int EDIT_TOOL::Remove( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { const SELECTION& selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection(); if( !makeSelection( selection ) || m_selectionTool->CheckLock() ) { setTransitions(); return 0; } // Get a copy of the selected items set PICKED_ITEMS_LIST selectedItems = selection.items; PCB_BASE_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>(); // As we are about to remove items, they have to be removed from the selection first m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true ); // Save them for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectedItems.GetCount(); ++i ) selectedItems.SetPickedItemStatus( UR_DELETED, i ); editFrame->OnModify(); editFrame->SaveCopyInUndoList( selectedItems, UR_DELETED ); // And now remove for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectedItems.GetCount(); ++i ) remove( static_cast<BOARD_ITEM*>( selectedItems.GetPickedItem( i ) ) ); getModel<BOARD>()->GetRatsnest()->Recalculate(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int EDIT_TOOL::Flip( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { const SELECTION& selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection(); PCB_BASE_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>(); // Shall the selection be cleared at the end? bool unselect = selection.Empty(); if( !makeSelection( selection ) || m_selectionTool->CheckLock() ) { setTransitions(); return 0; } wxPoint flipPoint = getModificationPoint( selection ); if( !m_dragging ) // If it is being dragged, then it is already saved with UR_CHANGED flag { editFrame->OnModify(); editFrame->SaveCopyInUndoList( selection.items, UR_FLIPPED, flipPoint ); } for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selection.items.GetCount(); ++i ) { BOARD_ITEM* item = selection.Item<BOARD_ITEM>( i ); item->Flip( flipPoint ); if( !m_dragging ) item->ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::LAYERS ); } updateRatsnest( m_dragging ); // Update dragging offset (distance between cursor and the first dragged item) m_offset = static_cast<BOARD_ITEM*>( selection.items.GetPickedItem( 0 ) )->GetPosition() - flipPoint; if( m_dragging )>ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY ); else getModel<BOARD>()->GetRatsnest()->Recalculate(); if( unselect ) m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true ); m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::pointEditorUpdate, true ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::GridPrev( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->SetPrevGrid(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int SELECTION_TOOL::SingleSelection( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { selectSingle( getView()->ToWorld( getViewControls()->GetMousePosition() ) ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int SELECTION_TOOL::ClearSelection( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { clearSelection(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::GridFast2( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->SetFastGrid2(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::HighContrastDec( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; setTransitions(); return 0; }
bool EDIT_TOOL::Init() { // Find the selection tool, so they can cooperate m_selectionTool = static_cast<SELECTION_TOOL*>( m_toolMgr->FindTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" ) ); if( !m_selectionTool ) { DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection tool is not available" ) ); return false; } // Add context menu entries that are displayed when selection tool is active m_selectionTool->AddMenuItem( COMMON_ACTIONS::editActivate, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); m_selectionTool->AddMenuItem( COMMON_ACTIONS::rotate, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); m_selectionTool->AddMenuItem( COMMON_ACTIONS::flip, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); m_selectionTool->AddMenuItem( COMMON_ACTIONS::remove, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); m_selectionTool->AddMenuItem( COMMON_ACTIONS::properties, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty ); m_offset.x = 0; m_offset.y = 0; setTransitions(); return true; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::LayerBottom( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->SetActiveLayer( LAYER_N_BACK, true ); getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->GetGalCanvas()->SetFocus(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::LayerInner6( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->SwitchLayer( NULL, LAYER_N_7 ); getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->GetGalCanvas()->SetFocus(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::PadDisplayMode( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { wxCommandEvent dummy; getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->OnTogglePadDrawMode( dummy ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ShowHelp( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { // TODO DisplayInfoMessage( m_frame, _( "Not implemented yet." ) ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ZoomCenter( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView(); view->SetCenter( getViewControls()->GetCursorPosition() ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
// Miscellaneous int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ResetCoords( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { VECTOR2I cursorPos = getViewControls()->GetCursorPosition(); m_frame->GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ); m_frame->UpdateStatusBar(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::SelectionCrossProbe( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); const SELECTION& selection = selTool->GetSelection(); if( selection.Size() == 1 ) m_frame->SendMessageToEESCHEMA( selection.Item<BOARD_ITEM>( 0 ) ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::LayerNext( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PCB_EDIT_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>(); LAYER_NUM layer = editFrame->GetActiveLayer(); layer = ( layer + 1 ) % ( LAST_COPPER_LAYER + 1 ); assert( IsCopperLayer( layer ) ); editFrame->SwitchLayer( NULL, layer ); editFrame->GetGalCanvas()->SetFocus(); setTransitions(); return 0; }
bool PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::Init() { SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); if( selTool ) { selTool->AddSubMenu( new ZONE_CONTEXT_MENU, wxT( "Zones" ), SELECTION_CONDITIONS::OnlyType( PCB_ZONE_AREA_T ) ); } setTransitions(); return true; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::SwitchUnits( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { // TODO should not it be refactored to pcb_frame member function? wxCommandEvent evt( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ); if( g_UserUnit == INCHES ) evt.SetId( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_MM ); else evt.SetId( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_INCH ); m_frame->ProcessEvent( evt ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::HighContrastMode( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { KIGFX::PCB_PAINTER* painter = static_cast<KIGFX::PCB_PAINTER*>( m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView()->GetPainter() ); KIGFX::PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS* settings = static_cast<KIGFX::PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS*> ( painter->GetSettings() ); DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay = !DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay; settings->LoadDisplayOptions( DisplayOpt ); m_frame->SetHighContrastLayer( m_frame->GetActiveLayer() ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
bool POINT_EDITOR::Init() { // Find the selection tool, so they can cooperate m_selectionTool = static_cast<SELECTION_TOOL*>( m_toolMgr->FindTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" ) ); if( !m_selectionTool ) { DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection tool is not available" ) ); return false; } setTransitions(); return true; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ViaSizeDec( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>( PCB_T ); int sizeIndex = board->GetViaSizeIndex() - 1; if( sizeIndex < 0 ) sizeIndex = 0; board->SetViaSizeIndex( sizeIndex ); wxUpdateUIEvent dummy; getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->OnUpdateSelectViaSize( dummy ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::TrackWidthDec( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>( PCB_T ); int widthIndex = board->GetTrackWidthIndex() - 1; if( widthIndex < 0 ) widthIndex = 0; board->SetTrackWidthIndex( widthIndex ); wxUpdateUIEvent dummy; getEditFrame<PCB_EDIT_FRAME>()->OnUpdateSelectTrackWidth( dummy ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::ZoneUnfillAll( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>(); for( int i = 0; i < board->GetAreaCount(); ++i ) { ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = board->GetArea( i ); zone->SetIsFilled( false ); zone->ClearFilledPolysList(); zone->ViewUpdate(); } setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::ZoneFillAll( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>(); for( int i = 0; i < board->GetAreaCount(); ++i ) { ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = board->GetArea( i ); m_frame->Fill_Zone( zone ); zone->SetIsFilled( true ); zone->ViewUpdate(); } setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ZoomInOutCenter( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView(); KIGFX::GAL* gal = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL(); if( aEvent.IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::zoomInCenter ) ) m_frame->SetPrevZoom(); else if( aEvent.IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::zoomOutCenter ) ) m_frame->SetNextZoom(); double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor(); double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * m_frame->GetZoom() ); view->SetScale( zoom ); setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::TrackWidthDec( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>(); int widthIndex = board->GetDesignSettings().GetTrackWidthIndex() - 1; if( widthIndex < 0 ) widthIndex = 0; board->GetDesignSettings().SetTrackWidthIndex( widthIndex ); board->GetDesignSettings().UseCustomTrackViaSize( false ); wxUpdateUIEvent dummy; m_frame->OnUpdateSelectTrackWidth( dummy ); setTransitions(); m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::trackViaSizeChanged ); return 0; }
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::ZoneUnfill( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>(); const SELECTION& selection = selTool->GetSelection(); for( int i = 0; i < selection.Size(); ++i ) { assert( selection.Item<BOARD_ITEM>( i )->Type() == PCB_ZONE_AREA_T ); ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = selection.Item<ZONE_CONTAINER>( i ); zone->SetIsFilled( false ); zone->ClearFilledPolysList(); zone->ViewUpdate(); } setTransitions(); return 0; }
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::ViaSizeInc( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>(); int sizeIndex = board->GetDesignSettings().GetViaSizeIndex() + 1; if( sizeIndex >= (int) board->GetDesignSettings().m_ViasDimensionsList.size() ) sizeIndex = board->GetDesignSettings().m_ViasDimensionsList.size() - 1; board->GetDesignSettings().SetViaSizeIndex( sizeIndex ); board->GetDesignSettings().UseCustomTrackViaSize( false ); wxUpdateUIEvent dummy; m_frame->OnUpdateSelectViaSize( dummy ); setTransitions(); m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::trackViaSizeChanged ); return 0; }
void SELECTION_TOOL::Reset( RESET_REASON aReason ) { if( aReason == TOOL_BASE::MODEL_RELOAD ) // Remove pointers to the selected items from containers // without changing their properties (as they are already deleted) m_selection.clear(); else // Restore previous properties of selected items and remove them from containers clearSelection(); m_frame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>(); m_locked = true; // Reinsert the VIEW_GROUP, in case it was removed from the VIEW getView()->Remove( ); getView()->Add( ); setTransitions(); }
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::TrackDisplayMode( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { KIGFX::PCB_PAINTER* painter = static_cast<KIGFX::PCB_PAINTER*>( m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView()->GetPainter() ); KIGFX::PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS* settings = static_cast<KIGFX::PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS*> ( painter->GetSettings() ); // Apply new display options to the GAL canvas DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill = !DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill; m_frame->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill; settings->LoadDisplayOptions( DisplayOpt ); BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>( PCB_T ); for( TRACK* track = board->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() ) track->ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY ); setTransitions(); return 0; }