bool PGM_KICAD::OnPgmInit( wxApp* aWxApp )
    m_wx_app = aWxApp;      // first thing.

    wxString absoluteArgv0 = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath();

    if( !wxIsAbsolutePath( absoluteArgv0 ) )
        wxLogError( wxT( "No meaningful argv[0]" ) );
        return false;

    // Set LIB_ENV_VAR *before* loading the KIFACE DSOs, in case they have hard
    // dependencies on subsidiary DSOs below it.
    set_lib_env_var( absoluteArgv0 );

    if( !initPgm() )
        return false;


    // Add search paths to feed the PGM_KICAD::SysSearch() function,
    // currenly limited in support to only look for project templates
        SEARCH_STACK bases;

        SystemDirsAppend( &bases );

        // DBG( bases.Show( (std::string(__func__) + " bases").c_str() );)

        for( unsigned i = 0; i < bases.GetCount(); ++i )
            wxFileName fn( bases[i], wxEmptyString );

            // Add KiCad template file path to search path list.
            fn.AppendDir( wxT( "template" ) );
            m_bm.m_search.AddPaths( fn.GetPath() );

        //DBG( m_bm.m_search.Show( (std::string( __func__ ) + " SysSearch()").c_str() );)

    // Must be called before creating the main frame in order to
    // display the real hotkeys in menus or tool tips
    extern struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr[];
    ReadHotkeyConfig( KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME_NAME, kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr );

                                     wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );
    App().SetTopWindow( frame );

    Kiway.SetTop( frame );

    bool prjloaded = false;    // true when the project is loaded

    if( App().argc > 1 )
        frame->SetProjectFileName( App().argv[1] );

    else if( GetFileHistory().GetCount() )
        wxString last_pro = GetFileHistory().GetHistoryFile( 0 );

        if( !wxFileExists( last_pro ) )
            GetFileHistory().RemoveFileFromHistory( 0 );

            wxFileName namelessProject( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), NAMELESS_PROJECT,
                                        ProjectFileExtension );

            frame->SetProjectFileName( namelessProject.GetFullPath() );
            // Try to open the last opened project,
            // if a project name is not given when starting Kicad
            frame->SetProjectFileName( last_pro );

            wxCommandEvent cmd( 0, wxID_FILE1 );

            frame->OnFileHistory( cmd );
            prjloaded = true;    // OnFileHistory() loads the project
    else	// there is no history
            wxFileName namelessProject( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), NAMELESS_PROJECT,
                                        ProjectFileExtension );

            frame->SetProjectFileName( namelessProject.GetFullPath() );

    if( !prjloaded )
        wxCommandEvent cmd( 0, wxID_ANY );

        frame->OnLoadProject( cmd );

    frame->Show( true );

    return true;
bool PGM_SINGLE_TOP::OnPgmInit( wxApp* aWxApp )
    // first thing: set m_wx_app
    m_wx_app = aWxApp;

    wxString absoluteArgv0 = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath();

    if( !wxIsAbsolutePath( absoluteArgv0 ) )
        wxLogSysError( wxT( "No meaningful argv[0]" ) );
        return false;

    // Set LIB_ENV_VAR *before* loading the DSO, in case the top-level DSO holding the
    // KIFACE has hard dependencies on subsidiary DSOs below it.
    set_lib_env_var( absoluteArgv0 );

    if( !initPgm() )
        return false;

#if !defined(BUILD_KIWAY_DLL)
    // Get the getter, it is statically linked into this binary image.

    int  kiface_version;

    // Get the KIFACE.
    KIFACE* kiface = getter( &kiface_version, KIFACE_VERSION, this );

    // Trick the KIWAY into thinking it loaded a KIFACE, by recording the KIFACE
    // in the KIWAY.  It needs to be there for KIWAY::OnKiwayEnd() anyways.
    Kiway.set_kiface( KIWAY::KifaceType( TOP_FRAME ), kiface );

    // Use KIWAY to create a top window, which registers its existence also.
    // "TOP_FRAME" is a macro that is passed on compiler command line from CMake,
    // and is one of the types in FRAME_T.
    KIWAY_PLAYER* frame = Kiway.Player( TOP_FRAME, true );

    Kiway.SetTop( frame );

    App().SetTopWindow( frame );      // wxApp gets a face.

    // Open project or file specified on the command line:
    int argc = App().argc;

    if( argc > 1 )
            gerbview handles multiple project data files, i.e. gerber files on
            cmd line. Others currently do not, they handle only one. For common
            code simplicity we simply pass all the arguments in however, each
            program module can do with them what they want, ignore, complain
            whatever.  We don't establish policy here, as this is a multi-purpose

        std::vector<wxString>   argSet;

        for( int i=1;  i<argc;  ++i )
            argSet.push_back( App().argv[i] );

        // special attention to the first argument: argv[1] (==argSet[0])
        wxFileName argv1( argSet[0] );

        if( argc == 2 )
#if defined(PGM_DATA_FILE_EXT)
            // PGM_DATA_FILE_EXT, if present, may be different for each compile,
            // it may come from CMake on the compiler command line, but often does not.
            // This facillity is mostly useful for those program modules
            // supporting a single argv[1].
            if( !argv1.GetExt() )
                argv1.SetExt( wxT( PGM_DATA_FILE_EXT ) );


            argSet[0] = argv1.GetFullPath();

        // Use the KIWAY_PLAYER::OpenProjectFiles() API function:
        if( !frame->OpenProjectFiles( argSet ) )
            // OpenProjectFiles() API asks that it report failure to the UI.
            // Nothing further to say here.

            // Fail the process startup if the file could not be opened,
            // although this is an optional choice, one that can be reversed
            // also in the KIFACE specific OpenProjectFiles() return value.
            return false;


    return true;