int main() { spaceship* s = malloc(sizeof(spaceship)); s->speed = 1; set_identity( &(s->heading) ); int i = 0; for(; i < 10; i++) { print_spaceship( s ); float yaw = 0.0; float pitch = 0.0; float roll = 0.2; rotation3 d_heading = get_rotation( yaw, pitch, roll ); update_spaceship( s, d_heading ); printf("\n"); //gameloop( s, (circle3*)s ); } vector2 v; v.x = 1; v.y = 10; vector2* w = clip_to_screen( &v, 6, 4 ); printf( "%f \t%f\n", w->x, w->y ); return; };
void CameraMatrix::set_frustum(float p_left, float p_right, float p_bottom, float p_top, float p_near, float p_far) { #if 0 ///@TODO, give a check to this. I'm not sure if it's working. set_identity(); matrix[0][0]=(2*p_near) / (p_right-p_left); matrix[0][2]=(p_right+p_left) / (p_right-p_left); matrix[1][1]=(2*p_near) / (p_top-p_bottom); matrix[1][2]=(p_top+p_bottom) / (p_top-p_bottom); matrix[2][2]=-(p_far+p_near) / ( p_far-p_near); matrix[2][3]=-(2*p_far*p_near) / (p_far-p_near); matrix[3][2]=-1; matrix[3][3]=0; #else float *te = &matrix[0][0]; float x = 2 * p_near / ( p_right - p_left ); float y = 2 * p_near / ( p_top - p_bottom ); float a = ( p_right + p_left ) / ( p_right - p_left ); float b = ( p_top + p_bottom ) / ( p_top - p_bottom ); float c = - ( p_far + p_near ) / ( p_far - p_near ); float d = - 2 * p_far * p_near / ( p_far - p_near ); te[0] = x; te[4] = 0; te[8] = a; te[12] = 0; te[1] = 0; te[5] = y; te[9] = b; te[13] = 0; te[2] = 0; te[6] = 0; te[10] = c; te[14] = d; te[3] = 0; te[7] = 0; te[11] = - 1; te[15] = 0; #endif }
void matrix::read(stream* in) // Initialize from the stream. { in->align(); set_identity(); int has_scale = in->read_uint(1); if (has_scale) { int scale_nbits = in->read_uint(5); m_[0][0] = in->read_sint(scale_nbits) / 65536.0f; m_[1][1] = in->read_sint(scale_nbits) / 65536.0f; } int has_rotate = in->read_uint(1); if (has_rotate) { int rotate_nbits = in->read_uint(5); m_[1][0] = in->read_sint(rotate_nbits) / 65536.0f; m_[0][1] = in->read_sint(rotate_nbits) / 65536.0f; } int translate_nbits = in->read_uint(5); if (translate_nbits > 0) { m_[0][2] = (float) in->read_sint(translate_nbits); m_[1][2] = (float) in->read_sint(translate_nbits); } //IF_VERBOSE_PARSE(log_msg(" mat: has_scale = %d, has_rotate = %d\n", has_scale, has_rotate)); }
void matrix::set_inverse(const matrix& m) // Set this matrix to the inverse of the given matrix. { assert(this != &m); // Invert the rotation part. float det = m.m_[0][0] * m.m_[1][1] - m.m_[0][1] * m.m_[1][0]; if (det == 0.0f) { // Not invertible. //assert(0); // castano: this happens sometimes! (ie. sample6.swf) // Arbitrary fallback. set_identity(); m_[0][2] = -m.m_[0][2]; m_[1][2] = -m.m_[1][2]; } else { float inv_det = 1.0f / det; m_[0][0] = m.m_[1][1] * inv_det; m_[1][1] = m.m_[0][0] * inv_det; m_[0][1] = -m.m_[0][1] * inv_det; m_[1][0] = -m.m_[1][0] * inv_det; m_[0][2] = -(m_[0][0] * m.m_[0][2] + m_[0][1] * m.m_[1][2]); m_[1][2] = -(m_[1][0] * m.m_[0][2] + m_[1][1] * m.m_[1][2]); } }
void CameraMatrix::set_perspective(real_t p_fovy_degrees, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far, bool p_flip_fov) { if (p_flip_fov) { p_fovy_degrees = get_fovy(p_fovy_degrees, 1.0 / p_aspect); } real_t sine, cotangent, deltaZ; real_t radians = p_fovy_degrees / 2.0 * Math_PI / 180.0; deltaZ = p_z_far - p_z_near; sine = Math::sin(radians); if ((deltaZ == 0) || (sine == 0) || (p_aspect == 0)) { return; } cotangent = Math::cos(radians) / sine; set_identity(); matrix[0][0] = cotangent / p_aspect; matrix[1][1] = cotangent; matrix[2][2] = -(p_z_far + p_z_near) / deltaZ; matrix[2][3] = -1; matrix[3][2] = -2 * p_z_near * p_z_far / deltaZ; matrix[3][3] = 0; }
void CameraMatrix::make_scale(const Vector3 &p_scale) { set_identity(); matrix[0][0] = p_scale.x; matrix[1][1] = p_scale.y; matrix[2][2] = p_scale.z; }
// invert this SWFMatrix and return the result. SWFMatrix& SWFMatrix::invert() { const boost::int64_t det = determinant(); if (det == 0) { set_identity(); return *this; } const double dn = 65536.0 * 65536.0 / det; const boost::int32_t t0 = (boost::int32_t)(d() * dn); _d = (boost::int32_t)(a() * dn); _c = (boost::int32_t)(-c() * dn); _b = (boost::int32_t)(-b() * dn); const boost::int32_t t4 = -(multiplyFixed16(_tx, t0) + multiplyFixed16(_ty, _c)); _ty = -(multiplyFixed16(_tx, _b) + multiplyFixed16(_ty, _d)); _a = t0; _tx = t4; return *this; }
void VSObjectTransformation::yzRotate(double angle /*deg*/) { double theta=angle*PI/180; double44 hold; set_identity(hold); hold[1][1]=cos(theta); hold[1][2]=-sin(theta); hold[2][1]=sin(theta); hold[2][2]=cos(theta); left_multiply_by(hold); }
void Mat4::set_translate( GLfloat tx, GLfloat ty, GLfloat tz ) { // "this" is a pointer to this class's mat4 (this->name) set_identity( ); this->m[0][3] = tx; this->m[1][3] = ty; this->m[2][3] = tz; }
void Mat4::set_scale( GLfloat sx, GLfloat sy, GLfloat sz ) { // "this" is a pointer to this class's mat4 (this->name) set_identity( ); this->m[0][0] = sx; this->m[1][1] = sy; this->m[2][2] = sz; }
void CameraMatrix::set_orthogonal(real_t p_left, real_t p_right, real_t p_bottom, real_t p_top, real_t p_znear, real_t p_zfar) { set_identity(); matrix[0][0] = 2.0 / (p_right - p_left); matrix[3][0] = -((p_right + p_left) / (p_right - p_left)); matrix[1][1] = 2.0 / (p_top - p_bottom); matrix[3][1] = -((p_top + p_bottom) / (p_top - p_bottom)); matrix[2][2] = -2.0 / (p_zfar - p_znear); matrix[3][2] = -((p_zfar + p_znear) / (p_zfar - p_znear)); matrix[3][3] = 1.0; }
void Mat4::set_rotateZ( GLfloat deg ) { // "this" is a pointer to this class's mat4 (this->name) GLfloat theta = deg * D2R; set_identity( ); this->m[0][0] = cos(theta); this->m[1][1] = cos(theta); this->m[1][0] = sin(theta); this->m[0][1] = -sin(theta); }
void Mat4::set_perspective( GLfloat fovy, GLfloat ratio, GLfloat znear, GLfloat zfar) { GLfloat top = tan(fovy*D2R/2.0f) * znear; GLfloat right = top * ratio; set_identity(); m[0][0] = znear/right; m[1][1] = znear/top; m[2][2] = -(zfar + znear)/(zfar - znear); m[2][3] = -2.0*zfar*znear/(zfar - znear); m[3][2] = -1.0; m[3][3] = 0.0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { set_identity (argv[0]); log_to (LOGTO_STDERR); setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); parse_options (argc, argv, envp); if (show_version) { printf (_("%s version %s (built %s %s, protocol version %d.%d)\n"), get_identity (), VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__, PROTOCOL_MAJOR, PROTOCOL_MINOR); printf (_("Built with kernel interface %s/%s.\n"), IFTYPE, IFSUBTYPE); printf (_ ("Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Marc Lehmann <*****@*****.**> and others.\n" "See the AUTHORS file for a complete list.\n\n" "vpe comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,\n" "and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;\n" "see the file COPYING for details.\n")); return 0; } if (show_help) usage (0); { configuration_parser (conf, false, 0, 0); } if (generate_keys) { RAND_load_file ("/dev/urandom", 1024); exit (keygen (generate_keys)); } if (kill_gvpe) exit (kill_other (kill_gvpe)); if (show_config) { conf.print (); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } usage (1); }
static __attribute__ ((noreturn)) void allow(struct su_context *ctx) { char *arg0; int argc, err; umask(ctx->umask); // No send to UI accepted requests for shell and root users (they are in the log) // if( ctx->from.uid != AID_SHELL && ctx->from.uid != AID_ROOT ) { send_result(ctx, ALLOW); // } arg0 = strrchr (ctx->, '/'); arg0 = (arg0) ? arg0 + 1 : ctx->; if (ctx->to.login) { int s = strlen(arg0) + 2; char *p = malloc(s); if (!p) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); *p = '-'; strcpy(p + 1, arg0); arg0 = p; } populate_environment(ctx); set_identity(ctx->to.uid); #define PARG(arg) \ (ctx->to.optind + (arg) < ctx->to.argc) ? " " : "", \ (ctx->to.optind + (arg) < ctx->to.argc) ? ctx->to.argv[ctx->to.optind + (arg)] : "" LOGD("%u %s executing %u %s using shell %s : %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", ctx->from.uid, ctx->from.bin, ctx->to.uid, get_command(&ctx->to), ctx->, arg0, PARG(0), PARG(1), PARG(2), PARG(3), PARG(4), PARG(5), (ctx->to.optind + 6 < ctx->to.argc) ? " ..." : ""); argc = ctx->to.optind; if (ctx->to.command) { ctx->to.argv[--argc] = ctx->to.command; ctx->to.argv[--argc] = "-c"; } ctx->to.argv[--argc] = arg0; execv(ctx->, ctx->to.argv + argc); err = errno; PLOGE("exec"); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot execute %s: %s\n", ctx->, strerror(err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
/* Master init function for the account plugin */ int acct_policy_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { void *plugin_id; int enabled; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_ENABLED, &enabled); if (!enabled) { /* not enabled */ return( CALLBACK_OK ); } if ( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&plugin_desc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_CLOSE_FN, (void *)&acct_policy_close ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_START_FN, (void *)acct_policy_start ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, PLUGIN_NAME, "acct_policy_init - Registration failed\n" ); return( CALLBACK_ERR ); } if( slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &plugin_id ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, PLUGIN_NAME, "acct_policy_init - Failed to get plugin identity\n" ); return( CALLBACK_ERR ); } set_identity( plugin_id ); /* Register the pre and postop plugins */ if( slapi_register_plugin("preoperation", 1, "acct_preop_init", acct_preop_init, PRE_PLUGIN_DESC, NULL, plugin_id) != 0 || slapi_register_plugin("postoperation", 1, "acct_postop_init", acct_postop_init, POST_PLUGIN_DESC, NULL, plugin_id) != 0 ) { slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, PLUGIN_NAME, "acct_policy_init - Failed to register callbacks\n" ); return( CALLBACK_ERR ); } return( CALLBACK_OK ); }
main() { int matrix[SIZE][SIZE]; set_identity(matrix); print_identity(matrix); if(test_identity(matrix)) { printf("is identity matrix\n"); } else { printf("is NOT identity matrix\n"); } matrix[0][3] = 1; print_identity(matrix); if(test_identity(matrix)) { printf("is identity matrix\n"); } else { printf("is NOT identity matrix\n"); } }
void VSObjectTransformation::invert() { double44 result; set_identity(result); double d33=det33(m_data); result[0][0]=(m_data[1][1]*m_data[2][2]-m_data[2][1]*m_data[1][2])*(+1)/d33; result[1][0]=(m_data[1][0]*m_data[2][2]-m_data[2][0]*m_data[1][2])*(-1)/d33; result[2][0]=(m_data[1][0]*m_data[2][1]-m_data[2][0]*m_data[1][1])*(+1)/d33; result[0][1]=(m_data[0][1]*m_data[2][2]-m_data[2][1]*m_data[0][2])*(-1)/d33; result[1][1]=(m_data[0][0]*m_data[2][2]-m_data[2][0]*m_data[0][2])*(+1)/d33; result[2][1]=(m_data[0][0]*m_data[2][1]-m_data[2][0]*m_data[0][1])*(-1)/d33; result[0][2]=(m_data[0][1]*m_data[1][2]-m_data[1][1]*m_data[0][2])*(+1)/d33; result[1][2]=(m_data[0][0]*m_data[1][2]-m_data[1][0]*m_data[0][2])*(-1)/d33; result[2][2]=(m_data[0][0]*m_data[1][1]-m_data[1][0]*m_data[0][1])*(+1)/d33; result[0][3]=-result[0][0]*m_data[0][3]-result[0][1]*m_data[1][3]-result[0][2]*m_data[2][3]; result[1][3]=-result[1][0]*m_data[0][3]-result[1][1]*m_data[1][3]-result[1][2]*m_data[2][3]; result[2][3]=-result[2][0]*m_data[0][3]-result[2][1]*m_data[1][3]-result[2][2]*m_data[2][3]; set_data(result); }
// TODO: leverage this with exec_log? static int silent_run(char* command) { char *args[] = { "sh", "-c", command, NULL, }; set_identity(0); pid_t pid; pid = fork(); /* Parent */ if (pid < 0) { PLOGE("fork"); return -1; } else if (pid > 0) { return 0; } int zero = open("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); dup2(zero, 0); int null = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC); dup2(null, 1); dup2(null, 2); execv(_PATH_BSHELL, args); PLOGE("exec am"); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); return -1; }
/** * Sets matrix to the identity matrix */ TRANSFORM2::TRANSFORM2() { set_identity(); }
VSObjectTransformation::VSObjectTransformation() { set_identity(m_data); }
void VSObjectTransformation::translate(double dx,double dy,double dz) { double44 hold; set_identity(hold); hold[0][3]=dx; hold[1][3]=dy; hold[2][3]=dz; left_multiply_by(hold); }
void VSObjectTransformation::scale(double sx,double sy,double sz) { double44 hold; set_identity(hold); hold[0][0]=sx; hold[1][1]=sy; hold[2][2]=sz; left_multiply_by(hold); }
CameraMatrix::CameraMatrix() { set_identity(); }
matrix::matrix() { // Default to identity. set_identity(); }
int main(int c, char *v[]) { if (c != 5 && c != 6 && c != 7) { fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t" "%s Axyz.tiff Bxyx.tiff homA homB [pairs2d [pairs3d]]\n",*v); //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 return 1; } char *filename_a = v[1]; char *filename_b = v[2]; char *homstring_a = v[3]; char *homstring_b = v[4]; char *filename_in = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-"; char *filename_out = c > 6 ? v[6] : "-"; double Ha[9], Hb[9], iHa[3][3], iHb[3][3]; int nHa = read_n_doubles_from_string(Ha, homstring_a, 9); int nHb = read_n_doubles_from_string(Hb, homstring_b, 9); if (nHa != 9) set_identity(Ha); if (nHb != 9) set_identity(Hb); invert_homography(iHa, (void*)Ha); invert_homography(iHb, (void*)Hb); int wa, ha, pda, wb, hb, pdb; float *a = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_a, &wa, &ha, &pda); float *b = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_b, &wb, &hb, &pdb); FILE *fi = xfopen(filename_in, "r"); FILE *fo = xfopen(filename_out, "w"); if (pda != pdb) return fprintf(stderr, "input images dimension mismatch\n"); if (pda != 1 && pda != 3) return fprintf(stderr, "input images should be h or xyz\n"); int n, lmax = 10000; char line[lmax]; while (n = getlinen(line, lmax, fi)) { double m[4], p[2], q[2]; int r = sscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", m, m + 1, m + 2, m + 3); if (r != 4) continue; apply_homography(p, iHa, m); apply_homography(q, iHb, m + 2); int ia = lrint(p[0]); int ja = lrint(p[1]); int ib = lrint(q[0]); int jb = lrint(q[1]); if (!insideP(wa, ha, ia, ja)) continue; if (!insideP(wb, hb, ib, jb)) continue; float *va = a + pda * (wa * ja + ia); float *vb = b + pda * (wb * jb + ib); if (!isfinite(*va)) continue; if (!isfinite(*vb)) continue; if (pda == 1) // heights fprintf(fo, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", p[0], p[1], *va, q[0], q[1], *vb); else // xyz fprintf(fo, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", va[0], va[1], va[2], vb[0], vb[1], vb[2]); } free(a); free(b); xfclose(fo); xfclose(fi); return 0; }
static __attribute__ ((noreturn)) void allow(struct su_context *ctx) { char *arg0; int argc, err; hacks_update_context(ctx); umask(ctx->umask); int send_to_app = 1; // no need to log if called by root if (ctx->from.uid == AID_ROOT) send_to_app = 0; // dumpstate (which logs to logcat/shell) will spam the crap out of the system with su calls if (strcmp("/system/bin/dumpstate", ctx->from.bin) == 0) send_to_app = 0; if (send_to_app) send_result(ctx, ALLOW); if(ctx->bind.from[0] && ctx->[0]) allow_bind(ctx); if(ctx->init[0]) allow_init(ctx); char *binary; argc = ctx->to.optind; if (ctx->to.command) { binary = ctx->; ctx->to.argv[--argc] = ctx->to.command; ctx->to.argv[--argc] = "-c"; } else if (ctx-> { binary = ctx->; } else { if (ctx->to.argv[argc]) { binary = ctx->to.argv[argc++]; } else { binary = DEFAULT_SHELL; } } arg0 = strrchr (binary, '/'); arg0 = (arg0) ? arg0 + 1 : binary; if (ctx->to.login) { int s = strlen(arg0) + 2; char *p = malloc(s); if (!p) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); *p = '-'; strcpy(p + 1, arg0); arg0 = p; } populate_environment(ctx); set_identity(ctx->to.uid); #define PARG(arg) \ (argc + (arg) < ctx->to.argc) ? " " : "", \ (argc + (arg) < ctx->to.argc) ? ctx->to.argv[argc + (arg)] : "" LOGD("%u %s executing %u %s using binary %s : %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", ctx->from.uid, ctx->from.bin, ctx->to.uid, get_command(&ctx->to), binary, arg0, PARG(0), PARG(1), PARG(2), PARG(3), PARG(4), PARG(5), (ctx->to.optind + 6 < ctx->to.argc) ? " ..." : ""); if(ctx->to.context && strcmp(ctx->to.context, "u:r:su_light:s0") == 0) { setexeccon(ctx->to.context); } else { setexeccon("u:r:su:s0"); } ctx->to.argv[--argc] = arg0; execvp(binary, ctx->to.argv + argc); err = errno; PLOGE("exec"); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot execute %s: %s\n", binary, strerror(err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
Mat4::Mat4( ) { set_identity( ); }