  Send to the controller a velocity.

  \param frame : Control frame type. Only articular (vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME)
  and camera frame (vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME) are implemented.

  \param v : Velocity to apply to the robot.

  - In the camera frame, this velocity is represented by a vector of dimension 6
  \f$ {\bf v} = [{\bf t}, {\bf \theta u }]^t \f$ where \f$ \bf t \f$ is a
  translation vector and \f$ {\bf \theta u} \f$ is a rotation vector (see
  vpThetaUVector): \f$ {\bf v} = [t_x, t_y, t_z, {\theta u}_x, {\theta u}_y,
  {\theta u}_z] \f$ (see vpTranslationVector and vpThetaUVector).

  - In articular, this velocity is represented by a 6 dimension vector \f$
  \dot{{\bf q}} = [{\bf t}, {\bf \theta u}]^t \f$ where \f$ \bf t \f$ is a
  translation vector and \f$ {\bf \theta u} \f$ is a rotation vector (see
  vpThetaUVector): \f$ \dot{{\bf q}} = [t_x, t_y, t_z, {\theta u}_x, {\theta
  u}_y, {\theta u}_z] \f$ (see vpTranslationVector and vpThetaUVector). The
  robot jacobian \f$ {^e}{\bf J}_e\f$ expressed in the end-effector frame is
  here set to identity.

  We use the exponential map (vpExponentialMap) to update the camera location.
  Sampling time can be set using setSamplingTime().

  \sa setSamplingTime()

vpSimulatorCamera::setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame,
                               const vpColVector &v)
  if (vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL != getRobotState ()) {

  switch (frame)
  case vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME:
  case vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME: {
      vpColVector v_max(6);

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
        v_max[i] = getMaxTranslationVelocity();
      for (unsigned int i=3; i<6; i++)
        v_max[i] = getMaxRotationVelocity();

      vpColVector v_sat = vpRobot::saturateVelocities(v, v_max, true);

      wMc_ = wMc_ * vpExponentialMap::direct(v_sat, delta_t_);
      break ;
  case vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME:
    vpERROR_TRACE ("Cannot set a velocity in the reference frame: "
                   "functionality not implemented");
    throw vpRobotException (vpRobotException::wrongStateError,
                            "Cannot set a velocity in the reference frame:"
                            "functionality not implemented");
    break ;
  case vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME:
    vpERROR_TRACE ("Cannot set a velocity in the mixt frame: "
                   "functionality not implemented");
    throw vpRobotException (vpRobotException::wrongStateError,
                            "Cannot set a velocity in the mixt frame:"
                            "functionality not implemented");

    break ;
  Send to the controller a velocity.

  \param frame : Control frame type. Only vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME is implemented.

  \param v : Velocity vector \f$(v_x, w_z)\f$ to apply to the robot.

  Depending on the velocity specified as input, the robot position is updated
  using the sampling time that can be modified using setSamplingTime().

  \sa setSamplingTime()

vpSimulatorPioneer::setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame,
                                const vpColVector &v)
  switch (frame)
  case vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME: {
      if (vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL != getRobotState ()) {

      // v is a 2 dimension vector that contains v,w
      if (v.size() != 2) {
        vpERROR_TRACE ("Bad dimension of the control vector");
        throw vpRobotException (vpRobotException::dimensionError,
                                "Bad dimension of the control vector");

      vpColVector v_max(2);

      v_max[0] = getMaxTranslationVelocity();
      v_max[1] = getMaxRotationVelocity();

      vpColVector v_sat = vpRobot::saturateVelocities(v, v_max, true);

      xm_ += delta_t_ * v_sat[0] * cos(theta_);
      ym_ += delta_t_ * v_sat[0] * sin(theta_);
      theta_ += delta_t_ * v_sat[1];

      vpRotationMatrix wRe(0, 0, theta_);
      vpTranslationVector wte(xm_, ym_, 0);
      wMe_.buildFrom(wte, wRe);
      wMc_ = wMe_ * cMe_.inverse();

      break ;
    break ;
  case vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME:
    vpERROR_TRACE ("Cannot set a velocity in the camera frame: "
                   "functionality not implemented");
    throw vpRobotException (vpRobotException::wrongStateError,
                            "Cannot set a velocity in the camera frame:"
                            "functionality not implemented");
    break ;
  case vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME:
    vpERROR_TRACE ("Cannot set a velocity in the reference frame: "
                   "functionality not implemented");
    throw vpRobotException (vpRobotException::wrongStateError,
                            "Cannot set a velocity in the articular frame:"
                            "functionality not implemented");
  case vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME:
    vpERROR_TRACE ("Cannot set a velocity in the mixt frame: "
		 "functionality not implemented");
    throw vpRobotException (vpRobotException::wrongStateError,
			    "Cannot set a velocity in the mixt frame:"
			    "functionality not implemented");

    break ;