void AdmTabBar::sTickTock() { if(NULL != m_time && m_time->elapsed() >= 250) { for(int i = 0; i < m_blinkTabs.count(); ++i) { if(m_blinkStatus) setTabTextColor(m_blinkTabs.at(i),palette().color(QPalette::Link)); else setTabTextColor(m_blinkTabs.at(i),palette().color(QPalette::WindowText)); } m_blinkStatus = !m_blinkStatus; m_time->restart(); } }
void TabBar::resetTabHighlighted(int index) { if (ReKonfig::animatedTabHighlighting()) removeAnimation(index); setTabTextColor(index, KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window).foreground(KColorScheme::NormalText).color()); }
void TabBar::setTabHighlighted(int index) { const QByteArray propertyName = highlightPropertyName(index); const QColor highlightColor = KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window).foreground(KColorScheme::PositiveText).color(); if (tabTextColor(index) != highlightColor) { if (ReKonfig::animatedTabHighlighting()) { m_tabHighlightEffect->setEnabled(true); m_tabHighlightEffect->setProperty(propertyName, qreal(0.9)); QPropertyAnimation *anim = new QPropertyAnimation(m_tabHighlightEffect, propertyName); m_highlightAnimation.insert(propertyName, anim); //setup the animation anim->setStartValue(0.9); anim->setEndValue(0.0); anim->setDuration(500); anim->setLoopCount(2); anim->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); m_animationMapper->setMapping(anim, index); connect(anim, SIGNAL(finished()), m_animationMapper, SLOT(map())); } setTabTextColor(index, highlightColor); } }
void KateTabBar::slotDocumentChange(KTextEditor::Document *document) { int key = m_keys [document]; // sets the icon setTabIcon(key, KIcon(KIO::pixmapForUrl(document->url(), 0, KIconLoader::Desktop, 16))); if(document->isModified()) { setTabText(key, document->documentName() + " *"); setTabTextColor(key, Qt::red); } else { setTabText(key, document->documentName()); setTabTextColor(key, Qt::black); } }
void TabBar::overrideTabTextColor(int index, QColor color) { if (!m_originalTabTextColor.isValid()) { m_originalTabTextColor = tabTextColor(index); } setTabTextColor(index, color); }
void MyTabBar::slotToggleActive(int state) { QString buttonName = this->sender()->objectName(); int index = buttonName.right(1).toInt() - 1; QPalette palette = QApplication::palette(); setTabTextColor(index, state == Qt::Checked ? palette.text().color() : palette.dark().color()); // setTabEnabled(index, state == Qt::Checked); emit toggledEnable(index + 1, state == Qt::Checked); }
void pTabBar::dropEvent( QDropEvent* event ) { if ( !event->mimeData()->hasUrls() ) { // get drop tab int ni = tabAt( event->pos() ); // if get it if ( ni != -1 ) { // get original tab infos int oi = event->mimeData()->data( "x-tabindex" ).toInt(); QVariant otd = tabData( oi ); QIcon oti = tabIcon( oi ); QString ott = tabText( oi ); QColor ottc = tabTextColor( oi ); QString ottt = tabToolTip( oi ); QString otwt = tabWhatsThis( oi ); // remove original tab removeTab( oi ); // insert new one with correct infos int i = insertTab( ni, oti, ott ); setTabData( i, otd ); setTabTextColor( i, ottc ); setTabToolTip( i, ottt ); setTabWhatsThis( i, otwt ); //accept event->acceptProposedAction(); // emit signal emit tabDropped( oi, i ); // set new current index setCurrentIndex( i ); } } else emit urlsDropped( event->mimeData()->urls () ); // default event QTabBar::dropEvent( event ); }
void AdmTabBar::delBlinkingTab(int tabIndex) { if(m_blinkTabs.contains(tabIndex)) { m_timer->blockSignals(true); m_blinkTabs.removeOne(tabIndex); setTabTextColor(tabIndex,palette().color(QPalette::WindowText)); m_timer->blockSignals(false); } if(m_blinkTabs.count() == 0) { disconnect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sTickTock())); delete m_timer; m_timer = NULL; delete m_time; m_time = NULL; } }
/*! \details Redo the tabs color */ void pTabBar::resetTabsColor() { for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) setTabTextColor( i, i == currentIndex() ? currentTabColor() : tabsColor() ); }
void TabBar::restoreTabTextColor(int index) { setTabTextColor(index, m_originalTabTextColor); }