void ColorSchemeGraphicsItem::updateRects() { qDeleteAll(m_rects); m_rects.clear(); const auto parent = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(parentWidget()); const auto dpiScale = DpiAware::dpiBasedScale(parent); const auto invRatio = 1.0 / DpiAware::devicePixelRatio(parent); const QSize rectSize = m_rectSize.toSize() * dpiScale; const int margin = m_margin * dpiScale; // this is required to be an int auto pen = QPen(QPalette().dark().color()); pen.setWidthF(invRatio); for (uint i = 0; i < m_classes; ++i) { auto rect = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); rect->setPen(pen); rect->setRect(margin, margin + i * (rectSize.height() + m_padding), rectSize.width(), rectSize.height()); m_rects << rect; } updateBrushes(); updateTooltips(); m_frame->setRect(0, 0, rectSize.width() + 2.0 * margin + invRatio, rectSize.height() * m_classes + m_padding * (m_classes - 1) + 2.0 * margin + invRatio); update(); }
void DataSourceControlWidget::treatLineWidthChanging() { if (mDataSource) { auto graphStyle = mDataSource->graphStyle(); auto pen = graphStyle->pen(); pen.setWidthF(ui->lineWidthDoubleSpinBox->value()); graphStyle->setPen(pen); } }