address CompiledStaticCall::emit_to_interp_stub(CodeBuffer &cbuf, address mark) {
  // Stub is fixed up when the corresponding call is converted from calling
  // compiled code to calling interpreted code.
  // set (empty), G5
  // jmp -1

  if (mark == NULL) {
    mark = cbuf.insts_mark();  // Get mark within main instrs section.

  MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);

  address base = __ start_a_stub(to_interp_stub_size());
  if (base == NULL) {
    return NULL;  // CodeBuffer::expand failed.

  // Static stub relocation stores the instruction address of the call.
  __ relocate(static_stub_Relocation::spec(mark));

  __ set_metadata(NULL, as_Register(Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode()));

  __ set_inst_mark();
  AddressLiteral addrlit(-1);
  __ JUMP(addrlit, G3, 0);

  __ delayed()->nop();

  assert(__ pc() - base <= to_interp_stub_size(), "wrong stub size");

  // Update current stubs pointer and restore code_end.
  __ end_a_stub();
  return base;
void CompiledStaticCall::emit_to_interp_stub(CodeBuffer &cbuf) {
#ifdef COMPILER2
  // Stub is fixed up when the corresponding call is converted from calling
  // compiled code to calling interpreted code.
  // set (empty), G5
  // jmp -1

  address mark = cbuf.insts_mark();  // Get mark within main instrs section.

  MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);

  address base =
  __ start_a_stub(to_interp_stub_size()*2);
  if (base == NULL) return;  // CodeBuffer::expand failed.

  // Static stub relocation stores the instruction address of the call.
  __ relocate(static_stub_Relocation::spec(mark));

  __ set_metadata(NULL, as_Register(Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode()));

  __ set_inst_mark();
  AddressLiteral addrlit(-1);
  __ JUMP(addrlit, G3, 0);

  __ delayed()->nop();

  // Update current stubs pointer and restore code_end.
  __ end_a_stub();
address CompiledStaticCall::emit_to_interp_stub(CodeBuffer &cbuf, address mark/* = NULL*/) {
#ifdef COMPILER2
  // Stub is fixed up when the corresponding call is converted from calling
  // compiled code to calling interpreted code.
  if (mark == NULL) {
    // Get the mark within main instrs section which is set to the address of the call.
    mark = cbuf.insts_mark();
  assert(mark != NULL, "mark must not be NULL");

  // Note that the code buffer's insts_mark is always relative to insts.
  // That's why we must use the macroassembler to generate a stub.
  MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);

  address stub = __ start_a_stub(Compile::MAX_stubs_size);
  if (stub == NULL) {
    return NULL;  // CodeBuffer::expand failed.
  __ relocate(static_stub_Relocation::spec(mark));

  AddressLiteral meta = __ allocate_metadata_address(NULL);
  bool success = __ load_const_from_toc(as_Register(Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode()), meta);

  __ set_inst_mark();
  AddressLiteral a((address)-1);
  success = success && __ load_const_from_toc(Z_R1, a);
  if (!success) {
    return NULL;  // CodeCache is full.

  __ z_br(Z_R1);
  __ end_a_stub(); // Update current stubs pointer and restore insts_end.
  return stub;