action); }
UserWnd::UserWnd(unsigned id, Buffer *cfg, bool bReceived, bool bAdjust) : QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, NULL) { load_data(userWndData, &data, cfg); m_id = id; m_bResize = false; m_bClosed = false; m_bTyping = false; setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); m_hSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, this); m_splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, m_hSplitter); m_list = NULL; m_view = NULL; if (cfg == NULL) memcpy(data.editBar, CorePlugin::m_plugin->data.editBar, sizeof(data.editBar)); m_bBarChanged = true; if (CorePlugin::m_plugin->getContainerMode()) bReceived = false; m_edit = new MsgEdit(m_splitter, this); setFocusProxy(m_edit); restoreToolbar(m_edit->m_bar, data.editBar); m_edit->m_bar->show(); m_bBarChanged = false; connect(m_edit, SIGNAL(toolBarPositionChanged(Q3ToolBar*)), this, SLOT(toolbarChanged(Q3ToolBar*))); connect(CorePlugin::m_plugin, SIGNAL(modeChanged()), this, SLOT(modeChanged())); connect(m_edit, SIGNAL(heightChanged(int)), this, SLOT(editHeightChanged(int))); modeChanged(); if (!bAdjust && getMessageType() == 0) return; if (!m_edit->adjustType()){ unsigned type = getMessageType(); Message *msg = new Message(MessageGeneric); setMessage(&msg); delete msg; setMessageType(type); } }
bool osmsMessageRegisterContentAssignIdentifierRequest::decode(char* xmlText) { XMLDocument* pDoc = new XMLDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return false; if (!pDoc->decode(xmlText, getName())) { delete pDoc; return false; } setMessageType(pDoc->getInteger("MessageType")); setMetadataType(pDoc->getString("MetadataType")); setMetadataXml(pDoc->getString("MetadataXml")); delete pDoc; return true; }
bool osmsMessageRegisterDigitalItemInstanceResponseError::decode(char* xmlText) { XMLDocument* pDoc = new XMLDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return false; if (!pDoc->decode(xmlText, getName())) { delete pDoc; return false; } setMessageType(pDoc->getInteger("MessageType")); setErrorCode(pDoc->getInteger("ErrorCode")); setResponseString(pDoc->getString("ResponseString")); delete pDoc; return true; }
KexiServerDriverNotFoundMessage::KexiServerDriverNotFoundMessage(QWidget *parent): KexiContextMessageWidget(parent, 0, 0, KexiContextMessage ( xi18nc("@info", "<title>No database server drivers found</title>" "<para>Connection to a database server requires an appropriate driver which " "you do not have installed.</para>" "<subtitle>Details</subtitle>" "<para>To obtain database drivers please use your Package Manager to search " "and install packages with so-called <emphasis>KDb drivers</emphasis> named <filename>kdb-****-driver</filename>. " "Please note that your package names could vary slightly depending on the " "operating system you use.</para>")) ) { setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Warning); setCalloutPointerDirection(KMessageWidget::NoPointer); setWordWrap(true); setClickClosesMessage(false); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); }
bool osmsMessageCreateUserRequest::decode(char* xmlText) { XMLDocument* pDoc = new XMLDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return false; if (!pDoc->decode(xmlText, getName())) { delete pDoc; return false; } setMessageType(pDoc->getInteger("MessageType")); setUserName(pDoc->getString("UserName")); setPassword(pDoc->getString("Password")); setEmailAddress(pDoc->getString("EmailAddress")); delete pDoc; return true; }
bool osmsMessageRightsAuthorizationResponse::decode(char* xmlText) { XMLDocument* pDoc = new XMLDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return false; if (!pDoc->decode(xmlText, getName())) { delete pDoc; return false; } setMessageType(pDoc->getInteger("MessageType")); char* tmp = pDoc->getString("TransactionId"); setTransactionId(tmp); delete[] tmp; delete pDoc; return true; }
bool osmsMessageUserLoginResponseError::decode(char* xmlText) { XMLDocument* pDoc = new XMLDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return false; if (!pDoc->decode(xmlText, getName())) { delete pDoc; return false; } setMessageType(pDoc->getInteger("MessageType")); setErrorCode(pDoc->getInteger("ErrorCode")); char* tmp = pDoc->getString("ResponseString"); setResponseString(tmp); delete[] tmp; delete pDoc; return true; }
CrashMessageBar::CrashMessageBar(const QString &message, QWidget *parent) : KMessageWidget(parent) { connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(hideAndDelete())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(hideAndDelete())); setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Warning); QSize sz = size(); sz.setWidth(qobject_cast<QWidget *>(parent)->size().width()); resize(sz); setCloseButtonVisible(false); setText(message); QAction *acceptAction = new QAction(i18n("Yes"), this); connect(acceptAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SIGNAL(accepted())); addAction(acceptAction); QAction *rejectAction = new QAction(i18n("No"), this); connect(rejectAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SIGNAL(rejected())); addAction(rejectAction); }
void SSHMessageKeyDHReplay::impl_initPacket(void) { SSHMessage::impl_initPacket(); setMessageType(SSHMessage::SSH_MSG_KEX_31); }
void SSHMessageKeyDHInit::impl_initPacket(void) { SSHMessage::impl_initPacket(); setMessageType(SSHMessage::SSH_MSG_KEX_30); }
void ZrtpPacketHello::configureHello(ZrtpConfigure* config) { // The NumSupported* data is in ZrtpTextData.h nHash = config->getNumConfiguredAlgos(HashAlgorithm); nCipher = config->getNumConfiguredAlgos(CipherAlgorithm); nPubkey = config->getNumConfiguredAlgos(PubKeyAlgorithm); nSas = config->getNumConfiguredAlgos(SasType); nAuth = config->getNumConfiguredAlgos(AuthLength); // length is fixed Header plus HMAC size (2*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE) int32_t length = sizeof(HelloPacket_t) + (2 * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); length += nHash * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE; length += nCipher * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE; length += nPubkey * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE; length += nSas * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE; length += nAuth * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE; // Don't change order of this sequence oHash = sizeof(Hello_t); oCipher = oHash + (nHash * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); oAuth = oCipher + (nCipher * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); oPubkey = oAuth + (nAuth * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); oSas = oPubkey + (nPubkey * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); oHmac = oSas + (nSas * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); // offset to HMAC void* allocated = &data; memset(allocated, 0, sizeof(data)); zrtpHeader = (zrtpPacketHeader_t *)&((HelloPacket_t *)allocated)->hdr; // the standard header helloHeader = (Hello_t *)&((HelloPacket_t *)allocated)->hello; setZrtpId(); // minus 1 for CRC size setLength(length / ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); setMessageType((uint8_t*)HelloMsg); setVersion((uint8_t*)zrtpVersion); uint32_t lenField = nHash << 16; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nHash; i++) { AlgorithmEnum& hash = config->getAlgoAt(HashAlgorithm, i); setHashType(i, (int8_t*)hash.getName()); } lenField |= nCipher << 12; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nCipher; i++) { AlgorithmEnum& cipher = config->getAlgoAt(CipherAlgorithm, i); setCipherType(i, (int8_t*)cipher.getName()); } lenField |= nAuth << 8; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nAuth; i++) { AlgorithmEnum& length = config->getAlgoAt(AuthLength, i); setAuthLen(i, (int8_t*)length.getName()); } lenField |= nPubkey << 4; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nPubkey; i++) { AlgorithmEnum& pubKey = config->getAlgoAt(PubKeyAlgorithm, i); setPubKeyType(i, (int8_t*)pubKey.getName()); } lenField |= nSas; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nSas; i++) { AlgorithmEnum& sas = config->getAlgoAt(SasType, i); setSasType(i, (int8_t*)sas.getName()); } *((uint32_t*)&helloHeader->flags) = zrtpHtonl(lenField); }