int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { sf_file in, out; int nf, n1, n2, n3, m, n; int i3; float **wav, ****fb; char *interp; sf_init(argc, argv); in = sf_input("in"); out = sf_output("out"); if (SF_FLOAT != sf_gettype(in)) sf_error("Need float type"); if (!sf_histint(in, "n1", &n1)) sf_error("No n1= in input"); if (!sf_histint(in, "n2", &n2)) sf_error("No n2= in input"); n3 = sf_leftsize(in, 2); sf_shiftdim2(in,out,2); if(!sf_getint("m", &m)) m=1; /* b[-m, ... ,n] */ if(!sf_getint("n", &n)) n=1; /* b[-m, ... ,n] */ if ((interp=sf_getstring("interp"))==NULL) interp="maxflat"; /* interpolation method: maxflat lagrange bspline */ nf = m+n+1; wav = sf_floatalloc2(n1,n2); fb = sf_floatalloc4(n1, n2, nf, nf); sf_putint(out, "n3", nf); sf_putint(out, "n4", nf); sf_putfloat(out, "o3", 0); sf_putfloat(out, "d3", 1); sf_putfloat(out, "o4", 0); sf_putfloat(out, "d4", 1); fbank_init(m, n, interp); for(i3=0; i3<n3; i3++) { sf_floatread(wav[0], n1*n2, in); fbank2(n1, n2, wav, fb); sf_floatwrite(fb[0][0][0], n1*n2*nf*nf, out); } fbank_close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ix, iz, jx, jz,ixx,izz,ixf,izf,i,j,im, jm,nx,nz,nxf,nzf,nxpad,nzpad,it,ii,jj; float kxmax,kzmax; float f0, t, t0, dx, dz, dxf, dzf,dt, dkx, dkz, dt2; int mm, nvx, nvz, ns; int hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz, nxz, nkxz; int hnkx1, hnkz1, nkx1, nkz1; int isx, isz, isxm, iszm; /*source location */ int itaper; /* tapering or not for spectrum of oprtator*/ int nstep; /* every nstep in spatial grids to calculate filters sparsely*/ float *coeff_1dx, *coeff_1dz, *coeff_2dx, *coeff_2dz; /* finite-difference coefficient */ float **apx, **apz, **apxx, **apzz; /* polarization operator of P-wave for a location */ float **apxs, **apzs, **apxxs, **apzzs; /* polarization operator of SV-wave for a location */ float ****ex, ****ez; /* operator for whole model for P-wave*/ float ****exs, ****ezs; /* operator for whole model for SV-wave*/ float **exx, **ezz; /* operator for constant model for P-wave*/ float **exxs, **ezzs; /* operator for constant model for SV-wave*/ float **vp0, **vs0, **epsi, **del, **theta; /* velocity model */ float **p1, **p2, **p3, **q1, **q2, **q3, **p3c, **q3c, **sum; /* wavefield array */ float *kx, *kz, *kkx, *kkz, *kx2, *kz2, **taper; clock_t t1, t2, t3, t4; float timespent; float A, fx, fz; int isep=1; int ihomo=1; char *tapertype; double vp2, vs2, ep2, de2, the; sf_init(argc,argv); sf_file Fo1, Fo2, Fo3, Fo4, Fo5, Fo6, Fo7, Fo8, Fo9, Fo10, Fo11, Fo12; t1=clock(); /* wavelet parameter for source definition */ f0=30.0; t0=0.04; A=1.0; /* time samping paramter */ if (!sf_getint("ns",&ns)) ns=301; if (!sf_getfloat("dt",&dt)) dt=0.001; if (!sf_getint("isep",&isep)) isep=0; /* if isep=1, separate wave-modes */ if (!sf_getint("ihomo",&ihomo)) ihomo=0; /* if ihomo=1, homogeneous medium */ if (NULL== (tapertype=sf_getstring("tapertype"))) tapertype="D"; /* taper type*/ if (!sf_getint("nstep",&nstep)) nstep=1; /* grid step to calculate operators: 1<=nstep<=5 */ sf_warning("isep=%d",isep); sf_warning("ihomo=%d",ihomo); sf_warning("tapertype=%s",tapertype); sf_warning("nstep=%d",nstep); sf_warning("ns=%d dt=%f",ns,dt); sf_warning("read velocity model parameters"); /* setup I/O files */ sf_file Fvp0, Fvs0, Feps, Fdel, Fthe; Fvp0 = sf_input ("in"); /* vp0 using standard input */ Fvs0 = sf_input ("vs0"); /* vs0 */ Feps = sf_input ("epsi"); /* epsi */ Fdel = sf_input ("del"); /* delta */ Fthe = sf_input ("the"); /* theta */ /* Read/Write axes */ sf_axis az, ax; az = sf_iaxa(Fvp0,1); nvz = sf_n(az); dz = sf_d(az)*1000.0; ax = sf_iaxa(Fvp0,2); nvx = sf_n(ax); dx = sf_d(ax)*1000.0; fx=sf_o(ax)*1000.0; fz=sf_o(az)*1000.0; /* source definition */ isx=nvx/2; isz=nvz/2; //isz=nvz*2/5; /* wave modeling space */ nx=nvx; nz=nvz; nxpad=nx+2*m; nzpad=nz+2*m; sf_warning("fx=%f fz=%f dx=%f dz=%f",fx,fz,dx,dz); sf_warning("nx=%d nz=%d nxpad=%d nzpad=%d", nx,nz,nxpad,nzpad); vp0=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); vs0=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); epsi=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); del=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); theta=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); nxz=nx*nz; mm=2*m+1; dt2=dt*dt; isxm=isx+m; /* source's x location */ iszm=isz+m; /* source's z-location */ /* read velocity model */ sf_floatread(vp0[0],nxz,Fvp0); sf_floatread(vs0[0],nxz,Fvs0); sf_floatread(epsi[0],nxz,Feps); sf_floatread(del[0],nxz,Fdel); sf_floatread(theta[0],nxz,Fthe); for(i=0;i<nx;i++) for(j=0;j<nz;j++) theta[i][j] *= PI/180.0; t2=clock(); Fo1 = sf_output("out"); /* Elastic-wave x-component */ Fo2 = sf_output("Elasticz"); /* Elastic-wave z-component */ /* setup I/O files */ puthead3(Fo1, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz/1000.0, fx/1000.0, 0.0); puthead3(Fo2, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz/1000.0, fx/1000.0, 0.0); /***************************************************************************** * Calculating polarization operator for wave-mode separation * ***************************************************************************/ if(isep==1) { sf_warning("=================================================="); sf_warning("== Calculating Polarization Operator =="); sf_warning("=================================================="); /* calculate spatial steps for operater in sparsely sampling grid point */ dxf=dx*nstep; dzf=dz*nstep; nxf=nx/nstep+1; nzf=nz/nstep+1; /* operators length for calculation */ hnkx=400.0/dx; hnkz=400.0/dz; nkx=2*hnkx+1; /* operator length in kx-direction */ nkz=2*hnkz+1; /* operator length in kz-direction */ /* truncated spatial operators length for filtering*/ hnkx1=200.0/dx; hnkz1=200.0/dz; nkx1=2*hnkx1+1; nkz1=2*hnkz1+1; sf_warning("nx=%d nz=%d nxf=%d nzf=%d", nx,nz,nxf,nzf); sf_warning("dx=%f dz=%f dxf=%f dzf=%f", dx,dz,dxf,dzf); sf_warning("hnkx=%d hnkz=%d nkx=%d nkz=%d", hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); sf_warning("hnkx1=%d hnkz1=%d nkx1=%d nkz1=%d", hnkx1, hnkz1, nkx1, nkz1); dkx=2*PI/dx/nkx; dkz=2*PI/dz/nkz; kxmax=PI/dx; kzmax=PI/dz; kx=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kz=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kkx=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kkz=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kx2=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kz2=sf_floatalloc(nkx); taper=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); // define axis samples and taper in wavenumber domain kxkztaper(kx, kz, kkx, kkz, kx2, kz2, taper, nkx, nkz, hnkx, hnkz, dkx, dkz, kxmax, kzmax, tapertype); nkxz=nkx*nkz; /* truncation of spatial filter */ if(ihomo==1) { exx=sf_floatalloc2(nkz1, nkx1); ezz=sf_floatalloc2(nkz1, nkx1); exxs=sf_floatalloc2(nkz1, nkx1); ezzs=sf_floatalloc2(nkz1, nkx1); }else{ ex=sf_floatalloc4(nkz1, nkx1, nz, nx); ez=sf_floatalloc4(nkz1, nkx1, nz, nx); exs=sf_floatalloc4(nkz1, nkx1, nz, nx); ezs=sf_floatalloc4(nkz1, nkx1, nz, nx); } /***************************************************************************** * Calculating polarization operator for wave-mode separation * ***************************************************************************/ apx=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apz=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apxs=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apzs=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apxx=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apzz=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apxxs=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apzzs=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); /* setup I/O files for wavenumber-domain operators */ Fo3 = sf_output("apx"); /* P-wave's polarization x-comp */ Fo4 = sf_output("apz"); /* P-wave's polarization z-comp */ Fo5 = sf_output("apxs"); /* SV-wave's polarization x-comp */ Fo6 = sf_output("apzs"); /* SV-wave's polarization z-comp */ puthead1(Fo3, nkz, nkx, dkz, -kzmax, dkx, -kxmax); puthead1(Fo4, nkz, nkx, dkz, -kzmax, dkx, -kxmax); puthead1(Fo5, nkz, nkx, dkz, -kzmax, dkx, -kxmax); puthead1(Fo6, nkz, nkx, dkz, -kzmax, dkx, -kxmax); /* setup I/O files for space-domain operators */ Fo7 = sf_output("apxx"); /* P-wave's polarization x-comp in (x,z) domain */ Fo8 = sf_output("apzz"); /* P-wave's polarization z-comp in (x,z) domain */ Fo9 = sf_output("apxxs"); /* SV-wave's polarization x-comp in (x,z) domain */ Fo10 = sf_output("apzzs"); /* SV-wave's polarization z-comp in (x,z) domain */ puthead2(Fo7, nkz, nkx, dz/1000.0, 0.0, dx/1000.0, 0.0); puthead2(Fo8, nkz, nkx, dz/1000.0, 0.0, dx/1000.0, 0.0); puthead2(Fo9, nkz, nkx, dz/1000.0, 0.0, dx/1000.0, 0.0); puthead2(Fo10, nkz, nkx, dz/1000.0, 0.0, dx/1000.0, 0.0); /*************calculate projection deviation grid-point by grid-point **********/ for(ix=0,ixf=0;ix<nx;ix+=nstep,ixf++) { for(iz=0,izf=0;iz<nz;iz+=nstep,izf++) { vp2=vp0[ix][iz]*vp0[ix][iz]; vs2=vs0[ix][iz]*vs0[ix][iz]; ep2=1.0+2*epsi[ix][iz]; de2=1.0+2*del[ix][iz]; the=theta[ix][iz]; if(ixf%10==0&&izf%100==0) sf_warning("Operator: nxf=%d ixf=%d izf=%d vp2=%f vs2=%f",nxf, ixf,izf,vp2,vs2); /*************calculate projection operrate with tapering **********/ zero2float(apx, nkz, nkx); zero2float(apz, nkz, nkx); zero2float(apxs, nkz, nkx); zero2float(apzs, nkz, nkx); /* polvtipsv: P- and SV-wave polarization operators in VTI media */ itaper=1; polttipsv(apx,apz,apxs,apzs,kx,kz,kkx,kkz,taper,hnkx,hnkz,dkx,dkz, vp2,vs2,ep2,de2,the,itaper); ikxkz2xz(apx, apxx, hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); ikxkz2xz(apz, apzz, hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); ikxkz2xz(apxs, apxxs, hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); ikxkz2xz(apzs, apzzs, hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); // truncation and saving of operator in space-domain if(ihomo==1) { for(jx=-hnkx1,ixx=hnkx-hnkx1;jx<=hnkx1;jx++,ixx++) for(jz=-hnkz1,izz=hnkz-hnkz1;jz<=hnkz1;jz++,izz++) { exx[jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apxx[ixx][izz]; ezz[jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apzz[ixx][izz]; exxs[jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apxxs[ixx][izz]; ezzs[jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apzzs[ixx][izz]; } }else{ for(jx=-hnkx1,ixx=hnkx-hnkx1;jx<=hnkx1;jx++,ixx++) for(jz=-hnkz1,izz=hnkz-hnkz1;jz<=hnkz1;jz++,izz++) { ex[ixf][izf][jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apxx[ixx][izz]; ez[ixf][izf][jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apzz[ixx][izz]; exs[ixf][izf][jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apxxs[ixx][izz]; ezs[ixf][izf][jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apzzs[ixx][izz]; } } if((ixf==nxf/2&&izf==nzf/2&&ihomo==0)||ihomo==1) { //write-disk operators in kx-kz domain sf_floatwrite(apx[0], nkxz, Fo3); sf_floatwrite(apz[0], nkxz, Fo4); sf_floatwrite(apxs[0], nkxz, Fo5); sf_floatwrite(apzs[0], nkxz, Fo6); //write-disk operators in x-z domain sf_floatwrite(apxx[0], nkxz, Fo7); sf_floatwrite(apzz[0], nkxz, Fo8); sf_floatwrite(apxxs[0], nkxz, Fo9); sf_floatwrite(apzzs[0], nkxz, Fo10); } if(ihomo==1) goto loop; }// iz loop }//ix loop loop:; free(kx); free(kz); free(kx2); free(kz2); free(kkx); free(kkz); free(*taper); free(*apx); free(*apz); free(*apxs); free(*apzs); free(*apxx); free(*apzz); free(*apxxs); free(*apzzs); }// isep loop /****************End of Calculating Projection Deviation Operator****************/ t3=clock(); timespent=(float)(t3-t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; sf_warning("Computation time (operators): %f (second)",timespent); /****************begin to calculate wavefield****************/ /****************begin to calculate wavefield****************/ sf_warning("=================================================="); sf_warning("== Propagation Using Elastic Wave Eq. =="); sf_warning("=================================================="); coeff_2dx=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff_2dz=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff_1dx=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff_1dz=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff2d(coeff_2dx,dx); coeff2d(coeff_2dz,dz); p1=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); p2=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); p3=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); q1=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); q2=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); q3=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(p1, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(p2, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(p3, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(q1, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(q2, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(q3, nzpad, nxpad); coeff1dmix(coeff_1dx,dx); coeff1dmix(coeff_1dz,dz); if(isep==1) { Fo11 = sf_output("ElasticSepP"); /* scalar wavefield using P-wave's polarization projection oprtator*/ Fo12 = sf_output("ElasticSepSV"); /* scalar wavefield using SV-wave's polarization projection oprtator*/ puthead3(Fo11, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz/1000.0, fx/1000.0, 0.0); puthead3(Fo12, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz/1000.0, fx/1000.0, 0.0); p3c=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); q3c=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sum=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); } for(it=0;it<ns;it++) { t=it*dt; // 2D exploding force source (e.g., Wu's PhD for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) { if(fabs(i)+fabs(j)==2) { p2[isxm+i][iszm+j]+=i*Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); q2[isxm+i][iszm+j]+=j*Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); } } // 2D equil-energy force source (e.g., Wu's PhD) /* for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) { if(fabs(i)+fabs(j)==2) { if(i==-1&&j==1) q2[isxm+i][iszm+j]+=sqrt(2.0)*Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); if(i==-1&&j==-1) p2[isxm+i][iszm+j]+=-sqrt(2.0)*Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); if(i==1&&j==1) p2[isxm+i][iszm+j]+=sqrt(2.0)*Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); if(i==1&&j==-1) q2[isxm+i][iszm+j]+=-sqrt(2.0)*Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); } } */ /* fwpvtielastic: forward-propagating using original elastic equation of displacement in VTI media*/ fwpttielastic(dt2, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3, coeff_2dx, coeff_2dz, coeff_1dx, coeff_1dz, dx, dz, nx, nz, nxpad, nzpad, vp0, vs0, epsi, del, theta); /******* output wavefields: component and divergence *******/ if(it==ns-1) { for(i=0;i<nx;i++) { im=i+m; for(j=0;j<nz;j++) { jm=j+m; sf_floatwrite(&p3[im][jm],1,Fo1); sf_floatwrite(&q3[im][jm],1,Fo2); } }/* i loop*/ if(isep==1) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* applying P-wave polarization projection operator in spatial domain */ zero2float(p3c,nz,nx); zero2float(q3c,nz,nx); zero2float(sum, nz, nx); if(ihomo==1) filter2dsepglobal(p3, q3, p3c, q3c, exx, ezz, nx, nz, hnkx1, hnkz1); else filter2dsep(p3, q3, p3c, q3c, ex, ez, nx, nz, nstep, hnkx1, hnkz1); for(i=0;i<nx;i++) for(j=0;j<nz;j++) sum[i][j]=p3c[i][j]+q3c[i][j]; sf_floatwrite(sum[0],nx*nz, Fo11); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* applying SV-wave polarization projection operator in spatial domain */ zero2float(p3c,nz,nx); zero2float(q3c,nz,nx); zero2float(sum, nz, nx); if(ihomo==1) filter2dsepglobal(p3, q3, p3c, q3c, exxs, ezzs, nx, nz, hnkx1, hnkz1); else filter2dsep(p3, q3, p3c, q3c, exs, ezs, nx, nz, nstep, hnkx1, hnkz1); for(i=0;i<nx;i++) for(j=0;j<nz;j++) sum[i][j]=p3c[i][j]+q3c[i][j]; sf_floatwrite(sum[0],nx*nz, Fo12); }// isep==1 }/* (it+1)%ntstep==0 */ /**************************************/ for(i=0,ii=m;i<nx;i++,ii++) for(j=0,jj=m;j<nz;j++,jj++) { p1[ii][jj]=p2[ii][jj]; p2[ii][jj]=p3[ii][jj]; q1[ii][jj]=q2[ii][jj]; q2[ii][jj]=q3[ii][jj]; } if(it%100==0) sf_warning("Elastic: it= %d",it); }/* it loop */ t4=clock(); timespent=(float)(t4-t3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; sf_warning("Computation time (propagation + separation): %f (second)",timespent); if(isep==1) { free(*p3c); free(*q3c); free(*sum); if(ihomo==1) { free(*exx); free(*ezz); free(*exxs); free(*ezzs); }else{ free(***ex); free(***ez); free(***exs); free(***ezs); } } free(*p1); free(*p2); free(*p3); free(*q1); free(*q2); free(*q3); free(*vp0); free(*vs0); free(*epsi); free(*del); free(*theta); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool verb; bool adj; bool anis; sf_file Fcip=NULL; /* lag-domain CIPs */ sf_file Fang=NULL; /* angle-domain CIPs */ sf_file Fvel=NULL; /* velocity @ CIPs */ sf_file Fnor=NULL; /* normals @ CIPs */ sf_file Ftlt=NULL; /* tilt @ CIPs */ sf_file Fani=NULL; /* anisotropy @ CIPs */ sf_axis ahx,ahy,ahz,aht,ac,ath,aph,aps,aj; int ihx,ihy,ihz,iht,ic,ith,iph; /* angle parameters */ int nth,nph,nps,nhx,nhy,nhz,nht; float oth,oph,ops,ohx,ohy,ohz,oht; float dth,dph,dps,dhx,dhy,dhz,dht; float phi; float tht; float psi; float v_s,v_r; float cosum,codif,sitovel; /* arrays 1 2 3 4 */ float ****cip; /* nhx-nhy-nhz-nht */ float **ang; /* nph-nth */ float *vep; /* nc */ float *ves; /* nc */ float *eps=NULL; /* nc */ float *dlt=NULL; /* nc */ vc3d vv; /* azimuth reference vector */ vc3d *nn; /* normal vectors */ vc3d *tt=NULL; /* tilt vectors */ vc3d *aa; /* in-plane reference vector */ vc3d qq; vc3d jk; /* temp vector */ float hx,hy,hz; float tau; /* time lag */ int jht; /* tau axis index */ float fht; /* tau axis weight */ float ssn; /* slant-stack normalization */ float *ttipar; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* init RSF */ sf_init(argc,argv); #ifdef _OPENMP omp_init(); /* OMP parameters */ #endif if(! sf_getbool("verb",&verb)) verb=false; /* verbosity flag */ if(! sf_getbool("anis",&anis)) anis=false; /* anisotropy flag */ if(! sf_getbool("adj", &adj)) adj=true; /* adj flag */ /* * ADJ: cip to ang * FOR: ang to cip */ sf_warning("verb=%d",verb); sf_warning("anis=%d",anis); /* select anisotropy model */ if(anis) sf_warning("ANI model"); else sf_warning("ISO model"); if(adj) { Fcip=sf_input ( "in"); /* CIP file */ Fang=sf_output("out"); /* ANG file */ } else { Fcip=sf_output("out"); /* CIP file */ Fang=sf_input ("in"); /* ANG file */ } Fvel=sf_input ("vel"); /* velocity file */ Fnor=sf_input ("nor"); /* normal vectors */ if(anis) { Ftlt=sf_input ("tlt"); /* tilt vectors */ Fani=sf_input ("ani"); /* anisotropy */ } aj = sf_maxa(1,0,1); if(adj) { /* input axes */ ahx = sf_iaxa(Fcip,1); sf_setlabel(ahx,"hx"); ahy = sf_iaxa(Fcip,2); sf_setlabel(ahy,"hy"); ahz = sf_iaxa(Fcip,3); sf_setlabel(ahz,"hz"); aht = sf_iaxa(Fcip,4); sf_setlabel(aht,"ht"); /* CIP axis */ ac = sf_iaxa(Fcip,5); sf_setlabel(ac ,"c "); /* reflection angle */ if(! sf_getint ("nth",&nth)) nth=90; if(! sf_getfloat("oth",&oth)) oth=0; if(! sf_getfloat("dth",&dth)) dth=1.; ath = sf_maxa(nth,oth,dth); sf_setlabel(ath,"th"); sf_setunit (ath,"deg"); /* azimuth angle */ if(! sf_getint ("nph",&nph)) nph=360; if(! sf_getfloat("oph",&oph)) oph=-180; if(! sf_getfloat("dph",&dph)) dph=1.; aph = sf_maxa(nph,oph,dph); sf_setlabel(aph,"ph"); sf_setunit (aph,"deg"); /* output axes */ sf_oaxa(Fang,ath,1); sf_oaxa(Fang,aph,2); sf_oaxa(Fang,ac ,3); sf_oaxa(Fang,aj ,4); sf_oaxa(Fang,aj ,5); } else { /* lag in x */ if(! sf_getint ("nhx",&nhx)) nhx=1; if(! sf_getfloat("ohx",&ohx)) ohx=0; if(! sf_getfloat("dhx",&dhx)) dhx=1.; ahx = sf_maxa(nhx,ohx,dhx); sf_setlabel(ahx,"hx"); sf_setunit (ahx,""); /* lag in y */ if(! sf_getint ("nhy",&nhy)) nhy=1; if(! sf_getfloat("ohy",&ohy)) ohy=0; if(! sf_getfloat("dhy",&dhy)) dhy=1.; ahy = sf_maxa(nhy,ohy,dhy); sf_setlabel(ahy,"hy"); sf_setunit (ahy,""); /* lag in z */ nhz=1; ohz=0.; dhz=1.; ahz = sf_maxa(nhz,ohz,dhz); sf_setlabel(ahz,"hz"); sf_setunit (ahz,""); /* lag in t */ if(! sf_getint ("nht",&nht)) nht=1; if(! sf_getfloat("oht",&oht)) oht=0.; if(! sf_getfloat("dht",&dht)) dht=1.; aht = sf_maxa(nht,oht,dht); sf_setlabel(aht,"ht"); sf_setunit (aht,""); /* reflection angle */ ath = sf_iaxa(Fang,1); sf_setlabel(ath,"th"); /* azimuth angle */ aph = sf_iaxa(Fang,2); sf_setlabel(aph,"ph"); /* CIP axis */ ac = sf_iaxa(Fang,3); sf_setlabel(ac ,"c "); /* output axes */ sf_oaxa(Fcip,ahx,1); sf_oaxa(Fcip,ahy,2); sf_oaxa(Fcip,ahz,3); sf_oaxa(Fcip,aht,4); sf_oaxa(Fcip,ac ,5); } if (verb){ sf_raxa(ahx); sf_raxa(ahy); sf_raxa(ahz); sf_raxa(aht); sf_raxa(ac); sf_raxa(ath); sf_raxa(aph); } if(anis) { /* deviation angle */ if(! sf_getint ("nps",&nps)) nps=251; if(! sf_getfloat("ops",&ops)) ops=-25; if(! sf_getfloat("dps",&dps)) dps=0.2; aps = sf_maxa(nps,ops,dps); sf_setlabel(aps,"ps"); sf_setunit (aps,"deg"); if(verb) sf_raxa(aps); } else { aps = NULL; } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* allocate arrays */ cip = sf_floatalloc4 (sf_n(ahx),sf_n(ahy),sf_n(ahz),sf_n(aht)); ang = sf_floatalloc2 (sf_n(ath),sf_n(aph)); /* read velocity */ vep = sf_floatalloc (sf_n(ac)); sf_floatread(vep,sf_n(ac),Fvel); ves = sf_floatalloc (sf_n(ac)); sf_floatread(ves,sf_n(ac),Fvel); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* read normals */ nn = (vc3d*) sf_alloc(sf_n(ac),sizeof(*nn)); /* normals */ vc3dread1(Fnor,nn,sf_n(ac)); if(anis) { /* read anisotropy */ eps = sf_floatalloc (sf_n(ac)); sf_floatread(eps,sf_n(ac),Fani); dlt = sf_floatalloc (sf_n(ac)); sf_floatread(dlt,sf_n(ac),Fani); /* read tilts */ tt = (vc3d*) sf_alloc(sf_n(ac),sizeof(*tt)); vc3dread1(Ftlt,tt,sf_n(ac)); } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* in-plane azimuth reference */ vv.dx=1; vv.dy=0;; aa = (vc3d*) sf_alloc(sf_n(ac),sizeof(*aa)); for(ic=0;ic<sf_n(ac);ic++) { jk =vcp3d(&nn[ic],&vv); aa[ic]=vcp3d(&jk,&nn[ic]); } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ ssn = 1./sqrt(sf_n(ahx)*sf_n(ahy)*sf_n(ahz)); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* loop over CIPs */ /* if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"ic\n");*/ for(ic=0;ic<sf_n(ac);ic++) { /* if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b%d",ic);*/ if(adj) { /* read CIP */ sf_floatread(cip[0][0][0],sf_n(ahx)*sf_n(ahy)*sf_n(ahz)*sf_n(aht),Fcip); /* init ANG */ for (iph=0;iph<sf_n(aph);iph++) { for(ith=0;ith<sf_n(ath);ith++) { ang[iph][ith]=0; } } } else { /* init CIP */ for (iht=0;iht<sf_n(aht);iht++) { for (ihz=0;ihz<sf_n(ahz);ihz++) { for (ihy=0;ihy<sf_n(ahy);ihy++) { for(ihx=0;ihx<sf_n(ahx);ihx++) { cip[iht][ihz][ihy][ihx]=0; } } } } /* read ANG */ sf_floatread(ang[0],sf_n(ath)*sf_n(aph),Fang); } /* phi loop */ nph = sf_n(aph); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \ private(iph,phi,jk,qq, \ ith,tht, \ ihy,ihx,hy,hx,hz, \ tau,jht,fht,cosum,codif,v_s,v_r,psi,sitovel) \ shared( nph,aph,ath,aps,ahy,ahx,aht,cip,ang,vep,ves,eps,dlt) #endif for(iph=0;iph<nph;iph++) { phi=(180+sf_o(aph)+iph*sf_d(aph))/180.*SF_PI; /* use '180' to reverse illumination direction: */ /* at a CIP, look toward the source */ /* reflection azimuth vector */ jk = rot3d(nn,aa,phi); qq = nor3d(&jk); /* theta loop */ for(ith=0;ith<sf_n(ath);ith++) { tht=(sf_o(ath)+ith*sf_d(ath))/180.*SF_PI; if(anis) { ttipar = psitti(nn,&qq,tt,aa, tht,phi,aps, vep[ic],ves[ic],eps[ic],dlt[ic]); psi = ttipar[0]; v_s = ttipar[1]; v_r = ttipar[2]; psi *= SF_PI/180.; cosum = cosf(tht+psi); codif = cosf(tht-psi); sitovel = sinf(2*tht)/(v_s*cosum + v_r*codif); } else { sitovel = sinf(tht)/vep[ic]; } /* lag loops */ if(adj) { for (ihy=0;ihy<sf_n(ahy);ihy++) { hy=sf_o(ahy)+ihy*sf_d(ahy); for(ihx=0;ihx<sf_n(ahx);ihx++) { hx=sf_o(ahx)+ihx*sf_d(ahx); hz = -(hx*(nn[ic].dx)+hy*(nn[ic].dy))/(nn[ic].dz); tau = -((qq.dx)*hx+(qq.dy)*hy+(*hz)*sitovel; jht=0.5+(tau-sf_o(aht))/sf_d(aht); if(jht>=0 && jht<sf_n(aht)-1) { fht= (tau-sf_o(aht))/sf_d(aht)-jht; ang[iph][ith] += (1-fht)*ssn*cip[jht ][0][ihy][ihx] + fht *ssn*cip[jht+1][0][ihy][ihx]; } } /* hx */ } /* hy */ } else { for (ihy=0;ihy<sf_n(ahy);ihy++) { hy=sf_o(ahy)+ihy*sf_d(ahy); for(ihx=0;ihx<sf_n(ahx);ihx++) { hx=sf_o(ahx)+ihx*sf_d(ahx); hz = -(hx*(nn[ic].dx)+hy*(nn[ic].dx))/(nn[ic].dz); tau = -((qq.dx)*hx+(qq.dy)*hy+(*hz)*sitovel; jht=0.5+(tau-sf_o(aht))/sf_d(aht); if(jht>=0 && jht<sf_n(aht)-1) { fht= (tau-sf_o(aht))/sf_d(aht)-jht; cip[jht ][0][ihy][ihx] += (1-fht)*ssn*ang[iph][ith]; cip[jht+1][0][ihy][ihx] += fht *ssn*ang[iph][ith]; } } /* hx */ } /* hy */ } } /* th */ } /* ph */ if(adj) { /* write ANG */ sf_floatwrite(ang[0],sf_n(ath)*sf_n(aph),Fang); } else { /* write CIP */ sf_floatwrite(cip[0][0][0],sf_n(ahx)*sf_n(ahy)*sf_n(ahz)*sf_n(aht),Fcip); } } if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"free memory..."); free(***cip);free(**cip);free(*cip);free(cip); ; free(*ang);free(ang); ; free(vep); ; free (nn); ; free (aa); if(anis) { free(ves); free(eps); free(dlt); free(tt); } if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"OK\n"); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ exit(0); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------*/ cam3d cam3_init(cub3d cub, int pmx, int pmy, int phx, int tmx, int tmy, int thx, float dsmax ) /*< initialize >*/ { int imy, imx, ihx; float kmx, khx; int jmx, jhx; int ilx, ily; float my, mx, hx, k; /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ cam3d cam; cam = (cam3d) sf_alloc(1,sizeof(*cam)); X2K(cub->amx,cam->bmx,pmx); X2K(cub->amy,cam->bmy,pmy); X2K(cub->ahx,cam->bhx,phx); /* allocate K-domain storage */ cam->wk = sf_complexalloc4 (cam->bmx.n,cam->bmy.n,cam->bhx.n,cub->ompnth); cam->pk = sf_complexalloc4 (cam->bmx.n,cam->bmy.n,cam->bhx.n,cub->ompnth); /* allocate X-domain storage */ cam->wt = sf_floatalloc4 (cub->amx.n,cub->amy.n,cub->ahx.n,cub->ompnth); cam->ksx = sf_floatalloc2(cam->bmx.n,cam->bhx.n); cam->krx = sf_floatalloc2(cam->bmx.n,cam->bhx.n); for (imx=0; imx<cam->bmx.n; imx++) { jmx = KMAP(imx,cam->bmx.n); kmx = cam->bmx.o + jmx*cam->bmx.d; for (ihx=0; ihx<cam->bhx.n; ihx++) { jhx = KMAP(ihx,cam->bhx.n); khx = cam->bhx.o + jhx*cam->bhx.d; k = 0.5*(kmx-khx); cam->ksx[ihx][imx] = k*k; /* ksx^2 */ k = 0.5*(kmx+khx); cam->krx[ihx][imx] = k*k; /* krx^2 */ } } /* precompute indices */ cam->jx = sf_intalloc(cub->amx.n); cam->jy = sf_intalloc(cub->amy.n); cam->is = sf_intalloc2(cub->amx.n,cub->ahx.n); /* source index */ cam->ir = sf_intalloc2(cub->amx.n,cub->ahx.n); /* receiver index */ for (imy=0; imy<cub->amy.n; imy++) { my = cub->amy.o + imy*cub->amy.d; ily = INDEX( my,cub->aly); cam->jy[imy] = BOUND(ily,cub->aly.n); /* x-line index */ } for (imx=0; imx<cub->amx.n; imx++) { mx = cub->amx.o + imx*cub->amx.d; ilx = INDEX( mx,cub->alx); cam->jx[imx] = BOUND(ilx,cub->alx.n); /* i-line index */ for (ihx=0; ihx<cub->ahx.n; ihx++) { hx = cub->ahx.o + ihx*cub->ahx.d; ilx = INDEX(mx-hx,cub->alx); cam->is[ihx][imx] = BOUND( ilx,cub->alx.n); /* source index */ ilx = INDEX(mx+hx,cub->alx); cam->ir[ihx][imx] = BOUND( ilx,cub->alx.n); /* receiver index */ } } /* initialize FFT */ cam->f3d = ompfft3_init(cub,cam->bmx.n,cam->bmy.n,cam->bhx.n); cam->dsmax2 = dsmax*dsmax; cam->dsmax2*= cam->dsmax2; return cam; }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int nz, nx, ny, nb, na, ib, ia, iz, ix, iy, i, it, nt, ic, nc = 1, fz, lz, itr = 0; float dz, oz, dx, ox, dy, oy, db, ob, da, oa, z, x, y, a, dt, df, md, aper; float ****e; sf_file spdom, vspline = NULL, out, traj = NULL; sf_escrt3_traj_cbud *tdata = NULL; char *ext = NULL; bool verb, parab; sf_esc_slowness3 esc_slow; sf_esc_tracer3 *esc_tracers; sf_esc_point3 *esc_points; sf_timer timer; sf_init (argc, argv); if (!sf_stdin ()) { spdom = NULL; } else { spdom = sf_input ("in"); /* Spatial (z,x,y) domain */ } out = sf_output ("out"); /* Escape values */ /* Spatial dimensions */ if (spdom) { if (!sf_histint (spdom, "n1", &nz)) sf_error ("No n1= in input"); if (!sf_histint (spdom, "n2", &nx)) sf_error ("No n2= in input"); if (!sf_histint (spdom, "n3", &ny)) sf_error ("No n3= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "d1", &dz)) sf_error ("No d1= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "o1", &oz)) sf_error ("No o1= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "d2", &dx)) sf_error ("No d2= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "o2", &ox)) sf_error ("No o2= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "d3", &dy)) sf_error ("No d3= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "o3", &oy)) sf_error ("No o3= in input"); } ext = sf_escrt3_warnext (spdom); if (!sf_getint ("nz", &nz) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need nz="); /* Number of samples in z axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("oz", &oz) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need oz="); /* Beginning of z axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dz", &dz) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need dz="); /* Sampling of z axis */ if (!sf_getint ("nx", &nx) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need nx="); /* Number of samples in x axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("ox", &ox) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need ox="); /* Beginning of x axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dx", &dx) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need dx="); /* Sampling of x axis */ if (!sf_getint ("ny", &ny) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need ny="); /* Number of samples in y axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("oy", &oy) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need oy="); /* Beginning of y axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dy", &dy) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need dy="); /* Sampling of y axis */ if (!sf_getint ("na", &na)) na = 360; /* Number of azimuth phase angles */ da = 2.0*SF_PI/(float)na; oa = 0.5*da; if (!sf_getint ("nb", &nb)) nb = 180; /* Number of inclination phase angles */ db = SF_PI/(float)nb; ob = 0.5*db; if (!sf_getfloat ("df", &df)) df = 0.1; /*< Maximum distance to travel per step (fraction of the cell size) >*/ if (!sf_getfloat ("md", &md)) md = SF_HUGE; /* Maximum distance for a ray to travel (default - up to model boundaries) */ if (md != SF_HUGE) md = fabsf (md); if (!sf_getfloat ("aper", &aper)) aper = SF_HUGE; /* Maximum aperture in x and y directions from current point (default - up to model boundaries) */ if (aper != SF_HUGE) aper = fabsf (aper); #ifdef _OPENMP if (!sf_getint ("nc", &nc)) nc = 0; /* Number of threads to use for ray tracing (OMP_NUM_THREADS by default) */ if (nc) omp_set_num_threads (nc); /* User override */ else nc = omp_get_max_threads (); /* Current default */ sf_warning ("%s Using %d threads", ext, omp_get_max_threads ()); #endif if (!sf_getbool ("parab", ¶b)) parab = true; /* y - use parabolic approximation of trajectories, n - straight line */ if (!sf_getbool ("verb", &verb)) verb = false; /* verbosity flag */ if (sf_getstring ("traj")) { /* Trajectory output */ traj = sf_output ("traj"); if (!sf_getint ("nt", &nt)) nt = 1001; /* Number of time samples for each trajectory */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dt", &dt)) dt = 0.001; /* Time sampling */ tdata = (sf_escrt3_traj_cbud*)sf_alloc (nc*na*nb, sizeof(sf_escrt3_traj_cbud)); for (itr = 0; itr < nc*na*nb; itr++) { tdata[itr].it = 0; tdata[itr].nt = nt; tdata[itr].dt = dt; tdata[itr].pnts = sf_floatalloc2 (TRAJ3_COMPS - 1, nt); } } e = sf_floatalloc4 (ESC3_NUM, nb, na, nc); if (!sf_getstring ("vspl")) sf_error ("Need vspl="); /* Spline coefficients for velocity model */ vspline = sf_input ("vspl"); /* Slowness components module [(an)isotropic] */ esc_slow = sf_esc_slowness3_init (vspline, verb); /* Make room for escape variables in output */ if (spdom) sf_shiftdimn (spdom, out, 1, 3); sf_putint (out, "n1", ESC3_NUM); sf_putfloat (out, "o1", 0.0); sf_putfloat (out, "d1", 1.0); sf_putstring (out, "label1", "Escape variable"); sf_putstring (out, "unit1", ""); sf_putint (out, "n2", nb); sf_putfloat (out, "d2", db*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putfloat (out, "o2", ob*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putstring (out, "label2", "Inclination"); sf_putstring (out, "unit2", "Degrees"); sf_putint (out, "n3", na); sf_putfloat (out, "d3", da*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putfloat (out, "o3", oa*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putstring (out, "label3", "Azimuth"); sf_putstring (out, "unit3", "Degrees"); sf_putint (out, "n4", nz); sf_putfloat (out, "o4", oz); sf_putfloat (out, "d4", dz); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (out, "label4", "Depth"); sf_putstring (out, "unit4", ""); } sf_putint (out, "n5", nx); sf_putfloat (out, "o5", ox); sf_putfloat (out, "d5", dx); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (out, "label5", "X"); sf_putstring (out, "unit5", ""); } sf_putint (out, "n6", ny); sf_putfloat (out, "o6", oy); sf_putfloat (out, "d6", dy); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (out, "label6", "Y"); sf_putstring (out, "unit6", ""); } /* Save min/max possible escape values */ sf_putfloat (out, "Zmin", sf_esc_slowness3_oz (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Zmax", sf_esc_slowness3_oz (esc_slow) + (sf_esc_slowness3_nz (esc_slow) - 1)* sf_esc_slowness3_dz (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Xmin", sf_esc_slowness3_ox (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Xmax", sf_esc_slowness3_ox (esc_slow) + (sf_esc_slowness3_nx (esc_slow) - 1)* sf_esc_slowness3_dx (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Ymin", sf_esc_slowness3_oy (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Ymax", sf_esc_slowness3_oy (esc_slow) + (sf_esc_slowness3_ny (esc_slow) - 1)* sf_esc_slowness3_dy (esc_slow)); if (traj) { if (spdom) sf_shiftdimn (spdom, traj, 1, 4); sf_putint (traj, "n1", TRAJ3_COMPS - 1); sf_putfloat (traj, "o1", 0.0); sf_putfloat (traj, "d1", 1.0); sf_putstring (traj, "label1", "Escape variable"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit1", ""); sf_putint (traj, "n2", nt); sf_putfloat (traj, "o2", 0.0); sf_putfloat (traj, "d2", dt); sf_putstring (traj, "label2", "Time"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit2", "s"); sf_putint (traj, "n3", nb); sf_putfloat (traj, "d3", db*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putfloat (traj, "o3", ob*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putstring (traj, "label3", "Inclination"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit3", "Degrees"); sf_putint (traj, "n4", na); sf_putfloat (traj, "d4", da*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putfloat (traj, "o4", oa*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putstring (traj, "label4", "Azimuth"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit4", "Degrees"); sf_putint (traj, "n5", nz); sf_putfloat (traj, "o5", oz); sf_putfloat (traj, "d5", dz); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (traj, "label5", "Depth"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit5", ""); } sf_putint (traj, "n6", nx); sf_putfloat (traj, "o6", ox); sf_putfloat (traj, "d6", dx); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (traj, "label6", "X"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit6", ""); } sf_putint (traj, "n7", ny); sf_putfloat (traj, "o7", oy); sf_putfloat (traj, "d7", dy); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (traj, "label7", "Y"); sf_putstring (traj, "unit7", ""); } } esc_tracers = (sf_esc_tracer3*)sf_alloc (nc, sizeof(sf_esc_tracer3)); esc_points = (sf_esc_point3*)sf_alloc (nc, sizeof(sf_esc_point3)); for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { esc_tracers[ic] = sf_esc_tracer3_init (esc_slow); sf_esc_tracer3_set_parab (esc_tracers[ic], parab); if (md != SF_HUGE) sf_esc_tracer3_set_mdist (esc_tracers[ic], md); sf_esc_tracer3_set_df (esc_tracers[ic], df); esc_points[ic] = sf_esc_point3_init (); } timer = sf_timer_init (); /* Ray tracing loop */ for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { y = oy + iy*dy; /* Set aperture */ if (aper != SF_HUGE) { for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { sf_esc_tracer3_set_ymin (esc_tracers[ic], y - aper); sf_esc_tracer3_set_ymax (esc_tracers[ic], y + aper); } } for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { x = ox + ix*dx; /* Set aperture */ if (aper != SF_HUGE) { for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { sf_esc_tracer3_set_xmin (esc_tracers[ic], x - aper); sf_esc_tracer3_set_xmax (esc_tracers[ic], x + aper); } } if (verb) sf_warning ("%s Shooting from lateral location %d of %d at y=%g, x=%g;", ext, iy*nx + ix + 1, ny*nx, y, x); /* Loop over chunks */ for (ic = 0; ic < (nz/nc + ((nz % nc) != 0)); ic++) { fz = ic*nc; lz = (ic + 1)*nc - 1; if (lz >= nz) lz = nz - 1; sf_timer_start (timer); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for \ schedule(static,1) \ private(iz,ia,ib,a,z,it,i,itr) \ shared(fz,lz,iy,ix,nb,na,nz,nx,ny,ob,oa,oz,ox,oy,db,da,dz,dx,dy,x,y,tdata,esc_tracers,esc_points,e,out,traj) #endif for (iz = fz; iz <= lz; iz++) { z = oz + iz*dz; for (ia = 0; ia < na; ia++) { a = oa + ia*da; for (ib = 0; ib < nb; ib++) { if (traj) { itr = (iz - fz)*na*nb + ia*nb + ib; sf_esc_tracer3_set_trajcb (esc_tracers[iz - fz], sf_escrt3_traj, dt, (void*)&tdata[itr]); } sf_esc_tracer3_compute (esc_tracers[iz - fz], z, x, y, ob + ib*db, a, 0.0, 0.0, esc_points[iz - fz], NULL, NULL); /* Copy escape values to the output buffer */ for (i = 0; i < ESC3_NUM; i++) e[iz - fz][ia][ib][i] = sf_esc_point3_get_esc_var (esc_points[iz - fz], i); if (traj) { /* Fill the rest of the trajectory with the last point */ for (it = tdata[itr].it + 1; it < tdata[itr].nt; it++) { for (i = 0; i < TRAJ3_COMPS - 1; i++) tdata[itr].pnts[it][i] = tdata[itr].pnts[tdata[itr].it][i]; } } } /* Loop over b */ } /* Loop over a */ } /* Loop over z */ sf_timer_stop (timer); sf_floatwrite (e[0][0][0], (size_t)(lz - fz + 1)*(size_t)nb*(size_t)na*(size_t)ESC3_NUM, out); if (tdata) { for (itr = 0; itr < (lz - fz + 1)*na*nb; itr++) { sf_floatwrite (tdata[itr].pnts[0], (size_t)tdata[itr].nt*(size_t)(TRAJ3_COMPS - 1), traj); } } } /* Loop over z chunks */ } /* Loop over x */ } /* Loop over y */ if (verb) { sf_warning ("."); sf_warning ("%s Total kernel time: %g s, per depth point: %g s", ext, sf_timer_get_total_time (timer)/1000.0, (sf_timer_get_total_time (timer)/(float)((size_t)nx*(size_t)ny*(size_t)nz))/1000.0); } sf_timer_close (timer); for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { sf_esc_point3_close (esc_points[ic]); sf_esc_tracer3_close (esc_tracers[ic]); } free (esc_points); free (esc_tracers); if (traj) { for (itr = 0; itr < nc*na*nb; itr++) { free (tdata[itr].pnts[0]); free (tdata[itr].pnts); } free (tdata); } sf_esc_slowness3_close (esc_slow); free (e[0][0][0]); free (e[0][0]); free (e[0]); free (e); free (ext); sf_fileclose (vspline); if (traj) sf_fileclose (traj); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int nz, nx, ny, nb, na, iz, ix, iy, ia, ib, fz, lz; int icpu = 0, ncpu = 1, morder = 2, ic, nc = 1, mp = 1, ith = 0, inet = 0, tdel = 0; float dz, oz, dx, ox, dy, oy, db, ob, da, oa, aper; float z, x, y; float ****e; sf_file spdom, vspline = NULL, scgrid = NULL, scdaemon = NULL, out; char *ext = NULL; bool verb, parab, mmaped, rfail; sf_esc_slowness3 esc_slow; sf_esc_scglstor3 esc_scgrid_lstor; sf_esc_tracer3 *esc_tracers; sf_esc_scgrid3 *esc_scgrids; sf_timer timer; sf_init (argc, argv); if (!sf_stdin ()) { spdom = NULL; } else { spdom = sf_input ("in"); /* Spatial (z,x,y) domain */ } out = sf_output ("out"); /* Escape values */ /* Spatial dimensions */ if (spdom) { if (!sf_histint (spdom, "n1", &nz)) sf_error ("No n1= in input"); if (!sf_histint (spdom, "n2", &nx)) sf_error ("No n2= in input"); if (!sf_histint (spdom, "n3", &ny)) sf_error ("No n3= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "d1", &dz)) sf_error ("No d1= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "o1", &oz)) sf_error ("No o1= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "d2", &dx)) sf_error ("No d2= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "o2", &ox)) sf_error ("No o2= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "d3", &dy)) sf_error ("No d3= in input"); if (!sf_histfloat (spdom, "o3", &oy)) sf_error ("No o3= in input"); if (!sf_histint (spdom, "icpu", &icpu)) icpu = 0; /* Current CPU number */ if (!sf_histint (spdom, "ncpu", &ncpu)) ncpu = 1; /* Total number of CPUs */ } ext = sf_escst3_warnext (spdom); if (!sf_getint ("nz", &nz) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need nz="); /* Number of samples in z axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("oz", &oz) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need oz="); /* Beginning of z axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dz", &dz) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need dz="); /* Sampling of z axis */ if (!sf_getint ("nx", &nx) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need nx="); /* Number of samples in x axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("ox", &ox) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need ox="); /* Beginning of x axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dx", &dx) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need dx="); /* Sampling of x axis */ if (!sf_getint ("ny", &ny) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need ny="); /* Number of samples in y axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("oy", &oy) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need oy="); /* Beginning of y axis */ if (!sf_getfloat ("dy", &dy) && !spdom) sf_error ("Need dy="); /* Sampling of y axis */ if (!sf_getint ("na", &na)) na = 360; /* Number of azimuth phase angles */ da = 2.0*SF_PI/(float)na; oa = 0.5*da; if (!sf_getint ("nb", &nb)) nb = 180; /* Number of inclination phase angles */ db = SF_PI/(float)nb; ob = 0.5*db; #ifdef _OPENMP if (!sf_getint ("mp", &mp)) mp = 1; /* Bufferization factor for multicore processing (number of points in buffer = mp*nc) */ if (!sf_getint ("nc", &nc)) nc = 0; /* Number of threads to use for ray tracing (OMP_NUM_THREADS by default) */ if (nc) omp_set_num_threads (nc); /* User override */ else nc = omp_get_max_threads (); /* Current default */ sf_warning ("%s Using %d threads", ext, omp_get_max_threads ()); sf_warning ("%s Buffering %d points", ext, nc*mp); #endif if (!sf_getfloat ("aper", &aper)) aper = SF_HUGE; /* Maximum aperture in x and y directions from current point (default - up to grid boundaries) */ if (aper != SF_HUGE) aper = fabsf (aper); if (!sf_getbool ("parab", ¶b)) parab = true; /* y - use parabolic approximation of trajectories, n - straight line */ if (!sf_getbool ("mmaped", &mmaped)) mmaped = true; /* n - do not use memory mapping for local data access */ if (!sf_getbool ("rfail", &rfail)) rfail = true; /* n - do not quit if remote processing fails, try local processing */ if (!sf_getbool ("verb", &verb)) verb = false; /* verbosity flag */ e = sf_floatalloc4 (ESC3_NUM, nb, na, nc*mp); if (!sf_getstring ("vspl")) sf_error ("Need vspl="); /* Spline coefficients for velocity model */ vspline = sf_input ("vspl"); if (!sf_getstring ("scgrid")) sf_error ("Need scgrid="); /* Grid of supercells of local escape solutions */ scgrid = sf_input ("scgrid"); if (sf_getstring ("scdaemon")) { /* Daemon for distributed computation */ scdaemon = sf_input ("scdaemon"); } if (!sf_getint ("morder", &morder)) morder = 1; /* Order of interpolation accuracy in the angular domain (1-3) */ #ifdef LINUX if (!sf_getint ("inet", &inet)) inet = 1; /* Network interface index */ #endif if (!sf_getint ("tdel", &tdel)) tdel = 0; /* Optional delay time before connecting (seconds) */ /* Slowness components module [(an)isotropic] */ esc_slow = sf_esc_slowness3_init (vspline, verb); /* Make room for escape variables in output */ if (spdom) sf_shiftdimn (spdom, out, 1, 3); sf_putint (out, "n1", ESC3_NUM); sf_putfloat (out, "o1", 0.0); sf_putfloat (out, "d1", 1.0); sf_putstring (out, "label1", "Escape variable"); sf_putstring (out, "unit1", ""); sf_putint (out, "n2", nb); sf_putfloat (out, "d2", db*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putfloat (out, "o2", ob*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putstring (out, "label2", "Inclination"); sf_putstring (out, "unit2", "Degrees"); sf_putint (out, "n3", na); sf_putfloat (out, "d3", da*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putfloat (out, "o3", oa*180.0/SF_PI); sf_putstring (out, "label3", "Azimuth"); sf_putstring (out, "unit3", "Degrees"); sf_putint (out, "n4", nz); sf_putfloat (out, "o4", oz); sf_putfloat (out, "d4", dz); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (out, "label4", "Depth"); sf_putstring (out, "unit4", ""); } sf_putint (out, "n5", nx); sf_putfloat (out, "o5", ox); sf_putfloat (out, "d5", dx); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (out, "label5", "X"); sf_putstring (out, "unit5", ""); } sf_putint (out, "n6", ny); sf_putfloat (out, "o6", oy); sf_putfloat (out, "d6", dy); if (!spdom) { sf_putstring (out, "label6", "Y"); sf_putstring (out, "unit6", ""); } /* Save min/max possible escape values */ sf_putfloat (out, "Zmin", sf_esc_slowness3_oz (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Zmax", sf_esc_slowness3_oz (esc_slow) + (sf_esc_slowness3_nz (esc_slow) - 1)* sf_esc_slowness3_dz (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Xmin", sf_esc_slowness3_ox (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Xmax", sf_esc_slowness3_ox (esc_slow) + (sf_esc_slowness3_nx (esc_slow) - 1)* sf_esc_slowness3_dx (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Ymin", sf_esc_slowness3_oy (esc_slow)); sf_putfloat (out, "Ymax", sf_esc_slowness3_oy (esc_slow) + (sf_esc_slowness3_ny (esc_slow) - 1)* sf_esc_slowness3_dy (esc_slow)); esc_scgrid_lstor = sf_esc_scglstor3_init (scgrid, mmaped, ext, verb); esc_tracers = (sf_esc_tracer3*)sf_alloc (nc, sizeof(sf_esc_tracer3)); esc_scgrids = (sf_esc_scgrid3*)sf_alloc (nc, sizeof(sf_esc_scgrid3)); sleep (tdel); for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { esc_tracers[ic] = sf_esc_tracer3_init (esc_slow); sf_esc_tracer3_set_parab (esc_tracers[ic], parab); esc_scgrids[ic] = sf_esc_scgrid3_init (scgrid, scdaemon, esc_tracers[ic], esc_scgrid_lstor, morder, inet, (float)icpu/(float)ncpu, ext, rfail, verb && 0 == ic); } timer = sf_timer_init (); for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { y = oy + iy*dy; /* Set aperture */ if (aper != SF_HUGE) { for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { sf_esc_scgrid3_set_ymin (esc_scgrids[ic], y - aper); sf_esc_scgrid3_set_ymax (esc_scgrids[ic], y + aper); } } for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { x = ox + ix*dx; /* Set aperture */ if (aper != SF_HUGE) { for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { sf_esc_scgrid3_set_xmin (esc_scgrids[ic], x - aper); sf_esc_scgrid3_set_xmax (esc_scgrids[ic], x + aper); } } if (verb) sf_warning ("%s Projecting from lateral location %d of %d at y=%g, x=%g;", ext, iy*nx + ix + 1, ny*nx, y, x); /* Loop over chunks */ for (ic = 0; ic < (nz/(mp*nc) + ((nz % (nc*mp)) != 0)); ic++) { fz = ic*nc*mp; lz = (ic + 1)*nc*mp - 1; if (lz >= nz) lz = nz - 1; sf_timer_start (timer); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for \ schedule(dynamic,1) \ private(iz,ia,ib,ith,z) \ shared(fz,lz,iy,ix,nc,mp,nb,na,nz,nx,ny,ob,oa,oz,ox,oy,db,da,dz,dx,dy,x,y,esc_tracers,esc_scgrids,e,out) #endif for (iz = fz; iz <= lz; iz++) { #ifdef _OPENMP ith = omp_get_thread_num (); #endif z = oz + iz*dz; if (sf_esc_tracer3_inside (esc_tracers[ith], &z, &x, &y, false)) { sf_esc_scgrid3_compute (esc_scgrids[ith], z, x, y, oa, da, ob, db, na, nb, e[iz - fz][0][0]); } else { for (ia = 0; ia < na; ia++) { for (ib = 0; ib < nb; ib++) { e[iz - fz][ia][ib][ESC3_Z] = z; e[iz - fz][ia][ib][ESC3_X] = x; e[iz - fz][ia][ib][ESC3_Y] = y; e[iz - fz][ia][ib][ESC3_T] = 0.0; #ifdef ESC_EQ_WITH_L e[iz - fz][ia][ib][ESC3_L] = 0.0; #endif } } } } /* Loop over z */ sf_timer_stop (timer); sf_floatwrite (e[0][0][0], (size_t)(lz - fz + 1)*(size_t)nb*(size_t)na*(size_t)ESC3_NUM, out); } /* Loop over z chunks */ } /* Loop over x */ } /* Loop over y */ if (verb) { sf_warning ("."); sf_warning ("%s Total kernel time: %g s, per depth point: %g s", ext, sf_timer_get_total_time (timer)/1000.0, (sf_timer_get_total_time (timer)/(float)((size_t)nx*(size_t)ny*(size_t)nz))/1000.0); } sf_timer_close (timer); for (ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++) { sf_esc_tracer3_close (esc_tracers[ic]); sf_esc_scgrid3_close (esc_scgrids[ic], verb); } free (esc_tracers); free (esc_scgrids); sf_esc_scglstor3_close (esc_scgrid_lstor); sf_esc_slowness3_close (esc_slow); free (e[0][0][0]); free (e[0][0]); free (e[0]); free (e); free (ext); if (scdaemon) sf_fileclose (scdaemon); sf_fileclose (scgrid); sf_fileclose (vspline); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ix, iz, jx, jz, ixf, izf, ixx, izz, i,j,im, jm,nx,nz,nxf,nzf,nxpad,nzpad,it,ii,jj; float kxmax,kzmax; float A, f0, t, t0, dx, dz, dxf, dzf, dt, dkx, dkz, dt2, div; int mm, nvx, nvz, ns; int hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz, nxz, nkxz; int hnkx1=1, hnkz1=1, nkx1, nkz1; int isx, isz, isxm, iszm; /*source location */ int itaper; /* tapering or not for spectrum of oprtator*/ int nstep; /* every nstep in spatial grids to calculate filters sparsely*/ float *coeff_1dx, *coeff_1dz, *coeff_2dx, *coeff_2dz; /* finite-difference coefficient */ float **apvx, **apvz, **apvxx, **apvzz; /* projection deviation operator of P-wave for a location */ float ****ex=NULL, ****ez=NULL; /* operator for whole model for P-wave*/ float **exx=NULL, **ezz=NULL; /* operator for constant model for P-wave*/ float **vp0, **vs0, **epsi, **del, **theta; /* velocity model */ float **p1, **p2, **p3, **q1, **q2, **q3, **p3c=NULL, **q3c=NULL, **sum=NULL; /* wavefield array */ float *kx, *kz, *kkx, *kkz, *kx2, *kz2, **taper; clock_t t2, t3, t4, t5; float timespent, fx,fz; char *tapertype; int isep=1; int ihomo=1; double vp2, vs2, ep2, de2, the; sf_file Fo1, Fo2, Fo3, Fo4, Fo5, Fo6, Fo7, Fo8; sf_file Fvp0, Fvs0, Feps, Fdel, Fthe; sf_axis az, ax; sf_init(argc,argv); /* t1=clock(); */ /* wavelet parameter for source definition */ f0=30.0; t0=0.04; A=1.0; /* time samping paramter */ if (!sf_getint("ns",&ns)) ns=301; if (!sf_getfloat("dt",&dt)) dt=0.001; if (!sf_getint("isep",&isep)) isep=0; /* if isep=1, separate wave-modes */ if (!sf_getint("ihomo",&ihomo)) ihomo=0; /* if ihomo=1, homogeneous medium */ if (NULL== (tapertype=sf_getstring("tapertype"))) tapertype="D"; /* taper type*/ if (!sf_getint("nstep",&nstep)) nstep=1; /* grid step to calculate operators: 1<=nstep<=5 */ sf_warning("isep=%d",isep); sf_warning("ihomo=%d",ihomo); sf_warning("tapertype=%s",tapertype); sf_warning("nstep=%d",nstep); sf_warning("ns=%d dt=%f",ns,dt); sf_warning("read velocity model parameters"); /* setup I/O files */ Fvp0 = sf_input ("in"); /* vp0 using standard input */ Fvs0 = sf_input ("vs0"); /* vs0 */ Feps = sf_input ("epsi"); /* epsi */ Fdel = sf_input ("del"); /* delta */ Fthe = sf_input ("the"); /* theta */ /* Read/Write axes */ az = sf_iaxa(Fvp0,1); nvz = sf_n(az); dz = sf_d(az)*1000.0; ax = sf_iaxa(Fvp0,2); nvx = sf_n(ax); dx = sf_d(ax)*1000.0; fx=sf_o(ax); fz=sf_o(az); /* source definition */ isx=nvx/2; isz=nvz/2; /* isz=nvz*2/5; */ /* wave modeling space */ nx=nvx; nz=nvz; nxpad=nx+2*_m; nzpad=nz+2*_m; sf_warning("dx=%f dz=%f",dx,dz); sf_warning("nx=%d nz=%d nxpad=%d nzpad=%d", nx,nz,nxpad,nzpad); vp0=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); vs0=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); epsi=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); del=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); theta=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); nxz=nx*nz; mm=2*_m+1; dt2=dt*dt; isxm=isx+_m; /* source's x location */ iszm=isz+_m; /* source's z-location */ /* read velocity model */ sf_floatread(vp0[0],nxz,Fvp0); sf_floatread(vs0[0],nxz,Fvs0); sf_floatread(epsi[0],nxz,Feps); sf_floatread(del[0],nxz,Fdel); sf_floatread(theta[0],nxz,Fthe); for(i=0;i<nx;i++) for(j=0;j<nz;j++) theta[i][j] *= SF_PI/180.0; t2=clock(); /* setup I/O files */ Fo1 = sf_output("out"); /* pseudo-pure P-wave x-component */ Fo2 = sf_output("PseudoPurePz"); /* pseudo-pure P-wave z-component */ Fo3 = sf_output("PseudoPureP"); /* scalar P-wave field using divergence operator */ puthead3(Fo1, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz, fx, 0.0); puthead3(Fo2, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz, fx, 0.0); puthead3(Fo3, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz, fx, 0.0); /***************************************************************************** * Calculating polarization deviation operator for wave-mode separation * ***************************************************************************/ if(isep==1) { /* calculate spatial steps for operater in sparsely sampling grid point */ dxf=dx*nstep; dzf=dz*nstep; nxf=nx/nstep+1; nzf=nz/nstep+1; /* operators length for calculation */ hnkx=400.0/dx; hnkz=400.0/dz; nkx=2*hnkx+1; /* operator length in kx-direction */ nkz=2*hnkz+1; /* operator length in kz-direction */ /* truncated spatial operators length for filtering*/ hnkx1=200.0/dx; hnkz1=200.0/dz; nkx1=2*hnkx1+1; nkz1=2*hnkz1+1; sf_warning("nx=%d nz=%d nxf=%d nzf=%d", nx,nz,nxf,nzf); sf_warning("dx=%f dz=%f dxf=%f dzf=%f", dx,dz,dxf,dzf); sf_warning("hnkx=%d hnkz=%d nkx=%d nkz=%d", hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); sf_warning("hnkx1=%d hnkz1=%d nkx1=%d nkz1=%d", hnkx1, hnkz1, nkx1, nkz1); dkx=2*SF_PI/dx/nkx; dkz=2*SF_PI/dz/nkz; kxmax=SF_PI/dx; kzmax=SF_PI/dz; kx=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kz=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kkx=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kkz=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kx2=sf_floatalloc(nkx); kz2=sf_floatalloc(nkx); taper=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); /* define axis samples and taper in wavenumber domain */ kxkztaper(kx, kz, kkx, kkz, kx2, kz2, taper, nkx, nkz, hnkx, hnkz, dkx, dkz, kxmax, kzmax, tapertype); /* truncation of spatial filter */ p3c=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); q3c=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); sum=sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx); if(ihomo==1) { exx=sf_floatalloc2(nkz1, nkx1); ezz=sf_floatalloc2(nkz1, nkx1); } else{ /* to store spatail varaied operators */ ex=sf_floatalloc4(nkz1, nkx1, nzf, nxf); ez=sf_floatalloc4(nkz1, nkx1, nzf, nxf); } nkxz=nkx*nkz; apvx=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apvz=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apvxx=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); apvzz=sf_floatalloc2(nkz, nkx); /* setup I/O files */ Fo4 = sf_output("apvx"); /* P-wave projection deviation x-comp */ Fo5 = sf_output("apvz"); /* P-wave projection deviation z-comp */ Fo6 = sf_output("apvxx"); /* P-wave projection deviation x-comp in (x,z) domain */ Fo7 = sf_output("apvzz"); /* P-wave projection deviation z-comp in (x,z) domain */ puthead1(Fo4, nkz, nkx, dkz, -kzmax, dkx, -kxmax); puthead1(Fo5, nkz, nkx, dkz, -kzmax, dkx, -kxmax); puthead2(Fo6, nkz, nkx, dz/1000.0, 0.0, dx/1000.0, 0.0); puthead2(Fo7, nkz, nkx, dz/1000.0, 0.0, dx/1000.0, 0.0); /*************calculate projection deviation grid-point by grid-point **********/ for(ix=0,ixf=0;ix<nx;ix+=nstep,ixf++) { for(iz=0,izf=0;iz<nz;iz+=nstep,izf++) { vp2=vp0[ix][iz]*vp0[ix][iz]; vs2=vs0[ix][iz]*vs0[ix][iz]; ep2=1.0+2*epsi[ix][iz]; de2=1.0+2*del[ix][iz]; the=theta[ix][iz]; if(ixf%10==0&&izf%100==0) sf_warning("Operator: nxf=%d ixf=%d izf=%d vp2=%f vs2=%f",nxf, ixf,izf,vp2,vs2); /*************calculate projection deviation without tapering **********/ itaper=0; /* devvtip: projection deviation operators for P-wave in TTI media */ devttip(apvx,apvz,kx,kz,kkx,kkz,taper,hnkx,hnkz,dkx,dkz,vp2,vs2,ep2,de2,the,itaper); /* inverse Fourier transform */ kxkz2xz(apvx, apvxx, hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); kxkz2xz(apvz, apvzz, hnkx, hnkz, nkx, nkz); /* truncation and saving of operator in space-domain */ if(ihomo==1) { for(jx=-hnkx1,ixx=hnkx-hnkx1;jx<=hnkx1;jx++,ixx++) for(jz=-hnkz1,izz=hnkz-hnkz1;jz<=hnkz1;jz++,izz++) { exx[jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apvxx[ixx][izz]; ezz[jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apvzz[ixx][izz]; } }else{ for(jx=-hnkx1,ixx=hnkx-hnkx1;jx<=hnkx1;jx++,ixx++) for(jz=-hnkz1,izz=hnkz-hnkz1;jz<=hnkz1;jz++,izz++) { ex[ixf][izf][jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apvxx[ixx][izz]; ez[ixf][izf][jx+hnkx1][jz+hnkz1]=apvzz[ixx][izz]; } } if((ix==nx/2&&iz==nz/2&&ihomo==0)||ihomo==1) { sf_floatwrite(apvx[0], nkxz, Fo4); sf_floatwrite(apvz[0], nkxz, Fo5); sf_floatwrite(apvxx[0], nkxz, Fo6); sf_floatwrite(apvzz[0], nkxz, Fo7); } if(ihomo==1) goto loop; }/* iz loop */ }/* ix loop */ loop:; free(kx); free(kz); free(kx2); free(kz2); free(kkx); free(kkz); free(*taper); free(*apvx); free(*apvz); free(*apvxx); free(*apvzz); }/* isep */ /****************End of Calculating Projection Deviation Operator****************/ t3=clock(); timespent=(float)(t3-t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; sf_warning("Computation time (operators): %f (second)",timespent); /****************begin to calculate wavefield****************/ coeff_2dx=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff_2dz=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff_1dx=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff_1dz=sf_floatalloc(mm); coeff2d(coeff_2dx,dx); coeff2d(coeff_2dz,dz); coeff1d(coeff_1dx,dx); coeff1d(coeff_1dz,dz); p1=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); p2=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); p3=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); q1=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); q2=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); q3=sf_floatalloc2(nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(p1, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(p2, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(p3, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(q1, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(q2, nzpad, nxpad); zero2float(q3, nzpad, nxpad); if(isep==1) { /* setup I/O files */ Fo8 = sf_output("PseudoPureSepP"); /* scalar P-wave field using polarization projection oprtator*/ puthead3(Fo8, nz, nx, 1, dz/1000.0, dx/1000.0, dt, fz, fx, 0.0); } else { Fo8 = NULL; } sf_warning("=================================================="); sf_warning("== Propagation Using Pseudo-Pure P-Wave Eq. =="); sf_warning("=================================================="); t4=clock(); for(it=0;it<ns;it++) { t=it*dt; p2[isxm][iszm]+=Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); q2[isxm][iszm]+=Ricker(t, f0, t0, A); /* fwpttipseudop: forward-propagating in TTI media with pseudo-pure P-wave equation */ fwpttipseudop(dt2, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3, coeff_2dx, coeff_2dz, dx, dz, nx, nz, nxpad, nzpad, vp0, vs0, epsi, del, theta); /******* output wavefields: component and divergence *******/ if(it==ns-1) { for(i=0;i<nx;i++) { im=i+_m; for(j=0;j<nz;j++) { jm=j+_m; sf_floatwrite(&p3[im][jm],1,Fo1); sf_floatwrite(&q3[im][jm],1,Fo2); div=p3[im][jm]+q3[im][jm]; sf_floatwrite(&div,1,Fo3); } }/* i loop*/ /* correct projection error for accurate separate qP wave in spatial domain */ if(isep==1) { zero2float(p3c,nz,nx); zero2float(q3c,nz,nx); zero2float(sum, nz, nx); if(ihomo==1) filter2dsepglobal(p3, q3, p3c, q3c, exx, ezz, nx, nz, hnkx1, hnkz1); else filter2dsep(p3, q3, p3c, q3c, ex, ez, nx, nz, nstep, hnkx1, hnkz1); for(i=0;i<nx;i++) for(j=0;j<nz;j++) sum[i][j]=p3c[i][j]+q3c[i][j]; sf_floatwrite(sum[0],nx*nz, Fo8); } }/* (it+1)%ntstep==0 */ /**************************************/ for(i=0,ii=_m;i<nx;i++,ii++) for(j=0,jj=_m;j<nz;j++,jj++) { p1[ii][jj]=p2[ii][jj]; p2[ii][jj]=p3[ii][jj]; q1[ii][jj]=q2[ii][jj]; q2[ii][jj]=q3[ii][jj]; } if(it%50==0) sf_warning("Pseudo: it= %d",it); }/* it loop */ t5=clock(); timespent=(float)(t5-t4)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; sf_warning("Computation time (propagation + separation): %f (second)",timespent); if(isep==1) { free(*p3c); free(*q3c); free(*sum); if(ihomo==1) { free(*exx); free(*ezz); }else{ free(***ex); free(***ez); } } free(*p1); free(*p2); free(*p3); free(*q1); free(*q2); free(*q3); free(*vp0); free(*vs0); free(*epsi); free(*del); free(*theta); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool verb,isreversed; sf_file Fs,Fr,Fi,Fc; /* I/O files */ sf_axis az,ax,at,ac,aa; /* cube axes */ int nz,nx,nt, nhx, nhz, nht,nc; int it, ihx, ihz, iht,ic; int nhx2,nhz2,nht2; off_t iseek; float ***us=NULL,***ur=NULL,****ii=NULL; pt2d *cc=NULL; bool *ccin=NULL; float cxmin,czmin; float cxmax,czmax; int icx, icz; int mcx, mcz, mct; int pcx, pcz, pct; int **mcxall, **pcxall; int **mczall, **pczall; int *mctall, *pctall; int lht; float scale; /* gaussian taper */ bool gaus; float gsx,gsz,gst; /* std dev */ float gx, gz, gt; /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* init RSF */ sf_init(argc,argv); /* OMP parameters */ #ifdef _OPENMP omp_init(); #endif if(! sf_getbool("verb",&verb)) verb=false; /* verbosity flag */ if(! sf_getbool("isreversed",&isreversed)) isreversed=false; /* reversed rec wfld? */ Fs = sf_input ("in" ); /* source wavefield */ Fr = sf_input ("ur" ); /* receiver wavefield */ Fc = sf_input ("cc" ); /* CIP coordinates */ Fi = sf_output("out"); /* image */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* read axes */ az=sf_iaxa(Fs,1); nz = sf_n(az); ax=sf_iaxa(Fs,2); nx = sf_n(ax); at=sf_iaxa(Fs,3); nt = sf_n(at); /* CIP coordinates */ ac = sf_iaxa(Fc,2); sf_setlabel(ac,"cc"); sf_setunit(ac,""); nc = sf_n(ac); if(! sf_getint("nhz",&nhz)) nhz=0; nhz2=2*nhz+1; /* z lags */ if(! sf_getint("nhx",&nhx)) nhx=0; nhx2=2*nhx+1; /* x lags */ if(! sf_getint("nht",&nht)) nht=0; nht2=2*nht+1; /* t lags */ lht=2*nht; if(verb) { sf_warning("nhx=%3d nhz=%3d nht=%3d",nhx2,nhz2,nht2); sf_raxa(az); sf_raxa(ax); sf_raxa(at); sf_raxa(ac); } /* set output axes */ aa=sf_maxa(nhz2,-nhz*sf_d(az),sf_d(az)); sf_setlabel(aa,"hz"); sf_setunit(aa,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(aa); sf_oaxa(Fi,aa,1); aa=sf_maxa(nhx2,-nhx*sf_d(ax),sf_d(ax)); sf_setlabel(aa,"hx"); sf_setunit(aa,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(aa); sf_oaxa(Fi,aa,2); aa=sf_maxa(nht2,-nht*sf_d(at),sf_d(at)); sf_setlabel(aa,"ht"); sf_setunit(aa,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(aa); sf_oaxa(Fi,aa,3); sf_oaxa(Fi,ac,4); if(! sf_getbool("gaus",&gaus)) gaus=false; /* Gaussian taper flag */ if(gaus) { if(! sf_getfloat("gsx",&gsx)) gsx=nhx*sf_d(ax); gsx=1./(2*gsx*gsx); if(! sf_getfloat("gsz",&gsz)) gsz=nhz*sf_d(az); gsz=1./(2*gsz*gsz); if(! sf_getfloat("gst",&gst)) gst=nht*sf_d(at); gst=1./(2*gst*gst); } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* allocate work arrays */ us=sf_floatalloc3(nz,nx,nht2); ur=sf_floatalloc3(nz,nx,nht2); ii=sf_floatalloc4(nhz2,nhx2,nht2,nc); /* zero output */ for(ic=0; ic<nc; ic++) { for (iht=0; iht<nht2; iht++) { for (ihx=0; ihx<nhx2; ihx++) { for(ihz=0; ihz<nhz2; ihz++) { ii[ic][iht][ihx][ihz] = 0; } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CIP coordinates */ cc= (pt2d*) sf_alloc(nc,sizeof(*cc)); pt2dread1(Fc,cc,nc,2); mcxall=sf_intalloc2(nhx2,nc); pcxall=sf_intalloc2(nhx2,nc); mczall=sf_intalloc2(nhz2,nc); pczall=sf_intalloc2(nhz2,nc); ccin=sf_boolalloc(nc); cxmin = sf_o(ax) + nhx *sf_d(ax); cxmax = sf_o(ax) + (sf_n(ax)-1-nhx)*sf_d(ax); czmin = sf_o(az) + nhz *sf_d(az); czmax = sf_o(az) + (sf_n(az)-1-nhz)*sf_d(az); if(verb) { sf_warning("cxmin=%f,cxmax=%f",cxmin,cxmax); sf_warning("czmin=%f,czmax=%f",czmin,czmax); } for(ic=0; ic<nc; ic++) { ccin[ic]=(cc[ic].x>=cxmin && cc[ic].x<=cxmax && cc[ic].z>=czmin && cc[ic].z<=czmax)?true:false; if(ccin[ic]) { icx = 0.5+(cc[ic].x-sf_o(ax))/sf_d(ax); for(ihx=-nhx; ihx<nhx+1; ihx++) { mcxall[ic][nhx+ihx] = icx-ihx; pcxall[ic][nhx+ihx] = icx+ihx; } icz = 0.5+(cc[ic].z-sf_o(az))/sf_d(az); for(ihz=-nhz; ihz<nhz+1; ihz++) { mczall[ic][nhz+ihz] = icz-ihz; pczall[ic][nhz+ihz] = icz+ihz; } } } mctall=sf_intalloc(nht2); pctall=sf_intalloc(nht2); for (iht=0; iht<nht2; iht++) { mctall[iht]=iht; pctall[iht]=2*nht-iht; } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(isreversed) { /* receiver wavefield is reversed */ /* read wavefield @ [0...2nht-1]*/ for(iht=0;iht<2*nht;iht++) { sf_floatread(us[iht][0],nz*nx,Fs); sf_floatread(ur[iht][0],nz*nx,Fr); } if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"nt\n"); for(it=nht;it<nt-nht;it++) { if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%04d",it); /* read wavefield @ [2nht]*/ sf_floatread(us[ lht ][0],nz*nx,Fs); sf_floatread(ur[ lht ][0],nz*nx,Fr); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) \ private(ic, \ ihx,ihz,iht, \ mcx,mcz,mct, \ pcx,pcz,pct) \ shared (nc,ii,us,ur, \ nhx2, nhz2, nht2, \ mcxall,mczall,mctall, \ pcxall,pczall,pctall,ccin) #endif for(ic=0; ic<nc; ic++) { if(ccin[ic]) { for (iht=0; iht<nht2; iht++) { mct=mctall [iht]; pct=pctall [iht]; for (ihx=0; ihx<nhx2; ihx++) { mcx=mcxall[ic][ihx]; pcx=pcxall[ic][ihx]; for(ihz=0; ihz<nhz2; ihz++) { mcz=mczall[ic][ihz]; pcz=pczall[ic][ihz]; ii[ic][iht][ihx][ihz] += us[mct][mcx][mcz]*ur[pct][pcx][pcz]; } /* ihz */ } /* ihx */ } /* iht */ } } /* ic */ /* update wavefield index (cycle) */ for(iht=0;iht<nht2;iht++) { mctall[iht] = (mctall[iht]+1) % nht2; pctall[iht] = (pctall[iht]+1) % nht2; } lht = (lht+1) % nht2; } /* it */ if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } else { /* receiver wavefield is NOT reversed */ /* read wavefield @ [0...2nht-1]*/ for(iht=0;iht<2*nht;iht++) { sf_floatread(us[iht][0],nz*nx,Fs); iseek = (off_t)(nt-1-iht)*nz*nx*sizeof(float); sf_seek(Fr,iseek,SEEK_SET); sf_floatread(ur[iht][0],nz*nx,Fr); } if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"nt\n"); for(it=nht;it<nt-nht;it++) { if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%04d",nt-nht-1-it); /* read wavefield @ [2nht]*/ sf_floatread(us[ lht ][0],nz*nx,Fs); iseek=(off_t)(nt-nht-1-it)*nz*nx*sizeof(float); sf_seek(Fr,iseek,SEEK_SET); sf_floatread(ur[ lht ][0],nz*nx,Fr); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) \ private(ic, \ ihx,ihz,iht, \ mcx,mcz,mct, \ pcx,pcz,pct) \ shared (nc,ii,us,ur, \ nhx2, nhz2, nht2, \ mcxall,mczall,mctall, \ pcxall,pczall,pctall,ccin) #endif for(ic=0; ic<nc; ic++) { if(ccin[ic]) { for (iht=0; iht<nht2; iht++) { mct=mctall [iht]; pct=pctall [iht]; for (ihx=0; ihx<nhx2; ihx++) { mcx=mcxall[ic][ihx]; pcx=pcxall[ic][ihx]; for(ihz=0; ihz<nhz2; ihz++) { mcz=mczall[ic][ihz]; pcz=pczall[ic][ihz]; ii[ic][iht][ihx][ihz] += us[mct][mcx][mcz]*ur[pct][pcx][pcz]; } /* ihz */ } /* ihx */ } /* iht */ } } /* ic */ /* update wavefield index (cycle) */ for(iht=0;iht<nht2;iht++) { mctall[iht] = (mctall[iht]+1) % nht2; pctall[iht] = (pctall[iht]+1) % nht2; } lht = (lht+1) % nht2; } /* it */ if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } /* end "is reversed" */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* scale image */ scale = 1./nt; for(ic=0; ic<nc; ic++) { for (iht=0; iht<nht2; iht++) { for (ihx=0; ihx<nhx2; ihx++) { for(ihz=0; ihz<nhz2; ihz++) { ii[ic][iht][ihx][ihz] *= scale; } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* apply Gaussian taper */ if(gaus) { for(ic=0; ic<nc; ic++) { for (iht=0;iht<nht2;iht++) { gt=(iht-nht)*sf_d(at); gt*=gt; for (ihx=0;ihx<nhx2;ihx++) { gx=(ihx-nhx)*sf_d(ax); gx*=gx; for(ihz=0;ihz<nhz2;ihz++) { gz=(ihz-nhz)*sf_d(az); gz*=gz; ii[ic][iht][ihx][ihz] *= exp(-gt*gst - gx*gsx - gz*gsz); } } } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* write image */ sf_floatwrite(ii[0][0][0],nc*(nhx2)*(nhz2)*(nht2),Fi); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* deallocate arrays */ free(***ii); free(**ii); free(*ii); free(ii); free(*us); free(us); free(*ur); free(ur); free(cc); free(ccin); free(*mcxall); free(mcxall); free(*pcxall); free(pcxall); free(*mczall); free(mczall); free(*pczall); free(pczall); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ exit (0); }
int main( int argc , char* argv[] ) { sf_init( argc , argv ); float ***data, ****data_out; int ix, nx, iy, ny, it, nt, nfft, nw, iw; /* * @ Setup the parameters of the dimensions of the DATASETS * @ the Output Parameters also be setup */ sf_file Fi=NULL, Fo=NULL; /* * @ Setup the FILE POINT of Input Data and Output Frequency Dependent Trace */ sf_axis at, ax, ay, aw; /* * @ Setup the AXISes of DataSETS */ float var; /* * @ Variance of the Window Function in FT */ int dim, num_dim[SF_MAX_DIM]; float dt, dw, nw_s, fre; if(!sf_getint ( "nw" , &nw )) sf_error( "Missing nw!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the Number of Slicing in FD */ if(!sf_getfloat( "nw_s" , &nw_s)) sf_error( "Missing nw_s!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the starting number of frequency */ if(!sf_getfloat( "dw" , &dw )) sf_error( "Missing dw!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the interval of OUTPUT frequency */ if(!sf_getint( "nfft" , &nfft )) sf_error( "Missing nfft!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the length of FFT */ if(!sf_getfloat( "variance" , &var )) sf_error( "Missing variance!\n" ); /* the variance of the window */ Fi = sf_input ( "data_in" ); Fo = sf_output( "data_out" ); dim = sf_filedims( Fi , num_dim ); if( dim==1 ) { at = sf_iaxa( Fi , 1 ); nt = sf_n( at ); dt = sf_d( at ); nx = 1; ny = 1; } else if( dim==2 ) { at = sf_iaxa( Fi , 1 ); nt = sf_n( at ); dt = sf_d( at ); ax = sf_iaxa( Fi , 2 ); nx = sf_n( ax ); ny = 1; } else if( dim==3 ) { at = sf_iaxa( Fi , 1 ); nt = sf_n( at ); dt = sf_d( at ); ax = sf_iaxa( Fi , 2 ); nx = sf_n( ax ); ay = sf_iaxa( Fi , 3 ); ny = sf_n( ay ); } else { sf_error( "DIMENSION WRONG!\n" ); } data = sf_floatalloc3( nt , nx , ny ); data_out = sf_floatalloc4( nt , nw , nx , ny ); sf_floatread( &data[0][0][0] , nt*nx*ny , Fi ); for( iy=0 ; iy<ny ; iy++ ) for( ix=0 ; ix<nx ; ix++ ) for( iw=0 ; iw<nw ; iw++ ) { fre = nw_s+dw*iw; winft( &data[iy][ix][0] , &data_out[iy][ix][iw][0] , nt , nfft , dt , fre , var ); } aw = sf_maxa( nw , nw_s , dw ); sf_oaxa( Fo , at , 1 ); sf_oaxa( Fo , aw , 2 ); if( dim==2 ) { sf_oaxa( Fo , ax , 3 ); } if( dim==3 ) { sf_oaxa( Fo , ax , 3 ); sf_oaxa( Fo , ay , 4 ); } sf_floatwrite( &data_out[0][0][0][0] , ny*nx*nw*nt , Fo ); free( data ); free( data_out ); exit( 0 ); }
int main( int argc , char* argv[] ) { sf_init( argc , argv ); sf_axis at, ax, ay, aw, at_wave, aw_wave; /* * @Define AXIS for DATASETS */ sf_file FD1, FD2, FD3, FD4, FW1, FW2, FW3, FW4, FPR1, FPR2, FPR3, FPR4, FPR5, FPO1, FPO2, FPO3, FPO4, FPO5; /* * @Define File Interfaces for Datasets */ int ix, nx, nx_s, NX, iy, ny, ny_s, NY, iw, nw, nw_s, NW, it, jt, nt, nt_s, NT, nwave; /* * @Define the Dimension of the Input Data & Inversion * @it : index of time axis * @nx : Dimension of Inversion in Inline Direction * @nx_s: Starting place of Inline Direction * @NX : Dimension of Input Data * @NY,ny,ny_s: Parameters in Crossline Direction * @NT,nt,nt_s: Parameters in time direction * @nwave: length of the wavelet */ float sita1, sita2, sita3, sita4; /* * @ Angle Values of NearOffset, Mid1, Mid2 and TeleOffset, respectively! */ float w0, crange, corder, var_e; int wsft; /* * @ Parameters of Inversion, w0 is the reference frequency of the Q model * @ crange and corder are the parameters of Gaussian Shaped Window function * @ var_e is the level of noise estimated * @ wsft is the wave shift of the wavelet to the original point */ int dim, num_dim[SF_MAX_DIM]; /* * @ Detect the Dimension of the DATASETS Using the Interior Function */ float dt, ot, dw, ow; /* * @ PARAMETER of the DATASETS * @ dt is the time interval, ot is the starting time value */ float **NearWave, **Mid1Wave, **Mid2Wave, **TeleWave; /* * @ Input Wavelet file in different frequency and Offset */ float *d, *M_prior, **Cm, **Cn, **A, **W, **D, **WA, **G, *M_post, ****MPOST; /* * @ * @ * @Cm is the covariance matrix of the model * @Cn is the covariance matrix of the noise */ int ipara, jpara; float vpvsratio; /* * @auxiliary variable in calculating the coefficient in AKI-RICHARD formulae */ if(!sf_getint( "nw_start" , &nw_s )) sf_error( "Missing Frequency Start!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the starting frequency in inversion */ if(!sf_getint( "nw_inv" , &nw )) sf_error( "Missing the Number of Frequency used!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the number of frequency in inversion */ if(!sf_getint( "ninline_start" , &nx_s )) sf_error( "Missing inline Direction Starting Value !\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the Starting value in inline direction in Inversion */ if(!sf_getint( "ninline_inv" , &nx )) sf_error( "Missing Number of CDPS in inline direction!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the number of CDPS in inline direction */ if(!sf_getint( "ncrossline_start" , &ny_s )) sf_error( "Missing crossline Direction Starting Value!\n" ); /* Input Paramter: the starting Value in crossline direction in Inversion */ if(!sf_getint( "ncrossline_inv" , &ny )) sf_error( "Missing Number of inlines in Crossline direction!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the number of INLINES in crossline direction */ if(!sf_getfloat( "nearsita" , &sita1 )) sf_error( "Missing the Near Offset angle Value!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the Angle Value of Near Offset Trace Gather */ if(!sf_getfloat( "mid1sita" , &sita2 )) sf_error( "Missing the Mid1 Offset angle Value!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the Angle Value of Mid1 Offset Trace Gather */ if(!sf_getfloat( "mid2sita" , &sita3 )) sf_error( "Missing the Mid2 Offset angle Value!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the Angle Value of Mid2 Offset Trace Gather */ if(!sf_getfloat( "telesita" , &sita4 )) sf_error( "Missing the Tele Offset angle Value!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: the Angle Value of Tele Offset Trace Gather */ if(!sf_getfloat( "w0" , &w0 )) sf_error( "Missing w0!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: Reference Frequency in Inversion */ if(!sf_getint( "wave_shift" , &wsft )) sf_error( "Missing the Shift of Wavelet!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: Wave Shift in Inversion */ if(!sf_getfloat( "correlation_range" , &crange ))sf_error( "Missing the Correlation Range in Inversion!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: COrrelation range in Inversion */ if(!sf_getfloat( "correlation_order" , &corder ))sf_error( "Missing the Correlation Order in Inversion!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: Correlation Order in Inversion */ if(!sf_getfloat( "variance_noise" , &var_e )) sf_error( "Missing the Variance of Noise in Inversion!\n" ); /* Input Parameter: Variance of Noise in Inversion */ FD1 = sf_input( "NearOffsetGather" ); FD2 = sf_input( "Mid1OffsetGather" ); FD3 = sf_input( "Mid2OffsetGather" ); FD4 = sf_input( "TeleOffsetGather" ); /* * @ Input DATASETs */ FW1 = sf_input( "NearWavelet" ); FW2 = sf_input( "Mid1Wavelet" ); FW3 = sf_input( "Mid2Wavelet" ); FW4 = sf_input( "TeleWavelet" ); /* * @ Input WAVELETs */ FPR1= sf_input( "vp_prior" ); FPR2= sf_input( "vs_prior" ); FPR3= sf_input( "ro_prior" ); FPR4= sf_input( "qp_prior" ); FPR5= sf_input( "qs_prior" ); /* * @ Input a Prior Models */ FPO1= sf_output( "vp_post" ); FPO2= sf_output( "vs_post" ); FPO3= sf_output( "ro_post" ); FPO4= sf_output( "qp_post" ); FPO5= sf_output( "qs_post" ); /* * @ Output Post MODELs by Bayesian Inversion */ dim = sf_filedims( FD1 , num_dim ); if( dim==3 ) { at = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 1 ); NT = sf_n( at ); dt = sf_d( at ); ot = sf_o( at ); aw = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 2 ); NW = sf_n( aw ); dw = sf_d( aw ); ow = sf_o( aw ); ax = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 3 ); NX = sf_n( ax ); NY = 1; } else if( dim==4 ) { at = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 1 ); NT = sf_n( at ); dt = sf_d( at ); ot = sf_o( at ); aw = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 2 ); NW = sf_n( aw ); dw = sf_d( aw ); ow = sf_o( aw ); ax = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 3 ); NX = sf_n( ax ); ay = sf_iaxa( FD1 , 4 ); NY = sf_n( ay ); } else sf_error( "DATA DIMENSION FAULT!\n" ); /* * @ Only Handle the problem owns at least an inline section * @ dimension of the data MUST be 3 or 4! */ at_wave = sf_iaxa( FW1 , 1 ); aw_wave = sf_iaxa( FW1 , 2 ); nwave = sf_n( at_wave ); if( sf_n(aw_wave)!=NW ) sf_error( "The NW dimension of wavelet should equal to the one of the DATASETS!\n" ); if( sf_n(sf_iaxa( FPR1 , 1 ))!=NT+1 ) sf_error( "DATASETS UNMATCHED!\n" ); if( sf_n(sf_iaxa( FPR1 , 2 ))!=NX ) sf_error( "DATASETS UNMATCHED!\n" ); if( nw_s<0 || nw_s>=NW ) sf_error( "The nw_start is inappropriate!\n" ); if( nx_s<0 || nx_s>=NX ) sf_error( "The ninline start is inappropriate!\n" ); if( ny_s<0 || ny_s>=NY ) sf_error( "The ncrossline start is inappropriate!\n" ); if( nw_s+nw>NW ) sf_error( "The nw inversion is inappropriate!\n" ); if( nx_s+nx>NX ) sf_error( "The nx inversion is inappropriate!\n" ); if( ny_s+ny>NY ) sf_error( "The ny inversion is inappropriate!\n" ); /* * @Read Parameter of Wavelet & Check Parameters * @if occurs inappropriate parameter, the program breaks immediately */ NearWave = sf_floatalloc2( nwave , nw ); Mid1Wave = sf_floatalloc2( nwave , nw ); Mid2Wave = sf_floatalloc2( nwave , nw ); TeleWave = sf_floatalloc2( nwave , nw ); sf_seek( FW1 , sizeof(float)*nwave*nw_s , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FW2 , sizeof(float)*nwave*nw_s , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FW3 , sizeof(float)*nwave*nw_s , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FW4 , sizeof(float)*nwave*nw_s , SEEK_SET ); sf_floatread( &NearWave[0][0] , nwave*nw , FW1 ); sf_floatread( &Mid1Wave[0][0] , nwave*nw , FW2 ); sf_floatread( &Mid2Wave[0][0] , nwave*nw , FW3 ); sf_floatread( &TeleWave[0][0] , nwave*nw , FW4 ); /* * @Clip the WAVELET DATASETS and Read Needed Wavelet */ MPOST = sf_floatalloc4( NT+1 , NX , NY , 5 ); zero4float( MPOST , NT+1 , NX , NY , 5 ); /* * @ The MAP solution of all the PARAMETERS */ for( iy=0 ; iy<ny ; iy++ ) for( ix=0 ; ix<nx ; ix++ ) { printf( "ix=%d\n" , ix ); nt = NT; nt_s=0; d = sf_floatalloc( 4*nw*nt ); M_prior = sf_floatalloc ( 5*(nt+1) ); M_post = sf_floatalloc ( 5*(nt+1) ); Cm = sf_floatalloc2( 5*(nt+1) , 5*(nt+1) ); Cn = sf_floatalloc2( 4*nw*nt , 4*nw*nt ); A = sf_floatalloc2( 5*nt , 4*nw*nt ); W = sf_floatalloc2( 4*nw*nt , 4*nw*nt ); D = sf_floatalloc2( 5*(nt+1) , 5*nt ); WA = sf_floatalloc2( 5*nt , 4*nw*nt ); G = sf_floatalloc2( 5*(nt+1) , 4*nw*nt ); /* * @4 means 4 angle gather * @5 means 5 parameter, * @4 &5 could be set up in the parameter list if it's needed! * @To keep simplicity, the two parameters are given explicitly */ for( iw=0 ; iw<nw ; iw++ ) { sf_seek( FD1 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*NW*NT+(nx_s+ix)*NW*NT+(nw_s+iw)*NT+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FD2 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*NW*NT+(nx_s+ix)*NW*NT+(nw_s+iw)*NT+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FD3 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*NW*NT+(nx_s+ix)*NW*NT+(nw_s+iw)*NT+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FD4 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*NW*NT+(nx_s+ix)*NW*NT+(nw_s+iw)*NT+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_floatread( &d[(0*nw+iw)*nt] , nt , FD1 ); sf_floatread( &d[(1*nw+iw)*nt] , nt , FD2 ); sf_floatread( &d[(2*nw+iw)*nt] , nt , FD3 ); sf_floatread( &d[(3*nw+iw)*nt] , nt , FD4 ); } sf_seek( FPR1 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*(NT+1)+(nx_s+ix)*(NT+1)+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FPR2 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*(NT+1)+(nx_s+ix)*(NT+1)+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FPR3 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*(NT+1)+(nx_s+ix)*(NT+1)+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FPR4 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*(NT+1)+(nx_s+ix)*(NT+1)+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_seek( FPR5 , sizeof(float)*((ny_s+iy)*NX*(NT+1)+(nx_s+ix)*(NT+1)+nt_s) , SEEK_SET ); sf_floatread( &M_prior[0*(nt+1)] , nt+1 , FPR1 ); sf_floatread( &M_prior[1*(nt+1)] , nt+1 , FPR2 ); sf_floatread( &M_prior[2*(nt+1)] , nt+1 , FPR3 ); sf_floatread( &M_prior[3*(nt+1)] , nt+1 , FPR4 ); sf_floatread( &M_prior[4*(nt+1)] , nt+1 , FPR5 ); /* * @Read Angle freuquency Gather use FILE SEEK function * @Read a Prior MODEL */ for( iw=0 ; iw<nw ; iw++ ) for( it=0 ; it<nt ; it++ ) { vpvsratio = (M_prior[nt+1+it]+M_prior[nt+1+it+1])/(M_prior[it]+M_prior[it+1]); A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it] = 0.5*(1.+tan(sita1*SF_PI/180.)*tan(sita1*SF_PI/180.)); A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it] = -4.*sin(sita1*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita1*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.); A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][2*nt+it] = 0.5*(1.-4.*sin(sita1*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita1*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.)); A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][3*nt+it] = A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][4*nt+it] = A[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it] = 0.5*(1.+tan(sita2*SF_PI/180.)*tan(sita2*SF_PI/180.)); A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it] = -4.*sin(sita2*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita2*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.); A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][2*nt+it] = 0.5*(1.-4.*sin(sita2*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita2*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.)); A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][3*nt+it] = A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][4*nt+it] = A[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it] = 0.5*(1.+tan(sita3*SF_PI/180.)*tan(sita3*SF_PI/180.)); A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it] = -4.*sin(sita3*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita3*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.); A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][2*nt+it] = 0.5*(1.-4.*sin(sita3*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita3*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.)); A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][3*nt+it] = A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][4*nt+it] = A[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it] = 0.5*(1.+tan(sita4*SF_PI/180.)*tan(sita4*SF_PI/180.)); A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it] = -4.*sin(sita4*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita4*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.); A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][2*nt+it] = 0.5*(1.-4.*sin(sita4*SF_PI/180.)*sin(sita4*SF_PI/180.)*pow(vpvsratio,2.)); A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][3*nt+it] = A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][4*nt+it] = A[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][nt+it]*((1./SF_PI)*log((dw*(nw_s+iw)+ow)/w0)); } for( iw=0; iw<nw; iw++ ) for( it=0; it<nt; it++ ) for( jt=0; jt<nt; jt++ ) { if ( (it-jt)<=nwave-1-wsft && (it-jt)>=-wsft ) { W[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][0*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]= NearWave[iw][it-jt+wsft]; W[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][1*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]= Mid1Wave[iw][it-jt+wsft]; W[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][2*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]= Mid2Wave[iw][it-jt+wsft]; W[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][3*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]= TeleWave[iw][it-jt+wsft]; } else { W[0*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][0*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]=0.; W[1*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][1*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]=0.; W[2*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][2*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]=0.; W[3*nw*nt+iw*nt+it][3*nw*nt+iw*nt+jt]=0.; } } for( ipara=0 ; ipara<5 ; ipara++ ) for( it=0 ; it<nt ; it++ ) { D[ipara*nt+it][ipara*(nt+1)+it] = -1; D[ipara*nt+it][ipara*(nt+1)+it+1] = 1; } /* * @Build three essential Matrix, A,W,D * @A is the coefficient Matrix in multiple angle(4) and multiple frequency form * @W is the wavelet matrix * @D is the difference matrix * @the forward operator is G=WAD */ lh_matrix_mu_matrix( W , A , WA , 4*nw*nt , 4*nw*nt , 5*nt ); lh_matrix_mu_matrix( WA , D , G , 4*nw*nt , 5*nt , 5*(nt+1)); /* * @ Build forward operator G, using W,A,D */ for( it=0 ; it<3*(nt+1) ; it++ ) { M_prior[it] = log(M_prior[it]); } for( it=3*(nt+1) ; it<5*(nt+1) ; it++ ) { M_prior[it] = 1./M_prior[it]; } /* * @ Revise the A Prior Model Into the expectation value of True Value */ for( it=0 ; it<nt+1 ; it++ ) for( jt=0 ; jt<nt+1 ; jt++ ) for( ipara=0 ; ipara<5 ; ipara++ ) for( jpara=0 ; jpara<5 ; jpara++ ) { if( ipara==jpara ) Cm[ipara*(nt+1)+it][jpara*(nt+1)+jt] = lh_float_variance( &M_prior[ipara*(nt+1)] , nt+1 ) *exp(-1.*pow(fabs((it-jt)*dt/crange),corder)); else Cm[ipara*(nt+1)+it][jpara*(nt+1)+jt] = lh_float_covariance( &M_prior[ipara*(nt+1)] , &M_prior[jpara*(nt+1)] , nt+1 ) *exp(-1.*pow(fabs((it-jt)*dt/crange),corder)); } for( it=0 ; it<4*nw*nt ; it++ ) for( jt=0 ; jt<4*nw*nt ; jt++ ) { if( it==jt ) Cn[it][jt] = var_e; else Cn[it][jt] = 0.; } /* * @ Transfer the ELASTIC parameters into LOG value * @ Transfer the ANELASTIC parameters into RECIPROCAL value * @ Setup the variance of the MODEL and the NOISE, * @ Cm Usually comes from welldata, here is given from MODELS */ lh_direct_LS( G , 4*nw*nt , 5*(nt+1) , Cn , Cm , d, M_prior, M_post ); /* * @ Inversion Under Bayesian Framework, the formulae comes from Tarantola(2005) directly */ if( ix==0 ) { lh_write_1d_float_bin( M_post , 5*(nt+1) , "M_post.bin" ); lh_write_1d_float_bin( M_prior, 5*(nt+1) , "M_prior.bin"); } for( it=0 ; it<nt+1 ; it++ ) { MPOST[0][iy+ny_s][ix+nx_s][nt_s+it] = exp(M_post[0*(nt+1)+it]); MPOST[1][iy+ny_s][ix+nx_s][nt_s+it] = exp(M_post[1*(nt+1)+it]); MPOST[2][iy+ny_s][ix+nx_s][nt_s+it] = exp(M_post[2*(nt+1)+it]); MPOST[3][iy+ny_s][ix+nx_s][nt_s+it] = 1.0/M_post[3*(nt+1)+it]; MPOST[4][iy+ny_s][ix+nx_s][nt_s+it] = 1.0/M_post[4*(nt+1)+it]; } free1float( d ); free1float( M_prior ); free1float( M_post ); free2float( Cm ); free2float( Cn ); free2float( A ); free2float( W ); free2float( D ); free2float( WA ); free2float( G ); } if( dim==3 ) { sf_oaxa( FPO1 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO2 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO3 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO4 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO5 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO1 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO2 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO3 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO4 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO5 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); } if( dim==4 ) { sf_oaxa( FPO1 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO2 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO3 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO4 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO5 , sf_maxa( NT+1 , 0., dt ) , 1 ); sf_oaxa( FPO1 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO2 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO3 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO4 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO5 , sf_maxa( NX , 0., 1 ) , 2 ); sf_oaxa( FPO1 , sf_maxa( NY , 0., 1 ) , 3 ); sf_oaxa( FPO2 , sf_maxa( NY , 0., 1 ) , 3 ); sf_oaxa( FPO3 , sf_maxa( NY , 0., 1 ) , 3 ); sf_oaxa( FPO4 , sf_maxa( NY , 0., 1 ) , 3 ); sf_oaxa( FPO5 , sf_maxa( NY , 0., 1 ) , 3 ); } sf_floatwrite( &MPOST[0][0][0][0] , (NT+1)*NX*NY , FPO1 ); sf_floatwrite( &MPOST[1][0][0][0] , (NT+1)*NX*NY , FPO2 ); sf_floatwrite( &MPOST[2][0][0][0] , (NT+1)*NX*NY , FPO3 ); sf_floatwrite( &MPOST[3][0][0][0] , (NT+1)*NX*NY , FPO4 ); sf_floatwrite( &MPOST[4][0][0][0] , (NT+1)*NX*NY , FPO5 ); free( MPOST ); exit( 0 ); }
/* for passive source and fwi */ void gradient_pas_init(sf_file Fdat, sf_file Fsrc, sf_file Fmwt, sf_mpi *mpipar, sf_sou soupar, sf_acqui acpar, sf_vec array, sf_fwi fwipar, sf_pas paspar, bool verb1) /*< initialize >*/ { float **dwt=NULL,***mwt,***wwt; int it,ix,iz,iturn,is,rdn; char filename[20]="tempbin",srdn[10]; FILE *temp; verb=verb1; first=true; // only at the first iteration, need to calculate the gradient scaling parameter cpuid=mpipar->cpuid; numprocs=mpipar->numprocs; nz=acpar->nz; nx=acpar->nx; nzx=nz*nx; padnz=acpar->padnz; padnx=acpar->padnx; padnzx=padnz*padnx; nb=acpar->nb; nt=acpar->nt; ns=acpar->ns; nr=acpar->nr; dr_v=acpar->dr_v; r0_v=acpar->r0_v; rz=acpar->rz; grectx=fwipar->rectx; grectz=fwipar->rectz; interval=acpar->interval; wnt=(nt-1)/interval+1; dt=acpar->dt; idt=1./dt; dt2=dt*dt; wdt=dt*interval; wdt2=wdt*wdt; dx2=acpar->dx*acpar->dx; dz2=acpar->dz*acpar->dz; wt1=fwipar->wt1; wt2=fwipar->wt2; woff1=fwipar->woff1; woff2=fwipar->woff2; waterz=fwipar->waterz; waterzb=fwipar->waterzb; bc=acpar->bc; if (cpuid==0) { srand(time(NULL)); rdn = rand()%1000000000; sprintf(srdn,"%d",rdn); strcat(filename,srdn); } MPI_Bcast(filename, 20, MPI_CHAR, 0, comm); if(verb && cpuid==0) sf_warning("filename=%s",filename); temp=fopen(filename, "wb+"); if(ns%numprocs==0) nturn=ns/numprocs; else nturn=ns/numprocs+1; /* allocate data/source/weight */ dd = sf_floatalloc3(nt, nx, nturn); ww3 = sf_floatalloc4(nz, nx, nt, nturn); gwt = sf_floatalloc4(nz, nx, nt, nturn); wwt = sf_floatalloc3(nz, nx, nt); /* temporary output var */ if (!paspar->onlyvel) { mwt = sf_floatalloc3(nz, nx, nt); /* src model weight */ /* dwt = sf_floatalloc2(acpar->nt, acpar->nx); wtn1=(fwipar->wt1-acpar->t0)/acpar->dt+0.5; wtn2=(fwipar->wt2-acpar->t0)/acpar->dt+0.5; woffn1=(fwipar->woff1-acpar->r0)/acpar->dr+0.5; woffn2=(fwipar->woff2-acpar->r0)/acpar->dr+0.5; residual_weighting(dwt, acpar->nt, acpar->nx, wtn1, wtn2, woffn1, woffn2, !fwipar->oreo); */ } else { mwt=NULL; dwt=NULL; } /* read data/source */ for(iturn=0; iturn<nturn; iturn++){ is=iturn*numprocs+cpuid; if(is<ns){ /* read data */ sf_seek(Fdat, is*nt*nx*sizeof(float), SEEK_SET); sf_floatread(dd[iturn][0], nt*nx, Fdat); if (paspar->onlyvel) { /* read source */ sf_seek(Fsrc, is*nz*nx*nt*sizeof(float), SEEK_SET); sf_floatread(ww3[iturn][0][0], nz*nx*nt, Fsrc); } else { /* linear inversion of source */ lstri_op(dd[iturn], dwt, ww3[iturn], mwt, acpar, array, paspar, verb); /* write source */ fseeko(temp, is*nz*nx*nt*sizeof(float), SEEK_SET); fwrite(ww3[iturn][0][0], sizeof(float), nz*nx*nt, temp); if (NULL!=Fmwt && is==0) sf_floatwrite(mwt[0][0], nz*nx*nt, Fmwt); } /* calculate gradient mask */ if (!paspar->onlyvel && paspar->prec && paspar->hidesrc) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(it,ix,iz) #endif for (it=0; it<nt; it++) for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) gwt[iturn][it][ix][iz] = mwt[it][ix][iz]; threshold(true, nz*nx*nt, paspar->hard, gwt[iturn][0][0]); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(it,ix,iz) #endif for (it=0; it<nt; it++) for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) gwt[iturn][it][ix][iz] = 1.-gwt[iturn][it][ix][iz]; } else { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(it,ix,iz) #endif for (it=0; it<nt; it++) for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) gwt[iturn][it][ix][iz] = 1.; } } /* if is<ns */ } fclose(temp); MPI_Barrier(comm); if(!paspar->onlyvel && cpuid==0) { temp=fopen(filename, "rb"); for(is=0; is<ns; is++){ fseeko(temp, is*nz*nx*nt*sizeof(float), SEEK_SET); fread(wwt[0][0], sizeof(float), nz*nx*nt, temp); sf_floatwrite(wwt[0][0], nz*nx*nt, Fsrc); } fclose(temp); remove(filename); } MPI_Barrier(comm); /* data residual weights */ wtn1=(wt1-acpar->t0)/dt+0.5; wtn2=(wt2-acpar->t0)/dt+0.5; woffn1=(woff1-acpar->r0)/acpar->dr+0.5; woffn2=(woff2-acpar->r0)/acpar->dr+0.5; weight=sf_floatalloc2(nt, nr); residual_weighting(weight, nt, nr, wtn1, wtn2, woffn1, woffn2, fwipar->oreo); /* padding and convert vector to 2-d array */ vv = sf_floatalloc2(padnz, padnx); tau= sf_floatalloc2(padnz, padnx); taus=sf_floatalloc2(padnz, padnx); pad2d(array->vv, vv, nz, nx, nb); pad2d(array->tau, tau, nz, nx, nb); pad2d(array->taus, taus, nz, nx, nb); /* multiscale gradient */ if(soupar->flo > 0.0001) blo=sf_butter_init(false, soupar->flo, 3); if(soupar->fhi < 0.5-0.0001) bhi=sf_butter_init(true, soupar->fhi, 3); free(**wwt); free(*wwt); free(wwt); if (NULL!=mwt) { free(**mwt); free(*mwt); free(mwt); } return; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool verb; /* verbosity flag */ bool pos; /* direction of spraying */ bool adj; /* adjoint operator flag */ bool wflcausal, oprcausal; /* causal wfl?, opr? */ sf_file Fopr, Fwfl, Fimg, Fcip; /* I/O files */ float ****opr=NULL,****wfl=NULL,*****img=NULL; int itO,itW; sf_axis az,ax,ay,at,ac,aa; /* wfld axes */ int nz,nx,ny,nt,nc; int iz,ix,iy,it,ic; sf_axis ahx, ahy, ahz, aht; /* EIC axes */ int nhx, nhy, nhz, nht; int ihx, ihy, ihz, iht; float dhx, dhy, dhz, dht; pt3d *cc=NULL; bool *ccin=NULL; float cxmin,czmin,cymin; float cxmax,czmax,cymax; int icx, icz, icy; int mcx, mcz, mcy, mct; int pcx, pcz, pcy, pct; int **mcxall, **pcxall; int **mcyall, **pcyall; int **mczall, **pczall; int *mctall, *pctall; int lht,fht; /* last buffer index */ float scale; /* time summation scaling */ int nslice; /* wavefield slice size */ bool gaus; /* gaussian taper */ float gsx,gsy,gsz,gst; /* std dev */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ sf_init(argc,argv); #ifdef _OPENMP omp_init(); #endif if(! sf_getbool( "verb",&verb )) verb=false; /* verbosity flag */ if(! sf_getbool( "positive",&pos )) pos=true; /* if positive sprays opr to positive shits, else, sprays to negative shifts */ if(! sf_getbool( "adj",&adj )) adj=false; /* adjoint flag */ if(! sf_getbool("wflcausal",&wflcausal)) wflcausal=false; /* causal wfl? */ if(! sf_getbool("oprcausal",&oprcausal)) oprcausal=false; /* causal opr? */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ Fopr = sf_input ("opr" ); /* operator */ az=sf_iaxa(Fopr,1); if(verb) sf_raxa(az); nz = sf_n(az); ax=sf_iaxa(Fopr,2); if(verb) sf_raxa(ax); nx = sf_n(ax); ay=sf_iaxa(Fopr,3); if(verb) sf_raxa(ay); ny = sf_n(ay); at=sf_iaxa(Fopr,4); if(verb) sf_raxa(at); nt = sf_n(at); scale = 1./nt; /* time summation scaling */ nslice = nz*nx*ny*sizeof(float); /* wavefield slice */ Fcip = sf_input ("cip" ); /* CIP coordinates */ ac = sf_iaxa(Fcip,2); sf_setlabel(ac,"c"); sf_setunit(ac,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(ac); nc = sf_n(ac); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* setup output */ if(adj) { Fimg = sf_input ("in"); /* read img */ ahz=sf_iaxa(Fimg,1); nhz=(sf_n(ahz)-1)/2; if(verb) sf_raxa(ahz); ahx=sf_iaxa(Fimg,2); nhx=(sf_n(ahx)-1)/2; if(verb) sf_raxa(ahx); ahy=sf_iaxa(Fimg,3); nhy=(sf_n(ahy)-1)/2; if(verb) sf_raxa(ahy); aht=sf_iaxa(Fimg,4); nht=(sf_n(aht)-1)/2; if(verb) sf_raxa(aht); aa=sf_maxa(1,0,1); sf_setlabel(aa,""); sf_setunit(aa,""); /* set output axes */ Fwfl = sf_output("out"); /* write wfl */ sf_oaxa(Fwfl,az,1); sf_oaxa(Fwfl,ax,2); sf_oaxa(Fwfl,ay,3); sf_oaxa(Fwfl,at,4); sf_oaxa(Fwfl,aa,5); } else { Fwfl = sf_input ( "in"); /* read wfl */ if(! sf_getint("nhz",&nhz)) nhz=0; /* z lags */ dhz=2*sf_d(az); ahz=sf_maxa(2*nhz+1,-nhz*dhz,dhz); sf_setlabel(ahz,"hz"); sf_setunit(ahz,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(ahz); if(! sf_getint("nhx",&nhx)) nhx=0; /* x lags */ dhx=2*sf_d(ax); ahx=sf_maxa(2*nhx+1,-nhx*dhx,dhx); sf_setlabel(ahx,"hx"); sf_setunit(ahx,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(ahx); if(! sf_getint("nhy",&nhy)) nhy=0; /* y lags */ dhy=2*sf_d(ay); ahy=sf_maxa(2*nhy+1,-nhy*dhy,dhy); sf_setlabel(ahy,"hy"); sf_setunit(ahy,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(ahy); if(! sf_getint("nht",&nht)) nht=0; /* t lags */ dht=2*sf_d(at); aht=sf_maxa(2*nht+1,-nht*dht,dht); sf_setlabel(aht,"ht"); sf_setunit(aht,""); if(verb) sf_raxa(aht); Fimg = sf_output("out"); /* write img */ sf_oaxa(Fimg,ahz,1); sf_oaxa(Fimg,ahx,2); sf_oaxa(Fimg,ahy,3); sf_oaxa(Fimg,aht,4); sf_oaxa(Fimg, ac,5); } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(! sf_getbool("gaus",&gaus)) gaus=false; /* Gaussian taper */ if(gaus) { if(! sf_getfloat("gsx",&gsx)) gsx=0.25*sf_n(ahx)*sf_d(ahx); gsx=(nhx==0)?1:1./(2*gsx*gsx); if(! sf_getfloat("gsy",&gsy)) gsy=0.25*sf_n(ahy)*sf_d(ahy); gsy=(nhy==0)?1:1./(2*gsy*gsy); if(! sf_getfloat("gsz",&gsz)) gsz=0.25*sf_n(ahz)*sf_d(ahz); gsz=(nhz==0)?1:1./(2*gsz*gsz); if(! sf_getfloat("gst",&gst)) gst=0.25*sf_n(aht)*sf_d(aht); gst=(nht==0)?1:1./(2*gst*gst); } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* allocate arrays */ opr=sf_floatalloc4(nz,nx,ny,sf_n(aht)); wfl=sf_floatalloc4(nz,nx,ny,sf_n(aht)); img=sf_floatalloc5(sf_n(ahz),sf_n(ahx),sf_n(ahy),sf_n(aht),sf_n(ac)); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CIP coordinates */ cc= (pt3d*) sf_alloc(nc,sizeof(*cc)); pt3dread1(Fcip,cc,nc,3); mcxall=sf_intalloc2(sf_n(ahx),sf_n(ac)); pcxall=sf_intalloc2(sf_n(ahx),sf_n(ac)); mcyall=sf_intalloc2(sf_n(ahy),sf_n(ac)); pcyall=sf_intalloc2(sf_n(ahy),sf_n(ac)); mczall=sf_intalloc2(sf_n(ahz),sf_n(ac)); pczall=sf_intalloc2(sf_n(ahz),sf_n(ac)); ccin=sf_boolalloc(sf_n(ac)); cxmin = sf_o(ax) + nhx *sf_d(ax); cxmax = sf_o(ax) + (sf_n(ax)-1-nhx)*sf_d(ax); cymin = sf_o(ay) + nhy *sf_d(ay); cymax = sf_o(ay) + (sf_n(ay)-1-nhy)*sf_d(ay); czmin = sf_o(az) + nhz *sf_d(az); czmax = sf_o(az) + (sf_n(az)-1-nhz)*sf_d(az); for(ic=0;ic<nc;ic++) { ccin[ic]=(cc[ic].x>=cxmin && cc[ic].x<=cxmax && cc[ic].y>=cymin && cc[ic].y<=cymax && cc[ic].z>=czmin && cc[ic].z<=czmax)?true:false; if(ccin[ic]) { icx = 0.5+(cc[ic].x-sf_o(ax))/sf_d(ax); for(ihx=-nhx; ihx<nhx+1; ihx++) { mcxall[ic][nhx+ihx] = icx-ihx; pcxall[ic][nhx+ihx] = icx+ihx; } icy = 0.5+(cc[ic].y-sf_o(ay))/sf_d(ay); for(ihy=-nhy; ihy<nhy+1; ihy++) { mcyall[ic][nhy+ihy] = icy-ihy; pcyall[ic][nhy+ihy] = icy+ihy; } icz = 0.5+(cc[ic].z-sf_o(az))/sf_d(az); for(ihz=-nhz; ihz<nhz+1; ihz++) { mczall[ic][nhz+ihz] = icz-ihz; pczall[ic][nhz+ihz] = icz+ihz; } } } mctall=sf_intalloc(sf_n(aht)); pctall=sf_intalloc(sf_n(aht)); for (iht=0; iht<sf_n(aht); iht++) { mctall[iht]= iht; pctall[iht]=sf_n(aht)-1-iht; } if(adj) { /* ADJIONT OPERATOR */ for(iht=0;iht<sf_n(aht);iht++) CICLOOP( wfl[iht][iy][ix][iz]=0; ); /* zero wfl */ for(it=0;it<nt;it++) sf_floatwrite(wfl[0][0][0],nz*nx*ny,Fwfl); /* reserve wfl */ sf_seek(Fwfl,0,SEEK_SET); /* seek back */ sf_floatread(img[0][0][0][0],sf_n(ac)*sf_n(ahy)*sf_n(ahx)*sf_n(ahz)*sf_n(aht),Fimg); /* read img */ ; applyScaling (img,ac,aht,ahx,ahy,ahz,scale); /* scaling */ if(gaus) applyGaussian(img,ac,aht,ahx,ahy,ahz,gst,gsx,gsy,gsz); /* Gaussian */ lht=0; itO=-999999; itW=-999999; for(it=-nht;it<nt+nht;it++) { if(verb) fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b%04d",it); fht=(lht+1) % sf_n(aht); if(it<nt-nht) { itO = it + nht; if( !oprcausal ) sf_seek(Fopr,(off_t)(nt-1-itO)*nslice,SEEK_SET); else sf_seek(Fopr,(off_t) itO *nslice,SEEK_SET); sf_floatread(opr[ lht ][0][0],nz*nx*ny,Fopr); } for(iht=0;iht<sf_n(aht);iht++) { mctall[iht] = (mctall[iht]+1) % sf_n(aht); /* cycle iht index */ pctall[iht] = (pctall[iht]+1) % sf_n(aht); } if(it>=0+nht && it<nt-nht) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) \ private(ic, ihx,ihy,ihz,iht,mcx, mcy, mcz, mct, pcx, pcy, pcz, pct) \ shared (nc,ccin,ahx,ahy,ahz,aht,mcxall,mcyall,mczall,mctall,pcxall,pcyall,pczall,pctall) #endif for(ic=0;ic<nc;ic++){ if(ccin[ic]) { /* sum over c only! */ if(pos){ EICLOOP( wfl [mct][mcy][mcx][mcz] += opr [pct][pcy][pcx][pcz] * img[ic][iht][ihy][ihx][ihz]; ); }else{ EICLOOP( wfl [pct][pcy][pcx][pcz] += opr [mct][mcy][mcx][mcz] * img[ic][iht][ihy][ihx][ihz]; ); } } }