文件: unpkg.cpp 项目: 0179cool/rpcs3
int Decrypt(rFile& pkg_f, rFile& dec_pkg_f, PKGHeader* m_header)
	if (!LoadHeader(pkg_f, m_header))
		return -1;

	aes_context c;
	u8 iv[HASH_LEN];
	u8 buf[BUF_SIZE];
	u8 ctr[BUF_SIZE];
	// Debug key
	u8 key[0x40];
	memset(key, 0, 0x40);
	memcpy(key+0x00, &m_header->qa_digest[0], 8); // &data[0x60]
	memcpy(key+0x08, &m_header->qa_digest[0], 8); // &data[0x60]
	memcpy(key+0x10, &m_header->qa_digest[8], 8); // &data[0x68]
	memcpy(key+0x18, &m_header->qa_digest[8], 8); // &data[0x68]

	u32 parts = (m_header->data_size + BUF_SIZE - 1) / BUF_SIZE;

	wxProgressDialog pdlg("PKG Decrypter / Installer", "Please wait, decrypting...", parts, 0, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | wxPD_APP_MODAL);

	memcpy(iv, m_header->klicensee, sizeof(iv));
	aes_setkey_enc(&c, PKG_AES_KEY, 128);
	for (u32 i=0; i<parts; i++)
		memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
		u32 length = pkg_f.Read(buf, BUF_SIZE);
		u32 bits = (length + HASH_LEN - 1) / HASH_LEN;
		if (m_header->pkg_type == PKG_RELEASE_TYPE_DEBUG)
			for (u32 j=0; j<bits; j++)
				u8 hash[0x14];
				sha1(key, 0x40, hash);
				*(u64*)&buf[j*HASH_LEN + 0] ^= *(u64*)&hash[0];
				*(u64*)&buf[j*HASH_LEN + 8] ^= *(u64*)&hash[8];
				*(be_t<u64>*)&key[0x38] += 1;

		if (m_header->pkg_type == PKG_RELEASE_TYPE_RELEASE)
			for (u32 j=0; j<bits; j++)
				aes_crypt_ecb(&c, AES_ENCRYPT, iv, ctr+j*HASH_LEN);

				be_t<u64> hi = *(be_t<u64>*)&iv[0];
				be_t<u64> lo = *(be_t<u64>*)&iv[8] + 1;

				if (lo == 0)
					hi += 1;

				*(be_t<u64>*)&iv[0] = hi;
				*(be_t<u64>*)&iv[8] = lo;
			for (u32 j=0; j<length; j++) {
				buf[j] ^= ctr[j];
		dec_pkg_f.Write(buf, length);
	return 0;
mschap(Ticketreq *tr)

	char *secret, *hkey;
	char sbuf[SECRETLEN], hbuf[DESKEYLEN];
	uchar chal[CHALLEN];
	uchar hash[MShashlen];
	uchar hash2[MShashlen];
	uchar resp[MSresplen];
	OMSchapreply reply;
	int dupe, lmok, ntok;
	DigestState *s;
	uchar digest[SHA1dlen];

	 *  Create a challenge and send it.
	randombytes((uchar*)chal, sizeof(chal));
	write(1, chal, sizeof(chal));

	 *  get chap reply
	if(readn(0, &reply, sizeof(reply)) < 0)

	safecpy(tr->uid, reply.uid, sizeof(tr->uid));
	 * lookup
	secret = findsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, sbuf);
	hkey = findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hbuf);
	if(hkey == 0 || secret == 0){
		replyerror("mschap-fail bad response %s/%s(%s)",
			tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr);

	lmhash(hash, secret);
	mschalresp(resp, hash, chal);
	lmok = memcmp(resp, reply.LMresp, MSresplen) == 0;
	nthash(hash, secret);
	mschalresp(resp, hash, chal);
	ntok = memcmp(resp, reply.NTresp, MSresplen) == 0;
	dupe = memcmp(reply.LMresp, reply.NTresp, MSresplen) == 0;

	 * It is valid to send the same response in both the LM and NTLM 
	 * fields provided one of them is correct, if neither matches,
	 * or the two fields are different and either fails to match, 
	 * the whole sha-bang fails.
	 * This is an improvement in security as it allows clients who
	 * wish to do NTLM auth (which is insecure) not to send
	 * LM tokens (which is very insecure).
	 * Windows servers supports clients doing this also though
	 * windows clients don't seem to use the feature.
	if((!ntok && !lmok) || ((!ntok || !lmok) && !dupe)){
		replyerror("mschap-fail bad response %s/%s(%s) %d,%d,%d",
			tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr, dupe, lmok, ntok);


	 *  reply with ticket & authenticator
	if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0)

		replyerror("mschap-ok %s/%s(%s) %ux",
			tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr);

	nthash(hash, secret);
	md4(hash, 16, hash2, 0);
	s = sha1(hash2, 16, 0, 0);
	sha1(hash2, 16, 0, s);
	sha1(chal, 8, digest, s);

	if(write(1, digest, 16) < 0)