static void init_settings(void) { settings_init(); settings_load(); hotkey_t hk; settings_get(TRIGGER_KEY, &hk); INIT_KEY_SETTING(trigger); settings_get(ENG_KEY, &hk); INIT_KEY_SETTING(english); varchar colorstr; settings_get(PREEDIT_COLOR, colorstr); INIT_COLOR_SETTING(background_color_btn); settings_get(PREEDIT_FONT_COLOR, colorstr); INIT_COLOR_SETTING(font_color_btn); varchar fontstr; settings_get(PREEDIT_FONT, fontstr); gtk_font_button_set_font_name(font_btn, fontstr); double scale; settings_get(PREEDIT_OPACITY, &scale); gtk_adjustment_set_value(opacity_value, scale); int ncandi; settings_get(CANDIDATES_SIZE, &ncandi); gtk_adjustment_set_value(ncandidates, ncandi); }
void vibrate_quarterly() { // load settings ElCidSettings *settings = settings_load(); // don't vibrate if not set if(!settings->QuarterHourlyVibrate) { return; } // get hour from local time time_t temp = time(NULL); struct tm *tick_time = localtime(&temp); // create pattern for vibration int minutes = tick_time->tm_min; // abort if not on the quarter hour if(minutes == 0 || minutes % 15 != 0) { return; } // get settings value after we know we need it u_short vibration_type = settings->QuarterHourVibrationType; // do pattern as configured if(1 == vibration_type) { vibes_short_pulse(); } else if(2 == vibration_type) { vibes_long_pulse(); } else if(3 == vibration_type) { vibes_double_pulse(); } else if(4 == vibration_type) { vibrate_quarterly_pattern(minutes); } }
void settings_menu_push(state_stack* stack, void* udata) { (void) udata; state_desc mm = { GAME_SETTINGS_MENU, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &_event, nullptr, &_draw, &_destroy, nullptr, nullptr, false, }; _settings_menu *data = (_settings_menu*) malloc(sizeof(_settings_menu)); menu *pMenu = menu_init(100, 50); menu_add_entry(pMenu, "Controls"); menu_add_entry(pMenu, ""); menu_add_entry(pMenu, STR_ARROWBIG_LEFT " Save Settings"); menu_add_entry(pMenu, STR_ARROWBIG_LEFT " Discard Changes"); menu_auto_resize(pMenu); data->m_menu = pMenu; data->m_settings = settings_init(); input_config_settings(data->m_settings, g_keybinds); screen_config_settings(data->m_settings, nullptr); settings_load(data->m_settings, settings_file_path); mm.m_pData = data; table_append(stack, &mm); }
void settings_default() { timer.setDefault(); strcpy((char*)conf.sysName, " "); conf.warnTime = 2; conf.mirrorTime = 2; conf.cameraFPS = 33; conf.bulbMode = 0; conf.lcdColor = 0; conf.cameraMake = CANON; conf.settingsVersion = SETTINGS_VERSION; conf.shutterVersion = SHUTTER_VERSION; conf.lcdBacklightTime = 3; conf.sysOffTime = 12; conf.flashlightOffTime = 3; conf.devMode = 0; conf.auxPort = AUX_MODE_DISABLED; conf.btMode = BT_MODE_SLEEP; conf.halfPress = HALF_PRESS_ENABLED; conf.bulbOffset = 75; conf.interface = INTERFACE_AUTO; conf.brampMode = BRAMP_MODE_BULB_ISO; conf.autoRun = AUTO_RUN_OFF; conf.modeSwitch = USB_CHANGE_MODE_DISABLED; conf.dollyPulse = 100; conf.lcdContrast = 0xf; conf.lcdCoefficent = 0x7; conf.lcdBias = 0x4; conf.bulbMin = 56; conf.isoMax = 10; conf.apertureMax = 31; conf.apertureMin = 2; settings_save(); settings_load(); }
void _event(state_stack* stack, SDL_Event *sdlEvent) { state_desc *top = (state_desc*) table_ind(stack, stack->m_len-1); _settings_menu *data = (_settings_menu*) top->m_pData; menu *pMenu = (menu*) data->m_menu; settings *pSettings = (settings*) data->m_settings; if (sdlEvent->type == SDL_QUIT) { state_stack_kill(stack); return; } switch (menu_input(pMenu, sdlEvent)) { case 0: // Controls top->m_fnPushChild = &_controls_push; break; case 1: // (empty) break; case 2: // < Save Settings settings_save(pSettings, settings_file_path); top->m_isDead = true; break; case 3: // < Discard Settings settings_load(pSettings, settings_file_path); top->m_isDead = true; break; default: break; } }
int settings_get_sequence_number() { Settings *s = settings_load(); int ret = s->odl0_seq_num; settings_free(s); return ret; }
void settings_default() { timer.setDefault(); strcpy((char*)conf.sysName, " "); conf.warnTime = 2; conf.mirrorTime = 2; conf.lcdColor = 0; conf.settingsVersion = SETTINGS_VERSION; conf.shutterVersion = SHUTTER_VERSION; conf.lcdBacklightTime = 3; conf.sysOffTime = 12; conf.flashlightOffTime = 3; conf.devMode = 0; conf.auxPort = AUX_MODE_DISABLED; conf.btMode = BT_MODE_SLEEP; conf.brampMode = BRAMP_MODE_BULB_ISO; conf.autoRun = AUTO_RUN_OFF; conf.dollyPulse = 100; conf.dollyPulse2 = 100; conf.lcdContrast = 3; conf.lcdCoefficent = 0x7; conf.lcdBias = 0x3; conf.isoMax = 10; conf.apertureMax = 31; conf.apertureMin = 2; conf.debugEnabled = 0; conf.arbitraryBulb = 0; conf.menuWrap = 1; conf.extendedRamp = 0; strcpy((char*)conf.test, "Test "); conf.lightIntegrationMinutes = 5; conf.pFactor = 10; conf.iFactor = 12; conf.dFactor = 12; conf.errorAlert = 0; conf.lightThreshold = 20; conf.linearInterpolation = 0; = 33; = 0; = 8; = 56; = 75; = 0; = INTERFACE_AUTO; = CANON; = 0; = HALF_PRESS_ENABLED; = USB_CHANGE_MODE_DISABLED; = 6; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS_SETTINGS; i++) { camera_settings_t cs; memset((void*)&cs, 0, sizeof(camera_settings_t)); eeprom_write_block((const void*)&cs, &camera_settings_eep[i], sizeof(camera_settings_t)); } settings_save(); settings_load(); }
const char *settings_get_station_code() { static char *station_code=NULL; if (!station_code) { Settings *s = settings_load(); station_code = STRDUP(s->station_code); settings_free(s); } return station_code; }
void settings_init() { settings_load(); if(eeprom_read_byte((const uint8_t *) &conf_eep) == 255 || conf.version != VERSION) { timer.setDefault(); strcpy((char *)conf.sysName, "sys01"); conf.warnTime = 2; conf.mirrorTime = 2; conf.cameraFPS = 34; conf.bulbMode = 0; conf.lcdColor = 0; conf.cameraMake = CANON; conf.version = VERSION; conf.lcdBacklightTime = 3; conf.sysOffTime = 12; conf.flashlightOffTime = 3; settings_save(); } settings_load(); }
static void effects_get(struct mg_connection* conn) { int len; settings_load(); len = effects_json(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf)); mg_send_header(conn, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_data(conn, work_buf, len); }
static void settings_post(struct mg_connection* conn) { int rc; int len; char buf[256]; settings_load(); len = mg_get_var(conn, BRIGHTNESS, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.brightness = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, MANUAL_TICK, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.manual_tick = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, IDLE_INTERVAL, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.idle_interval = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, MANUAL_TOGGLE, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.manual_toggle = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, SCREEN_SAVER_TOGGLE, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.screen_saver_toggle = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } len = mg_get_var(conn, ALPHA, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len > 0) { settings.alpha = strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } rc = settings_save(); if (rc) { mg_printf_data(conn, "Could not save " SETTINGS_FILE); mg_send_status(conn, 500); return; } len = settings_json(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf)); mg_send_header(conn, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); mg_send_status(conn, 200); mg_send_data(conn, work_buf, len); }
int settings_get_next_req_id(int request_type, const char *drf) { Settings *s = settings_load(); int id; switch (request_type) { case OBSERVATION_REQUEST: { const char *stn = settings_get_aadn_or_tdrs(); if (strncmp_case(stn, "AADN", 4)==0) { id = s->obs_req_id_aadn; } else if (strncmp_case(stn, "TDRS", 4)==0) { id = s->obs_req_id_tdrs; } else { printf("[ID] Unexpected STN: %s\n", stn); id = s->obs_req_id_aadn; } break; } case ACQUISITION_REQUEST: { int found=FALSE, i; id = 1; for (i=0; i<MAX_STATIONS; ++i) { if (strncmp_case(drf, s->acq_req_stn_codes[i], strlen(s->acq_req_stn_codes[i])) == 0) { id = s->acq_req_ids[i]; found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { printf("Unknown station code '%s' - using request id = 1.\n", drf); } break; } case ON_DEMAND_LEVEL_0: id = s->odl0_req_id; break; case UNSELECTED_REQUEST_TYPE: id = 0; break; } settings_free(s); return id; }
bool settings_start() { if (!settings_load()) { return false; } scene.unload = &settings_unload; scene.update = &settings_update; scene.draw = &settings_draw; scene.showLetterbox = true; startPause(false); pauseTempo = 1; return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void* initialise_clink_settings() { char settings_file[MAX_PATH]; get_settings_file(settings_file, sizeof_array(settings_file)); g_settings = settings_init(g_settings_decl, sizeof_array(g_settings_decl)); if (!settings_load(g_settings, settings_file)) { settings_save(g_settings, settings_file); } return g_settings; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0) { int pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) return -1; else if (pid > 0) return 0; } init_display(&argc, &argv); XSetErrorHandler (_xerror_handler); preedit_init(); settings_init(); settings_load(); /* check if the codeset is utf-8 */ if (strcmp(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "UTF-8") != 0) { printf("Can't use xim server with codeset %s.\n", nl_langinfo(CODESET)); return -1; } /* guess the locale */ char* locale = getenv("LC_CTYPE"); if (locale == NULL) { locale = getenv("LANG"); if (locale == NULL) { printf("Can't guess locale.\n"); return -1; } } XIMHandle* hdl = create_xim_server(XIM_NAME, locale); preedit_set_handle(hdl); preedit_reload(); signal(SIGUSR1, on_app_sig); signal(SIGHUP, on_app_sig); signal(SIGINT, on_app_sig); signal(SIGTERM, on_app_sig); gtk_main(); return 0; }
void settings_window_create(void) { char *button_texts[] = { "1", //icon font "", "", "-", "3", "+", "-", "3", "+"}; static UG_BUTTON buttons[16]; static UG_OBJECT objects[16]; int id = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; UG_WindowCreate(&g_settings_window, objects, 16, settings_window_callback); UG_WindowSetStyle(&g_settings_window, WND_STYLE_2D); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { id = i * 3 + j; UG_ButtonCreate(&g_settings_window, buttons + id, id, 80 * j, 200 - i * 80, 80 * j + 79, 239 - i * 80); UG_ButtonSetFont(&g_settings_window, id, &FONT_SIZE20); UG_ButtonSetText(&g_settings_window, id, button_texts[id]); UG_ButtonSetStyle(&g_settings_window, id, BTN_STYLE_2D | BTN_STYLE_TOGGLE_COLORS | BTN_STYLE_NO_BORDERS); } } UG_ButtonSetFont(&g_settings_window, 0, &FONT_ICON24); id++; UG_ButtonCreate(&g_settings_window, buttons + id, id, 0, 0, 239, 39); UG_ButtonSetFont(&g_settings_window, id, &FONT_SIZE20); UG_ButtonSetText(&g_settings_window, id, "Brightness"); UG_ButtonSetStyle(&g_settings_window, id, BTN_STYLE_2D | BTN_STYLE_NO_BORDERS); UG_ButtonSetBackColor(&g_settings_window, id, 0); id++; UG_ButtonCreate(&g_settings_window, buttons + id, id, 0, 80, 239, 119); UG_ButtonSetFont(&g_settings_window, id, &FONT_SIZE20); UG_ButtonSetText(&g_settings_window, id, "Sound"); UG_ButtonSetStyle(&g_settings_window, id, BTN_STYLE_2D | BTN_STYLE_NO_BORDERS); UG_ButtonSetBackColor(&g_settings_window, id, 0); settings_load(); }
static void on_app_sig(int sig) { if (sig == SIGUSR1) { /* reload the settings */ settings_load(); preedit_reload(); } else { preedit_finalize(); icmgr_finalize(); settings_save(); settings_destroy(); exit(0); } }
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { _cleanup_fclose_ FILE *f = NULL; _cleanup_(settings_freep) Settings *s = NULL; if (size == 0) return 0; f = fmemopen_unlocked((char*) data, size, "re"); assert_se(f); /* We don't want to fill the logs with messages about parse errors. * Disable most logging if not running standalone */ if (!getenv("SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL")) log_set_max_level(LOG_CRIT); (void) settings_load(f, "/dev/null", &s); return 0; }
void settings_init() { settings_load(); uint8_t need_save = 0; if(conf.shutterVersion != SHUTTER_VERSION) { timer.setDefault(); conf.shutterVersion = SHUTTER_VERSION; need_save = 1; } if(conf.settingsVersion != SETTINGS_VERSION) { settings_default(); need_save = 0; settings_reset = 1; // This is where we'd put a setup wizard } if(need_save) settings_save(); }
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR hap_init() { settings_load(); httpd_register(index_httpd_request); static ETSTimer upTimeTimer; os_timer_disarm(&upTimeTimer); os_timer_setfn(&upTimeTimer, (os_timer_func_t *)uptimeIncrement, NULL); os_timer_arm(&upTimeTimer, 1000, 1); wifi_set_event_handler_cb(onWifiEvent); bool result; if (!settings_valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("[HAP]Settings not valid, using defaults, starting AP\n"); settings.password[0] = 0; settings.ssid[0] = 0; strcpy(settings.serverName, "hap_server"); strcpy(settings.mqttUser, "user"); strcpy(settings.mqttPassword, "password"); strcpy(settings.mqttTopic, "topic"); settings.udpPort = 5100; char aux[20]; os_sprintf(aux, "hap_%d", system_get_chip_id()); result = setup_wifi_ap_mode(aux); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("[HAP]Settings valid, connecting to AP %s\n", settings.ssid); udp_init(); result = setup_wifi_st_mode(settings.ssid, settings.password); } if (result) httpd_init(80); return result; }
static void window_load() { // APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "inside window_load()"); settings_load(window); // screen size 144 x 168 watchface_load(window); Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window); GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_layer); s_windshield_path = gpath_create(&WINDSHIELD_PATH_INFO); s_top_layer = layer_create(GRect(0, 0, bounds.size.w, 130)); layer_set_update_proc(s_top_layer, windshield_proc); layer_add_child(window_layer,s_top_layer); s_grill_layer = layer_create(GRect(0, 57, bounds.size.w, 60)); layer_set_update_proc(s_grill_layer, grill_proc); layer_add_child(window_layer,s_grill_layer); indicators_load(window); }
void vibrate_hourly() { // load settings ElCidSettings *settings = settings_load(); // don't vibrate if not set if(!settings->HourlyVibrate) { return; } u_short vibration_type = settings->HourVibrationType; // chose what type of vibration to do if(1 == vibration_type) { vibes_short_pulse(); } else if(2 == vibration_type) { vibes_long_pulse(); } else if(3 == vibration_type) { vibes_double_pulse(); } else if(4 == vibration_type) { vibrate_hourly_pattern(); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *user_config_dir = get_user_config_dir(); int config_err = 0; parse_args(argc, argv); /* Make sure all written files are read/writeable only by the current user. */ umask(S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH); signal(SIGINT, catch_SIGINT); config_err = create_user_config_dir(user_config_dir); if (DATA_FILE == NULL ) { if (config_err) { DATA_FILE = strdup("data"); if (DATA_FILE == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MEMORY); } else { DATA_FILE = malloc(strlen(user_config_dir) + strlen(CONFIGDIR) + strlen("data") + 1); if (DATA_FILE == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MEMORY); strcpy(DATA_FILE, user_config_dir); strcat(DATA_FILE, CONFIGDIR); strcat(DATA_FILE, "data"); } } free(user_config_dir); /* init user_settings struct and load settings from conf file */ user_settings_ = calloc(1, sizeof(struct user_settings)); if (user_settings_ == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MEMORY); char *p = arg_opts.config_path[0] ? arg_opts.config_path : NULL; int settings_err = settings_load(user_settings_, p); Tox *m = init_tox(arg_opts.use_ipv4); init_term(); if (m == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_NETWORKINIT); if (!arg_opts.ignore_data_file) load_data(m, DATA_FILE); prompt = init_windows(m); prompt_init_statusbar(prompt, m); /* thread for ncurses stuff */ if (pthread_mutex_init(&Winthread.lock, NULL) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MUTEX_INIT); if (pthread_create(&Winthread.tid, NULL, thread_winref, (void *) m) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_THREAD_CREATE); #ifdef _AUDIO av = init_audio(prompt, m); set_primary_device(input, user_settings_->audio_in_dev); set_primary_device(output, user_settings_->audio_out_dev); #elif _SOUND_NOTIFY if ( init_devices() == de_InternalError ) line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, "Failed to init devices"); #endif /* _AUDIO */ init_notify(60, 3000); #ifdef _SOUND_NOTIFY notify(prompt, self_log_in, 0); #endif /* _SOUND_NOTIFY */ const char *msg; if (config_err) { msg = "Unable to determine configuration directory. Defaulting to 'data' for a keyfile..."; line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, msg); } if (settings_err == -1) { msg = "Failed to load user settings"; line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, msg); } sort_friendlist_index(); uint64_t last_save = (uint64_t) time(NULL); while (true) { update_unix_time(); do_toxic(m, prompt); uint64_t cur_time = get_unix_time(); if (timed_out(last_save, cur_time, AUTOSAVE_FREQ)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&Winthread.lock); store_data(m, DATA_FILE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Winthread.lock); last_save = cur_time; } usleep(40000); } return 0; }
void apply_saved_settings() { Settings *s = settings_load(); apply_settings_to_gui(s); settings_free(s); }
static void effects_post(struct mg_connection* conn) { int len1; int len2; char kind[256]; char arg1[256]; char arg2[256]; struct channel* channel; settings_load(); len1 = mg_get_var(conn, KIND, kind, sizeof(kind)); if (len1 < 0) { mg_printf_data(conn, "Missing field: " KIND); mg_send_status(conn, 400); return; } if(!strncmp(kind, "treads", sizeof(kind))) { channel = &channel_treads; } else if(!strncmp(kind, "barrel", sizeof(kind))) { channel = &channel_barrel; } else if(!strncmp(kind, "panels", sizeof(kind))) { channel = &channel_panels; } else { mg_printf_data(conn, "Invalid kind"); mg_send_status(conn, 400); return; } len1 = mg_get_var(conn, ACTIVE, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); if (len1 > 0) { long idx; LOG(("selectEffect: kind=%s active=%s\n", kind, arg1)); idx = strntol(arg1, len1, 10); if (idx >= 0 && idx < channel->num_effects) { channel->active = idx; effects_post_reply(conn); return; } mg_printf_data(conn, "Invalid effect"); mg_send_status(conn, 400); return; } len1 = mg_get_var(conn, IS_SSAVER, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); if (len1 > 0) { LOG(("setEffectScreenSaver: %s\n", arg1)); if (!strncmp(arg1, "true", sizeof(arg1))) { channel->effects[channel->active]->screen_saver = 1; } else { channel->effects[channel->active]->screen_saver = 0; } effects_post_reply(conn); return; } len1 = mg_get_var(conn, COLOR, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); len2 = mg_get_var(conn, ARGUMENT, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); if (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0) { long idx = strntol(arg2, len2, 10); long color = strntol(arg1+1, len1-1, 16); LOG(("setEffectParameters: %ld, %lx\n", idx, color)); if (idx < NUM_PANELS/3) { channel->effects[channel->active]->color_arg.colors[idx].value = color; } effects_post_reply(conn); return; } else if (len1 > 0) { long color = strntol(arg1+1, len1-1, 16); LOG(("setEffectColor: %lx\n", color)); channel->effects[channel->active]->color_arg.color.value = color; effects_post_reply(conn); return; } else if (len2 > 0) { long value = strntol(arg2, len2, 10); LOG(("setEffectArgument: %ld\n", value)); channel->effects[channel->active]->argument = value; effects_post_reply(conn); return; } mg_printf_data(conn, "Invalid data"); mg_send_status(conn, 400); }
void settings_update() { eeprom_write_block((const void *) &conf, &conf_eep, sizeof(settings)); settings_load(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool inhibit_loadfade = false; bool error = false; bool freshstart; SetLogFilename("debug.txt"); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) { staterr("ack, sdl_init failed: %s.", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } atexit(SDL_Quit); // start up inputs first thing because settings_load may remap them input_init(); // load settings, or at least get the defaults, // so we know the initial screen resolution. settings_load(); if (Graphics::init(settings->resolution)) { staterr("Failed to initialize graphics."); return 1; } if (font_init()) { staterr("Failed to load font."); return 1; } //speed_test(); //return 1; #ifdef CONFIG_DATA_EXTRACTOR if (!settings->files_extracted) { if (extract_main()) { Graphics::close(); font_close(); return 0; } else { settings->files_extracted = true; settings_save(); } } #endif if (check_data_exists()) { return 1; } Graphics::ShowLoadingScreen(); if (sound_init()) { fatal("Failed to initialize sound."); return 1; } if (trig_init()) { fatal("Failed trig module init."); return 1; } if (tsc_init()) { fatal("Failed to initialize script engine."); return 1; } if (textbox.Init()) { fatal("Failed to initialize textboxes."); return 1; } if (Carets::init()) { fatal("Failed to initialize carets."); return 1; } if (game.init()) return 1; game.setmode(GM_NORMAL); // set null stage just to have something to do while we go to intro game.switchstage.mapno = 0; //#define REPLAY #ifdef REPLAY game.switchstage.mapno = START_REPLAY; //Replay::set_ffwd(6000); //Replay::set_stopat(3500); game.switchstage.param = 1; #else //game.switchstage.mapno = LOAD_GAME; //game.pause(GP_OPTIONS); if (settings->skip_intro && file_exists(GetProfileName(settings->last_save_slot))) game.switchstage.mapno = LOAD_GAME; else game.setmode(GM_INTRO); #endif // for debug if (game.paused) { game.switchstage.mapno = 0; game.switchstage.eventonentry = 0; } if (game.switchstage.mapno == LOAD_GAME) inhibit_loadfade = true; game.running = true; freshstart = true; stat("Entering main loop..."); #ifdef __SDLSHIM__ set_console_visible(false); #endif //speed_test(); //return 1; while(game.running) { // SSS/SPS persists across stage transitions until explicitly // stopped, or you die & reload. It seems a bit risky to me, // but that's the spec. if (game.switchstage.mapno >= MAPNO_SPECIALS) { StopLoopSounds(); } // enter next stage, whatever it may be if (game.switchstage.mapno == LOAD_GAME || \ game.switchstage.mapno == LOAD_GAME_FROM_MENU) { if (game.switchstage.mapno == LOAD_GAME_FROM_MENU) freshstart = true; stat("= Loading game ="); if (game_load(settings->last_save_slot)) { fatal("savefile error"); goto ingame_error; } Replay::OnGameStarting(); if (!inhibit_loadfade) fade.Start(FADE_IN, FADE_CENTER); else inhibit_loadfade = false; } else if (game.switchstage.mapno == START_REPLAY) { stat(">> beginning replay '%s'", GetReplayName(game.switchstage.param)); StopScripts(); if (Replay::begin_playback(GetReplayName(game.switchstage.param))) { fatal("error starting playback"); goto ingame_error; } } else { if (game.switchstage.mapno == NEW_GAME || \ game.switchstage.mapno == NEW_GAME_FROM_MENU) { bool show_intro = (game.switchstage.mapno == NEW_GAME_FROM_MENU); InitNewGame(show_intro); } // slide weapon bar on first intro to Start Point if (game.switchstage.mapno == STAGE_START_POINT && \ game.switchstage.eventonentry == 91) { freshstart = true; } // switch maps if (load_stage(game.switchstage.mapno)) goto ingame_error; player->x = (game.switchstage.playerx * TILE_W) << CSF; player->y = (game.switchstage.playery * TILE_H) << CSF; } // start the level if (game.initlevel()) return 1; if (freshstart) weapon_introslide(); gameloop(); game.stageboss.OnMapExit(); freshstart = false; } shutdown: ; Replay::close(); game.close(); Carets::close(); Graphics::close(); input_close(); font_close(); sound_close(); tsc_close(); textbox.Deinit(); return error; ingame_error: ; stat(""); stat(" ************************************************"); stat(" * An in-game error occurred. Game shutting down."); stat(" ************************************************"); error = true; goto shutdown; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { init_signal_catchers(); parse_args(argc, argv); /* Make sure all written files are read/writeable only by the current user. */ umask(S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH); int config_err = init_data_files(); /* init user_settings struct and load settings from conf file */ user_settings_ = calloc(1, sizeof(struct user_settings)); if (user_settings_ == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MEMORY); char *p = arg_opts.config_path[0] ? arg_opts.config_path : NULL; int settings_err = settings_load(user_settings_, p); Tox *m = init_tox(); init_term(); /* enable stderr for debugging */ if (!arg_opts.debug) freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr); if (m == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_NETWORKINIT); if (!arg_opts.ignore_data_file) load_data(m, DATA_FILE); prompt = init_windows(m); prompt_init_statusbar(prompt, m); /* thread for ncurses stuff */ if (pthread_mutex_init(&Winthread.lock, NULL) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MUTEX_INIT); if (pthread_create(&Winthread.tid, NULL, thread_winref, (void *) m) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_THREAD_CREATE); #ifdef _AUDIO av = init_audio(prompt, m); set_primary_device(input, user_settings_->audio_in_dev); set_primary_device(output, user_settings_->audio_out_dev); #elif _SOUND_NOTIFY if ( init_devices() == de_InternalError ) line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, "Failed to init devices"); #endif /* _AUDIO */ init_notify(60, 3000); #ifdef _SOUND_NOTIFY // sound_notify(prompt, self_log_in, 0, NULL); #endif /* _SOUND_NOTIFY */ const char *msg; if (config_err) { msg = "Unable to determine configuration directory. Defaulting to 'data' for data file..."; line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, msg); } if (settings_err == -1) line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, 0, "Failed to load user settings"); if (arg_opts.use_proxy && !arg_opts.force_tcp) { msg = "* WARNING: Using a proxy without disabling UDP may leak your real IP address."; line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, RED, "%s", msg); msg = " Use the -t option to disable UDP."; line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, RED, "%s", msg); } uint64_t last_save = (uint64_t) time(NULL); uint64_t looptimer = last_save; useconds_t msleepval = 40000; uint64_t loopcount = 0; while (true) { update_unix_time(); do_toxic(m, prompt); uint64_t cur_time = get_unix_time(); if (timed_out(last_save, cur_time, AUTOSAVE_FREQ)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&Winthread.lock); store_data(m, DATA_FILE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Winthread.lock); last_save = cur_time; } msleepval = optimal_msleepval(&looptimer, &loopcount, cur_time, msleepval); usleep(msleepval); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { parse_args(argc, argv); /* Use the -b flag to enable stderr */ if (!arg_opts.debug) freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr); if (arg_opts.encrypt_data && arg_opts.unencrypt_data) { arg_opts.encrypt_data = 0; arg_opts.unencrypt_data = 0; queue_init_message("Warning: Using --unencrypt-data and --encrypt-data simultaneously has no effect"); } /* Make sure all written files are read/writeable only by the current user. */ umask(S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH); init_default_data_files(); bool datafile_exists = file_exists(DATA_FILE); if (!datafile_exists && !arg_opts.unencrypt_data) first_time_encrypt("Creating new data file. Would you like to encrypt it? Y/n (q to quit)"); else if (arg_opts.encrypt_data) first_time_encrypt("Encrypt existing data file? Y/n (q to quit)"); /* init user_settings struct and load settings from conf file */ user_settings = calloc(1, sizeof(struct user_settings)); if (user_settings == NULL) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MEMORY); const char *p = arg_opts.config_path[0] ? arg_opts.config_path : NULL; if (settings_load(user_settings, p) == -1) { queue_init_message("Failed to load user settings"); } int curl_init = curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); int nameserver_ret = name_lookup_init(curl_init); if (nameserver_ret == -1) { queue_init_message("curl failed to initialize; name lookup service is disabled."); } else if (nameserver_ret == -2) { queue_init_message("Name lookup server list could not be found."); } else if (nameserver_ret == -3) { queue_init_message("Name lookup server list does not contain any valid entries."); } #ifdef X11 if (init_xtra(DnD_callback) == -1) queue_init_message("X failed to initialize"); #endif Tox *m = load_toxic(DATA_FILE); if (arg_opts.encrypt_data && !datafile_exists) arg_opts.encrypt_data = 0; init_term(); prompt = init_windows(m); prompt_init_statusbar(prompt, m); /* thread for ncurses stuff */ if (pthread_mutex_init(&Winthread.lock, NULL) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_MUTEX_INIT); if (pthread_create(&Winthread.tid, NULL, thread_winref, (void *) m) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_THREAD_CREATE); /* thread for message queue */ if (pthread_create(&cqueue_thread.tid, NULL, thread_cqueue, (void *) m) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_THREAD_CREATE); #ifdef AUDIO av = init_audio(prompt, m); #ifdef VIDEO init_video(prompt, m); #endif /* VIDEO */ /* AV thread */ if (pthread_create(&av_thread.tid, NULL, thread_av, (void *) av) != 0) exit_toxic_err("failed in main", FATALERR_THREAD_CREATE); set_primary_device(input, user_settings->audio_in_dev); set_primary_device(output, user_settings->audio_out_dev); #elif SOUND_NOTIFY if ( init_devices() == de_InternalError ) queue_init_message("Failed to init audio devices"); #endif /* AUDIO */ init_notify(60, 3000); /* screen/tmux auto-away timer */ if (init_mplex_away_timer(m) == -1) queue_init_message("Failed to init mplex auto-away."); int nodeslist_ret = load_DHT_nodeslist(); if (nodeslist_ret != 0) { queue_init_message("DHT nodeslist failed to load (error %d)", nodeslist_ret); } pthread_mutex_lock(&Winthread.lock); print_init_messages(prompt); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Winthread.lock); cleanup_init_messages(); /* set user avatar from config file. if no path is supplied tox_unset_avatar is called */ char avatarstr[MAX_STR_SIZE]; snprintf(avatarstr, sizeof(avatarstr), "/avatar \"%s\"", user_settings->avatar_path); execute(prompt->chatwin->history, prompt, m, avatarstr, GLOBAL_COMMAND_MODE); time_t last_save = get_unix_time(); while (true) { do_toxic(m); time_t cur_time = get_unix_time(); if (timed_out(last_save, AUTOSAVE_FREQ)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&Winthread.lock); if (store_data(m, DATA_FILE) != 0) line_info_add(prompt, NULL, NULL, NULL, SYS_MSG, 0, RED, "WARNING: Failed to save to data file"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Winthread.lock); last_save = cur_time; } usleep(tox_iteration_interval(m) * 1000); } return 0; }
void settings_set_next_req_id_and_incr_req_num(int req_id, int request_type, const char *drf) { Settings *s = settings_load(); switch (request_type) { case OBSERVATION_REQUEST: { const char *stn = settings_get_aadn_or_tdrs(); if (strncmp_case(stn, "AADN", 4)==0) { if (req_id <= s->obs_req_id_aadn) printf("*** New observation request id is smaller!?\n"); s->obs_req_id_aadn = req_id; ++s->obs_req_num; } else if (strncmp_case(stn, "TDRS", 4)==0) { if (req_id <= s->obs_req_id_tdrs) printf("*** New observation request id is smaller!?\n"); s->obs_req_id_tdrs = req_id; ++s->obs_req_num; } else { printf("[NUM] Unexpected STN: %s\n", stn); } break; } case ACQUISITION_REQUEST: { int found=FALSE, i; for (i=0; i<MAX_STATIONS; ++i) { if (strncmp_case(drf, s->acq_req_stn_codes[i], strlen(s->acq_req_stn_codes[i])) == 0) { if (req_id <= s->acq_req_ids[i]) printf("*** New acquisition request id for %s is smaller!?\n", drf); s->acq_req_ids[i] = req_id; found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { printf("Unknown station code '%s' - can't increment request id.\n", drf); } ++s->acq_req_num; break; } case ON_DEMAND_LEVEL_0: if (req_id <= s->odl0_req_id) printf("*** New on-demand level 0 request id is smaller!?\n"); s->odl0_req_id = req_id; break; case UNSELECTED_REQUEST_TYPE: printf("This should never happen!!\n"); break; } settings_save(s); apply_settings_to_gui(s); settings_free(s); update_output_file(); }