// *****************************************************************************
// constructor:
DSPNode::DSPNode (SceneManager *sceneManager, char *initID) : GroupNode(sceneManager, initID)

	nodeType = "DSPNode";
	// enable report of globals by default:
	// connection stuff:
	active = 1;
	plugin = "empty~";

   _rolloff = "default";
    _spread = 1.0f;
    _length = 10.0f;

    directivityFlag = 0;
    laserFlag = 0;
    VUmeterFlag = 0;

    currentSoundIntensity = 0.0;
    currentSoundColor = osg::Vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0); //green

    directivityColor = osg::Vec4(DEFAULT_DIRECTIVITY_COLOR,1.0);

    // OSG Stuff:
    laserGeode = NULL;
    directivityGeode = NULL;
    VUmeterTransform = NULL;
bool TRig::openOak(void)
 EOakStatus status;
 unsigned int rate = 100;

       return true;

   if(oak_device.isEmpty()) {
       qDebug("Empty path to HID device");

       return false;

   if(!checkOak(openDevice(oak_device.toStdString(), oakHandle)))
       return false;

   if(!checkOak(getDeviceInfo(oakHandle, oakDevInfo)))
       return false;
   else if(oakDevInfo.numberOfChannels < 4) {
       qDebug("Inclinometer should have 4 channels found %d", oakDevInfo.numberOfChannels);

       return false;

   // Set the report Mode
   if(!checkOak(setReportMode(oakHandle, eReportModeAfterSampling, true)))
   //if(!checkOak(setReportMode(oakHandle, eReportModeFixedRate, true)))
   //if(!checkOak(setReportMode(oakHandle, eReportModeAfterChange, true)))
       return false;

   // Set the report rate
   // This parameter will only be regarded if Report Mode = 2 (fixed rate)
   if(!checkOak(setReportRate(oakHandle, rate, true)))
       return false;

   // Set the sample rate
   if(!checkOak(setSampleRate(oakHandle, rate, true)))
   //if(!checkOak(setSampleRate(oakHandle, rate * 2, true)))
       return false;

   // get channel 3 (zenith angle) info
   status = getChannelInfo(oakHandle, 2, oakChannelInfo[0]);
   // get channel 4 (azimuth angle) info
   if(status == eOakStatusOK)
      status = getChannelInfo(oakHandle, 3, oakChannelInfo[1]);

       return false;

 return true;
 * oak_digin_setup(..)
int oak_digin_setup(int* deviceHandle, char* oakDiginDevice)
  int oak_stat;

  oak_stat = CHECK_OAK_CALL(openDevice(oakDiginDevice, deviceHandle));
  if (oak_stat != 0) return oak_stat;

  // get the device informations
  oak_stat = CHECK_OAK_CALL(getDeviceInfo(oakDiginHandle, &devInfo));
  if (oak_stat != 0) return oak_stat;

/*   fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_setup: Oak device: %s\n", devInfo.deviceName); */
/*   fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_setup: Volatile user device name: %s\n", devInfo.volatileUserDeviceName); */
/*   fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_setup: Persistent user device name: %s\n", devInfo.persistentUserDeviceName); */
/*   fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_setup: Serial number: %s\n", devInfo.serialNumber); */
/*   fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_setup: VendorID: 0x%.4x :: ProductID: 0x%.4x :: Version 0x%.4x\n", devInfo.vendorID, devInfo.productID, devInfo.version); */
/*   fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_setup: Number of channels: %d\n", devInfo.numberOfChannels); */

  if (strcmp(devInfo.deviceName, "Toradex Optical Isolated Input")) {
    return -1;
  // Set the LED Mode to indicate initialize state
  oak_stat = CHECK_OAK_CALL( setLedMode(*deviceHandle, eLedModeBlinkFast, false));
  if (oak_stat != 0) return oak_stat;

  // Set the report Mode
  oak_stat = CHECK_OAK_CALL(setReportMode(*deviceHandle, eReportModeAfterSampling, false));

  if (oak_stat != 0) return oak_stat;

  // Set the sample rate
  oak_stat = CHECK_OAK_CALL( setSampleRate(*deviceHandle, 50, false));
  if (oak_stat != 0) return oak_stat;

  // Retrieve Channel infos
  /* wildi ToDo
   * ChannelInfo* channelInfos = xmalloc(devInfo.numberOfChannels *sizeof(ChannelInfo));
   * ChannelInfo* chanInfo;
   * chanInfo = &channelInfos[1];
  return 0;