文件: timer.c 项目: turcoale/switcher
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  timer_Init (component Init_RTC)
**     Description :
**         This method initializes registers of the RTC module
**         according to this Peripheral Initialization Bean settings.
**         Call this method in the user code to initialize the
**         module. By default, the method is called by PE
**         automatically; see "Call Init method" property of the
**         bean for more details.
**     Parameters  : None
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void timer_Init(void)
  /* RTCMOD: RTCMOD=0x7A */
  setReg8(RTCMOD, 0x7A);               /* Set modulo register */ 
  setReg8(RTCSC, 0xD5);                /* Configure RTC */ 
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  IFsh1_Init (component IntFLASH)
**     Description :
**         Description_Init - Initializes the associated peripheral(s) 
**         and the component's internal variables. The method is called 
**         automatically as a part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void IFsh1_Init(void)
  /* FSTAT: FCBEF=0,FCCF=0,FPVIOL=1,FACCERR=1,??=0,FBLANK=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(FSTAT, 0x30U);               /* Clear FPVIOL & FACERR flag */ 
  /* FCDIV: DIVLD=0,PRDIV8=1,DIV5=0,DIV4=0,DIV3=1,DIV2=1,DIV1=1,DIV0=1 */
  setReg8(FCDIV, 0x4FU);               /* Initialize FCDIV register */ 
文件: Byte1.c 项目: ducis/HCS
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  Byte1_SetDir (bean ByteIO)
**     Description :
**         This method sets direction of the bean.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Dir        - Direction to set (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = Input, TRUE = Output
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void Byte1_SetDir(bool Dir)
  if (Dir) {
    setReg8(PORTB, Shadow_B);          /* PB0-PB7=Shadow_B[bits 0-7] */
    setReg8(DDRB, 255);                /* DDRB7=1, DDRB6=1, DDRB5=1, DDRB4=1, DDRB3=1, DDRB2=1, DDRB1=1, DDRB0=1 */
  } else { /* !Dir */
    setReg8(DDRB, 0);                  /* DDRB7=0, DDRB6=0, DDRB5=0, DDRB4=0, DDRB3=0, DDRB2=0, DDRB1=0, DDRB0=0 */
  } /* !Dir */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  Timer_Init (component TimerInt)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the component 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void Timer_Init(void)
  setReg8(RTCSC, 0x00U);               /* Stop HW */ 
  Timer_SetCV(0x00U);                  /* Initialize appropriate value to the compare/modulo/reload register */
  RTCMOD = RTCMOD;                     /* Reset HW counter */
  setReg8(RTCSC, 0xD8U);               /* Run RTC (select clock source, set frequency and enable interrupt) */ 
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  AS1_Init (bean AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and internal 
**         variables of the bean. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void AS1_Init(void)
  SerFlag = 0;                         /* Reset flags */
  /* SCICR1: LOOPS=0,SCISWAI=1,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */
  setReg8(SCICR1, 64);                  
  /* SCISR2: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,BRK13=0,TXDIR=0,RAF=0 */
  setReg8(SCISR2, 0);                   
  (void) SCISR1;                       /* Reset interrupt request flags */
  /* SCICR2: SCTIE=0,TCIE=0,RIE=0,ILIE=0,TE=0,RE=0,RWU=0,SBK=0 */
  SCICR2 = 0;                          /* Disable error interrupts */
  SCIBD = 104;                         /* Set prescaler bits */
  SCICR2 |= (SCICR2_TE_MASK | SCICR2_RE_MASK | SCICR2_RIE_MASK); /* Enable transmitter, Enable receiver, Enable receiver interrupt */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  B_1_Init (component KBI)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the component 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void B_1_Init(void)
  setReg8(KBI1ES, 0x00U);               
  /* KBI1SC: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,KBF=0,KBACK=0,KBIE=0,KBIMOD=0 */
  setReg8(KBI1SC, 0x00U);               
  /* KBI1PE: KBIPE2=1 */
  setReg8Bits(KBI1PE, 0x04U);          /* Enable appropriate interrupt pin(s) */ 
  /* KBI1SC: KBACK=1 */
  setReg8Bits(KBI1SC, 0x04U);          /* Clear the interrupt flag */ 
  /* KBI1SC: KBIE=1 */
  setReg8Bits(KBI1SC, 0x02U);          /* Enable interrupts */ 
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  M_1_Init (component PWM)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the components 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void M_1_Init(void)
  /* TPM1SC: TOF=0,TOIE=0,CPWMS=0,CLKSB=0,CLKSA=0,PS2=0,PS1=0,PS0=0 */
  setReg8(TPM1SC, 0x00U);              /* Disable device */ 
  /* TPM1C1SC: CH1F=0,CH1IE=0,MS1B=1,MS1A=1,ELS1B=1,ELS1A=1,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(TPM1C1SC, 0x3CU);            /* Set up PWM mode with output signal level low */ 
  ActualRatio.Value = 0xFFFFU;         /* Store initial value of the ratio */
  /* TPM1MOD: BIT15=1,BIT14=1,BIT13=1,BIT12=1,BIT11=0,BIT10=1,BIT9=0,BIT8=1,BIT7=1,BIT6=1,BIT5=0,BIT4=0,BIT3=0,BIT2=0,BIT1=1,BIT0=0 */
  setReg16(TPM1MOD, 0xF5C2U);          /* Set modulo register */ 
  SetRatio();                          /* Calculate and set up new values of the compare according to the selected speed CPU mode */
  (void)getReg8(TPM1SC);               /* Dummy read of the TPM1SC register to reset flag */
  /* TPM1SC: TOF=0,TOIE=1 */
  clrSetReg8Bits(TPM1SC, 0x80U, 0x40U); /* Clear Overflow interrupt flag and enable Overflow interrupt */ 
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  hwExpIn_Init (bean AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the bean internal 
**         variables. The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void hwExpIn_Init(void)
  SerFlag = 0;                         /* Reset flags */
  EnUser = TRUE;                       /* Enable device */
  /* SCI2C1: LOOPS=0,SCISWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2C1, 0x00);               /* Configure the SCI */ 
  /* SCI2C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2C3, 0x00);               /* Disable error interrupts */ 
  /* SCI2S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,??=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2S2, 0x00);                
  /* SCI2C2: TIE=0,TCIE=0,RIE=0,ILIE=0,TE=0,RE=0,RWU=0,SBK=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2C2, 0x00);               /* Disable all interrupts */ 
  hwExpIn_SetHigh();                   /* Initial speed CPU mode is high */
void __initialize_hardware(void)

    /*** !!! Here you can place your own code using property "User code before PE initialization" on the build options tab of the CPU component. !!! ***/

    /* ### MCF51QE128_64 "Cpu" init code ... */
    /*  PE initialization code after reset */
    /* Common initialization of the write once registers */
    setReg8(SOPT1, 0x53U);
    /* SPMSC1: LVDF=0,LVDACK=0,LVDIE=0,LVDRE=1,LVDSE=1,LVDE=0,??=0,BGBE=0 */
    setReg8(SPMSC1, 0x18U);
    /* SPMSC2: LPR=0,LPRS=0,LPWUI=0,??=0,PPDF=0,PPDACK=0,PPDE=1,PPDC=0 */
    setReg8(SPMSC2, 0x02U);
    /* SPMSC3: LVDV=0,LVWV=0,LVWIE=0 */
    clrReg8Bits(SPMSC3, 0x38U);
    /* Initialization of CPU registers */
    /*lint -save  -e950 Disable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
    asm {
        /* VBR: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,ADDRESS=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0 */
        clr.l d0
        movec d0,VBR
        /* CPUCR: ARD=0,IRD=0,IAE=0,IME=0,BWD=0,??=0,FSD=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0 */
        clr.l d0
        movec d0,CPUCR
    /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
    /*  System clock initialization */
    /*lint -save  -e923 Disable MISRA rule (11.3) checking. */
    if (*(unsigned char*)0x03FFU != 0xFFU) { /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */
        ICSTRM = *(unsigned char*)0x03FFU; /* Initialize ICSTRM register from a non volatile memory */
        ICSSC = (unsigned char)((*(unsigned char*)0x03FEU) & (unsigned char)0x01U); /* Initialize ICSSC register from a non volatile memory */
    /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (11.3) checking. */
    setReg8(ICSC1, 0x06U);               /* Initialization of the ICS control register 1 */
    setReg8(ICSC2, 0x00U);               /* Initialization of the ICS control register 2 */
    while(ICSSC_IREFST == 0U) {          /* Wait until the source of reference clock is internal clock */
    /* ICSSC: DRST_DRS=2,DMX32=0 */
    clrSetReg8Bits(ICSSC, 0x60U, 0x80U); /* Initialization of the ICS status and control */
    while((ICSSC & 0xC0U) != 0x80U) {    /* Wait until the FLL switches to High range DCO mode */

    /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/

    /*** !!! Here you can place your own code using property "User code after PE initialization" on the build options tab of the CPU component. !!! ***/

** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  ADC_Init (component ADC)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the component's 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void ADC_Init(void)
  /* ADCSC1: COCO=0,AIEN=0,ADCO=0,ADCH4=1,ADCH3=1,ADCH2=1,ADCH1=1,ADCH0=1 */
  setReg8(ADCSC1, 0x1FU);              /* Disable the module */ 
  /* ADCSC2: ADACT=0,ADTRG=0,ACFE=0,ACFGT=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(ADCSC2, 0x00U);              /* Disable HW trigger and autocompare */ 
  EnUser = TRUE;                       /* Enable device */
  ADC_EnEvent = TRUE;                  /* Enable events */
  OutFlg = 0U;                         /* No measured value */
  ModeFlg = STOP;                      /* Device isn't running */
  setReg8(ADCCFG, 0x44U);              /* Set prescaler bits */ 
  ADC_HWEnDi();                        /* Enable/disable device according to the status flags */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  MotorD1_Init (component PWM)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the components 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void MotorD1_Init(void)
  /* TPM3SC: TOF=0,TOIE=0,CPWMS=0,CLKSB=0,CLKSA=0,PS2=0,PS1=0,PS0=0 */
  setReg8(TPM3SC, 0x00U);              /* Disable device */ 
  /* TPM3C0SC: CH0F=0,CH0IE=0,MS0B=1,MS0A=1,ELS0B=1,ELS0A=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(TPM3C0SC, 0x38U);            /* Set up PWM mode with output signal level high */ 
  ActualRatio = 0x00U;                 /* Store initial value of the ratio */
  EnUser = FALSE;                      /* Disable device */
  /* TPM3MOD: BIT15=0,BIT14=1,BIT13=1,BIT12=0,BIT11=0,BIT10=0,BIT9=1,BIT8=0,BIT7=0,BIT6=1,BIT5=0,BIT4=0,BIT3=1,BIT2=1,BIT1=0,BIT0=1 */
  setReg16(TPM3MOD, 0x624DU);          /* Set modulo register */ 
  /* TPM3C0SC: CH0F=0,CH0IE=0,MS0B=1,MS0A=0,ELS0B=0,ELS0A=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(TPM3C0SC, 0x20U);            /* Temporary set compare mode to enable modifications of compare register */ 
  SetRatio();                          /* Calculate and set up new values of the compare according to the selected speed CPU mode */
  HWEnDi();                            /* Enable/disable device according to status flags */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  HWEnDi (component PWM)
**     Description :
**         Enables or disables the peripheral(s) associated with the 
**         component. The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         Enable and Disable methods and several internal methods.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
static void HWEnDi(void)
  if (EnUser) {
    if (PTCD_PTCD0) {
      /* TPM3C0SC: CH0F=0,CH0IE=0,MS0B=1,MS0A=1,ELS0B=1,ELS0A=0,??=0,??=0 */
      setReg8(TPM3C0SC, 0x38U);        /* Set up PWM mode with output signal level high */ 
    } else {
      /* TPM3C0SC: CH0F=0,CH0IE=0,MS0B=1,MS0A=1,ELS0B=1,ELS0A=1,??=0,??=0 */
      setReg8(TPM3C0SC, 0x3CU);        /* Set up PWM mode with output signal level low */ 
  } else {
    /* TPM3C0SC: CH0F=0,CH0IE=0,MS0B=0,MS0A=0,ELS0B=0,ELS0A=0,??=0,??=0 */
    setReg8(TPM3C0SC, 0x00U);          /* Disable output signal */ 
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  M3_ESC_Init (component PWM)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the components 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void M3_ESC_Init(void)
  /* TPM1C2SC: CH2F=0,CH2IE=0,MS2B=1,MS2A=1,ELS2B=1,ELS2A=1,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(TPM1C2SC, 0x3CU);            /* Set up PWM mode with output signal level low */ 
  ActualRatio = 0x00U;                 /* Store initial value of the ratio */
  SetRatio();                          /* Calculate and set up new values of the compare according to the selected speed CPU mode */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  M_1_Disable (component PWM)
**     Description :
**         This method disables the component - it stops the signal
**         generation and events calling. When the timer is disabled,
**         it is possible to call <ClrValue> and <SetValue> methods.
**     Parameters  : None
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code, possible codes:
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
** ===================================================================
byte M_1_Disable(void)
  /* TPM1SC: TOIE=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(TPM1SC, 0x40U);          /* Disable Timer Overflow Interrupt */ 
  /* TPM1C1SC: CH1F=0,CH1IE=0,MS1B=0,MS1A=0,ELS1B=0,ELS1A=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(TPM1C1SC, 0x00U);            /* Disable output signal */ 
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  hwI2c_Init (bean InternalI2C)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the bean internal 
**         variables. The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void hwI2c_Init(void)
  hwI2c_SerFlag = 0x80;                /* Reset all flags */
  EnUser = TRUE;                       /* Enable device */
  /* IIC2F: MULT1=0,MULT0=0,ICR5=0,ICR4=1,ICR3=0,ICR2=0,ICR1=1,ICR0=1 */
  setReg8(IIC2F, 0x13);                 
  hwI2c_SetHigh();                     /* Initial speed CPU mode is high */
文件: Cpu.c 项目: turcoale/monofan
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  PE_low_level_init (component MC9S08SH8_20)
**     Description :
**         Initializes beans and provides common register initialization. 
**         The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void PE_low_level_init(void)
  /* Common initialization of the CPU registers */
  /* PTCD: PTCD0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTCD, 0x01);              
  /* PTCPE: PTCPE0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTCPE, 0x01);             
  /* PTCDD: PTCDD0=1 */
  setReg8Bits(PTCDD, 0x01);             
  /* PTAPE: PTAPE5=0,PTAPE0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTAPE, 0x21);             
  /* PTADD: PTADD5=0,PTADD0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTADD, 0x21);             
  /* PTBPE: PTBPE6=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTBPE, 0x40);             
  /* PTBDD: PTBDD6=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTBDD, 0x40);             
  clrReg8Bits(PTASE, 0x1F);             
  setReg8(PTBSE, 0x00);                 
  /* PTCSE: PTCSE3=0,PTCSE2=0,PTCSE1=0,PTCSE0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PTCSE, 0x0F);             
  /* PTADS: ??=0,??=0,??=0,PTADS4=1,PTADS3=1,PTADS2=1,PTADS1=1,PTADS0=1 */
  setReg8(PTADS, 0x1F);                 
  setReg8(PTBDS, 0xFF);                 
  /* PTCDS: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,PTCDS3=1,PTCDS2=1,PTCDS1=1,PTCDS0=1 */
  setReg8(PTCDS, 0x0F);                 
  /* ### Shared modules init code ... */
  /* ### BitIO "Bit1" init code ... */
  /* ### Timer capture encapsulation "Cap1" init code ... */
  /* ### TimerInt "TI1" init code ... */
  /* ### External interrupt "EInt1" init code ... */
  IRQSC = 0x51;
  IRQSC_IRQACK = 0x01;
  IRQSC_IRQIE = 0x01;
  /* ### BitIO "Bit2" init code ... */
  /* ### Init_FLASH "FLASH1" init code ... */
  __EI();                              /* Enable interrupts */
文件: Cpu.c 项目: turcoale/monofan
void _EntryPoint(void)
  /* ### MC9S08SH8_20 "Cpu" init code ... */
  /*  PE initialization code after reset */

  /* Common initialization of the write once registers */
  /* SOPT1: COPT=0,STOPE=0,??=0,??=0,IICPS=0,BKGDPE=1,RSTPE=0 */
  setReg8(SOPT1, 0x02);                 
  /* SOPT2: COPCLKS=0,COPW=0,??=0,ACIC=0,??=0,??=0,T1CH1PS=0,T1CH0PS=0 */
  setReg8(SOPT2, 0x00);                 
  setReg8(SPMSC1, 0x1C);                
  /* SPMSC2: ??=0,??=0,LVDV=0,LVWV=0,PPDF=0,PPDACK=0,??=0,PPDC=0 */
  setReg8(SPMSC2, 0x00);                
  /*  System clock initialization */
  if (*(unsigned char*)0xFFAF != 0xFF) { /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */
    ICSTRM = *(unsigned char*)0xFFAF;  /* Initialize ICSTRM register from a non volatile memory */
    ICSSC = *(unsigned char*)0xFFAE;   /* Initialize ICSSC register from a non volatile memory */
  setReg8(ICSC1, 0x06);                /* Initialization of the ICS control register 1 */ 
  setReg8(ICSC2, 0x80);                /* Initialization of the ICS control register 2 */ 
  while(!ICSSC_IREFST) {               /* Wait until the source of reference clock is internal clock */
  setReg8(GNGC, 0x00);                  
  /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/
  __asm   jmp _Startup ;               /* Jump to C startup code */

** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  statusLED_SetDir (component BitIO)
**     Description :
**         This method sets direction of the component.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Dir        - Direction to set (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = Input, TRUE = Output
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void statusLED_SetDir(bool Dir)
  if (Dir) {
    setReg8(PTGD, (getReg8(PTGD) & (byte)(~(byte)0x01U)) | (Shadow_PTG & 0x01U)); /* PTGD0=Shadow_PTG[bit 0] */
    setReg8Bits(PTGDD, 0x01U);         /* PTGDD0=0x01U */
  } else { /* !Dir */
    clrReg8Bits(PTGDD, 0x01U);         /* PTGDD0=0x00U */
  } /* !Dir */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  TI1_Init (component TimerInt)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the component 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void TI1_Init(void)
  setReg8(RTCSC, 0x00U);               /* Stop HW */ 
  EnUser = TRUE;                       /* Enable device */
  TI1_SetCV(0x0FU);                    /* Initialize appropriate value to the compare/modulo/reload register */
  RTCMOD = RTCMOD;                     /* Reset HW counter */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  powerLED_SetDir (component BitIO)
**     Description :
**         This method sets direction of the component.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Dir        - Direction to set (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = Input, TRUE = Output
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void powerLED_SetDir(bool Dir)
  if (Dir) {
    setReg8(PTGD, (getReg8(PTGD) & (byte)(~(byte)0x02U)) | (Shadow_PTG & 0x02U)); /* PTGD1=Shadow_PTG[bit 1] */
    setReg8Bits(PTGDD, 0x02U);         /* PTGDD1=0x01U */
  } else { /* !Dir */
    clrReg8Bits(PTGDD, 0x02U);         /* PTGDD1=0x00U */
  } /* !Dir */
文件: LedB.c 项目: turcoale/switcher
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  LedB_SetDir (component BitIO)
**     Description :
**         This method sets direction of the bean.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Dir        - Direction to set (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = Input, TRUE = Output
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
void LedB_SetDir(bool Dir)
  if (Dir) {
    setReg8(PTBD, (getReg8(PTBD) & (~0x08)) | (Shadow_PTB & 0x08)); /* PTBD3=Shadow_PTB[bit 3] */
    setReg8Bits(PTBDD, 0x08);          /* PTBDD3=0x01 */
  } else { /* !Dir */
    clrReg8Bits(PTBDD, 0x08);          /* PTBDD3=0x00 */
  } /* !Dir */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  M_1_Enable (component PWM)
**     Description :
**         This method enables the component - it starts the signal
**         generation. Events may be generated (<DisableEvent>
**         /<EnableEvent>).
**     Parameters  : None
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code, possible codes:
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
** ===================================================================
byte M_1_Enable(void)
  (void)getReg8(TPM1SC);               /* Dummy read of the TPM1SC register to reset flag */
  /* TPM1SC: TOF=0,TOIE=1 */
  clrSetReg8Bits(TPM1SC, 0x80U, 0x40U); /* Clear Overflow interrupt flag and enable Overflow interrupt */ 
  /* TPM1C1SC: CH1F=0,CH1IE=0,MS1B=1,MS1A=1,ELS1B=1,ELS1A=1,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(TPM1C1SC, 0x3CU);            /* Set up PWM mode with output signal level low */ 
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  HWEnDi (component TimerInt)
**     Description :
**         Enables or disables the peripheral(s) associated with the 
**         component. The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         Enable and Disable methods and several internal methods.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
static void HWEnDi(void)
  if (EnUser) {
    setReg8(RTCSC, 0xD8U);             /* Run RTC (select clock source; set frequency and enable interrupt) */ 
  } else {
    /* RTCSC: RTCPS=0 */
    clrReg8Bits(RTCSC, 0x0FU);         /* Stop counter */ 
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  Serial_2_Init (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the component's 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void Serial_2_Init(void)
  SerFlag = 0x00U;                     /* Reset flags */
  Serial_2_InpLen = 0x00U;             /* No char in the receive buffer */
  InpIndxR = 0x00U;                    /* Reset read index to the receive buffer */
  InpIndxW = 0x00U;                    /* Reset write index to the receive buffer */
  /* SCI2C1: LOOPS=0,SCISWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2C1, 0x00U);              /* Configure the SCI */ 
  /* SCI2C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2C3, 0x00U);              /* Disable error interrupts */ 
  /* SCI2C2: TIE=0,TCIE=0,RIE=0,ILIE=0,TE=0,RE=0,RWU=0,SBK=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2C2, 0x00U);              /* Disable all interrupts */ 
  /* SCI2S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,??=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */
  setReg8(SCI2S2, 0x00U);               
  SCI2BDH = 0x05U;                     /* Set high divisor register (enable device) */
  SCI2BDL = 0x1FU;                     /* Set low divisor register (enable device) */
      /* SCI2C3: ORIE=1,NEIE=1,FEIE=1,PEIE=1 */
  SCI2C3 |= 0x0FU;                     /* Enable error interrupts */
  SCI2C2 |= (SCI2C2_TE_MASK | SCI2C2_RE_MASK | SCI2C2_RIE_MASK); /*  Enable transmitter, Enable receiver, Enable receiver interrupt */
文件: Servo2.c 项目: ducis/HCS
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  Servo2_Init (bean PWM)
**     Description :
**         Initializes the associated peripheral(s) and the bean's 
**         internal variables. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of the application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void Servo2_Init(void)
  /* PWMCNT23: BIT15=0,BIT14=0,BIT13=0,BIT12=0,BIT11=0,BIT10=0,BIT9=0,BIT8=0,BIT7=0,BIT6=0,BIT5=0,BIT4=0,BIT3=0,BIT2=0,BIT1=0,BIT0=0 */
  setReg16(PWMCNT23, 0);               /* Reset Counter */ 
  setReg8(PWMSDN, 128);                /* Emergency shutdown feature settings */ 
  RatioStore = 4964;                   /* Store initial value of the ratio */
  /* PWMDTY23: BIT15=0,BIT14=0,BIT13=0,BIT12=0,BIT11=0,BIT10=1,BIT9=0,BIT8=1,BIT7=1,BIT6=1,BIT5=1,BIT4=0,BIT3=1,BIT2=0,BIT1=1,BIT0=1 */
  setReg16(PWMDTY23, 1515);            /* Store initial value to the duty-compare register */ 
  /* PWMPER23: BIT15=0,BIT14=1,BIT13=0,BIT12=0,BIT11=1,BIT10=1,BIT9=1,BIT8=0,BIT7=0,BIT6=0,BIT5=1,BIT4=0,BIT3=0,BIT2=0,BIT1=0,BIT0=0 */
  setReg16(PWMPER23, 20000);           /* and to the period register */ 
  /* PWMPRCLK: ??=0,PCKB2=0,PCKB1=0,PCKB0=0,??=0,PCKA2=0,PCKA1=0,PCKA0=0 */
  setReg8(PWMPRCLK, 0);                /* Set prescaler register */ 
  /* PWMSCLB: BIT7=0,BIT6=0,BIT5=0,BIT4=0,BIT3=0,BIT2=0,BIT1=0,BIT0=1 */
  setReg8(PWMSCLB, 1);                 /* Set scale register */ 
  /* PWMCLK: PCLK3=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PWMCLK, 8);              /* Select clock source */ 
  /* PWME: PWME3=1 */
  setReg8Bits(PWME, 8);                /* Run counter */ 
void _EntryPoint(void)
  /* ### MC9S08PA16_32 "Cpu" init code ... */
  /*  PE initialization code after reset */
  /* WDOG_CNT: CNT=0xC520 */
  setReg16(WDOG_CNT, 0xC520U);         /* First part of the WDG unlock sequence */ 
  /* WDOG_CNT: CNT=0xD928 */
  setReg16(WDOG_CNT, 0xD928U);         /* Second part of the WDG unlock sequence */ 
  /*  Initialization of Init_WDOG */
  /* WDOG_CS1: EN=1,INT=0,UPDATE=1,TST=0,DBG=0,WAIT=1,STOP=1 */
  setReg8(WDOG_CS1, 0xA3U);             
  /* WDOG_CS2: WIN=0,FLG=0,??=0,PRES=1,??=0,??=0,CLK=0 */
  setReg8(WDOG_CS2, 0x10U);             
  /* WDOG_TOVAL: TOVAL=0xF800 */
  setReg16(WDOG_TOVAL, 0xF800U);        
  /* Common initialization of the write once registers */
  clrSetReg8Bits(SYS_SOPT1, 0x83U, 0x0CU); 
  clrSetReg8Bits(PMC_SPMSC1, 0x23U, 0x1CU); 
  /* PMC_SPMSC2: LVDV=0,LVWV=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PMC_SPMSC2, 0x70U);       
  /*  System clock initialization */
  /*lint -save  -e923 Disable MISRA rule (11.3) checking. */
  if (*(uint8_t*)0xFF6FU != 0xFFU) {   /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */
    ICS_C3 = *(uint8_t*)0xFF6FU;       /* Initialize ICS_C3 register from a non volatile memory */
    ICS_C4 = (uint8_t)((*(uint8_t*)0xFF6EU) & (uint8_t)0x01U); /* Initialize ICS_C4 register from a non volatile memory */
  /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (11.3) checking. */
  setReg8(ICS_C1, 0x06U);              /* Initialization of the ICS control register 1 */ 
  /* ICS_C2: BDIV=1,LP=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(ICS_C2, 0x20U);              /* Initialization of the ICS control register 2 */ 
  /* ICS_C4: LOLIE=0,CME=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(ICS_C4, 0xA0U);           

  /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/
  /*lint -save  -e950 Disable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
  __asm   jmp _Startup ;               /* Jump to C startup code */
  /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
文件: Cpu.c 项目: ducis/HCS
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  PE_low_level_init (bean MC9S12XS256_80)
**     Description :
**         Initializes beans and provides common register initialization. 
**         The method is called automatically as a part of the 
**         application initialization code.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void PE_low_level_init(void)
  /* Common initialization of the CPU registers */
  /* PORTB: PB7=0,PB6=1,PB5=0,PB4=1,PB3=0,PB2=1,PB1=0,PB0=1 */
  setReg8(PORTB, 85);                   
  /* PUCR: PUPBE=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(PUCR, 2);                 
  /* DDRB: DDRB7=1,DDRB6=1,DDRB5=1,DDRB4=1,DDRB3=1,DDRB2=1,DDRB1=1,DDRB0=1 */
  setReg8(DDRB, 255);                   
  clrReg8Bits(CRGINT, 18);              
  /* VREGCTRL: LVIE=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(VREGCTRL, 2);             
  /* COPCTL: WCOP=0,RSBCK=0,WRTMASK=0,??=0,??=0,CR2=0,CR1=0,CR0=0 */
  setReg8(COPCTL, 0);                   
  /* DDR0AD0: DDR0AD07=1,DDR0AD06=1,DDR0AD05=1,DDR0AD04=1,DDR0AD03=1,DDR0AD02=1,DDR0AD01=1,DDR0AD00=1 */
  setReg8(DDR0AD0, 255);                
  /* DDRH: DDRH7=1,DDRH6=1,DDRH5=1,DDRH4=1,DDRH3=1,DDRH2=1,DDRH1=1,DDRH0=1 */
  setReg8(DDRH, 255);                   
  /* DDRJ: DDRJ1=1,DDRJ0=1 */
  setReg8Bits(DDRJ, 3);                 
  /* DDRK: DDRK7=1,DDRK5=1,DDRK4=1,DDRK3=1,DDRK2=1,DDRK1=1,DDRK0=1 */
  setReg8Bits(DDRK, 191);               
  /* DDRM: DDRM7=1,DDRM6=1 */
  setReg8Bits(DDRM, 192);               
  /* DDRP: DDRP6=1 */
  setReg8Bits(DDRP, 64);                
  /* DDRS: DDRS7=1,DDRS6=1,DDRS5=1,DDRS4=1 */
  setReg8Bits(DDRS, 240);               
  /* RDRIV: RDPE=0,RDPB=0,RDPA=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(RDRIV, 19);               
  /* RDRJ: RDRJ7=0,RDRJ6=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(RDRJ, 192);               
  /* RDRM: RDRM5=0,RDRM4=0,RDRM3=0,RDRM2=0,RDRM1=0,RDRM0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(RDRM, 63);                
  /* RDRP: RDRP7=0,RDRP5=0,RDRP4=0,RDRP3=0,RDRP2=0,RDRP1=0,RDRP0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(RDRP, 191);               
  /* RDRS: RDRS3=0,RDRS2=0,RDRS1=0,RDRS0=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(RDRS, 15);                
  /* RDRT: RDRT7=0,RDRT6=0,RDRT5=0,RDRT4=0,RDRT3=0,RDRT2=0,RDRT1=0,RDRT0=0 */
  setReg8(RDRT, 0);                     
  /* RDR1AD0: RDR1AD07=0,RDR1AD06=0,RDR1AD05=0,RDR1AD04=0,RDR1AD03=0,RDR1AD02=0,RDR1AD01=0,RDR1AD00=0 */
  setReg8(RDR1AD0, 0);                  
  /* IRQCR: IRQEN=0 */
  clrReg8Bits(IRQCR, 64);               
  /* ### MC9S12XS256_80 "Cpu" init code ... */
  /* ### ByteIO "Byte1" init code ... */
  Shadow_B = (byte)85;                 /* Initialize port "Byte1" shadow variable */
  asm {
    LDAA #0
  __EI();                              /* Enable interrupts */
void _EntryPoint(void)
  /* ### MC9S08JM60_64 "Cpu" init code ... */
  /*  PE initialization code after reset */
  /* Common initialization of the write once registers */
  /* SOPT1: COPT=0,STOPE=0,??=1,??=0,??=0,??=1,??=1 */
  setReg8(SOPT1, 0x13U);                
  setReg8(SPMSC1, 0x1CU);               
  /* SPMSC2: ??=0,??=0,LVDV=0,LVWV=0,PPDF=0,PPDACK=0,??=0,PPDC=0 */
  setReg8(SPMSC2, 0x00U);               
  /*  System clock initialization */
  /*lint -save  -e923 Disable MISRA rule (11.3) checking. */
  if (*(uint8_t*)0xFFAFU != 0xFFU) {   /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */
    MCGTRM = *(uint8_t*)0xFFAFU;       /* Initialize MCGTRM register from a non volatile memory */
    MCGSC = *(uint8_t*)0xFFAEU;        /* Initialize MCGSC register from a non volatile memory */
  /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (11.3) checking. */
  setReg8(MCGC2, 0x62U);               /* Set MCGC2 register */ 
  setReg8(MCGC1, 0x06U);               /* Set MCGC1 register */ 
  /* MCGC3: LOLIE=0,PLLS=0,CME=0,??=0,VDIV=1 */
  setReg8(MCGC3, 0x01U);               /* Set MCGC3 register */ 
  while(MCGSC_LOCK == 0U) {            /* Wait until FLL is locked */

  /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/
  /*lint -save  -e950 Disable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
  __asm   jmp _Startup ;               /* Jump to C startup code */
  /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
文件: Cpu.c 项目: badwang/TX9BVA_SC4
void _EntryPoint(void)
  /* ### MC9S08SC4_16 "Cpu" init code ... */
  /*  PE initialization code after reset */
  /* Common initialization of the write once registers */
  /* SOPT1: COPT=1,STOPE=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(SOPT1, 0x40U);                
  /* SOPT2: COPCLKS=0,COPW=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0 */
  setReg8(SOPT2, 0x00U);                
  setReg8(SPMSC1, 0x1CU);               
  /* SPMSC2: ??=0,??=0,LVDV=0,LVWV=0,PPDF=0,PPDACK=0,??=0,PPDC=0 */
  setReg8(SPMSC2, 0x00U);               
  /*  System clock initialization */
  setReg8(ICSC1, 0x06U);               /* Initialization of the ICS control register 1 */ 
  setReg8(ICSC2, 0x00U);               /* Initialization of the ICS control register 2 */ 
  while(ICSSC_IREFST == 0U) {          /* Wait until the source of reference clock is internal clock */
   SRS = 0x55U;                        /* Reset watchdog counter write 55, AA */
   SRS = 0xAAU;
  /* ICSSC: DRST_DRS=1,DMX32=0 */
  clrSetReg8Bits(ICSSC, 0xA0U, 0x40U); /* Initialization of the ICS status and control */ 
  while((ICSSC & 0xC0U) != 0x40U) {    /* Wait until the FLL switches to Mid range DCO mode */
   SRS = 0x55U;                        /* Reset watchdog counter write 55, AA */
   SRS = 0xAAU;

  /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/
  /*lint -save  -e950 Disable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
  __asm   jmp _Startup ;               /* Jump to C startup code */
  /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (1.1) checking. */
void _EntryPoint(void)
    /* ### MC9S08JM16_48 "Cpu" init code ... */
    /*  PE initialization code after reset */

    /* Common initialization of the write once registers */
    /* SOPT1: COPT=0,STOPE=0,??=1,??=0,??=0,??=1,??=1 */
    setReg8(SOPT1, 0x13);
    /* SPMSC1: LVWF=0,LVWACK=0,LVWIE=0,LVDRE=1,LVDSE=1,LVDE=1,??=0,BGBE=0 */
    setReg8(SPMSC1, 0x1C);
    /* SPMSC2: ??=0,??=0,LVDV=0,LVWV=0,PPDF=0,PPDACK=0,??=0,PPDC=0 */
    setReg8(SPMSC2, 0x00);
    /*  System clock initialization */
    if (*(unsigned char*)0xFFAF != 0xFF) { /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */
        MCGTRM = *(unsigned char*)0xFFAF;  /* Initialize MCGTRM register from a non volatile memory */
        MCGSC = *(unsigned char*)0xFFAE;   /* Initialize MCGSC register from a non volatile memory */
    setReg8(MCGC2, 0x00);                /* Set MCGC2 register */
    setReg8(MCGC1, 0x06);                /* Set MCGC1 register */
    /* MCGC3: LOLIE=0,PLLS=0,CME=0,??=0,VDIV=1 */
    setReg8(MCGC3, 0x01);                /* Set MCGC3 register */
    while(!MCGSC_LOCK) {                 /* Wait until FLL is locked */

    /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/
    __asm   jmp _Startup ;               /* Jump to C startup code */
