void CarClass::setNewCar(string brand,unsigned int price ,TDate date, TStatus status, int id){ setID(id); setbrand(brand); setPrice(price); setmanufactureDate(date); setStatus(OK); }
Weapon::Weapon(std::string name, bool hold, int precision, int damage, int price, int rarity) { setName(name); m_hold = hold; m_precision = precision; m_damage = damage; setPrice(price); setRarity(rarity); m_itemid = 0; }
Weapon::Weapon(void) { setName("Weapon"); m_hold = false; m_precision = 0; m_damage = 0; setPrice(0); setRarity(0); m_itemid = 0; }
void Earth::Reset(string num) { setReset(true); setNum(num); setPrice(45555.99); resetiOS(); resetAndroid(); fourXfour = false; superCharged = false; }
void Air::Reset(string num) { setReset(true); setNum(num); setPrice(75555.99); setiOS(false); setAndroid(false); rotorType = "Basic"; autoPilot = false; highAltitude = false; }
void Earth::Reset(string num) { setReset(true); setNum(num); setPrice(45555.99); setiOS(false); setAndroid(false); wheelType = "Basic"; fourXfour = false; superCharged = false; }
DECLARE_EXPORT void Item::endElement(XMLInput& pIn, const Attribute& pAttr, const DataElement& pElement) { if (pAttr.isA(Tags::tag_operation)) { Operation *o = dynamic_cast<Operation*>(pIn.getPreviousObject()); if (o) setOperation(o); else throw LogicException("Incorrect object type during read operation"); } else if (pAttr.isA(Tags::tag_price)) setPrice(pElement.getDouble()); else { HasDescription::endElement(pIn, pAttr, pElement); HasHierarchy<Item>::endElement(pIn, pAttr, pElement); } }
Book::Book(const string& aName, int aCode, double aPrice, int aRating, const string& aComment, const string& aAuthor, const string& aTitle, const string& aIsbn) : author(aAuthor), title(aTitle), isbn(aIsbn) // eigene Attribute { setName(aName); // Attribute der Basisklasse setCode(aCode); setPrice(aPrice); setRating(aRating); setComment(aComment); }
//Métodos da CObject CWeapon::CWeapon(TypeItens nome, EstadoItem estado, int preco, bool isdropable, Raca raca, int mod, int danM, int danX, int spd, int rng, int dur, int nM) { setID(-1); setDurability(dur); setBaseID(nome); setEstado(estado); setPrice(preco); setDropable(isdropable); _raca = raca; _modificador = mod; _danoMin = danM; _danoMax = danX; _velocidade = spd; _alcance = rng; _nivelMagico = nM; }
int ShoeDescription::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 1) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 1; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = size(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< QColor*>(_v) = color(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = brand(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< qreal*>(_v) = price(); break; } _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setSize(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 1: setColor(*reinterpret_cast< QColor*>(_v)); break; case 2: setBrand(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 3: setPrice(*reinterpret_cast< qreal*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 4; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
void MenuBoxManager::setBoxWithList(Vector<ImageInfoParser*> imgInfo) { if(_vButton.size() > 0) { log("ButtonVector has data will be remove"); _vButton.clear(); } if(getChildByTag(TAG_MENUBOXLIST)) { getChildByTag(TAG_MENUBOXLIST)->removeFromParent(); } for(int i = 0 ; i < imgInfo.size() ; i++) { ImageInfoParser* info = static_cast<ImageInfoParser*>(imgInfo.at(i)); auto button = ui::Button::create("Main_BoxUp-hd.png", "Main_BoxDown-hd.png", "Main_BoxDown-hd.png"); // button->setTitleText("text"); button->setTag(TAG_MAIN_BOX + info->getidx()->intValue()); button->addTouchEventListener([&](Ref* sender, ui::Widget::TouchEventType type) { switch (type) { case ui::Widget::TouchEventType::BEGAN: break; case ui::Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED: buttonCallBack(sender); break; default: break; } }); setTypeTitle(button, info->gettitle()->getCString()); setTypeInfo(button, __String::createWithFormat("%s / %s",info->getspace()->getCString(),info->getair()->getCString())->getCString()); setPrice(button, __String::createWithFormat("%s", info->getprice()->getCString())->intValue()); setImageWithName(button, __String::createWithFormat("%s", info->getimgName()->getCString())->getCString()); _vButton.pushBack(button); } setListView(); }
DECLARE_EXPORT int Item::setattro(const Attribute& attr, const PythonObject& field) { if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_name)) setName(field.getString()); else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_description)) setDescription(field.getString()); else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_category)) setCategory(field.getString()); else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_subcategory)) setSubCategory(field.getString()); else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_price)) setPrice(field.getDouble()); else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_owner)) { if (!field.check(Item::metadata)) { PyErr_SetString(PythonDataException, "item owner must be of type item"); return -1; } Item* y = static_cast<Item*>(static_cast<PyObject*>(field)); setOwner(y); } else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_operation)) { if (!field.check(Operation::metadata)) { PyErr_SetString(PythonDataException, "item operation must be of type operation"); return -1; } Operation* y = static_cast<Operation*>(static_cast<PyObject*>(field)); setOperation(y); } else if (attr.isA(Tags::tag_hidden)) setHidden(field.getBool()); else return -1; return 0; }
void Component::editMargin(double margin) { this->margin = margin; setPrice(); }
void Contract::setPrice(double ask, double bid) { setPrice(0, ask, bid); }
void MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::setAsDifference ( const MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel& lhs, const MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel& rhs) { assert (lhs.getPrice() == rhs.getPrice()); MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator lhsEnd = end(); MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator lhsIter = begin(); MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator rhsEnd = end(); MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator rhsIter = begin(); while ((lhsIter != lhsEnd) && (rhsIter != rhsEnd)) { const char* lhsId = NULL; const char* rhsId = NULL; mama_quantity_t lhsSize = 0.0; mama_quantity_t rhsSize = 0.0; if (lhsIter != lhsEnd) { const MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry = *lhsIter; lhsId = entry->getId(); lhsSize = entry->getSize(); } if (rhsIter != rhsEnd) { const MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry = *rhsIter; rhsId = entry->getId(); rhsSize = entry->getSize(); } if (lhsId && rhsId) { if (strcmp(lhsId,rhsId)==0) { // Same ID, maybe different size. if (mama_isQuantityEqual (lhsSize, rhsSize)) { MamdaOrderBookEntry* updateEntry = new MamdaOrderBookEntry (**rhsIter); updateEntry->setAction( MamdaOrderBookEntry::MAMDA_BOOK_ACTION_UPDATE); addEntry (updateEntry); } ++lhsIter; ++rhsIter; continue; } else { // Different ID (either something exists on the LHS // and not on RHS or vice versa). MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::const_iterator rhsFound = findEntryAfter (rhsIter, lhsId); if (rhsFound != rhsEnd) { // The ID from the LHS was found on the RHS, so // there must have been additional entries on the // RHS, which we now need to add. do { MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry = new MamdaOrderBookEntry(**rhsIter); addEntry (entry); ++rhsIter; } while (rhsIter != rhsFound); } else { // The ID from the LHS was not present on the RHS, // so add the LHS entry. Note: it would probably // be faster to iterate over the LHS side rather // than begin the loop again. MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry = new MamdaOrderBookEntry(**lhsIter); addEntry (entry); ++lhsIter; } } } } setPrice (rhs.getPrice()); setSizeChange (rhs.getSize() - lhs.getSize()); setSize (rhs.getSize()); setNumEntries (rhs.getNumEntries()); setAction (MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::MAMDA_BOOK_ACTION_UPDATE); setTime (rhs.getTime()); setSide (rhs.getSide()); }
//Default constructor without parameters sets Name & Unit to "", Quantity & Price to 0 ClubItems::ClubItems() { setItemName(""); setUnit(""); setQuantity(0); setPrice(0.0); }
Item::Item(string id, string name, float price) { setId(id); setName(name); setPrice(price); }
//Constructor with 2 strings an interger and a double as parameters to initialize //Item Name, Unit, Quantity, and Price ClubItems::ClubItems(string itemNameIn, string unitIn, int quantityIn, double priceIn) { setItemName(itemNameIn); setUnit(unitIn); setQuantity(quantityIn); setPrice(priceIn); }
bool ShopPanel::init() { /*for(auto node:_buttons->getChildren()) { auto button = static_cast<Button*>(node); button->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(ShopPanel::onButtonClicked, this)); }*/ //_container->setTouchEnabled(true); _container->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0,0)); _listView = static_cast<ListView*>(Helper::seekWidgetByName(_root, "ListView_content")); _goodPan = static_cast<Layout*>(Helper::seekWidgetByName(_root, "Panel_good")); _goodPan->retain(); _goodPan->removeFromParent(); _listView->addEventListener((ui::ListView::ccListViewCallback)CC_CALLBACK_2(ShopPanel::selectedItemEvent, this)); _listView->addEventListener((ui::ListView::ccScrollViewCallback)CC_CALLBACK_2(ShopPanel::selectedItemEventScrollView,this)); //_title = Label::create("","Arial",20); //_title->setColor(Color3B::BLACK); //_title->setPosition(0, _container->getSize().height / 2 - 30); //_container->addChild(_title); //_label = Label::create("","Arial",17); //_label->setColor(Color3B::BLACK); //_label->setLineBreakWithoutSpace(true); //_label->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0,0)); //_label->setDimensions(_scrollView->getSize().width,0); ////_label->setPositionY(_scrollView->getSize().height / 2); ////_label->setPositionX(_scrollView->getSize().width / 2); //_scrollView->addChild(_label); //auto clipper = ClippingNode::create(); //clipper->setContentSize(_scrollView->getSize()); ////clipper->setPositionY(_scrollView->getSize().height / 2 + _scrollView->getPosition().y); ////clipper->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //_container->addChild(clipper); //auto stencil = DrawNode::create(); //Vec2 rectangle[4]; //rectangle[0] = Vec2(-clipper->getContentSize().width / 2, -clipper->getContentSize().height / 2); //rectangle[1] = Vec2(-clipper->getContentSize().width / 2, clipper->getContentSize().height / 2); //rectangle[2] = Vec2(clipper->getContentSize().width / 2, clipper->getContentSize().height / 2); //rectangle[3] = Vec2(clipper->getContentSize().width / 2, -clipper->getContentSize().height / 2); //Color4F white(1, 1, 1, 1); //stencil->drawPolygon(rectangle, 4, white, 1, white); //clipper->setStencil(stencil); //_scrollView->retain(); //_scrollView->removeFromParent(); //clipper->addChild(_scrollView); //_scrollView->release(); auto goodNum = cocos2d::Value(PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarString("script/Test.lua", "goodsNum")).asInt(); for(int i = 1; i <= goodNum; i++) { auto goodName = "good" + cocos2d::Value(i).asString(); auto content = PlotScript::sharedHD()->getLuaVarString("script/Test.lua", goodName.c_str()); ValueMap valueMap; stringToValueMap(std::string(content), valueMap); int lock = valueMap["lock"].asInt(); if(conditions[goodName+"_unlock"].intValue() == 1) lock = 0; if(lock == 0) { auto goodPan = _goodPan->clone(); auto goodUnit = GoodUnit::create(i); ValueMap model; model["typeId"] = valueMap["typeId"]; auto good = CellFactory::getInstance()->createCell(model); goodUnit->setGood(good); goodUnit->setPrice(valueMap["price"].asInt()); goodUnit->setNum(valueMap["num"].asInt()); goodUnit->setView(goodPan); _goodsUnit.pushBack(goodUnit); goodPan->setTag(i); _listView->pushBackCustomItem(goodPan); } } _container->setScale(0.85f); _container->setOpacity(200); _container->runAction(FadeIn::create(0.2)); _container->runAction(ScaleTo::create(0.2,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f)); _root->setTouchEnabled(true); _container->setTouchEnabled(false); _root->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(ShopPanel::onButtonClicked, this)); setKeyboardEnabled(true); return true; }
/********************************************************************* ** Description: Default constructor ** sets name to "", price to 0.0 and quantity to 0. *********************************************************************/ Item::Item() { setName(""); setPrice(0.0); setQuantity(0); }
void Group8Strategy::processTrade(const Trade &t) { if (m_magic.contains(t.instrument())) { MagicData &data = m_magic[t.instrument()]; if (t.price() >= data.previousPrice) { if (data.isRising == false) { data.currentConsecutiveChanges = 0; } data.isRising = true; } else { if (data.isRising == true) { data.currentConsecutiveChanges = 0; } data.isRising = false; } data.previousPrice = t.price(); data.previousVolume = t.volume(); data.currentConsecutiveChanges++; if (5 <= data.currentConsecutiveChanges && t.time().secsTo(QTime(16,00)) >= 50) { data.currentConsecutiveChanges = 0; if (data.isRising) { auto r = Record::Ptr::create(); r->setBidId(6666); r->setAskId(0); r->setBidOrAsk(Record::BidAsk::Bid); r->setDate(t.date()); r->setTime(t.time()); r->setInstrument(t.instrument()); r->setType(Record::Type::ENTER); r->setVolume(data.previousVolume); r->setPrice(t.price()); r->setValue(r->price() * r->volume()); emit newRecordCreated(r); qDebug() << "created a bid"; //this is bad data.totalBought += data.previousVolume; } else { auto r = Record::Ptr::create(); r->setAskId(6666); r->setBidId(0); r->setBidOrAsk(Record::BidAsk::Ask); r->setDate(t.date()); r->setTime(t.time()); r->setInstrument(t.instrument()); r->setType(Record::Type::ENTER); r->setVolume(data.totalBought-data.totalSold); r->setPrice(t.price()); r->setValue(r->price() * r->volume()); emit newRecordCreated(r); qDebug() << "created a ask"; //this is bad. data.totalSold += data.totalBought-data.totalSold; } } //qDebug() << abs(QTime(15,40).secsTo(t.time())); //qDebug() <<(data.totalBought-data.totalSold); if( abs(QTime(16,00).secsTo(t.time())) < 50 && (data.totalBought-data.totalSold) > 0) { qDebug() << data.totalBought-data.totalSold; data.currentConsecutiveChanges = 0; auto r = Record::Ptr::create(); r->setAskId(6666); r->setBidId(0); r->setBidOrAsk(Record::BidAsk::Ask); r->setDate(t.date()); r->setTime(t.time()); r->setInstrument(t.instrument()); r->setType(Record::Type::ENTER); r->setVolume(data.totalBought-data.totalSold); r->setPrice(t.price()); r->setValue(r->price() * r->volume()); emit newRecordCreated(r); //this is bad. data.totalSold += data.totalBought-data.totalSold; } } }
/********************************************************************* ** Description: Constructor with arguments. Calls appropriate setters. *********************************************************************/ Item::Item(std::string name, double price, int quantity) { setName(name); setPrice(price); setQuantity(quantity); }