void LoadRaw3::separateMonitors(FILE *file, const int64_t &period,
                                const std::vector<specnum_t> &monitorList,
                                DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr,
                                DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr mws_sptr) {
  int64_t histCurrent = -1;
  int64_t wsIndex = 0;
  int64_t mwsIndex = 0;
  double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods);
  // loop through spectra
  for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) {
    int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1);
    if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) ||
        (m_list &&
         find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) !=
             m_spec_list.end())) {
      progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data...");

      // read spectrum from raw file
      if (!readData(file, histToRead)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file");
      // if this a monitor  store that spectrum to monitor workspace
      if (isMonitor(monitorList, i)) {
        setWorkspaceData(mws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, mwsIndex, i,
                         m_noTimeRegimes, m_lengthIn, 1);
      } else {
        // not a monitor,store the spectrum to normal output workspace
        setWorkspaceData(ws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i,
                         m_noTimeRegimes, m_lengthIn, 1);

      if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) {
        if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) {
          setProg(static_cast<double>(histCurrent) / histTotal);

    } else {
      skipData(file, histToRead);
/** This method creates outputworkspace excluding monitors
 *@param file :: -pointer to file
 *@param period :: period number
 *@param monitorList :: a list containing the spectrum numbers for monitors
 *@param ws_sptr :: shared pointer to workspace
void LoadRaw3::excludeMonitors(FILE *file, const int &period,
                               const std::vector<specnum_t> &monitorList,
                               DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr) {
  int64_t histCurrent = -1;
  int64_t wsIndex = 0;
  double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods);
  // loop through the spectra
  for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) {
    specnum_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1);
    if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) ||
        (m_list &&
         find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) !=
             m_spec_list.end())) {
      progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data...");
      // skip monitor spectrum
      if (isMonitor(monitorList, i)) {
        skipData(file, histToRead);

      // read spectrum
      if (!readData(file, histToRead)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file");
      // set the workspace data
      setWorkspaceData(ws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes,
                       m_lengthIn, 1);
      // increment workspace index

      if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) {
        if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) {
          setProg(static_cast<double>(histCurrent) / histTotal);

    } // end of if loop for spec min,max check
    else {
      skipData(file, histToRead);
  } // end of for loop
/**This method creates outputworkspace including monitors
 *@param file :: -pointer to file
 *@param period :: period number
 *@param ws_sptr :: shared pointer to workspace
void LoadRaw3::includeMonitors(FILE *file, const int64_t &period,
                               DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr) {

  int64_t histCurrent = -1;
  int64_t wsIndex = 0;
  double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods);
  // loop through spectra
  for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) {
    int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1);
    if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) ||
        (m_list &&
         find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) !=
             m_spec_list.end())) {
      progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data...");

      // read spectrum from raw file
      if (!readData(file, histToRead)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file");
      // set workspace data
      setWorkspaceData(ws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes,
                       m_lengthIn, 1);

      if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) {
        if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) {
          setProg(double(histCurrent) / histTotal);

    } else {
      skipData(file, histToRead);
  // loadSpectra(file,period,m_total_specs,ws_sptr,m_timeChannelsVec);
/** Executes the algorithm. Reading in the file and creating and populating
 *  the output workspace
 *  @throw Exception::FileError If the RAW file cannot be found/opened
 *  @throw std::invalid_argument If the optional properties are set to invalid values
void LoadRawBin0::exec()
	// Retrieve the filename from the properties
	m_filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");

	bool bLoadlogFiles = getProperty("LoadLogFiles");

	//open the raw file
	FILE* file=openRawFile(m_filename);

	// Need to check that the file is not a text file as the ISISRAW routines don't deal with these very well, i.e 
	// reading continues until a bad_alloc is encountered.
	if( isAscii(file) )
		g_log.error() << "File \"" << m_filename << "\" is not a valid RAW file.\n";
		throw std::invalid_argument("Incorrect file type encountered.");
	std::string title;



	// to validate the optional parameters, if set

    // Calculate the size of a workspace, given its number of periods & spectra to read
     m_total_specs = calculateWorkspaceSize();

 //no real X values for bin 0,so initialize this to zero
  boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec> channelsVec(new MantidVec(1,0));

  double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods);
  int64_t histCurrent = -1;
  // Create the 2D workspace for the output xlength and ylength is one 
  DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace = createWorkspace(m_total_specs, 1,1,title);
  Run& run = localWorkspace->mutableRun();
  if (bLoadlogFiles)
    runLoadLog(m_filename,localWorkspace, 0.0, 0.0);
    const int period_number = 1;
    createPeriodLogs(period_number, localWorkspace);
  // Set the total proton charge for this run

  WorkspaceGroup_sptr ws_grp = createGroupWorkspace();
  setWorkspaceProperty("OutputWorkspace", title, ws_grp, localWorkspace,m_numberOfPeriods, false);
  // Loop over the number of periods in the raw file, putting each period in a separate workspace
  for (int period = 0; period < m_numberOfPeriods; ++period)
    if (period > 0)

      if (bLoadlogFiles)
        //remove previous period data
        std::stringstream prevPeriod;
        prevPeriod << "PERIOD " << (period);
        Run& runObj = localWorkspace->mutableRun();
        //add current period data
        const int period_number = period + 1;
        createPeriodLogs(period_number, localWorkspace);

    skipData(file, period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1));
    int64_t wsIndex = 0;
    for (specid_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i)
      int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1);
      if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) || (m_list && find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(),
          i) != m_spec_list.end()))
        progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data...");
        //readData(file, histToRead);
		  //read spectrum 
		  if (!readData(file, histToRead))
			  throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file");
		  int64_t binStart=0;
		  setWorkspaceData(localWorkspace, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes,1,binStart);

      if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1)
        if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0)
          m_prog = double(histCurrent) / histTotal;

		  skipData(file, histToRead);
		setWorkspaceProperty(localWorkspace, ws_grp, period, false);
		// progress for workspace groups 
		m_prog = static_cast<double>(period) / static_cast<double>(m_numberOfPeriods - 1);
  } // loop over periods
  // Clean up