bool GPUSMProcessor::advance_clock(FlodID fid) { if (!active) { // time to remove from the running queue TaskHandler::removeFromRunning(cpu_id); return false; } fetch(fid); if (!busy) return false;; setWallClock(); if (unlikely(throttlingRatio>1)) { throttling_cntr++; uint32_t skip = ceil(throttlingRatio/getTurboRatioGPU()); if (throttling_cntr < skip) { return true; } throttling_cntr = 1; } // ID Stage (insert to instQueue) if (spaceInInstQueue >= FetchWidth) { //MSG("\nFor CPU %d:",getId()); IBucket *bucket = pipeQ.pipeLine.nextItem(); if( bucket ) { I(!bucket->empty()); spaceInInstQueue -= bucket->size(); pipeQ.instQueue.push(bucket); }else{; } }else{; } // RENAME Stage if ( !pipeQ.instQueue.empty() ) { // FIXME: Clear the per PE counter spaceInInstQueue += issue(pipeQ); }else if (ROB.empty() && rROB.empty()) { //I(0); // Still busy if we have some in-flight requests busy = pipeQ.pipeLine.hasOutstandingItems(); return true; } retire(); return true; }
bool AccProcessor::advance_clock(FlowID fid) /* Full execution: fetch|rename|retire {{{1 */ { // MSG("@%lld: AccProcessor::advance_clock(fid=%d) cpu_id=%d\n",(long long int)globalClock,fid,cpu_id); if( globalClock > 500 && ((globalClock % 10) == (fid)) ) { if( reqid & 1 ) { //MSG("@%lld: AccProcessor::advance_clock(fid=%d) memRequest write cpu_id=%d myAddr=%016llx\n",(long long int)globalClock,fid,cpu_id,(long long int)myAddr); MemRequest::sendReqWrite(memorySystem->getDL1(), true, myAddr+=addrIncr, write_performedCB::create(this,reqid++,globalClock)); } else { //MSG("@%lld: AccProcessor::advance_clock(fid=%d) memRequest read cpu_id=%d myAddr=%016llx\n",(long long int)globalClock,fid,cpu_id,(long long int)myAddr); MemRequest::sendReqRead(memorySystem->getDL1(), true, myAddr, read_performedCB::create(this,reqid++,globalClock)); } } if (!active) { return false; }; setWallClock(true); return true; }